247 research outputs found

    Preliminary results of investigation of solid interplanetary matter in the vicinity of the moon

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    Density of matter near moon found to be greater than that of interplanetary spac

    Electromagnetic levitation system

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    Magnetism is a physical phenomenon produced by the motion of electric charge, resulting in attractive and repulsive forces between objects. It is widely adopted in many spheres of our routine life. By using the effect of magnetism, it has become possible to create non-frictional bearings, contact-free shock absorbers and many things, which found their appliance in industrial usage. There are many great inventions connected with magnets, such as the train on the air cushion (Maglev train). Maglev stands for magnetic levitation, a principle that allows keeping an object in midair. This technology has a great potential, however there are always things, which need to be improved, for instance reduction of disturbance and lowering of the price

    The pipeline oil pumping engineering based on the Plant Wide Control technology

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    This article provides recommendations for the use technology Plant Wide Control to control the pumping of oil through the pipeline. The proposed engineering using pipeline management in general (Pipe Wide Control) will reduce the loss of electric power at the expense of the balance of pumping stations located along the pipeline route

    Resistance to causal agents of late blight and golden potato nematode of the modern cultivars of seed potatoes and their phytosanitary status in various agroclimatic zones of the European part of Russia

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    The active expansion of foreign potato cultivars on the territory of the Russian Federation has led to a change in the dominant pathogen species and to the emergence of new pathotypes of causal agents of harmful potato diseases. The aim of the study was to evaluate resistance to Phytophthora infestans and Globodera rostochiensis of modern potato cultivars and determine the distribution of fungal and oomycetic diseases on potato cultivars in various agroclimatic zones of Russia. The resistance of 41 foreign cultivars was evaluated to pathotype Ro1 G. rostochiensis and to isolate VZR17 P. infestans with virulence genes Resistant to G. rostochiensis were 38 cultivars. 57R marker of the H1 gene conferring resistance to the Ro1 pathotype of G. rostochiensis was detected in 96.6 % of the nematode resistant cultivars studied; susceptible varieties did not possess this marker. Absolute resistance to the causative agent of late blight was demonstrated by the cultivars Alouette and Sarpo Mira (score 9); high levels of resistance (score 6 and 7) were determined for the cultivars Evolution, Red Fantasy and Ricarda. The cultivars Baltic Rose, Damaris, Desiree, Gala, Labella, Laperla, Mia, Sanibel, Zekura, Queen Anne, Red Lady and ‘7 for 7’ were classified as susceptible, although the characteristics of originators indicated average resistance to late blight. A phytopathological test was conducted on 92 samples of 39 varieties of seed potatoes from four federal districts of the Russian Federation: Volga, NorthWest, Central and North Caucasus. Rhizoctonia solani, Fusarium spp. and Helminthosporium solani are most common on all varieties. 100 % defeat of tubers by H. solani was recorded in various regions on the cultivars Red Scarlett, Evolution, Labella, Colombo, Gala and Nevsky. Widespread Colletotrichum coccodes on tubers of the elite and 2nd reproductions of the potato cultivar Red Scarlett (50.0–71.4 %) was recorded in the Central District

    Spinor Field in Bianchi type-I Universe: regular solutions

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    Self-consistent solutions to the nonlinear spinor field equations in General Relativity has been studied for the case of Bianchi type-I (B-I) space-time. It has been shown that, for some special type of nonliearity the model provides regular solution, but this singularity-free solutions are attained at the cost of broken dominant energy condition in Hawking-Penrose theorem. It has also been shown that the introduction of Λ\Lambda-term in the Lagrangian generates oscillations of the B-I model, which is not the case in absence of Λ\Lambda term. Moreover, for the linear spinor field, the Λ\Lambda term provides oscillatory solutions, those are regular everywhere, without violating dominant energy condition. Key words: Nonlinear spinor field (NLSF), Bianch type -I model (B-I), Λ\Lambda term PACS 98.80.C CosmologyComment: RevTex, 21 page

