2,749 research outputs found
âEthnic groupâ, the state and the politics of representation
The assertion, even if only by implication, that âethnic groupâ categories represent ârealâ tangible entities, indeed identities, is commonplace not only in the realms of political and policy discourse but also amongst contemporary social scientists. This paper, following Brubaker (2002), questions this position in a number of key respects: of these three issues will dominate the discussion that follows.
First, there is an interrogation of the proposition that those to whom the categories/labels refer constitute sociologically meaningful âgroupsâ as distinct from (mere) human collectivities. Secondly, there is the question of how these categories emerge, i.e. exactly what series of events, negotiations and contestations lie behind their construction and social acceptance. Thirdly, and as a corollary to the latter point, we explore the process of reification that leads to these categories being seen to represent âreal things in the worldâ (ibid.)
Peaks in the Hartle-Hawking Wave Function from Sums over Topologies
Recent developments in ``Einstein Dehn filling'' allow the construction of
infinitely many Einstein manifolds that have different topologies but are
geometrically close to each other. Using these results, we show that for many
spatial topologies, the Hartle-Hawking wave function for a spacetime with a
negative cosmological constant develops sharp peaks at certain calculable
geometries. The peaks we find are all centered on spatial metrics of constant
negative curvature, suggesting a new mechanism for obtaining local homogeneity
in quantum cosmology.Comment: 16 pages,LaTeX, no figures; v2: some changes coming from revision of
a math reference: wave function peaks sharp but not infinite; v3: added
paragraph in intro on interpretation of wave functio
Editorial: crime patterns in time and space: the dynamics of crime opportunities in urban areas
The routine activity approach and associated crime pattern theory emphasise how crime emerges from spatio-temporal routines. In order to understand this crime should be studied in both space and time. However, the bulk of research into crime patterns and related activities has investigated the spatial distributions of crime, neglecting the temporal dimension. Specifically, disaggregation of crime by place and by time, for example hour of day, day of week, month of year, season, or school day versus none school day, is extremely relevant to theory. Modern data make such spatio-temporal disaggregation increasingly feasible, as exemplified in this special issue. First, much larger data files allow disaggregation of crime data into temporal and spatial slices. Second, new forms of data are generated by modern technologies, allowing innovative and new forms of analyses. Crime pattern analyses and routine activity inquiries are now able to explore avenues not previously available. The unique collection of nine papers in this thematic issue specifically examine spatio-temporal patterns of crime to; demonstrate the value of this approach for advancing knowledge in the field; consider how this informs our theoretical understanding of the manifestations of crime in time and space; to consider the prevention implications of this; and to raise awareness of the need for further spatio-temporal research into crime event
Determination of the Kobayashi-Maskawa-Cabibbo matrix element V_{us} under various flavor-symmetry-breaking models in hyperon semileptonic decays
We study the success to describe hyperon semileptonic decays of four models
that incorporate second-order SU(3) symmetry breaking corrections. The criteria
to assess their success is by determining V_{us} in each of the three relevant
hyperon semileptonic decays and comparing the values obtained with one another
and also with the one that comes from K_{l3} decays. A strong dependence on the
particular symmetry breaking model is observed. Values of V_{us} which do not
agree with the one of K_{l3} are generally obtained. However, in the context of
chiral perturbation theory, only the model whose corrections are O(m_s) and
O(m_s^{3/2}) is successful. Using its predictions for the f_1 form factors one
can quote a value of V_{us} from this model, namely, V_{us}=0.2176\pm 0.0026,
which is in excellent agreement with the K_{l3} one.Comment: Final versio
Towards an understanding of nucleon spin structure: from hard to soft scales
The workshop "The Helicity Structure of the Nucleon" (BNL June 5, 2006) was
organized as part of the 2006 RHIC & AGS Users' Meeting to review the status of
the spin problem and future directions. The presentations can be found at
http://www.phenix.bnl.gov/WWW/publish/caidala/UsersHelicityWorkshop2006/ .
Recent data suggests small polarized glue and strangeness in the proton. Here
we present a personal summary of the main results and presentations. What is
new and exciting in the data, and what might this tell us about the structure
of the proton ?Comment: 20 pages, to appear in Int. J. Mod. Phys.
Can the polarization of the strange quarks in the proton be positive ?
Recently, the HERMES Collaboration at DESY, using a leading order QCD
analysis of their data on semi-inclusive deep inelastic production of charged
hadrons, reported a marginally positive polarization for the strange quarks in
the proton. We argue that a non-negative polarization is almost impossible.Comment: 6 pages, latex, minor changes in the discussion after Eq. (9
Spherical structures on torus knots and links
The present paper considers two infinite families of cone-manifolds endowed
with spherical metric. The singular strata is either the torus knot or the torus link . Domains of existence for a
spherical metric are found in terms of cone angles and volume formul{\ae} are
presented.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures; typo
Bodily feeling in depersonalisation: a phenomenological account
publication-status: Publishedtypes: ArticlePre-print - please cite published version at Sage web site: http://emr.sagepub.com/content/4/2/145.full.pdf+htmlThis paper addresses the phenomenology of bodily feeling in depersonalisation disorder. We argue that not all bodily feelings are intentional states that have the body or part of it as their object. We distinguish three broad categories of bodily feeling: noematic feeling, noetic feeling and existential feeling. Then we show how an appreciation of the differences between them can contribute to an understanding of the depersonalisation experience.ER
Spacelike surfaces with free boundary in the Lorentz-Minkowski space
We investigate a variational problem in the Lorentz-Minkowski space \l^3
whose critical points are spacelike surfaces with constant mean curvature and
making constant contact angle with a given support surface along its common
boundary. We show that if the support surface is a pseudosphere, then the
surface is a planar disc or a hyperbolic cap. We also study the problem of
spacelike hypersurfaces with free boundary in the higher dimensional
Lorentz-Minkowski space \l^{n+1}.Comment: 16 pages. Accepted in Classical and Quantum Gravit
The geometry of entanglement: metrics, connections and the geometric phase
Using the natural connection equivalent to the SU(2) Yang-Mills instanton on
the quaternionic Hopf fibration of over the quaternionic projective space
with an fiber the geometry of
entanglement for two qubits is investigated. The relationship between base and
fiber i.e. the twisting of the bundle corresponds to the entanglement of the
qubits. The measure of entanglement can be related to the length of the
shortest geodesic with respect to the Mannoury-Fubini-Study metric on between an arbitrary entangled state, and the separable state nearest to
it. Using this result an interpretation of the standard Schmidt decomposition
in geometric terms is given. Schmidt states are the nearest and furthest
separable ones lying on, or the ones obtained by parallel transport along the
geodesic passing through the entangled state. Some examples showing the
correspondence between the anolonomy of the connection and entanglement via the
geometric phase is shown. Connections with important notions like the
Bures-metric, Uhlmann's connection, the hyperbolic structure for density
matrices and anholonomic quantum computation are also pointed out.Comment: 42 page
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