7,051 research outputs found

    Fast saccadic eye-movements in humans suggest that numerosity perception is automatic and direct

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    Fast saccades are rapid automatic oculomotor responses to salient and ecologically important visual stimuli such as animals and faces. Discriminating the number of friends, foe, or prey may also have an evolutionary advantage. In this study, participants were asked to saccade rapidly towards the more numerous of two arrays. Participants could discriminate numerosities with high accuracy and great speed, as fast as 190 ms. Intermediate numerosities were more likely to elicit fast saccades than very low or very high numerosities. Reaction-times for vocal responses (collected in a separate experiment) were slower, did not depend on numerical range, and correlated only with the slow not the fast saccades, pointing to different systems. The short saccadic reaction-times we observe are surprising given that discrimination using numerosity estimation is thought to require a relatively complex neural circuit, with several relays of information through the parietal and prefrontal cortex. Our results suggest that fast numerosity-driven saccades may be generated on a single feed-forward pass of information recruiting a primitive system that cuts through the cortical hierarchy and rapidly transforms the numerosity information into a saccade command

    A Sensorimotor Numerosity System

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    Laboratory Mouse Models for the Human Genome-Wide Associations

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    The agnostic screening performed by genome-wide association studies (GWAS) has uncovered associations for previously unsuspected genes. Knowledge about the functional role of these genes is crucial and laboratory mouse models can provide such information. Here, we describe a systematic juxtaposition of human GWAS-discovered loci versus mouse models in order to appreciate the availability of mouse models data, to gain biological insights for the role of these genes and to explore the extent of concordance between these two lines of evidence. We perused publicly available data (NHGRI database for human associations and Mouse Genome Informatics database for mouse models) and employed two alternative approaches for cross-species comparisons, phenotype- and gene-centric. A total of 293 single gene-phenotype human associations (262 unique genes and 69 unique phenotypes) were evaluated. In the phenotype-centric approach, we identified all mouse models and related ortholog genes for the 51 human phenotypes with a comparable phenotype in mice. A total of 27 ortholog genes were found to be associated with the same phenotype in humans and mice, a concordance that was significantly larger than expected by chance (p<0.001). In the gene-centric approach, we were able to locate at least 1 knockout model for 60% of the 262 genes. The knockouts for 35% of these orthologs displayed pre- or post-natal lethality. For the remaining non-lethal orthologs, the same organ system was involved in mice and humans in 71% of the cases (p<0.001). Our project highlights the wealth of available information from mouse models for human GWAS, catalogues extensive information on plausible physiologic implications for many genes, provides hypothesis-generating findings for additional GWAS analyses and documents that the concordance between human and mouse genetic association is larger than expected by chance and can be informative

    Age-dependent skewing of X chromosome inactivation appears delayed in centenarians\u2019 offspring. Is there a role for allelic imbalance in Healthy Aging and Longevity?

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    Recently, it has been proposed that age-related X chromosome inactivation (XCI) skewing can clinically result in late-onset X-linked disorders. This observation leads to hypothesize that age-related skewed XCI might also influence lifespan in women. To investigate this issue, we employed a new experimental model of longevity and healthy aging including 55 female centenarians, 40 of their offspring, 33 age-matched offspring of both non-long-lived parents and 41 young women. Peripheral blood DNA from 169 females was screened for heterozygosity at the HUMARA locus. We confirmed that skewing of XCI is an age-dependent phenomenon. However, skewed XCI was significantly less severe and frequent in centenarians' offspring [degree of skewing (DS) = 0.16 \ub1 0.02] compared to age-matched offspring of both non-long-lived parents (DS = 0.24 \ub1 0.02) (P &lt; 0.05). A second goal was to assess whether changes in XCI pattern could be a consequence of loss of methylation on X chromosome. Using a methylation array evaluating 1085 CpG sites across X chromosome and eleven CpG sites located at HUMARA locus, no differences in methylation levels and profiles emerged between all groups analysed, thus suggesting that age-associated epigenetic changes could not influence HUMARA results. In conclusion, the results presented herein highlight for the first time an interesting link between skewing of XCI and healthy aging and longevity. We speculate that the allelic imbalance produced by XCI skewing may compromise the cooperative and compensatory organization occurring between the two cell populations that make up the female mosaic

