127 research outputs found

    Two-electronic component behavior in the multiband FeSe0.42_{0.42}Te0.58_{0.58} superconductor

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    We report X-band EPR and 125^{125}Te and 77^{77}Se NMR measurements on single-crystalline superconducting FeSe0.42_{0.42}Te0.58_{0.58} (TcT_c = 11.5(1) K). The data provide evidence for the coexistence of intrinsic localized and itinerant electronic states. In the normal state, localized moments couple to itinerant electrons in the Fe(Se,Te) layers and affect the local spin susceptibility and spin fluctuations. Below TcT_c, spin fluctuations become rapidly suppressed and an unconventional superconducting state emerges in which 1/T11/T_1 is reduced at a much faster rate than expected for conventional ss- or s±s_\pm-wave symmetry. We suggest that the localized states arise from the strong electronic correlations within one of the Fe-derived bands. The multiband electronic structure together with the electronic correlations thus determine the normal and superconducting states of the FeSe1x_{1-x}Tex_x family, which appears much closer to other high-TcT_c superconductors than previously anticipated.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Jahn-Teller orbital glass state in the expanded fcc Cs3C60 fulleride

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    The most expanded fcc-structured alkali fulleride, Cs3C60, is a Mott insulator at ambient pressure because of the weak overlap between the frontier t1u molecular orbitals of the C603− anions. It has a severely disordered antiferromagnetic ground state that becomes a superconductor with a high critical temperature, Tc of 35 K upon compression. The effect of the localised t1u3 electronic configuration on the properties of the material is not well-understood. Here we study the relationship between the intrinsic crystallographic C603− orientational disorder and the molecular Jahn–Teller (JT) effect dynamics in the Mott insulating state. The high-resolution 13C magic-angle-spinning (MAS) NMR spectrum at room temperature comprises three peaks in the intensity ratio 1:2:2 consistent with the presence of three crystallographically-inequivalent carbon sites in the fcc unit cell and revealing that the JT-effect dynamics are fast on the NMR time-scale of 10−5 s despite the presence of the frozen-in C603− merohedral disorder disclosed by the 133Cs MAS NMR fine splitting of the tetrahedral and octahedral 133Cs resonances. Cooling to sub-liquid-nitrogen temperatures leads to severe broadening of both the 13C and 133Cs MAS NMR multiplets, which provides the signature of an increased number of inequivalent 13C and 133Cs sites. This is attributed to the freezing out of the C603− JT dynamics and the development of a t1u electronic orbital glass state guided by the merohedral disorder of the fcc structure. The observation of the dynamic and static JT effect in the Mott insulating state of the metrically cubic but merohedrally disordered Cs3C60 fulleride in different temperature ranges reveals the intimate relation between charge localization, magnetic ground state, lifting of electronic degeneracy, and orientational disorder in these strongly-correlated systems

    Strong electron correlations in the normal state of FeSe0.42Te0.58

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    We investigate the normal state of the '11' iron-based superconductor FeSe0.42Te0.58 by angle resolved photoemission. Our data reveal a highly renormalized quasiparticle dispersion characteristic of a strongly correlated metal. We find sheet dependent effective carrier masses between ~ 3 - 16 m_e corresponding to a mass enhancement over band structure values of m*/m_band ~ 6 - 20. This is nearly an order of magnitude higher than the renormalization reported previously for iron-arsenide superconductors of the '1111' and '122' families but fully consistent with the bulk specific heat.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Fundamental Concepts of Cyber Resilience: Introduction and Overview

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    Given the rapid evolution of threats to cyber systems, new management approaches are needed that address risk across all interdependent domains (i.e., physical, information, cognitive, and social) of cyber systems. Further, the traditional approach of hardening of cyber systems against identified threats has proven to be impossible. Therefore, in the same way that biological systems develop immunity as a way to respond to infections and other attacks, so too must cyber systems adapt to ever-changing threats that continue to attack vital system functions, and to bounce back from the effects of the attacks. Here, we explain the basic concepts of resilience in the context of systems, discuss related properties, and make business case of cyber resilience. We also offer a brief summary of ways to assess cyber resilience of a system, and approaches to improving cyber resilience.Comment: This is a preprint version of a chapter that appears in the book "Cyber Resilience of Systems and Networks," Springer 201

