21,283 research outputs found

    Viscoelastic Behavior of Solid 4^4He

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    Over the last five years several experimental groups have reported anomalies in the temperature dependence of the period and amplitude of a torsional oscillator containing solid 4^4He. We model these experiments by assuming that 4^4He is a viscoelastic solid--a solid with frequency dependent internal friction. We find that while our model can provide a quantitative account of the dissipation observed in the torsional oscillator experiments, it only accounts for about 10% of the observed period shift, leaving open the possibility that the remaining period shift is due to the onset of superfluidity in the sample.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Silicon solar cell process development, fabrication and analysis

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    Solar cells were fabricated from EFG ribbons dendritic webs, cast ingots by heat exchanger method, and cast ingots by ubiquitous crystallization process. Baseline and other process variations were applied to fabricate solar cells. EFG ribbons grown in a carbon-containing gas atmosphere showed significant improvement in silicon quality. Baseline solar cells from dendritic webs of various runs indicated that the quality of the webs under investigation was not as good as the conventional CZ silicon, showing an average minority carrier diffusion length of about 60 um versus 120 um of CZ wafers. Detail evaluation of large cast ingots by HEM showed ingot reproducibility problems from run to run and uniformity problems of sheet quality within an ingot. Initial evaluation of the wafers prepared from the cast polycrystalline ingots by UCP suggested that the quality of the wafers from this process is considerably lower than the conventional CZ wafers. Overall performance was relatively uniform, except for a few cells which showed shunting problems caused by inclusions

    Silicon solar cell process development, fabrication, and analysis

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    Two large cast ingots were evaluated. Solar cell performance versus substrate position within the ingots was obtained and the results are presented. Dendritic web samples were analyzed in terms of structural defects, and efforts were made to correlate the data with the performance of solar cells made from the webs

    Correlation between fracture surface morphology and toughness in Zr-based bulk metallic glasses

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    Fracture surfaces of Zr-based bulk metallic glasses of various compositions tested in the as-cast and annealed conditions were analyzed using scanning electron microscopy. The tougher samples have shown highly jagged patterns at the beginning stage of crack propagation, and the length and roughness of this jagged pattern correlate well with the measured fracture toughness values. These jagged patterns, the main source of energy dissipation in the sample, are attributed to the formation of shear bands inside the sample. This observation provides strong evidence of significant “plastic zone” screening at the crack tip

    Electroweak phase transition in a nonminimal supersymmetric model

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    The Higgs potential of the minimal nonminimal supersymmetric standard model (MNMSSM) is investigated within the context of electroweak phase transition. We investigate the allowed parameter space yielding correct electroweak phase transitoin employing a high temperature approximation. We devote to phenomenological consequences for the Higgs sector of the MNMSSM for electron-positron colliders. It is observed that a future e+e−e^+ e^- linear collider with s=1000\sqrt{s} = 1000 GeV will be able to test the model with regard to electroweak baryogenesis.Comment: 28 pages, 5 tables, 12 figure

    Impact of Shutdown Techniques for Energy-Efficient Cloud Data Centers

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    International audienceElectricity consumption is a worrying concern in current large-scale systems like datacenters and supercomputers. These infrastructures are often dimensioned according to the workload peak. However, their consumption is not power-proportional: when the workload is low, the consumption is still high. Shutdown techniques have been developed to adapt the number of switched-on servers to the actual workload. However, datacenter operators are reluctant to adopt such approaches because of their potential impact on reactivity and hardware failures, and their energy gain which is often largely misjudged. In this article, we evaluate the potential gain of shutdown techniques by taking into account shutdown and boot up costs in time and energy. This evaluation is made on recent server architectures and future hypothetical energy-aware architectures. We also determine if the knowledge of future is required for saving energy with such techniques. We present simulation results exploiting real traces collected on different infrastructures under various machine configurations with several shutdown policies, with and without workload prediction

    Control of carbon nanotube morphology by change of applied bias field during growth

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    Carbon nanotube morphology has been engineered via simple control of applied voltage during dc plasma chemical vapor deposition growth. Below a critical applied voltage, a nanotube configuration of vertically aligned tubes with a constant diameter is obtained. Above the critical voltage, a nanocone-type configuration is obtained. The strongly field-dependent transition in morphology is attributed primarily to the plasma etching and decrease in the size of nanotube-nucleating catalyst particles. A two-step control of applied voltage allows a creation of dual-structured nanotube morphology consisting of a broad base nanocone (~200 nm dia.) with a small diameter nanotube (~7 nm) vertically emanating from the apex of the nanocone, which may be useful for atomic force microscopy

    Are We Over-Lawyering International Affairs

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    This panel will discuss the role of lawyers — particularly government lawyers — in addressing questions of legal policy. We will discuss fundamental questions such as: Should lawyers decide legal policy? Or, is that best left to the policymakers? Should lawyers give advice as to legal policy, or should they stick to providing answers as to what the law is? How should lawyers respond to what a policymaker thinks is the legal question, but is really a question of legal policy? If lawyers find the law vague or lacking, should they fill in the gaps, advising as to what the law should be? Was Secretary of State Rice right when she warned the American Society of International Law that lawyers should not stretch laws, such as the Geneva Conventions, to apply to circumstances they were not designed for? Did the Office of the Justice Department’s opinions on interrogation techniques stretch in the other direction when they held that laws did not restrict the President’s authority? Should lawyers indicate the quality of the response to a question? For example, should they say how a court would, or should, decide, or is it just enough to say that this is a reasonable answer and others may differ? What should a government lawyer do after losing an intra-governmental policy argument on a legal issue? Is the answer different if the argument was over a legal policy issue
