134 research outputs found

    δ15N in Birch and Pine Leaves in the Vicinity of a Large Copper Smelter Indicating a Change in the Conditions of Their Soil Nutrition

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    δ13C and δ15N were analyzed in the leaves of Pinus sylvestris L. and Betula spp. under the conditions of severe heavy metal (Zn, Cu, Cd, and Pb) contamination. Twenty-seven plots located near the Karabash copper smelter (Russia) were studied. No reliable correlation of 13C in tree leaves with the level of pollution was observed. δ15N, both in Pinus sylvestris and Betula spp., increased similarly in polluted areas. δ15N was increased by 2.3‰ in the needles of Pinus sylvestris and by 1.6‰ in the leaves of Betula spp. in polluted plots compared to the background ones. The probable reasons for the increase in δ15N were estimated using multiple regression. The regression model, which includes two predictors: δ15N in the humus horizon and the occurrence of roots in the litter, explains 33% of the total variability of δ15N in leaves. Thus, in ecosystems polluted with heavy metals, the state of trees is determined not only by the direct toxic effects of heavy metals but also by indirect ones associated with the features of plant mineral nutrition. This fact opens the way to the search for opportunities to control the state of plants in disturbed ecosystems by regulating the content of mineral nutrition elements. © 2022 by the authors

    Potent antiviral activity against HSV-1 and SARS-CoV-2 by antimicrobial peptoids

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    Viral infections, such as those caused by Herpes Simplex Virus-1 (HSV-1) and SARS-CoV-2, affect millions of people each year. However, there are few antiviral drugs that can effectively treat these infections. The standard approach in the development of antiviral drugs involves the identification of a unique viral target, followed by the design of an agent that addresses that target. Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) represent a novel source of potential antiviral drugs. AMPs have been shown to inactivate numerous different enveloped viruses through the disruption of their viral envelopes. However, the clinical development of AMPs as antimicrobial therapeutics has been hampered by a number of factors, especially their enzymatically labile structure as peptides. We have examined the antiviral potential of peptoid mimics of AMPs (sequence-specific N-substituted glycine oligomers). These peptoids have the distinct advantage of being insensitive to proteases, and also exhibit increased bioavailability and stability. Our results demonstrate that several peptoids exhibit potent in vitro antiviral activity against both HSV-1 and SARS-CoV-2 when incubated prior to infection. In other words, they have a direct effect on the viral structure, which appears to render the viral particles non-infective. Visualization by cryo-EM shows viral envelope disruption similar to what has been observed with AMP activity against other viruses. Furthermore, we observed no cytotoxicity against primary cultures of oral epithelial cells. These results suggest a common or biomimetic mechanism, possibly due to the differences between the phospholipid head group makeup of viral envelopes and host cell membranes, thus underscoring the potential of this class of molecules as safe and effective broad-spectrum antiviral agents. We discuss how and why differing molecular features between 10 peptoid candidates may affect both antiviral activity and selectivity

    A screening for serum markers of arbovirus infections in healthy blood donors from the Volgograd Region

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    Volgograd region is considered to be endemic West Nile fever (WNF) area due to the established circulation of the West Nile virus (WNV) therein. Some previous independent studies examining samples collected on the territory of the Volgograd region revealed markers related to the California serogroup (CSG), Sindbis and Ukuniemi viruses. WNF, CSG, Sindbis and Ukuniemi fever mainly being asymptomatic posing thereby a threat of virus spread due to transfusiological manipulations along with vector-borne transmission are manifested by diverse clinical signs. The study was aimed at detection of antibodies specific to West Nile, tick-borne encephalitis, California serogroup (Tyaginya, Inko), Sidbis, and Ukuniemi viruses in blood donors from the Volgograd region. For this, 404 blood sera samples collected from blood donors residing in the Volgograd as well as the Volgograd region were examined by ELISA. It was found that percentage of blood serum samples positive for arbovirus-specific antibodies was 18.32%. Among the, 67 out of 404 (16.58%) samples contained anti-WNV antibodies, 3 out of 279 (1.08%) samples — to tick-borne encephalitis virus, 1 out of 92 (1.09%) — to California serogroup fever and Ukuniemi viruses, and 2 out of 92 (2.17%) — to Sindbis fever virus. Importantly, the peak number of IgG and IgM WNV-positive samples was found among residents of Volgograd (29 out of 110, 26%) and Oktyabrsky district (7 out of 25, 28%). In addition, anti-Sindbis, Ukuniemi and CSG virus antibodies were detected in blood serum samples from blood donors residing in the Kalachevsky region and the city of Volgograd. Analyzing age-related distribution and percentage of seropositive subjects in each age group showed as follows: the lowest percentage (14.5%) was positive for anti-WNV, Sindbis, Ukuniemi and CSG virus antibodies in blood donors aged 32–41 years, whereas the peak percentage (25%) — in the subjects aged 52–61 years. Thus, virus specific antibodies detected in healthy individuals in the aforementioned region evidence about potential recovery after asymptomatic infections. In this regard, further research is required to determine a role of the such arboviruses in the structure of regional infectious diseases. The data obtained suggest a need to continue serological arbovirus monitoring in the Volgograd region

