20 research outputs found

    Aplikasi Pengenalan Gender Menggunakan Suara

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    Salah satu kemampuan manusia untuk melakukan identifikasi terhadap seseorang adalah dengan cara melihatdan mendengar. Melalui kemampuan melihat dan mendengar tersebut seseorang dapat membedakan jeniskelamin dengan mudah, berdasarkan kategori fisik dan suara. Suara yang sebelumnya dapat dikenali denganmudah oleh manusia, untuk saat ini dapat dikenali pula oleh komputer.Penelitian kali ini akan fokus padapengembangan kemampuan komputer untuk mengidentifikasi seseorang melalui kategori suara. Data fitur yangdigunakan untuk menentukan jenis kelamin seseorang berdasarkan suaranya adalah pitch dan formant. Hasilyang diperoleh berdasarkan jumlah data training 5 data (5 laki-laki dan 5 perempuan), 10 data (10 laki-laki dan10 perempuan) dan 15 data (15 laki-laki dan 15 perempuan) dengan di ujicobakan ke 33 pembicara yangberbeda maka akan mendapatkan hasil sesuai urutan adalah 53,94%, 56,36% dan 75,76%


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    Although medium scale mapping has been done for the entire territory of Indonesia, there has never been a DEM unification to produce seamless national DEM. The main problem to generate national DEM is multi-data-sources. Each of them has their own specification, so unification of data becomes not easy to do. This research aims to generate global DEM database in Indonesia. Because its coverage covers only one country, it is called National DEM. This study will be focused on the northern part of Sumatra island, precisely in the boundaries between Aceh and North Sumatra province. The principle method in this study was to rebuild DEM data by considering the height difference between ground elevation from masspoints and surface elevation from DSM. By setting up a certain threshold value, the filtering process was then performed. The output was generated by gridding process. Validation in this research was done by two methods: visual inspection dan statistical analysis. From visual inspection, the National DEM data becomes smoother than the input data, the reality of the data is maintained, and still shows the landscape of the DSM input. From statistical analysis, compared with 142 GCPs, it is obtained that Root Mean Square Error is 2.237 m, and vertical accuracy based on Indonesian Mapping Accuracy Standard is 3.679 m. The result is good for medium scale base map and, based on the standards in Indonesia, the data can be used for 1 : 25,000 scale mapping

    Mapping ergonomics application to improve SMEs working condition in industrially developing countries: a critical review

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    In industrially developing countries (IDC), small and medium enterprises (SMEs) account for the highest proprotion of employment. Unfortunately, the working conditions in SMEs are often very poor and expose employees to a potentially wide range of health and safety risks. This paper presents a comprehensive review of 161 articles related to ergonomics application in SMEs, using Indonesia as a case study. The aim of this paper is to investigate the extent of ergonomics application and identify areas that can be improved to promote effective ergonomics for SMEs in IDC. The most urgent issue found is the need for adopting participatory approach in contrast to the commonly implemented top-down approach. Some good practices in ergonomics application were also revealed from the review, e.g. a multidisciplinary approach, unsophisticated and low-cost solutions, and recognising the importance of productivity. The review also found that more work is still required to achieve appropriate cross-cultural adaptation of ergonomics application. Practitioner Summary: Despite continuous efforts in addressing ergonomics issues in SMEs of IDC, workers are still exposed to poor work conditions. We reviewed factual-based evidence of current ergonomics application to inform future strategies of ergonomics in IDC, using Indonesia as a case study


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    One of the outputs of mapping activity in Indonesia is Digital Terrain Model (DTM). DTM generated by stereo plotting with photogrammetry concept, where Indonesia Topography Map at medium scale using Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), and currently, one of SAR data that used to produce Indonesian Topographic Map is TerraSAR-X. This paper discusses about DTM generation in Papua Island, Indonesia, using TerraSAR-X, which is part of topographic mapping activity on a scale of 1 : 25,000. We choose Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN) as the interpolation method. After TIN was build and edited, we have to check to produce good DTM. Quality control involves visual and statistic quality. In statistic aspect, we compare Linear Error 90 % (LE90) value to map accuracy that regulated in Head of Geospatial Information Agency Rules Number 15 Year 2014. We use 50 test points for 59 map sheets in scale 1 : 25,000 (the area around 10,000 km2). To validate the elevation, we interpret test points elevation in the stereo model, then we compare to an elevation in DTM. LE90 value is 9.75 m, so we can conclude that DTM elevation still in class 3. In a visual aspect, we must edit the DTM. There are 9 parameters in visual quality control, and to meets these parameters, we can use three methods: add and reduce mass point, move mass point, and add breakline. Editing to the DTM can make we sure that it meets the quality standard in scale 1 : 25,000 data

