509 research outputs found

    A mechanism for morphogen-controlled domain growth

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    Many developmental systems are organised via the action of graded distributions of morphogens. In the Drosophila wing disc, for example, recent experimental evidence has shown that graded expression of the morphogen Dpp controls cell proliferation and hence disc growth. Our goal is to explore a simple model for regulation of wing growth via the Dpp gradient: we use a system of reaction-diffusion equations to model the dynamics of Dpp and its receptor Tkv, with advection arising as a result of the flow generated by cell proliferation. We analyse the model both numerically and analytically, showing that uniform domain growth across the disc produces an exponentially growing wing disc

    Metal oxide semiconductor thin-film transistors for flexible electronics

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    The field of flexible electronics has rapidly expanded over the last decades, pioneering novel applications, such as wearable and textile integrated devices, seamless and embedded patch-like systems, soft electronic skins, as well as imperceptible and transient implants. The possibility to revolutionize our daily life with such disruptive appliances has fueled the quest for electronic devices which yield good electrical and mechanical performance and are at the same time light-weight, transparent, conformable, stretchable, and even biodegradable. Flexible metal oxide semiconductor thin-film transistors (TFTs) can fulfill all these requirements and are therefore considered the most promising technology for tomorrow's electronics. This review reflects the establishment of flexible metal oxide semiconductor TFTs, from the development of single devices, large-area circuits, up to entirely integrated systems. First, an introduction on metal oxide semiconductor TFTs is given, where the history of the field is revisited, the TFT configurations and operating principles are presented, and the main issues and technological challenges faced in the area are analyzed. Then, the recent advances achieved for flexible n-type metal oxide semiconductor TFTs manufactured by physical vapor deposition methods and solution-processing techniques are summarized. In particular, the ability of flexible metal oxide semiconductor TFTs to combine low temperature fabrication, high carrier mobility, large frequency operation, extreme mechanical bendability, together with transparency, conformability, stretchability, and water dissolubility is shown. Afterward, a detailed analysis of the most promising metal oxide semiconducting materials developed to realize the state-of-the-art flexible p-type TFTs is given. Next, the recent progresses obtained for flexible metal oxide semiconductor-based electronic circuits, realized with both unipolar and complementary technology, are reported. In particular, the realization of large-area digital circuitry like flexible near field communication tags and analog integrated circuits such as bendable operational amplifiers is presented. The last topic of this review is devoted for emerging flexible electronic systems, from foldable displays, power transmission elements to integrated systems for large-area sensing and data storage and transmission. Finally, the conclusions are drawn and an outlook over the field with a prediction for the future is provided

    Energy allocation and behaviour in the growing broiler chicken

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    Broiler chickens are increasingly at the forefront of global meat production but the consequences of fast growth and selection for an increase in body mass on bird health are an ongoing concern for industry and consumers. To better understand the implications of selection we evaluated energetics and behaviour over the 6-week hatch-to-slaughter developmental period in a commercial broiler. The effect of posture on resting metabolic rate becomes increasingly significant as broilers grow, as standing became more energetically expensive than sitting. The proportion of overall metabolic rate accounted for by locomotor behaviour decreased over development, corresponding to declining activity levels, mean and peak walking speeds. These data are consistent with the inference that broilers allocate energy to activity within a constrained metabolic budget and that there is a reducing metabolic scope for exercise throughout their development. Comparison with similarly sized galliforms reveals that locomotion is relatively energetically expensive in broilers

    A Computational Clonal Analysis of the Developing Mouse Limb Bud

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    A comprehensive spatio-temporal description of the tissue movements underlying organogenesis would be an extremely useful resource to developmental biology. Clonal analysis and fate mappings are popular experiments to study tissue movement during morphogenesis. Such experiments allow cell populations to be labeled at an early stage of development and to follow their spatial evolution over time. However, disentangling the cumulative effects of the multiple events responsible for the expansion of the labeled cell population is not always straightforward. To overcome this problem, we develop a novel computational method that combines accurate quantification of 2D limb bud morphologies and growth modeling to analyze mouse clonal data of early limb development. Firstly, we explore various tissue movements that match experimental limb bud shape changes. Secondly, by comparing computational clones with newly generated mouse clonal data we are able to choose and characterize the tissue movement map that better matches experimental data. Our computational analysis produces for the first time a two dimensional model of limb growth based on experimental data that can be used to better characterize limb tissue movement in space and time. The model shows that the distribution and shapes of clones can be described as a combination of anisotropic growth with isotropic cell mixing, without the need for lineage compartmentalization along the AP and PD axis. Lastly, we show that this comprehensive description can be used to reassess spatio-temporal gene regulations taking tissue movement into account and to investigate PD patterning hypothesis

    Gallium Nitride: A Versatile Compound Semiconductor as Novel Piezoelectric Film for Acoustic Tweezer in Manipulation of Cancer Cells

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    Gallium nitride (GaN) is a compound semiconductor which has advantages to generate new functionalities and applications due to its piezoelectric, pyroelectric, and piezo-resistive properties. Recently, surface acoustic wave (SAW) based acoustic tweezers were developed as an efficient and versatile tool to manipulate nano- and micro-particles aiming for patterning, separating and mixing biological and chemical components. Conventional piezoelectric materials to fabricate SAW devices such as lithium niobate suffers from its low thermal conductivity and incapability of fabricating multiphysical and integrated devices. This work piloted the development of a GaN-based Acoustic Tweezer (GaNAT) and its application in manipulating micro-particles and biological cells. For the first time, the GaN SAW device was integrated with a microfluidic channel to form an acoustofluidic chip for biological applications. The GaNAT demonstrated its ability to work on high power (up to 10W) with minimal cooling requirement while maintaining the device temperature below 32C. Acoustofluidic modelling was successfully applied to numerically study and predict acoustic pressure field and particle trajectories within the GaNAT, which agree well with the experimental results on patterning polystyrene microspheres and two types of biological cells including fibroblast and renal tumour cells. The GaNAT allowed both cell types to maintain high viabilities of 84.5% and 92.1%, respectively.This work was supported in part by the Natural Science Foundation of China (81501472, 61704017), Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) fellowship EP/N01202X/2, EP/P002803/1 and EP/P018998/1, Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF), and the Royal Society (IEC/NSFC/170142, IE161019)

    Biogeography of the Intestinal Mucosal and Lumenal Microbiome in the Rhesus Macaque

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    SummaryThe gut microbiome is widely studied by fecal sampling, but the extent to which stool reflects the commensal composition at intestinal sites is poorly understood. We investigated this relationship in rhesus macaques by 16S sequencing feces and paired lumenal and mucosal samples from ten sites distal to the jejunum. Stool composition correlated highly with the colonic lumen and mucosa and moderately with the distal small intestine. The mucosal microbiota varied most based on location and was enriched in oxygen-tolerant taxa (e.g., Helicobacter and Treponema), while the lumenal microbiota showed inter-individual variation and obligate anaerobe enrichment (e.g., Firmicutes). This mucosal and lumenal community variability corresponded to functional differences, such as nutrient availability. Additionally, Helicobacter, Faecalibacterium, and Lactobacillus levels in stool were highly predictive of their abundance at most other gut sites. These results quantify the composition and biogeographic relationships between gut microbial communities in macaques and support fecal sampling for translational studies