    Peculiarities of Burkholderia mallei and Burkholderia pseudomallei Identification Using Microbiological Analyzer Vitek 2 Compact 30

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    Automated Vitek 2 system, based on comparison of a biochemical profile of the studied bacterial cultures with the existing database, is widely used for B. pseudomallei and B. mallei identification in the laboratory practice.Objective of the study is to conduct extended phenotypic characterization of the strains of glanders and melioidosis causative agents, stored in the biobank of the Volgograd Research Anti-Plague Institute and analyze variations in their biochemical profiles, using Vitek 2 system.Materials and methods. Using Vitek 2 device, (bioMerieux, France) analyzed have been biochemical properties of 52 collection strains of B. pseudomallei and B. mallei grown on L-agar (Difco, USA) and trypticase-soy agar – TSA (HiMedia, India).Results and discussion. Most of the investigated strains (31 out of 40 B. pseudomallei and 8 of 12 B. mallei) have been identified with an acceptable probability for determining certain specie appurtenance, amounting to 90–99 %. The percentage of correct identification of B. pseudomallei and B. mallei is higher when strains are cultured on L-agar, than when on TSA. Due to the variability of the biochemical features, some strains have showed non-typical for its species results in certain tests (for B. pseudomallei strains – the absence of enzyme activity of β-N-acetyl-glucosaminidase, β-N-acetyl-galactosaminidase and ability to utilize D-cellobiose; for B. mallei strains – the absence of enzyme activity of L-proline-aryl-amidase and tyrosin-aryl-amidase, existence of glycin-aryl-amidase activity and ability to utilize sucrose, D-trehalose), which has led to their mal-identification. The probability of error diagnostics of microorganisms belonging to Burkholderia species necessitates up-dating of the database built into Vitek 2 analyzer as regards biochemical characteristics of the strains which have peculiar profiles

    Морфофункциональная характеристика гиппокампа белых крыс в остром периоде после тяжелой черепно-мозговой травмы на фоне применения L-лизина эсцината