    Corrosion behaviour of high temperature fuel cells: Issues for materials selection

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    The corrosion of alloy components in fuel cell is recurring issue and currently it has been leading to low performances of fuel cell and failures. This issue is more prominent in high temperature systems such as molten carbonate and solid oxide fuel cell which operate above 600 °C. The cathode side and anode side corrosion issues have been addressed by many groups but components like current collectors have not. In this framework materials selection is a key issue. Comparing different experiments it can be concluded that the choice of stainless steel (SS) is good choice. In particular, SS316L is good choice but long term test show high degradation of the components. This degradation is mainly due to migration (diffusion) of elements in oxide layer and in base material. Therefore, further studies are needed in order to deeply analyze such behavior. It will allow to better alloy compositions aimed to mitigate degradation and to design alloys showing stable performance of fuel cell

    Valutazione multidimensionale di ultralongevi a Milano

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    Scopo: caratterizzare i soggetti ultralongevi reclutati dal punto di visto clinico e funzionale (sia fisico sia cognitivo) e in seguito analizzare il loro fenotipo immunologico, infiammatorio, coagulativo e metabolico. Materiali e metodi: sono stati reclutati nell\u2019ambito dello studio PRIN \u201cLa longevit\ue0 dei genitori influenza lo stato di salute dei figli?\u201d fino ad oggi 45 centenari o ultracentenari (16 nati nel 1908, 13 nati nel 1907, 6 nati nel 1906, 7 nati nel 1905, 1 nato nel 1904, 1 nato nel 1902, 1 nato nel 1901; 11 M e 34 F) residenti in Milano citt\ue0, e intervistati al loro domicilio o in ospedale. Il reclutamento \ue8 avvenuto mediante posta, chiamata telefonica, annunci su quotidiani nazionali e locali, e con contatti con medici di base. I centenari sono stati sottoposti ad un prelievo di sangue venoso e hanno raccolto un campione di urine e un campione di feci per lo studio delle popolazioni batteriche. \uc8 stata somministrata un\u2019intervista come da protocollo del progetto, raccogliendo l\u2019anamnesi fisiologica, familiare, patologica e farmacologica. \uc8 stato esaminato lo stato cognitivo mediante MMSE, il tono dell\u2019umore mediante short GDS test, il grado di autonomia mediante le scale di valutazione ADL e IADL, la funzionalit\ue0 fisica mediante hand-grip test e chair standing test. Abbiamo classificato i centenari in tre gruppi secondo lo stato di salute 1: A (molto buono), B (intermedio), C (presenza di uno dei seguenti: MMSE <12, grave disabilit\ue0, presenza di tumore in atto o di altre patologie invalidanti). Risultati: i dati preliminari ci hanno permesso di classificare 6 centenari come A, 8 centenari B, 31 centenari C. Alcuni centenari mostravano un ottimo stato cognitivo secondo il mmse, ma dovettero essere classificati come B o C per mancanza di autonomia o presenza di tumore. Circa il 24% dei centenari presentavano grave demenza, definita come MMSE 19, ed in particolare 6 (13,3%) ottennero MMSE >26. Il livello di istruzione era nel complesso elevato: 14 centenari (31,1%) erano diplomati o laureati. Circa met\ue0 degli intervistati presentava sintomi di depressione (short GDS >5). Nel complesso, un terzo dei centenari definiva il proprio stato di salute come \u201cbuono\u201d o \u201cmolto buono\u201d, un terzo \u201cnormale\u201d, un terzo \u201cscarso\u201d o \u201cmolto scarso\u201d. Stato funzionale: 14 centenari erano istituzionalizzati, gli altri 31 vivevano nell\u2019abitazione propria o di figli o nipoti; 4 vivevano da soli ed in quasi totale autonomia. Circa la met\ue0 dei centenari presentava totale dipendenza nelle attivit\ue0 strumentali della vita quotidiana (IADL =0). Il numero di farmaci assunti cronicamente dai centenari varia da 0 a 14. Non vi \ue8 correlazione tra il numero di farmaci assunti e lo stato di salute complessivo. Abbiamo frequentemente osservato scarsa compliance alle prescrizioni mediche, autoprescrizione di farmaci ed uso empirico di farmaci o parafarmaci. Abbiamo inoltre cercato di classificare i centenari in tre gruppi in base all\u2019et\ue0 d\u2019insorgenza di alcune patologie et\ue0 correlate2 (BPCO, demenza, diabete, cardiopatie, ictus, Parkinson e tumore): \u201csurvivors\u201d (et\ue0 85) e \u201cescapers\u201d. La maggior parte dei centenari erano \u201cdelayers\u201d. Solo 4 erano sopravvissuti: un uomo ad IMA all\u2019et\ue0 di 55 anni, una donna a carcinoma mammario all\u2019et\ue0 di 72 anni, trattato mediante sola mastectomia, un uomo al cancro del colon retto trattato solo chirurgicamente, una donna a NIDDM insorto a 66 anni d\u2019et\ue0. Conclusione: \ue8 interessante notare che talvolta vi \ue8 discrepanza tra un punteggio alla GDS indicativo di sintomatologia depressiva e un autovalutazione positiva del proprio stato di salute. Dal punto di vista socio-relazionale, abbiamo osservato che molte donne centenarie avevano vissuto sole per numerosi anni, in quanto nubili o vedove, mentre i centenari maschi sembravano beneficiare di un maggiore supporto familiare, in quanto sposati una o due volte o accuditi dai figli. Bibliografia: 1.Franceschi C., Motta L., Valensin S.,Rapisarda R.,Frantone A., Berardelli M. et al Aging Clin. Exp. Res. 2000;12: 77-84. 2. Perls T Am J Clin Nutr 2006;83(suppl):484S-7

