803 research outputs found

    Practices to prevent non-ventilator hospital-acquired pneumonia:a narrative review

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    Nosocomial infection has significant consequences in health care, both at the individual level due to increased morbidity and mortality, and at the organizational level due to increased costs. Hospital-acquired pneumonia (HAP) is the most common nosocomial infection, and is associated with high excess mortality, frequent use of broad-spectrum antimicrobials and increased length of stay. This review explores the preventative strategies that have been examined in non-ventilator HAP (NV-HAP). The management of aspiration risk, interventions for oral hygiene, role of mobilization and physiotherapy, modification of environmental factors, and vaccination are discussed. Many of these interventions are low risk, acceptable to patients and have good cost-benefit ratios. However, the evidence base for prevention of NV-HAP is weak. This review identifies the lack of a unified research definition, under-recruitment to studies, and variation in intervention and outcome measures as limitations in the existing literature. Given that the core risk factors for acquisition of NV-HAP are increasing, there is an urgent need for research to address the prevention of NV-HAP. This review calls for a unified definition of NV-HAP, and identification of a core outcome set for studies in NV-HAP, and suggests future directions for research in NV-HAP. Improving care for people with NV-HAP will reduce morbidity, mortality and healthcare costs significantly.</p

    Clinical challenge of diagnosing non-ventilator hospital-acquired pneumonia and identifying causative pathogens:a narrative review

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    Non-ventilated hospital-acquired pneumonia (NV-HAP) is associated with a significant healthcare burden, arising from high incidence and associated morbidity and mortality. However, accurate identification of cases remains challenging. At present, there is no gold-standard test for the diagnosis of NV-HAP, requiring instead the blending of non-specific signs and investigations. Causative organisms are only identified in a minority of cases. This has significant implications for surveillance, patient outcomes and antimicrobial stewardship. Much of the existing research in HAP has been conducted among ventilated patients. The paucity of dedicated NV-HAP research means that conclusions regarding diagnostic methods, pathology and interventions must largely be extrapolated from work in other settings. Progress is also limited by the lack of a widely agreed definition for NV-HAP. The diagnosis of NV-HAP has large scope for improvement. Consensus regarding a case definition will allow meaningful research to improve understanding of its aetiology and the heterogeneity of outcomes experienced by patients. There is potential to optimize the role of imaging and to incorporate novel techniques to identify likely causative pathogens. This would facilitate both antimicrobial stewardship and surveillance of an important healthcare-associated infection. This narrative review considers the utility of existing methods to diagnose NV-HAP, with a focus on the significance and challenge of identifying pathogens. It discusses the limitations in current techniques, and explores the potential of emergent molecular techniques to improve microbiological diagnosis and outcomes for patients.</p

    Clinical challenge of diagnosing non-ventilator hospital-acquired pneumonia and identifying causative pathogens:a narrative review

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    Non-ventilated hospital-acquired pneumonia (NV-HAP) is associated with a significant healthcare burden, arising from high incidence and associated morbidity and mortality. However, accurate identification of cases remains challenging. At present, there is no gold-standard test for the diagnosis of NV-HAP, requiring instead the blending of non-specific signs and investigations. Causative organisms are only identified in a minority of cases. This has significant implications for surveillance, patient outcomes and antimicrobial stewardship. Much of the existing research in HAP has been conducted among ventilated patients. The paucity of dedicated NV-HAP research means that conclusions regarding diagnostic methods, pathology and interventions must largely be extrapolated from work in other settings. Progress is also limited by the lack of a widely agreed definition for NV-HAP. The diagnosis of NV-HAP has large scope for improvement. Consensus regarding a case definition will allow meaningful research to improve understanding of its aetiology and the heterogeneity of outcomes experienced by patients. There is potential to optimize the role of imaging and to incorporate novel techniques to identify likely causative pathogens. This would facilitate both antimicrobial stewardship and surveillance of an important healthcare-associated infection. This narrative review considers the utility of existing methods to diagnose NV-HAP, with a focus on the significance and challenge of identifying pathogens. It discusses the limitations in current techniques, and explores the potential of emergent molecular techniques to improve microbiological diagnosis and outcomes for patients.</p

    A linear CO chemistry parameterization in a chemistry-transport model: evaluation and application to data assimilation

