168 research outputs found

    Evolution of magnetic fluctuations through the Fe-induced paramagnetic to ferromagnetic transition in Cr2_2B

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    In itinerant ferromagnets, the quenched disorder is predicted to dramatically affect the ferromagnetic to paramagnetic quantum phase transition driven by external control parameters at zero temperature. Here we report a study on Fe-doped Cr2_2B, which, starting from the paramagnetic parent, orders ferromagnetically for Fe-doping concentrations xx larger than xc=2.5x_{\rm c}=2.5\%. In parent Cr2_2B, 11^{11}B nuclear magnetic resonance data reveal the presence of both ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic fluctuations. The latter are suppressed with Fe-doping, before the ferromagnetic ones finally prevail for x>xcx>x_{\rm c}. Indications for non-Fermi liquid behavior, usually associated with the proximity of a quantum critical point, were found for all samples, including undoped Cr2_2B. The sharpness of the ferromagnetic-like transition changes on moving away from xcx_{\rm c}, indicating significant changes in the nature of the magnetic transitions in the vicinity of the quantum critical point. Our data provide constraints for understanding quantum phase transitions in itinerant ferromagnets in the limit of weak quenched disorder.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Phonon-modulated magnetic interactions and spin Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid in the p-orbital antiferromagnet CsO2

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    The magnetic response of antiferromagnetic CsO2, coming from the p-orbital S=1/2 spins of anionic O2- molecules, is followed by 133Cs nuclear magnetic resonance across the structural phase transition occuring at Ts1=61 K on cooling. Above Ts1, where spins form a square magnetic lattice, we observe a huge, nonmonotonic temperature dependence of the exchange coupling originating from thermal librations of O2- molecules. Below Ts1, where antiferromagnetic spin chains are formed as a result of p-orbital ordering, we observe a spin Tomonaga-Luttinger-liquid behavior of spin dynamics. These two interesting phenomena, which provide rare simple manifestations of the coupling between spin, lattice and orbital degrees of freedom, establish CsO2 as a model system for molecular solids.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures (with Supplemental Material), to appear in Physical Review Letter

    One-dimensional quantum antiferromagnetism in the p−p-orbital CsO2_2 compound revealed by electron paramagnetic resonance

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    Recently it was proposed that the orbital ordering of πx,y∗\pi_{x,y}^* molecular orbitals in the superoxide CsO2_2 compound leads to the formation of spin-1/2 chains below the structural phase transition occuring at Ts1=61T_{\rm{s1}}=61~K on cooling. Here we report a detailed X-band electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) study of this phase in CsO2_2 powder. The EPR signal appears as a broad line below Ts1T_{\rm{s1}}, which is replaced by the antiferromagnetic resonance below the N\'{e}el temperature TN=8.3T_{\rm N}=8.3~K. The temperature dependence of the EPR linewidth between Ts1T_{\rm{s1}} and TNT_{\rm{N}} agrees with the predictions for the one-dimensional Heisenberg antiferromagnetic chain of S=1/2S=1/2 spins in the presence of symmetric anisotropic exchange interaction. Complementary analysis of the EPR lineshape, linewidth and the signal intensity within the Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid (TLL) framework allows for a determination of the TLL exponent K=0.48K=0.48. Present EPR data thus fully comply with the quantum antiferromagnetic state of spin-1/2 chains in the orbitally ordered phase of CsO2_2, which is, therefore, a unique p−p-orbital system where such a state could be studied.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Recovering Metallicity in A4C60: The Case of Monomeric Li4C60

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    The restoration of metallicity in the high-temperature, cubic phase of Li4C60 represents a remarkable feature for a member of the A4C60 family (A = alkali metal), invariably found to be insulators. Structural and resonance technique investigations on Li4C60 at T > 600 K, show that its fcc structure is associated with a complete (4e) charge transfer to C60 and a sparsely populated Fermi level. These findings not only emphasize the crucial role played by lattice symmetry in fulleride transport properties, but also re-dimension the role of Jahn-Teller effects in band structure determination. Moreover, they suggest the present system as a potential precursor to a new class of superconducting fullerides.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Symmetric and antisymmetric exchange anisotropies in quasi-one-dimensional CuSe2_2O5_5 as revealed by ESR

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    We present an electron spin resonance (ESR) study of single-crystalline spin chain-system CuSe2_2O5_5 in the frequency range between 9 GHz and 450 GHz. In a wide temperature range above the N\'{e}el temperature TN=17T_N=17 K we observe strong and anisotropic frequency dependence of a resonance linewidth. Although sizeable interchain interaction JIC≈0.1JJ_{IC}\approx 0.1 J (JJ is the intrachain interaction) is present in this system, the ESR results agree well with the Oshikawa-Affleck theory for one-dimensional S=1/2S=1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet. This theory is used to extract the anisotropies present in CuSe2_2O5_5. We find that the symmetric anisotropic exchange Jc=(0.04±0.01) JJ_c=(0.04 \pm 0.01) \:J and the antisymmetric Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM) interaction D=(0.05±0.01) JD=(0.05\pm 0.01)\:J are very similar in size in this system. Staggered-field susceptibility induced by the presence of the DM interaction is witnessed in the macroscopic susceptibility anisotropy.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables, published in Phys. Rev.

