3,533 research outputs found

    Identification of Decoherence-Free Subspaces Without Quantum Process Tomography

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    Characterizing a quantum process is the critical first step towards applying such a process in a quantum information protocol. Full process characterization is known to be extremely resource-intensive, motivating the search for more efficient ways to extract salient information about the process. An example is the identification of "decoherence-free subspaces", in which computation or communications may be carried out, immune to the principal sources of decoherence in the system. Here we propose and demonstrate a protocol which enables one to directly identify a DFS without carrying out a full reconstruction. Our protocol offers an up-to-quadratic speedup over standard process tomography. In this paper, we experimentally identify the DFS of a two-qubit process with 32 measurements rather than the usual 256, characterize the robustness and efficiency of the protocol, and discuss its extension to higher-dimensional systems.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    On conjectures and problems of Ruzsa concerning difference graphs of S-units

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    Given a finite nonempty set of primes S, we build a graph G\mathcal{G} with vertex set Q\mathbb{Q} by connecting x and y if the prime divisors of both the numerator and denominator of x-y are from S. In this paper we resolve two conjectures posed by Ruzsa concerning the possible sizes of induced nondegenerate cycles of G\mathcal{G}, and also a problem of Ruzsa concerning the existence of subgraphs of G\mathcal{G} which are not induced subgraphs.Comment: 15 page

    Adaptive quantum state tomography improves accuracy quadratically

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    We introduce a simple protocol for adaptive quantum state tomography, which reduces the worst-case infidelity between the estimate and the true state from O(N−1/2)O(N^{-1/2}) to O(N−1)O(N^{-1}). It uses a single adaptation step and just one extra measurement setting. In a linear optical qubit experiment, we demonstrate a full order of magnitude reduction in infidelity (from 0.10.1% to 0.010.01%) for a modest number of samples (N=3×104N=3\times10^4).Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Pattern formation in quantum Turing machines

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    We investigate the iteration of a sequence of local and pair unitary transformations, which can be interpreted to result from a Turing-head (pseudo-spin SS) rotating along a closed Turing-tape (MM additional pseudo-spins). The dynamical evolution of the Bloch-vector of SS, which can be decomposed into 2M2^{M} primitive pure state Turing-head trajectories, gives rise to fascinating geometrical patterns reflecting the entanglement between head and tape. These machines thus provide intuitive examples for quantum parallelism and, at the same time, means for local testing of quantum network dynamics.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys.Rev.A, 3 figures, REVTEX fil

    Scalable Spatial Super-Resolution using Entangled Photons

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    N00N states -- maximally path-entangled states of N photons -- exhibit spatial interference patterns sharper than any classical interference pattern. This is known as super-resolution. However, even with perfectly efficient number-resolving detectors, the detection efficiency of all previously demonstrated methods to measure such interference decreases exponentially with the number of photons in the N00N state, often leading to the conclusion that N00N states are unsuitable for spatial measurements. Here, we create spatial super-resolution fringes with two-, three-, and four-photon N00N states, and demonstrate a scalable implementation of the so-called ``optical centroid measurement'' which provides an in-principle perfect detection efficiency. Moreover, we compare the N00N-state interference to the corresponding classical super-resolution interference. Although both provide the same increase in spatial frequency, the visibility of the classical fringes decreases exponentially with the number of detected photons, while the visibility of our experimentally measured N00N-state super-resolution fringes remains approximately constant with N. Our implementation of the optical centroid measurement is a scalable method to measure high photon-number quantum interference, an essential step forward for quantum-enhanced measurements, overcoming what was believed to be a fundamental challenge to quantum metrology

    Local Versus Global Thermal States: Correlations and the Existence of Local Temperatures

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    We consider a quantum system consisting of a regular chain of elementary subsystems with nearest neighbor interactions and assume that the total system is in a canonical state with temperature TT. We analyze under what condition the state factors into a product of canonical density matrices with respect to groups of nn subsystems each, and when these groups have the same temperature TT. While in classical mechanics the validity of this procedure only depends on the size of the groups nn, in quantum mechanics the minimum group size nminn_{min} also depends on the temperature TT ! As examples, we apply our analysis to a harmonic chain and different types of Ising spin chains. We discuss various features that show up due to the characteristics of the models considered. For the harmonic chain, which successfully describes thermal properties of insulating solids, our approach gives a first quantitative estimate of the minimal length scale on which temperature can exist: This length scale is found to be constant for temperatures above the Debye temperature and proportional to T−3T^{-3} below.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, discussion of results extended, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    State Measurements with Short Laser Pulses and Lower-Efficiency Photon Detectors

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    It has been proposed by Cook (Phys. Scr. T 21, 49 (1988)) to use a short probe laser pulse for state measurements of two-level systems. In previous work we have investigated to what extent this proposal fulfills the projection postulate if ideal photon detectors are considered. For detectors with overall efficiency less than 1 complications arise for single systems, and for this case we present a simple criterion for a laser pulse to act as a state measurement and to cause an almost complete state reduction.Comment: 13 pages, LaTeX; submitted to J. mod. Op

    The Lagrange and Markov spectra from the dynamical point of view

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    This text grew out of my lecture notes for a 4-hours minicourse delivered on October 17 \& 19, 2016 during the research school "Applications of Ergodic Theory in Number Theory" -- an activity related to the Jean-Molet Chair project of Mariusz Lema\'nczyk and S\'ebastien Ferenczi -- realized at CIRM, Marseille, France. The subject of this text is the same of my minicourse, namely, the structure of the so-called Lagrange and Markov spectra (with an special emphasis on a recent theorem of C. G. Moreira).Comment: 27 pages, 6 figures. Survey articl
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