    Scalar field in cosmology: Potential for isotropization and inflation

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    The important role of scalar field in cosmology was noticed by a number of authors. Due to the fact that the scalar field possesses zero spin, it was basically considered in isotropic cosmological models. If considered in an anisotropic model, the linear scalar field does not lead to isotropization of expansion process. One needs to introduce scalar field with nonlinear potential for the isotropization process to take place. In this paper the general form of scalar field potentials leading to the asymptotic isotropization in case of Bianchi type-I cosmological model, and inflationary regime in case of isotropic space-time is obtained. In doing so we solved both direct and inverse problem, where by direct problem we mean to find metric functions and scalar field for the given potential, whereas, the inverse problem means to find the potential and scalar field for the given metric function. The scalar field potentials leading to the inflation and isotropization were found both for harmonic and proper synchronic time.Comment: 10 page


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    The paper deals with possibility of IRI-2012 global empirical model applying to the vertical sounding of the ionosphere semiautomatic data processing. Main ionosphere characteristics from vertical sounding data at IZMIRAN Voeikovo station in February 2013 were compared with IRI-2012 model calculation results. 2688 model values and 1866 real values of f0F2, f0E, hmF2, hmE were processed. E and F2 layers critical frequency (f0E, f0F2) and the maximum altitudes (hmF2, hmE) were determined from the ionograms. Vertical profiles of the electron concentration were restored with IRI-2012 model by measured frequency and height. The model calculation was also made without the inclusion of the real vertical sounding data. Monthly averages and standard deviations (σ) for the parameters f0F2, f0E, hmF2, hmE for each hour of the day were calculated according to the vertical sounding and model values. Model applicability conditions for automated processing of ionograms for subauroral ionosphere were determined. Initial IRI-2012 model can be applied in the sub-auroral ionograms processing at daytime with undisturbed conditions in the absence of sporadic ionization. In this case model calculations can be adjusted by the near-time vertical sounding data. IRI-2012 model values for f0E (in daytime) and hmF2 can be applied to reduce computational costs in the systems of automatic parameters search and preliminary determination of the searching area range for the main parameters. IRI-2012 model can be used for a more accurate approximation of the real data series in the absence of the real values. In view of sporadic ionization, ionosphere models of the high latitudes must be applied with corpuscular ions formation unit

    Coexistence of type-I and type-II superconductivity signatures in ZrB12 probed by muon spin rotation measurements

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    Superconductors usually display either type-I or type-II superconductivity and the coexistence of these two types in the same material, for example, at different temperatures, is rare in nature. We employed the muon spin rotation (μSR) technique to unveil the superconducting phase diagram of the dodecaboride ZrB12 and obtained clear evidence of both type-I and type-II characteristics. Most important, we found a region showing unusual behavior where the usually mutually exclusive μSR signatures of type-I and type-II superconductivity coexist. We reproduced that behavior in theoretical modeling that required taking into account multiple bands and multiple coherence lengths, which suggests that material has one coherence length larger and another smaller than the magnetic field penetration length (the type-1.5 regime). At stronger fields, a footprint of the type-II mixed state showing square flux-line lattice was also obtained using neutron diffraction

    Instability of coherent states of a real scalar field

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    We investigate stability of both localized time-periodic coherent states (pulsons) and uniformly distributed coherent states (oscillating condensate) of a real scalar field satisfying the Klein-Gordon equation with a logarithmic nonlinearity. The linear analysis of time-dependent parts of perturbations leads to the Hill equation with a singular coefficient. To evaluate the characteristic exponent we extend the Lindemann-Stieltjes method, usually applied to the Mathieu and Lame equations, to the case that the periodic coefficient in the general Hill equation is an unbounded function of time. As a result, we derive the formula for the characteristic exponent and calculate the stability-instability chart. Then we analyze the spatial structure of the perturbations. Using these results we show that the pulsons of any amplitudes, remaining well-localized objects, lose their coherence with time. This means that, strictly speaking, all pulsons of the model considered are unstable. Nevertheless, for the nodeless pulsons the rate of the coherence breaking in narrow ranges of amplitudes is found to be very small, so that such pulsons can be long-lived. Further, we use the obtaned stability-instability chart to examine the Affleck-Dine type condensate. We conclude the oscillating condensate can decay into an ensemble of the nodeless pulsons.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, submitted to Physical Review