5,014 research outputs found

    Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF). Mission 1 Experiments

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    Spaceborne experiments using the space shuttle payload known as the Long Duration Exposure Facility are described. Experiments in the fields of materials, coatings, thermal systems, power and propulsion, electronic, and optics are discussed

    Recent results and new hardware developments for protein crystal growth in microactivity

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    Protein crystal growth experiments have been performed on 16 space shuttle missions since April, 1985. The initial experiments utilized vapor diffusion crystallization techniques similar to those used in laboratories for earth-based experiments. More recent experiments have utilized temperature induced crystallization as an alternative method for growing high quality protein crystals in microgravity. Results from both vapor diffusion and temperature induced crystallization experiments indicate that proteins grown in microgravity may be larger, display more uniform morphologies, and yield diffraction data to significantly higher resolutions than the best crystals of these proteins grown on earth

    Proton NMR measurements of the local magnetic field in the paramagnetic metal and antiferromagnetic insulator phases of λ\lambda-(BETS)2_{2}FeCl4_{4}

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    Measurements of the 1^{1}H-NMR spectrum of a small (\sim 4 μ\mug) single crystal of the organic conductor λ\lambda-(BETS)2_{2}FeCl4_{4} are reported with an applied magnetic field B\bf{B}0_{0} = 9 T parallel to the a-axis in the acac-plane over a temperature (T)(T) range 2.0 - 180 K. They provide the distribution of the static local magnetic field at the proton sites in the paramagnetic metal (PM) and antiferromagnetic insulator (AFI) phases, along with the changes that occur at the PM-AFI phase transition. The spectra have six main peaks that are significantly broadened and shifted at low TT. The origin of these features is attributed to the large dipolar field from the 3d Fe3+^{3+} ion moments (spin SdS_{\rm{d}} = 5/2). Their amplitude and TT-dependence are modeled using a modified Brillouin function that includes a mean field approximation for the total exchange interaction (J0J_{0}) between one Fe3+^{3+} ion and its two nearest neighbors. A good fit is obtained using J0J_{0} = - 1.7 K. At temperatures below the PM-AFI transition temperature TMIT_{MI} = 3.5 K, an extra peak appears on the high frequency side of the spectrum and the details of the spectrum become smeared. Also, the rms linewidth and the frequency shift of the spectral distribution are discontinuous, consistent with the transition being first-order. These measurements verify that the dominant local magnetic field contribution is from the Fe3+^{3+} ions and indicate that there is a significant change in the static local magnetic field distribution at the proton sites on traversing the PM to AFI phase transition.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures. Revised version of cond-mat/0605044 resubmitted to Phys. Rev. B in response to comments of Editor and reviewer

    Oscillations of General Relativistic Multi-fluid/Multi-layer Compact Stars

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    We develop the formalism for determining the quasinormal modes of general relativistic multi-fluid compact stars in such a way that the impact of superfluid gap data can be assessed. Our results represent the first attempt to study true multi-layer dynamics, an important step towards considering realistic superfluid/superconducting compact stars. We combine a relativistic model for entrainment with model equations of state that explicity incorporate the symmetry energy. Our analysis emphasises the many different parameters that are required for this kind of modelling, and the fact that standard tabulated equations of state are grossly incomplete in this respect. To make progress, future equations of state need to provide the energy density as a function of the various nucleon number densities, the temperature (i.e. entropy), and the entrainment among the various components

    Using assignment data to analyse a blended information literacy intervention: a quantitative approach

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    This research sought to determine whether a blended information literacy learning and teaching intervention could statistically significantly enhance undergraduates’ information discernment compared to standard face-to-face delivery. A mixture of face-to-face and online activities, including online social media learning, was used. Three interventions were designed to develop the information literacies of first-year undergraduates studying Sport and Exercise at Staffordshire University and focused on one aspect of information literacy: the ability to evaluate source material effectively. An analysis was devised where written evaluations of found information for an assessment were converted into numerical scores and then measured statistically. This helped to evaluate the efficacy of the interventions and provided data for further analysis. An insight into how the information literacy pedagogical intervention and the cognitive processes involved in enabling participants to interact critically with information is provided. The intervention which incorporated social media learning proved to be the most successful learning and teaching approach. The data indicated that undergraduate students’ information literacy can be developed. However, additional long-term data is required to establish whether this intervention would have a lasting impact