    Perceiving numerosity from birth

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    A multi-indicator approach to compare the sustainability of organic vs. integrated management of grape production

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    Sustainable agricultural practices are increasingly becoming a strategic asset for global and national environmental policies and economy. A big challenge is the selection of appropriate indicators to describe the complexity of the agroecosystem management. In the present work, the sustainability of grape production, in vineyard trials of Pinot blanc and Rhine Riesling, managed with integrated (INT) and organic management (organic, with cattle manure ORG1 and organic with green manure ORG2), was compared using a multi-indicator approach. The experiment was set in 2011 (1.5 ha in Trento, Italy) and carbon footprint (CF), nitrogen footprint (NF), water footprint (WF), soil microbial diversity (alpha diversity of bacteria, fungi, oomycetes communities) and soil C stock change, were evaluated in 2018. The CF was 0.213—0.227 kg CO2-eq/kg in the INT, 0.144—0.168 kg CO2-eq/kg in ORG1 and 0.134—0.147 kg CO2-eq/kg in ORG2. The NF was around 1 g Nr/kg for the INT, 0.4 g Nr/kg for ORG1 and 0.5 g Nr/kg for ORG2. The WF, excluding the pesticides impact on grey water, was 666—708 L/kg for INT, 605—655 L/kg for ORG1 and 529—580 L/kg for ORG2. The impact of farming practices on soil microbial alpha diversity showed no significant difference among treatments for oomycetes and significantly higher indexes for fungi and bacteria in the ORG1, with INT and ORG2, being similar. No difference in bulk organic C were observed among treatments. Overall, the multi-indicator approach allowed to demonstrate that the organic management was more beneficial for most of the environmental spheres of the agroecosystem compared to integrated management, without affecting the grape yiel
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