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    Aim of study. The study is devoted to the effect of L-lysine aescinat on the nervous tissue of the CA1 and CA3 fields of the hippocampus of the brain of white rats in the acute period after severe traumatic brain injury (TBI).Material and methods. TBI was simulated by applying a blow to the parieto-occipital region with a freely falling weight weighing 200-250 grams from a height of 50 cm using a special rail rack. The objectives of the study were: 1) comparative morphometric assessment of the degree of hydration, cyto- and glioarchitectonics of different layers of CA1 and CA3 fields after ischemia without treatment; 2) the effect of L-lysine aescinat on these indicators. We used histological (staining of sections with hematoxylin-eosin and Nissl), immunohistochemical (for NSE, MAP-2 and GFAP) and morphometric methods. On thin (4 μm) serial frontal sections of the hippocampus, neurons, astrocytes, microvessels and neuropiles were studied in control (intact animals, n=5) and 1 and 3 days after injury without treatment (n=10, comparison group) and with treatment ( n = 10, main group). The number density of neurons was determined using the Nissl staining of cells and by the reaction to NSE. The cytoskeleton of neurons was studied by detecting MAP-2, and astroglia by GFAP. On color raster images (staining with hematoxylin and eosin, x100) using the Find Maxima plug-in filter, the zones of maximum brightness were determined, which were then analyzed using Analyze Particles from the ImageJ 1.52s program. Zones of maximum brightness corresponded to areas of the hippocampus with a high degree of hydration of the nervous tissue - edema-swelling. The nature of the distribution, statistical hypotheses, and plotting were checked using Statistica 8.0 software and R environment.Results. In control animals, normochromic neurons without signs of changes in the cytoskeleton prevailed in all layers of fields CA1 and CA3, and a low degree of hydration of the nervous tissue was noted (the relative proportion of zones of maximum brightness was 5–8%). One and 3 days after TBI, there was a statistically significant increase in the focal content of dystrophic and necrobiotically altered neurons (95% confidence interval: 52–78%), manifestations of reactive gliosis were noted, and the proportion of zones of maximum brightness increased to 16%. Statistically significant layer-by-layer differences were revealed between the CA1 and CA3 fields of the hippocampus. The use of L-lysine aescinat had a statistically significant effect on the morphometric parameters of the nervous tissue of the hippocampus.Conclusion. In the early post-traumatic period after TBI, the degree of hydration of the nervous tissue of the hippocampus increased. Heteromorphicity of dystrophic and necrobiotic changes in different layers of CA1 and CA3 fields was noted. L-lysine aescinate had a statistically significant positive effect on these changes. To a greater extent, this is typical for the CA3 field. The revealed changes are considered not only as patho-, but also as sanogenetic structural mechanisms of protection and reorganization of the hippocampus in the acute post-traumatic period.1. In the acute period (1−3 days) after severe traumatic brain injury, the degree of hydration of all components of the hippocampal nervous tissue increased. In the group without treatment, 3 days after injury, the relative volume of edema-swelling zones varied from 10 to 13% in CA1 (control 3-7%) and from 8 to 16% in CA3 (control 5–10%).2. The heteromorphism of hydropic changes in the molecular layer, the layer of pyramidal neurons and the polymorphic layer was established. The maximum increase in the volume of free water (more than twofold) was characteristic of the molecular and polymorphic layer CA1, as well as the polymorphic layer CA3.3. The use of L-lysine aescinat in the acute period significantly changed the manifestations of hydropic dystrophy. One day after injury, the volume of free water increased in comparison with animals without treatment, and then, after 3 days, decreased, but remained higher than in the comparison group. The maximum effect of the drug was noted in field CA3.