    Wind regime of the mesosphere - Lower thermosphere of the Earth

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    Nowadays investigations of the wind regime of the mesosphere - lower thermosphere (80-100 km) using ground-based (including radiometeor method) and satellite measurements allow the setting and the decision of the task of the creation the global model of the circulation including background motions and temporal variability. The temporal variability is due to the wide spectrum of temporal and spatial scales of waves existing in the atmosphere. Radiosystem of Kazan University is one of 23 meteor radars operating currently in the World. Radiometeor wind measurements in Kazan University started in 1964. During the period of 1964-1965, the first annual cycle of observation is accomplished. Long cycles of observations accomplished during 1979-2002. Uninterrupted cycle of observations started in November 2002 allowed the detailed structure of the temporal variability in the region of the mesosphere - lower thermosphere. Modern methods of the analysis along with background motions allowed the detection of short-period (5-10 minutes) innergravity waves, tidal waves, planetary waves (2-30 days), seasonal variations (annual and semiannual oscillations). Dynamics of this height region of the atmosphere presents significant scientific and practical interests. Due to propagating from the lower atmosphere waves experience the dissipation and the filtration and affects to the altitudinal and seasonal structure of the circulation we should expect the affection of these waves to the disturbed structure of the ionosphere

    One-Shot Unsupervised Cross-Domain Detection

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    Despite impressive progress in object detection over the last years, it is still an open challenge to reliably detect objects across visual domains. Although the topic has attracted attention recently, current approaches all rely on the ability to access a sizable amount of target data for use at training time. This is a heavy assumption, as often it is not possible to anticipate the domain where a detector will be used, nor to access it in advance for data acquisition. Consider for instance the task of monitoring image feeds from social media: as every image is created and uploaded by a different user it belongs to a different target domain that is impossible to foresee during training. This paper addresses this setting, presenting an object detection algorithm able to perform unsupervised adaption across domains by using only one target sample, seen at test time. We achieve this by introducing a multi-task architecture that one-shot adapts to any incoming sample by iteratively solving a self-supervised task on it. We further enhance this auxiliary adaptation with cross-task pseudo-labeling. A thorough benchmark analysis against the most recent cross-domain detection methods and a detailed ablation study show the advantage of our method, which sets the state-of-the-art in the defined one-shot scenario

    Индивидуальный комплексный подход к идентификации меда с использованием инструментальных методов анализа и статистической обработки результатов