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    This paper presents an evaluation of a new linear parameterization valid for the troposphere and the stratosphere, based on a first order approximation of the carbon monoxide (CO) continuity equation. This linear scheme (hereinafter noted LINCO) has been implemented in the 3-D Chemical Transport Model (CTM) MOCAGE (MOdèle de Chimie Atmospherique Grande Echelle). First, a one and a half years of LINCO simulation has been compared to output obtained from a detailed chemical scheme output. The mean differences between both schemes are about ±25 ppbv (part per billion by volume) or 15% in the troposphere and ±10 ppbv or 100% in the stratosphere. Second, LINCO has been compared to diverse observations from satellite instruments covering the troposphere (Measurements Of Pollution In The Troposphere: MOPITT) and the stratosphere (Microwave Limb Sounder: MLS) and also from aircraft (Measurements of ozone and water vapour by Airbus in-service aircraft: MOZAIC programme) mostly flying in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (UTLS). In the troposphere, the LINCO seasonal variations as well as the vertical and horizontal distributions are quite close to MOPITT CO observations. However, a bias of ~&amp;minus;40 ppbv is observed at 700 Pa between LINCO and MOPITT. In the stratosphere, MLS and LINCO present similar large-scale patterns, except over the poles where the CO concentration is underestimated by the model. In the UTLS, LINCO presents small biases less than 2% compared to independent MOZAIC profiles. Third, we assimilated MOPITT CO using a variational 3D-FGAT (First Guess at Appropriate Time) method in conjunction with MOCAGE for a long run of one and a half years. The data assimilation greatly improves the vertical CO distribution in the troposphere from 700 to 350 hPa compared to independent MOZAIC profiles. At 146 hPa, the assimilated CO distribution is also improved compared to MLS observations by reducing the bias up to a factor of 2 in the tropics. This study confirms that the linear scheme is able to simulate reasonably well the CO distribution in the troposphere and in the lower stratosphere. Therefore, the low computing cost of the linear scheme opens new perspectives to make free runs and CO data assimilation runs at high resolution and over periods of several years

    Novel biallelic USH2A variants in a patient with usher syndrome type IIA- a case report

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    BACKGROUND: Usher Syndrome is the commonest cause of inherited blindness and deafness. The condition is clinically and genetically heterogeneous, with no current treatment. We report a case carrying novel biallelic variants in USH2A causing progressive early adolescent onset visual and hearing impairment consistent with Usher Syndrome Type IIA. CASE PRESENTATION: Our patient presented at age 13 with progressive visual field loss and hearing loss, associated with early onset of cataract in her 40s requiring lens extraction. Now 52 years old, latest best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) stands at Logmar Right Eye (RE) 0.8 and Left Eye (LE) 0.2, with significantly constricted visual fields bilaterally. She was registered partially sighted age 46. Clinical and molecular genetic assessment of the proband was consistent with a diagnosis of Usher Syndrome Type IIA. Genetic testing identified two novel USH2A variants, resulting in the premature termination codon p.Leu30Ter and a missense mutation p.Cys3251Tyr. Segregation analysis confirmed that these variants were biallelic in the affected case. Comprehensive in silico analysis confirmed that these mutations are the probable cause of Usher Syndrome Type IIA in this individual. CONCLUSIONS: The identification of novel mutations in USH2A increases the spectrum of genetic variations that lead to Usher Syndrome, aiding genetic diagnosis, assessment of patient prognosis, and emphasising the importance of genetic testing to identify new mutations in patients with undiagnosed progressive visual loss. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s12886-022-02353-7

    Analysis of CO in the tropical troposphere using Aura satellite data and the GEOS-Chem model: insights into transport characteristics of the GEOS meteorological products