Цель исследования. Исследование посвящено изучению влияния L-лизина эсцината на нервную ткань полей СА1 и СА3 гиппокампа головного мозга белых крыс (Wistar) в остром периоде после тяжелой черепно- мозговой травмы (ТЧМТ).Материал и методы. ТЧМТ моделировали нанесением на теменно-затылочную область удара свободно падающим грузом массой 200−250 г с высоты 50 см с помощью специальной рельсовой стойки. Задачами исследования были: 1) сравнительная морфометрическая оценка степени гидратации, цито- и глиоархитектоники различных слоев полей СА1 и СА3 после ТЧМТ без лечения; 2) влияние на эти показатели L-лизина эсцината. Использованы гистологические (окраска срезов гематоксилином- эозином и по Нисслю), иммуногистохимические (на NSE, MAP-2 и GFAP) и морфометрические методы. На тонких (4 мкм) серийных фронтальных срезах гиппокампа изучены нейроны, астроциты, микрососуды и нейропиль в контроле (интактные животные, n=5) и через 1 и 3 суток после травмы без лечения (n=10, группа сравнения) и с лечением (n=10, основная группа). Численную плотность нейронов определяли с помощью окраски клеток по Нисслю и реакции на NSE. Цитоскелет нейронов изучали с помощью реакции на МАР-2, а астроглии — GFAP. На цветных растровых изображениях (окраска гематоксилином и эозином, объектив х100) с помощью плагин-фильтра “Find Maxima” определяли зоны максимальной яркости (ЗМЯ), которые затем анализировали с помощью “Analyze Particles” из программы ImageJ 1.52s. ЗМЯ соответствовали участкам гиппокампа с высокой степенью гидратации нервной ткани — отек-набухание. Характер распределения, статистические гипотезы, построение графиков проверяли с помощью программ Statistica 8.0 и среды R.Результаты. У контрольных животных во всех слоях полей СА1 и СА3 превалировали нормохромные нейроны без признаков изменения цитоскелета, отмечена низкая степень гидратации нервной ткани (относительная доля ЗМЯ 5−8%). Через 1 и 3 суток после ТЧМТ статистически значимо увеличивалось очаговое содержание дистрофически и некробиотически измененных нейронов (95% доверительный интервал: 52−78%), отмечались проявления реактивного глиоза, а доля ЗМЯ увеличивалась до 16%. Выявлены статистически значимые послойные различия между полями СА1 и СА3 гиппокампа. Применение L-лизина эсцината оказывало статистически значимое влияние на морфометрические показатели нервной ткани гиппокампа.Заключение. В раннем периоде после ТЧМТ увеличивалась степень гидратации нервной ткани гиппокампа. Отмечена гетероморфность дистрофических и некробиотических изменений в разных слоях полей СА1 и СА3. L-лизин эсцинат статистически значимо влиял на эти изменения. В большей степени это характерно для поля СА3. Выявленные изменения рассматриваются не только как пато-, но и как саногенетические структурные механизмы защиты и реорганизации гиппокампа в посттравматическом периоде.Выводы.1. В остром периоде (1−3 суток) после тяжелой черепно-мозговой травмы увеличивалась степень гидратации всех компонентов нервной ткани гиппокампа. В группе без лечения через 3 суток после травмы относительный объем зон отека-набухания варьировался от 10 до 13% в СА1 (контроль 3−7%) и от 8 до 16% — в СА3 (контроль 5−10%).2. Установлена гетероморфность гидропических изменений в молекулярном слое, слое пирамидных нейронов и полиморфном слое. Максимальное увеличение объема свободной воды (более чем в 2 раза) было характерно для молекулярного и полиморфного слоя СА1, а также полиморфного слоя СА3.3. Применение в остром периоде L-лизина эсцината способствовало статистически значимому изменению проявлений гидропической дистрофии. Через 1 сутки после травмы объем свободной воды увеличивался в сравнении с животными без лечения, а затем, спустя 3 суток, уменьшался, но оставался выше, чем в группе сравнения. Максимальное влияние препарата отмечено в поле СА3