    Pengaruh Laju Aliran Gas terhadap Nilai Kekerasan Baja Karbon Rendah Hasil Hardfacing dengan Proses Gtaw

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh yang terjadi akibat adanya laju aliran gas 1 L/menit, 3 L/menit, dan 5 L/menit terhadap nilai kekerasan baja karbon rendah pada proses GTAW. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, bahwa laju aliran gas 1 liter/menit menghasilkan nilai kekerasan paling tinggi pada baja karbon rendah yang telah di heat treatment, yaitu sebesar 88 HRB. Laju aliran gas 3 liter/menit pada karbon rendah menghasilkan nilai kekerasan sebesar 83 HRB, sedangkan laju aliran gas 5 liter/menit, menghasilkan nilai kekerasan sebesar 70 HRB. Baja tanpa heat treatment yang dilas dengan laju aliran gas 1 liter/menit menghasilkan nilai kekerasan sebesar 82 HRB. Laju aliran gas 3 liter/menit pada baja tanpa heat treatment menghasilkan nilai kekerasan sebesar 76 HRB, sedangkan laju aliran gas 5 liter/menit menghasilkan nilai kekerasan sebesar 65 HRB

    Pengaruh Pwht Terhadap Sifat Mekanik Baja Hasil Proses Mmaw Dengan Aws A.51 E 7018/6013

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh PWHT terhadap sifat mekanik baja karbon rendah yang menyangkut kekuatan tarik, serta nilai kekerasan. Prosedur penelitian ini di awali dengan mengelas spesimen dengan MMAW. Spesimen di buat dua variasi yaitu yang pertama dengan elektroda E 7018, kemudian spesimen kedua dengan E 6013. Kemudian dilakukan perlakuan panas PWHT 450°C dan ditahan selama 70 menit, serta didinginkan di udara. Sifat mekanik dapat diketahui setelah dilakukan pengujian tarik dan kekerasan. PWHT pada suhu 450 oC dengan waktu penahanan 70 menit dapat mengurangi kekuatan tarik serta kekerasan pada dua jenis elektroda. Penurunan kekerasan dan kekuatan tarik turun secara linear (E 7018 Non PWHT, E 7018 PWHT, E 6013 Non PWHT, sd E 6013 PWHT. &nbsp

    Kajian Kasus-kontrol Avian Influenza Pada Unggas Di Jawa Timur, Jawa Tengah Dan Daerah Istimewa YOGYAKARTA= a Case-control Study on Avian Influenza in Poultry in East Java, Central Java and YOGYAKARTA Special Province.

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    Kajian kasus-kontrol yang dirancang untuk menyidik kejadian avian influenza (Al) dan mencari hubungannya dengan faktor resiko penyakit, telah dilakukan terhadap 218 dusun di Jawa Timur, Jawa Tengah dan Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Sebagai kasus (109 dusun) adalah dusun yang pernah dilaporkan atau sedang mengalami kasus AI, dan kontrol (109 dusun), adalah dusun yang dilaporkan belum pernah mengalami, tetapi dekat dengan dusun kasus. Kuesioner digunakan untuk menjaring variabel yang diperkirakan berasosiasi dengan kejadian AI. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan Chi Square (x2) dan odds ratio (OR). Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa faktor adanya hewan pengerat (OR = 1,90), faktor adanya burung liar (OR = 24,00), faktor pekerja pulang sehabis kerja (OR = 2,65), dan faktor sektor III (OR = 1,79) mempunyai asosiasi karat dengan kejadian AI di suatu dusun, sedangkan beberapa faktor biosekuriti berasosiasi lemah (OR = 1,0 – 1,5) terhadap kejadian Al