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    We use the GEOS-Chem chemistry-transport model (CTM) to interpret the spatial and temporal variations of tropical tropospheric CO observed by the Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) and the Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer (TES). In so doing, we diagnose and evaluate transport in the GEOS-4 and GEOS-5 assimilated meteorological fields that drive the model, with a particular focus on vertical mixing at the end of the dry season when convection moves over the source regions. The results indicate that over South America, deep convection in both GEOS-4 and GEOS-5 decays at too low an altitude early in the wet season, and the source of CO from isoprene in the model (MEGAN v2.1) is too large, causing a lag in the model's seasonal maximum of CO compared to MLS CO in the upper troposphere (UT). TES and MLS data reveal problems with excessive transport of CO to the eastern equatorial Pacific and lofting in the ITCZ in August and September, particularly in GEOS-4. Over southern Africa, GEOS-4 and GEOS-5 simulations match the phase of the observed CO variation from the lower troposphere (LT) to the UT fairly well, although the magnitude of the seasonal maximum is underestimated considerably due to low emissions in the model. A sensitivity run with increased emissions leads to improved agreement with observed CO in the LT and middle troposphere (MT), but the amplitude of the seasonal variation is too high in the UT in GEOS-4. Difficulty in matching CO in the LT and UT implies there may be overly vigorous vertical mixing in GEOS-4 early in the wet season. Both simulations and observations show a time lag between the peak in fire emissions (July and August) and in CO (September and October). We argue that it is caused by the prevailing subsidence in the LT until convection moves south in September, as well as the low sensitivity of TES data in the LT over the African Plateau. The MLS data suggest that too much CO has been transported from fires in northern Africa to the UT in the model during the burning season, as does MOZAIC aircraft data, perhaps as a result of the combined influence of too strong Harmattan winds in the LT and too strong vertical mixing over the Gulf of Guinea in the model

    Validation of Aura Microwave Limb Sounder O-3 and CO observations in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere

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    International audienceGlobal satellite observations of ozone and carbon monoxide from the Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) on the EOS Aura spacecraft are discussed with emphasis on those observations in the 215–100 hPa region (the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere). The precision, resolution and accuracy of the data produced by the MLS “version 2.2” processing algorithms are discussed and quantified. O3 accuracy is estimated at ~40 ppbv +5% (~20 ppbv +20% at 215 hPa) while the CO accuracy is estimated at ~30 ppbv +30% for pressures of 147 hPa and less. Comparisons with expectations and other observations show good agreements for the O3 product, generally consistent with the systematic errors quoted above. In the case of CO, a persistent factor of ~2 high bias is seen at 215 hPa. However, the morphology is shown to be realistic, consistent with raw MLS radiance data, and useful for scientific study. The MLS CO data at higher altitudes are shown to be consistent with other observations

    Tumour necrosis factor induces increased production of extracellular amyloid-β- and α-synuclein-containing aggregates by human Alzheimer's disease neurons

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    In addition to increased aberrant protein aggregation, inflammation has been proposed as a key element in the pathogenesis and progression of Alzheimer’s disease. How inflammation interacts with other disease pathways and how protein aggregation increases during disease are not clear. We used single-molecule imaging approaches and membrane permeabilization assays to determine the effect of chronic exposure to tumour necrosis factor, a master proinflammatory cytokine, on protein aggregation in human-induced pluripotent stem cell-derived neurons harbouring monogenic Alzheimer’s disease mutations. We report that exposure of Alzheimer’s disease neurons, but not control neurons, to tumour necrosis factor induces substantial production of extracellular protein aggregates. Aggregates from Alzheimer’s disease neurons are composed of amyloid-β and α-synuclein and induce significant permeabilization of lipid membranes in an assay of pathogenicity. These findings provide support for a causal relationship between two crucial processes in Alzheimer’s disease pathogenesis and suggest that targeting inflammation, particularly tumour necrosis factor, may have beneficial downstream effects on ameliorating aberrant protein aggregation and accumulation

    The roles of convection, extratropical mixing, and in-situ freeze-drying in the Tropical Tropopause Layer

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    Mechanisms for transporting and dehydrating air across the tropical tropopause layer (TTL) are investigated with a conceptual two dimensional (2-D) model. The 2-D TTL model combines the Holton and Gettelman cold trap dehydration mechanism (Holton and Gettelman, 2001) with the two column convection model of Folkins and Martin (2005). We investigate 3 possible transport scenarios through the TTL: 1) slow uniform ascent across the level of zero radiative heating without direct convective mixing, 2) convective mixing of H&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;O vapor at 100% relative humidity with respect to ice (RHi) with no ice retention, and 3) convective mixing of extremely subsaturated air (100% RHi following the moist adiabatic temperature above the level of neutral buoyancy) with sufficient ice retention such that total H&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;O is 100%RHi. The three mechanisms produce similar seasonal cycles for H&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;O that are in good quantitative agreement with the Aura Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) measurements. We use Aura MLS measurement of CO and Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment-Fourier Transform Spectrometer measurement of HDO to distinguish among the transport mechanisms. Model comparisons with the observations support the view that H&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;O is predominantly controlled by regions having the lowest cold point tropopause temperature but the trace species CO and HDO support the convective mixing of dry air and lofted ice. The model provides some insight into the processes affecting the long term trends observed in stratospheric H&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;O