306 research outputs found

    Effect of interface bonding on spin-dependent tunneling from the oxidized Co surface

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    We demonstrate that the factorization of the tunneling transmission into the product of two surface transmission functions and a vacuum decay factor allows one to generalize Julliere's formula and explain the meaning of the ``tunneling density of states'' in some limiting cases. Using this factorization we calculate spin-dependent tunneling from clean and oxidized fcc Co surfaces through vacuum into Al using the principal-layer Green's function approach. We demonstrate that a monolayer of oxygen on the Co (111) surface creates a spin-filter effect due to the Co-O bonding which produces an additional tunneling barrier in the minority-spin channel. This changes the minority-spin dominated conductance for the clean Co surface into a majority spin dominated conductance for the oxidized Co surface.Comment: 7 pages, revtex4, 4 embedded eps figure

    Defects in ferroelectric HfO2

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    Spin-dependent Seebeck coefficients of Ni_{80}Fe_{20} and Co in nanopillar spin valves

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    We have experimentally determined the spin-dependent Seebeck coefficient of permalloy (Ni_{80}Fe_{20}) and cobalt (Co) using nanopillar spin valve devices. The devices were specifically designed to completely separate heat related effects from charge related effects. A pure heat current through the nanopillar spin valve, a stack of two ferromagnetic layers (F) separated by a non-magnetic layer (N), leads to a thermovoltage proportional to the spin-dependent Seebeck coefficient S_{S}=S_{\uparrow}-S_{\downarrow} of the ferromagnet, where S_{\uparrow} and S_{\downarrow} are the Seebeck coefficient for spin-up and spin-down electrons. By using a three-dimensional finite-element model (3D-FEM) based on spin-dependent thermoelectric theory, whose input material parameters were measured in separate devices, we were able to accurately determine a spin-dependent Seebeck coefficient of -1.8 microvolt/Kelvin and -4.5 microvolt/Kelvin for cobalt and permalloy, respectively corresponding to a Seebeck coefficient polarization P_{S}=S_{S}/S_{F} of 0.08 and 0.25, where S_{F} is the Seebeck coefficient of the ferromagnet. The results are in agreement with earlier theoretical work in Co/Cu multilayers and spin-dependent Seebeck and spin-dependent Peltier measurements in Ni_{80}Fe_{20}/Cu spin valve structures

    Using single quantum states as spin filters to study spin polarization in ferromagnets

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    By measuring electron tunneling between a ferromagnet and individual energy levels in an aluminum quantum dot, we show how spin-resolved quantum states can be used as filters to determine spin-dependent tunneling rates. We also observe magnetic-field-dependent shifts in the magnet's electrochemical potential relative to the dot's energy levels. The shifts vary between samples and are generally smaller than expected from the magnet's spin-polarized density of states. We suggest that they are affected by field-dependent charge redistribution at the magnetic interface.Comment: 4 pages, 1 color figur

    Emerging materials for spin-charge interconversion

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    Enhanced tunneling magnetoresistance in Fe\midZnSe double junctions

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    We calculate the tunneling magnetoresistance (TMR) of Fe\midZnSe\midFe\midZnSe\midFe (001) double magnetic tunnel junctions as a function of the in-between Fe layer's thickness, and compare these results with those of Fe\midZnSe\midFe simple junctions. The electronic band structures are modeled by a parametrized tight-binding Hamiltonian fitted to {\it ab initio} calculations, and the conductance is calculated within the Landauer formalism expressed in terms of Green's functions. We find that the conductances for each spin channel and the TMR strongly depend on the in-between Fe layer's thickness, and that in some cases they are enhanced with respect to simple junctions, in qualitative agreement with recent experimental studies performed on similar systems. By using a 2D double junction as a simplified system, we show that the conductance enhancement can be explained in terms of the junctions energy spectrum. These results are relevant for spintronics because they demonstrate that the TMR in double junctions can be tuned and enhanced by varying the in-between metallic layer's thickness.Comment: 200