    A Young Solar Twin in the Rosette Cluster NGC 2244 Line of Sight

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    Based on prior precision photometry and cluster age analysis, the bright star GSC 00154−01819 is a possible young pre-main sequence member of the Rosette cluster, NGC 2244. As part of a comprehensive study of the large-scale structure of the Rosette and its excitation by the cluster stars, we noted this star as a potential backlight for a probe of the interstellar medium and extinction along the sight line towards a distinctive nebular feature projected on to the cluster centre. New high-resolution spectra of the star were taken with the University College London Echelle Spectrograph of the AAT. They reveal that rather than being a reddened spectral type B or A star within the Mon OB2 association, it is a nearby, largely unreddened, solar twin of spectral type G2V less than 180 Myr old. It is about 219 pc from the Sun with a barycentric radial velocity of +14.35 ± 1.99 km s−1. The spectrum of the Rosette behind it and along this line of sight shows a barycentric radial velocity of +26.0 ± 2.4 km s−1 in H α, and a full width at half-maximum velocity dispersion of 61.94 ± 1.38 km s−1

    Thin-layer effects in glaciological seismic amplitude-versus-angle (AVA) analysis: implications for characterising a subglacial till unit, Russell Glacier, West Greenland

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    Seismic amplitude-versus-angle (AVA) methods are a powerful means of quantifying the physical properties of subglacial material, but serious interpretative errors can arise when AVA is measured over a thinly-layered substrate. A substrate layer with a thickness less than 1/4 of the seismic wavelength, λ, is considered "thin", and reflections from its bounding interfaces superpose and appear in seismic data as a single reflection event. AVA interpretation of subglacial till can be vulnerable to such thin-layer effects, since a lodged (non-deforming) till can be overlain by a thin (metre-scale) cap of dilatant (deforming) till. We assess the potential for misinterpretation by simulating seismic data for a stratified subglacial till unit, with an upper dilatant layer between 0.1–5.0 m thick (λ / 120 to > λ / 4, with λ = 12 m). For dilatant layers less than λ / 6 thick, conventional AVA analysis yields acoustic impedance and Poisson's ratio that indicate contradictory water saturation. A thin-layer interpretation strategy is proposed, that accurately characterises the model properties of the till unit. The method is applied to example seismic AVA data from Russell Glacier, West Greenland, in which characteristics of thin-layer responses are evident. A subglacial till deposit is interpreted, having lodged till (acoustic impedance = 4.26±0.59 × 10<sup>6</sup> kg m<sup>−2</sup> s<sup>−1</sup>) underlying a water-saturated dilatant till layer (thickness < 2 m, Poisson's ratio ~ 0.5). Since thin-layer considerations offer a greater degree of complexity in an AVA interpretation, and potentially avoid misinterpretations, they are a valuable aspect of quantitative seismic analysis, particularly for characterising till units

    Negative Appearance Evaluation Is Associated With Skin Cancer Risk Behaviors Among American Men and Women

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    Objective: The current study aimed to examine links between appearance evaluation and skin cancer risk behaviors in men and women. Method: Data, (N = 1,535; men n = 873; women n = 662), were extracted from Wave 4 of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, a nationally-representative, longitudinal dataset of U.S. adolescents and young adults. Results: Skin cancer risk (i.e., number of hours spent outside for those with a history of severe sunburn and who were unlikely to use sunscreen) was significantly associated with participant gender, appearance evaluation, and their interaction. Both men and women who negatively evaluated their appearance were at significantly increased skin cancer risk, and this was particularly true for men. Conclusions: Negative appearance evaluation appears to be a correlate of engaging in behaviors that place individuals at risk of developing skin cancer. Future research may benefit from skin cancer prevention interventions that directly address appearance-based evaluations

    Effects of an Appearance-Focussed Versus a Health-Focussed Intervention on Men’s Attitudes Towards UV Exposure

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    This study investigated men’s experiences of an appearance-focussed, facial-ageing, intervention designed to increase sun protection intentions, compared to a health literature intervention. Seventy men took part, with thirty-five in each condition. The men completed questionnaires at baseline, post-intervention and six months post-intervention. There was a significant improvement in sun benefit attitudes, sun risk attitudes and sun protection intentions in both groups, although there was no significant difference between the conditions. At six months followup, however, there was a significant difference in sun protection use, with those in the facial-ageing intervention condition using significantly more protection. It is suggested that in the future, interventions that incorporate both health and appearance factors are designed, in order to utilise the strengths of both interventions

    DNA Damage Response and Repair: Insights into Strategies for Radiation Sensitization

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    The incorporation of radiotherapy into multimodality treatment plans has led to significant improvements in glioma patient survival. However, local recurrence from glioma resistance to ionizing radiation remains a therapeutic challenge. The tumoricidal effect of radiation therapy is largely attributed to the induction of dsDNA breaks (DSBs). In the past decade, there have been tremendous strides in understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying DSB repair. The identification of gene products required for DSB repair has provided novel therapeutic targets. Recent studies revealed that many US FDA-approved cancer agents inhibit DSB repair by interacting with repair proteins. This article will aim to provide discussion of DSB repair mechanisms to provide molecular targets for radiation sensitization of gliomas and a discussion of FDA-approved cancer therapies that modulate DSB repair to highlight opportunities for combination therapy with radiotherapy for glioma therapy