    Origin of magnetic moments in carbon nanofoam

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    A range of carbon nanofoam samples was prepared by using a high-repetition-rate laser ablation technique under various Ar pressures. Their magnetic properties were systematically investigated by dc magnetization measurements and continuous wave (cw) as well as pulsed EPR techniques. In all samples we found very large zero-field cooled-field-cooled thermal hysteresis in the susceptibility measurements extending up to room temperature. Zero-field cooled (ZFC) susceptibility measurements also display very complex behavior with a susceptibility maximum that strongly varies in temperature from sample to sample. Low-temperature magnetization curves indicate a saturation magnetization MS ≈0.35 emu g at 2 K and can be well fitted with a classical Langevin function. MS is more than an order of magnitude larger than any possible iron impurity, proving that the observed magnetic phenomena are an intrinsic effect of the carbon nanofoam. Magnetization measurements are consistent with a spin-glass type ground state. The cusps in the ZFC susceptibility curves imply spin freezing temperatures that range from 50 K to the extremely high value of >300 K. Further EPR measurements revealed three different centers that coexist in all samples, distinguished on the basis of g -factor and relaxation time. Their possible origin and the role in the magnetic phenomena are discussed

    Two-electronic component behavior in the multiband FeSe0.42_{0.42}Te0.58_{0.58} superconductor

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    We report X-band EPR and 125^{125}Te and 77^{77}Se NMR measurements on single-crystalline superconducting FeSe0.42_{0.42}Te0.58_{0.58} (TcT_c = 11.5(1) K). The data provide evidence for the coexistence of intrinsic localized and itinerant electronic states. In the normal state, localized moments couple to itinerant electrons in the Fe(Se,Te) layers and affect the local spin susceptibility and spin fluctuations. Below TcT_c, spin fluctuations become rapidly suppressed and an unconventional superconducting state emerges in which 1/T11/T_1 is reduced at a much faster rate than expected for conventional ss- or s±s_\pm-wave symmetry. We suggest that the localized states arise from the strong electronic correlations within one of the Fe-derived bands. The multiband electronic structure together with the electronic correlations thus determine the normal and superconducting states of the FeSe1−x_{1-x}Tex_x family, which appears much closer to other high-TcT_c superconductors than previously anticipated.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Jahn-Teller orbital glass state in the expanded fcc Cs3C60 fulleride

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    The most expanded fcc-structured alkali fulleride, Cs3C60, is a Mott insulator at ambient pressure because of the weak overlap between the frontier t1u molecular orbitals of the C603− anions. It has a severely disordered antiferromagnetic ground state that becomes a superconductor with a high critical temperature, Tc of 35 K upon compression. The effect of the localised t1u3 electronic configuration on the properties of the material is not well-understood. Here we study the relationship between the intrinsic crystallographic C603− orientational disorder and the molecular Jahn–Teller (JT) effect dynamics in the Mott insulating state. The high-resolution 13C magic-angle-spinning (MAS) NMR spectrum at room temperature comprises three peaks in the intensity ratio 1:2:2 consistent with the presence of three crystallographically-inequivalent carbon sites in the fcc unit cell and revealing that the JT-effect dynamics are fast on the NMR time-scale of 10−5 s despite the presence of the frozen-in C603− merohedral disorder disclosed by the 133Cs MAS NMR fine splitting of the tetrahedral and octahedral 133Cs resonances. Cooling to sub-liquid-nitrogen temperatures leads to severe broadening of both the 13C and 133Cs MAS NMR multiplets, which provides the signature of an increased number of inequivalent 13C and 133Cs sites. This is attributed to the freezing out of the C603− JT dynamics and the development of a t1u electronic orbital glass state guided by the merohedral disorder of the fcc structure. The observation of the dynamic and static JT effect in the Mott insulating state of the metrically cubic but merohedrally disordered Cs3C60 fulleride in different temperature ranges reveals the intimate relation between charge localization, magnetic ground state, lifting of electronic degeneracy, and orientational disorder in these strongly-correlated systems

    Antiferromagnetic fluctuations in the normal state of LiFeAs

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    We present a detailed study of 75As NMR Knight shift and spin-lattice relaxation rate in the normal state of stoichiometric polycrystalline LiFeAs. Our analysis of the Korringa relation suggests that LiFeAs exhibits strong antiferromagnetic fluctuations, if transferred hyperfine coupling is a dominant interaction between 75As nuclei and Fe electronic spins, whereas for an on-site hyperfine coupling scenario, these are weaker, but still present to account for our experimental observations. Density-functional calculations of electric field gradient correctly reproduce the experimental values for both 75As and 7Li sites.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, thoroughly revised version with refined experimental data, accepted for publication as a Rapid Communication in Physical Review B
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