    Scattering theory of interface resistance in magnetic multilayers

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    The scattering theory of transport has to be applied with care in a diffuse environment. Here we discuss how the scattering matrices of heterointerfaces can be used to compute interface resistances of dirty magnetic multilayers. First principles calculations of these interface resistances agree well with experiments in the CPP (current perpendicular to the interface plane) configuration.Comment: submitted to J. Phys. D (special issue at the occasion of Prof. T. Shinjo's 60th birthday

    Spectroscopic time-series analysis of R Canis Majoris

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    R Canis Majoris is the prototype of a small group of Algol-type stars showing short orbital periods and low mass ratios. A previous detection of short-term oscillations in its light curve has not yet been confirmed. We investigate a new time series of high-resolution spectra with the aim to derive improved stellar and system parameters, to search for the possible impact of a third component in the observed spectra, to look for indications of activity in the Algol system, and to search for short-term variations in radial velocities. We disentangled the composite spectra into the spectra of the binary components. Then we analysed the resulting high signal-to-noise spectra of both stars. Using a newly developed program code based on an improved method of least-squares deconvolution, we were able to determine the radial velocities of both components also during primary eclipse. This allowed us to develop a better model of the system including the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect and to derive improved orbital parameters. Combining the results with those from spectrum analysis, we obtain accurate stellar and system parameters. We further deduce at least one oscillation frequency of 21.38 c/d. It could be detected during primary eclipses only and confirms a previous photometric finding. Results point to an amplitude amplification of non-radial pulsation modes due to the eclipse mapping effect. The presence of a He\,I line in the spectra indicates mass transfer in the R CMa system. Calculations of its Roche geometry give evidence that the cool secondary component may fill its Roche lobe. No evidence of a third body in the system could be found in the observed spectra.Comment: 12 pages, 14 figures, 5 table


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    Projects implemented in conditions of high uncertainty are sometimes called entrepreneurial projects. Success in such projects is more difficult to achieve. To successfully manage entrepreneurial projects, project managers should have entrepreneurial skills. The article explores two issues related to project success, entrepreneurial characteristics, and project uncertainty. First, the article tries to find out whether the increase in the entrepreneurial nature of the project, manifested in the increase in project goals and methods uncertainty, is accompanied by a decrease in project success. Second question is – does the entrepreneurial orientation of project managers affect project success and the relationship between the projects’ success and their entrepreneurial features. To answer these questions, data were collected from Russian project managers assessing the entrepreneurial nature of projects, project success and the individual entrepreneurial orientation of project-managers. The collected data were examined using factor and regression analysis. The findings indicate that there is a negative relationship between the entrepreneurial nature and such indicators of project success as internal efficiency, preparation for the future, and results for clients. Some indicators of success were positively associated with such indicators of entrepreneurial orientation as proactivity and risk taking. As uncertainty increased, some measures of individual entrepreneurial orientation of project managers can positively compensate negative impact on project success from uncertainty associated with projects’ entrepreneurial nature

    Ferroelectric Dead Layer Driven by a Polar Interface

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    Based on first-principles and model calculations we investigate the effect of polar interfaces on the ferroelectric stability of thin-film ferroelectrics. As a representative model, we consider a TiO2-terminated BaTiO3 film with LaO monolayers at the two interfaces that serve as doping layers. We find that the polar interfaces create an intrinsic electric field that is screened by the electron charge leaking into the BaTiO3 layer. The amount of the leaking charge is controlled by the boundary conditions which are different for three heterostructures considered, namely Vacuum/LaO/BaTiO3/LaO, LaO/BaTiO3, and SrRuO3/LaO/BaTiO3/LaO. The intrinsic electric field forces ionic displacements in BaTiO3 to produce the electric polarization directed into the interior of the BaTiO3 layer. This creates a ferroelectric dead layer near the interfaces that is non-switchable and thus detrimental to ferroelectricity. Our first-principles and model calculations demonstrate that the effect is stronger for a larger effective ionic charge at the interface and longer screening length due to a stronger intrinsic electric field that penetrates deeper into the ferroelectric. The predicted mechanism for a ferroelectric dead layer at the interface controls the critical thickness for ferroelectricity in systems with polar interfaces.Comment: 33 Pages, 5 figure