500 research outputs found

    Rendimento de grãos de soja em resposta à época de semeadura.

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    Possíveis genes Rps em linhagens de soja da Embrapa Trigo.

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    A podridão radicular de fitóftora, causada por Phytophthora sojae, pode causar redução de rendimento de grãos de soja de até 100% em cultivares altamente suscetíveis. A principal forma de controle da doença é o uso de cultivares com genes de resistência dominantes (Rps). O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar possíveis genes Rps presentes em linhagens de soja desenvolvidas pela Embrapa Trigo. A caracterização da efetividade de genes Rps foi realizada pela técnica de inoculação do hipocótilo em plântulas das seguintes diferenciais: PI 547677 (Rps1a), PI 547842 (Rps1b), PI 547834 (Rps1c), PI 103091 (Rps1d), Williams 82 (Rps1k), PI 547838 (Rps2), PI 547862 (Rps3a), PI 591509 (Rps3b), L92-7857 (Rps3c), L85-2352 (Rps4), PI 547876 (Rps5), PI 591511 (Rps6), Harosoy (Rps7) e PI 399073 (Rps8). Considerou-se efetivo o gene da diferencial que apresentou até 30% de plantas mortas, e inefetivo, a diferencial com mortalidade de plantas acima de 70%. As linhagens desenvolvidas no programa de melhoramento genético de soja da Embrapa Trigo e testadas com o isolado Ps 2.4/07 podem possuir um ou mais dos seguintes genes dominantes de resistência à PRF: Rps1a, Rps1b, Rps1c, Rps1k, Rps3a e Rps8. Embora ainda considerados efetivos, os altos índices de mortalidade expressos pelo isolado Ps 2.4/07 a Rps1b e Rps3a não qualificariam estes genes para uso em manejo da PRF

    Increased vascular sympathetic modulation in mice with Mas receptor deficiency

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    Introduction: The angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2)/angiotensin (Ang)-(1–7)/Mas axis could modulate the heart rate (HR) and blood pressure variabilities (BPV) which are important predictors of cardiovascular risk and provide information about the autonomic modulation of the cardiovascular system. Therefore we investigated the effect of Mas deficiency on autonomic modulation in wild type and Mas-knockout (KO) mice. Methods: Blood pressure was recorded at high sample rate (4000 Hz). Stationary sequences of 200–250 beats were randomly chosen. Frequency domain analysis of HR and BPV was performed with an autoregressive algorithm on the pulse interval sequences and on respective systolic sequences. Results: The KO group presented an increase of systolic arterial pressure (SAP; 127.26±11.20 vs 135.07±6.98 mmHg), BPV (3.54±1.54 vs 5.87±2.12 mmHg2), and low-frequency component of systolic BPV (0.12±0.11 vs 0.47±0.34 mmHg2). Conclusions: The deletion of Mas receptor is associated with an increase of SAP and with an increased BPV, indicating alterations in autonomic control. Increase of sympathetic vascular modulation in absence of Mas evidences the important role of Ang-(1–7)/Mas on cardiovascular regulation. Moreover, the absence of significant changes in HR and HRV can indicate an adaptation of autonomic cardiac balance. Our results suggest that the Ang-(1–7)/Mas axis seems more important in autonomic modulation of arterial pressure than HR

    Avoiding Antiplatelet Reversal in Non-Operative Intracranial Hemorrhages: Functional Outcomes of Guideline-Based Practice

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    Introduction: Intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) is a common, life-threatening neurological pathology in aging patients, many of whom take antiplatelet medications with potential to worsen the hemorrhage. In the event of ICH, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital (TJUH) follows a protocol modeling the 2016 Neurocritical Care Society (NCS) joint guidelines for antiplatelet medication reversal. We analyzed pre- and post-NCS guideline data from TJUH for outcomes of non-operative ICH patients in order to tease out the potential benefits of this protocol. Methods: This retrospective cohort study took place from January 2016 – Jan. 2018 at a tertiary care center: TJUH. Patients included were ³18 y.o., on antiplatelet therapy who, had CTs available for evaluation of expansion, and did not undergo surgical management. The primary outcomes measured for comparison were both the admission and discharge Glasgow Coma Scores (GCS), admission and discharge modified Rankin Scores (mRS), time to death, hematoma expansion, and in-hospital mortality. T-tests, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov-test, and Chi-Square test for independence were used. Results: For pre- and post-protocol groups, no significant difference existed for GCS or mRS, at admission and discharge. There were no significant findings for in-hospital mortality and hemorrhage expansion. Discussion: TJUH established a protocol in line with the 2016 NCS joint guidelines for managing ICH in patients on antiplatelet therapies. This protocol recommends discontinuing antiplatelet therapy and not transfusing platelets in patients not receiving surgical management. We examined the protocol efficacy have found no significant differences in the pre- and post-protocol groups, indicating patient outcomes may be equivalent

    Finite temperature stability and dimensional crossover of exotic superfluidity in lattices

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    We investigate exotic paired states of spin-imbalanced Fermi gases in anisotropic lattices, tuning the dimension between one and three. We calculate the finite temperature phase diagram of the system using real-space dynamical mean-field theory in combination with the quantum Monte Carlo method. We find that regardless of the intermediate dimensions examined, the Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) state survives to reach about one third of the BCS critical temperature of the spin-density balanced case. We show how the gapless nature of the state found is reflected in the local spectral function. While the FFLO state is found at a wide range of polarizations at low temperatures across the dimensional crossover, with increasing temperature we find out strongly dimensionality-dependent melting characteristics of shell structures related to harmonic confinement. Moreover, we show that intermediate dimension can help to stabilize an extremely uniform finite temperature FFLO state despite the presence of harmonic confinement.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Angiogram Negative Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: Incidence, Outcomes, and Predisposition

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    Introduction: Subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) is a medical emergency that may lead to deleterious outcomes unless the underlying cause is determined and managed promptly to prevent further rebleed. Though a significant percentage of cases of SAH have no identifiable pathology, there is a lack of data related to outcomes, predispositions, and whether there has been an increase in the incidence of angiogram negative SAH (anSAH). This study aimed to assess the current incidence of anSAH and factors that are associated with outcomes and predisposition among patients diagnosed with anSAH. Methods: A retrospective chart review was performed. Medical records of patients at Jefferson Hospital for Neuroscience who underwent cerebral angiography between 2010 and 2019 were reviewed to create a database from which patients diagnosed with anSAH were identified. Data related to clinical outcome, medical history, and demographics were collected. When data collection is complete, statistical analysis will be performed to evaluate the significance of the data. Results: Of 4914 patients in the database, 1038 patients were identified as likely having anSAH, though the results must be verified. The incidence of anSAH was 21.1%. Due to ongoing data collection, no interim analysis was possible to assess variables associated with outcomes and predisposition for anSAH. Discussion: As a result of incomplete data, the impact of the study on predicting outcomes and assessing predisposition for anSAH is unknown. However, the data suggest increased anSAH incidence in recent times, indicating that anSAH remains a significant subtype of SAH that clinicians should consider in the differential diagnosis
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