    Optimality of Relationship of Cost and Quality of Hotel Services in Small Towns: Analysis of the Situation in Russia and Germany

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    Socio-economic development of small towns in Russia is a serious problem that can be addressed through growth of the hospitality industry. Launching new hotels would make it possible to increase the number of tourists, as well as to strengthen external economical relationships. However, client satisfaction with the quality of hotel services itself and its relation to the cost of accommodation are important. The aim of the present work is to study the relationship of cost and quality of hotel services in small towns using the case of the Central Federal District of Russia and Hessen in Germany. The working hypothesis implies that the cost of services should increase together with their quality in the optimal case. The methodology of this work includes collection of data on the cost of accommodation and customer evaluations of services in hotels of small towns of the above-mentioned territories, as well as qualitative (graphical) and quantitative (with correlation coefficient) analysis of their relationship. An analysis of prices for accommodation in standard rooms (cost) and client satisfaction scores (perceived quality) at the hotels of small towns of the Central Federal District reveals total absence of their correlation. This appears both at the level of individual collective accommodation facilities and the level of the entire municipal hospitality industry. By contrast, a similar analysis for Hessen in Germany shows a noticeable cost growth along with the improvement of the quality of services, which should be considered the optimal relationship. This proves an assumption that after reaching a certain level of quality, its further growth triggers a progressive increase in the cost of hotel services. The value of the correlation coefficient for cost and quality of services of the hotel industry of the small towns of the Central Federal District (calculated by town) is –0,12, and +0,72 in the case of Hessen. Evidently, pricing at hotels is very chaotic in small towns of Russia. This is determined by the irregularity and non-saturation of the local hotel markets and inherently wrong pricing targets (or the absence of such targets). Market mechanisms can contribute to normalization of the situation, but only in the far future. The practical significance of this work is linked to the detection of a significant problem on organizational and municipal levels and discussion of its possible solutions. Relationship of cost and quality of hotel services in small towns of Germany can be adopted as a target. The authors believe that administrative authorities and professional associations of hoteliers should define the key targets of pricing and encourage entrepreneurs to adhere to them.Социально-экономическое развитие малых городов России представляет собой серьезную проблему, решению которой может способствовать становление в них индустрии гостеприимства. Создание новых отелей позволит увеличить количество туристов и наладить внешние экономические связи. Однако при этом важное значение имеет удовлетворенность клиентов как самим качеством гостиничных услуг, так и соответствием такового стоимости размещения. Целью настоящей работы является изучение соотношения стоимости и качества гостиничных услуг в малых городах на примере Центрального федерального округа России и земли Гессен в Германии. Рабочая гипотеза заключается в том, что стоимость услуг растет одновременно с их качеством, и такое соотношение является оптимальным. Методика работы заключалась в сборе данных о стоимости размещения и клиентских оценках услуг в гостиницах малых городов вышеуказанных территорий, качественном (графическом) и количественном (с помощью коэффициента корреляции) анализе их соотношения. Анализ цен на проживание в стандартных номерах (стоимость) и клиентских оценок (воспринимаемое качество) гостиниц малых городов Центрального федерального округа выявил их полное несоответствие. Оно проявляется как на уровне отдельных коллективных средств размещения, так и для городского гостиничного хозяйства в целом. Напротив, аналогичный анализ для земли Гессен в Германии показывает хорошо выраженный рост стоимости вместе с увеличением качества услуг, что следует считать оптимальным соотношением. При этом подтверждается идея о том, что после достижения определенного уровня качества дальнейший его рост способствует прогрессивному повышению стоимости гостиничных услуг. Значение коэффициента корреляции для стоимости и качества услуг гостиничного хозяйства малых городов Центрального федерального округа (при расчете по городам) составляет –0,12, а в земле Гессен – +0,72. Представляется, что в России ценовая политика в гостиницах малых городов осуществляется в высшей степени хаотично. Этому способствуют неупорядоченность и ненасыщенность локальных рынков гостиничных услуг, изначально неверно выбираемые ориентиры при формировании ценовой политики на уровне организаций (или вообще отсутствие таковых). Действие рыночных механизмов если и может способствовать нормализации ситуации, то только в отдаленном будущем. Практическая значимость работы определяется тем, что в ней выявлена существенная проблема, требующая внимания на организационном и муниципальном уровнях, а также обсуждаются возможные варианты ее решения. Соотношение стоимости и качества гостиничных услуг в малых городах Германии при этом может считаться ориентиром. Представляется, что административные органы и профессиональные сообщества (ассоциации) отельеров должны определять ключевые ориентиры ценовой политики и стимулировать предпринимателей следовать им

    West Nile Fever: Results of Monitoring over the Causative Agent in the Russian Federation in 2021, the Incidence Forecast for 2022

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    The epidemiological situation on West Nile fever (WNF) in Russia in 2021 was characterized by an increase in the incidence relative to 2020 (more than 6-fold increase). The peculiarities of the WNF epidemic process have been determined: the territorial distribution of cases (75 % – in the constituent entities of the Central Federal District), the expansion of the causative agent’s areal with the involvement of new territories (official registration of cases in Moscow and the Tula Region for the first time ever), the early end of the epidemic season. An increase in the proportion of neuroinvasive forms, an increase in the share of male patients and the age group of 30–39 years, a decrease in the proportion of the population in contact with the pathogen in natural places of mass recreation were observed in the incidence structure. According to the results of the monitoring studies carried out by the Reference Center, intensive circulation of the pathogen was established on the territory of the Central Federal District, Southern Federal District, and the North Caucasian Federal District. The low reported incidence was due to insufficient detection of WNF patients. The results of moleculargenetic study showed that in the European part of Russia, WNV lineage 2 circulated in both epizootic and epidemic cycles, lineage 2 in the south of Western Siberia (Omsk Region) and lineage 4 in the Volgograd Region – in the epizootic cycle only. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that strains isolated from the Astrakhan, Volgograd, Rostov, Voronezh Regions and the Republic of Dagestan in 2021 belong to the genovariant of WNV lineage 2 not registered in Russia previously.  The topology of the phylogenetic tree indicates the possible African origin of the isolates, probably imported into Russia by migratory birds across the coast of the Caspian Sea. In the Volgograd Region, WNV of both the entrenched clade of lineage 2 (since 2007) and new genovariant circulated. The specialists of the Reference Center developed a forecast of WNF epidemiological situation development in the Volgograd Region in 2022 on the basis of the neural network modeling technique, according to which an increase in the incidence is expected, comparable to that in 2010 and 2012. Based on the climate projections, an increase in the incidence is possible in all Federal Districts of the European part of Russia, the southern territories of the Urals, Western Siberia, and the Far East


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    In recent years, interest in mountain savory is increasing and this is due to the rich biochemical composition, useful properties and decorative qualities of this plant. The materials were sortopopulyatsiya savory mountain. The study was conducted in the open ground in Moscow region (2012-2018) on experimental plots of the laboratory green, spicy taste and floral crops of FSBSI FSVC. The work on improving the source material by applying individual selection, the most aligned with economically valuable traits form ЧГ32-12 with high potential productivity of inflorescences and green mass, decorative, flavour and hardiness. Conducted testing and pre-multiplication of promising accessions, which was transferred into the "GOSSORTKOMISSIA" in 2018 called “Bobrik”. The yield of green increased in vegetation years in the first year of vegetation was 0,650 kg/m2, in the second – 3.0 kg/m2, and in the third year reached 5.4 kg/m2. Indicator sign "plant height" increased over the years of vegetation (11.4 cm, 25.5 cm and 40.2 cm, respectively). The values of the sign "number of shoots" in the first year of vegetation was 11.6 PCs., in the second year – sharply increased (255.1 PCs.), in the third year – reached its maximum (787.3). The accumulation of dry matter in the years of vegetation increased: the first year contained 20.08%; the second year – 26.95%; and the third year of vegetation – 29.71%. The content of ascorbic acid in the flowering phase in the second year of vegetation increased compared to the first year (8.21 mg/% and 5.87 mg (%). The amount of water-soluble antioxidants in the second year of the growing season has increased almost two times in comparison with the first year (to 22.7 mg/g and AAE 42.39 mg/g of AAE), in the third year there is a decrease in rate – 28.6 mg/g of AAE. Thus, the green of the mountain variety "Bobrik" is a source of biologically active substances, such as ascorbic acid and carotenoids, so the culture can be recommended for the use of young shoots and leaves in fresh and dry form, as a seasoning for salads, sauces, marinades, meat and fish dishes, as well as spicy and aromatic additives for the preparation of drinks.В последнее время возрастает интерес к чаберу горному, это объясняется богатым биохимическим составом, полезными свойствами и декоративными качествами этого растения. Материалом исследований служила сортопопуляция чабера горного. Изучение проводили в открытом грунте Московской области (2012-2018 годы) на опытных участках лаборатории зеленных, пряно-вкусовых и цветочных культур ФГБНУ ФНЦО. Проведена работа по улучшению исходного материала путём применения индивидуального отбора, выделена наиболее выровненная по хозяйственно ценным признакам форма – ЧГ32-12 с высокой потенциальной продуктивностью соцветий и зелёной массы, декоративностью, ароматичностью и зимостойкостью. Проведено сортоиспытание и предварительное размножение перспективного сортообразца, который передан в ФГБУ "ГОССОРТКОМИССИЯ" в 2018 году под названием Бобрик. Урожайность зелёной массы возрастала по годам вегетации: в первый год составляла 0,650 кг/м2, во второй – 3,0 кг/м2, а в третий год достигала до 5,4 кг/м2. Показатель признака «высота растения» возрастал по годам вегетации (11,4 см, 25,5 см и 40,2 см соответственно). Значения признака «число побегов» в первый год вегетации составляло 11,6 шт., во второй год – резко возрастало (255,1 шт.), в третий год – достигало своего максимума (787,3). Накопление сухого вещества по годам вегетации увеличивалось: растения первого года содержали 20,08%; второго года – 26,95%; а третьего года – 29,71%. Содержание аскорбиновой кислоты в фазу цветения во второй год вегетации увеличивалось по сравнению с показателями первого года (8,21 мг% и 5,87 мг%). Сумма водорастворимых антиоксидантов во второй год вегетации возрастала почти в два раза по сравнению с первым годом (22,7 мг/г ЕАК и 42,39 мг/г ЕАК), на третий год происходит снижение показателя – 28,6 мг/г ЕАК. Таким образом, зелень чабера горного сорта Бобрик является источником биологически активных веществ, таких как аскорбиновая кислота и каротиноиды, поэтому культуру можно рекомендовать для использования молодых побегов и листьев в свежем и сухом виде, в качестве приправы к салатам, соусам, маринадам, мясным и рыбным блюдам, а также пряно-ароматической добавки для приготовления напитков