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    Bee honey is a valuable highly nutritive natural product; it is widely consumed among the population. Due to its high cost the natural honey often becomes the object of adulteration. The authenticity of honey is the most important criterion of quality, as on the one hand it ensures the biosecurity of honey, and provides the healthy market competition on the other hand. In this regard, the issue of honey identification is quite acute in all countries with developed beekeeping culture. The authors provide an overview of domestic and foreign regulatory documents regarding the authenticity of honey, as well as its status as a product with a controlled designation of origin. Based on the analysis of scientific literature, the most significant studies aimed to a method of honey authenticity confirmation were selected and brought out. These studies were carried out in the countries of the European Union, China, Brazil, the USA, Mexico and other countries. These studies showed that chromatographic methods and the method of isotope mass spectrometry are the most effective for detection of added sugars in honey, as well as for revealing the fact of feeding bees with various syrups. The authenticity of the botanical and geographical point of honey origin is usually determined by the principle of “fingerprints”. The principle involves collecting the values of an array of indicators and processing them by means of statistical analysis methods. To form a database, in addition to the above methods, methods of NMR spectroscopy, IR spectroscopy, PCR, ICP-MS and some others have become widely used. When determining the authenticity of the botanical and geographical origin of honey, it is also necessary to consider the specific features of local melliferous plants, bee species, soil composition and climatic conditions. Thus, an individual yet integrated approach to the identification of honey by means of the instrumental methods of analysis and statistical processing of results will become a powerful and reliable tool in determining its authenticity, including its botanical and geographical origin.Пчелиный мед — ценный натуральный продукт, который обладает питательными веществами, полезными свойствами и широко применяется среди населения. Ввиду своей высокой стоимости натуральный мед часто становится объектом фальсификации. Подлинность меда является гарантией его качества и безопасности, а также обеспечивает здоровую рыночную конкуренцию. В связи с этим проблема идентификации меда стоит достаточно остро во всех странах с развитым пчеловодством. В статье приведен обзор отечественных и зарубежных литературных источников, включая нормативные документы, регулирующие статус меда как продукта с контролируемым местом происхождения. На основе анализа научной литературы выделены наиболее значимые работы, направленные на подтверждение подлинности меда. Они были проведены учеными из разных стран: Европейского Союза, Китая, Бразилии, США, Мексики, Индии и других. Исследования показали, что наиболее эффективными методами для обнаружения фальсификации меда путем внесения экзогенных сахаров и использования сиропов для подкормки пчел являются хроматографические методы и методы изотопной масс-спектрометрии. Определение подлинности меда по ботаническому и географическому происхождению, как правило, проводится по принципу метода «отпечатков пальцев». Процесс осуществляется путем сбора значений ряда показателей и их обработки с использованием инструментальных методов анализа. Для формирования базы данных, помимо указанных выше методов, широкое распространение получили методы ЯМР-спектроскопии, ИК-спектроскопии, ПЦР, ИСП-МС и некоторые другие. При определении подлинности меда по ботаническому и географическому происхождению также необходимо учитывать специфические особенности местных медоносов, вида пчел, почвы и климатических условий. Таким образом, индивидуальный комплексный подход к идентификации меда с использованием инструментальных методов анализа и статистической обработки результатов, позволяющей выявить взаимосвязи между полученными значениями и оценить вклад каждого из них в математическую модель, станет мощным инструментом для определения его подлинности, а также для выявления его ботанического и географического происхождения

    Новые виды сахаросодержащего сырья для производства пищевой продукции

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    The global concept of conscious consumption and healthy life-style affects the development of the food industry. As a consequence, over the last several decades, a production of sugar substitutes has been increased, a search for and creation of new sweetening substances have been carried out. The paper presents a review of the domestic and foreign studies devoted to the use of sugar substitutes in various branches of the food industry. The information about new types of sugar substitutes from natural starch-containing raw materials and their properties is given. A possibility of replacing crystalline sugar with sugar substitutes in food production is described, their effect on the physico-chemical, sensory and organoleptic properties of foods and beverages is demonstrated. The development of the technologies facilitates an extension of the range of well-known and widely used high-calorie sugar substitutes from starch-containing raw materials, characterized by different carbohydrate composition and properties. It has been noted that out of quite a large number of sugar substitutes applied in the food industry abroad, glucose-fructose syrups (GFS) are among most promising. They are full-value sucrose substitutes and have several advantages. A proportion of GFS in the total volume of sugar syrup consumption is increasing worldwide every year. The main raw material for production of GFS in the USA is corn starch; in the CIS countries, starch obtained from wheat and potato is also used. Studies aimed to investigation and development of bioprocesses that ensure production of competitive enzymatic GFS and other sweetening syrups from alternative sources are gaining in importance. The information is presented about the development of the innovative technologies for production of sugar syrups from Jerusalem artichoke and chicory, agave, yacon, sorghum and rice. The results of the study of properties of these syrups and their effect on the physical and sensory, rheological and microstructural properties of products, in which technologies these syrups were used, are described. Due to the different carbohydrate composition, as well as physico-chemical properties (a degree of hygroscopicity, anti-crystallization properties, a level of sweetness, glycemic index and so on), sugar substitutes acquire increasing popularity among producers and consumers, and can be used in food and beverage manufacturing as a more technological replacement of crystalline sugar.Общемировая концепция осознанного потребления и  здорового образа жизни оказывает влияние на развитие пищевой индустрии. Как следствие, в последние несколько десятилетий увеличивается выпуск заменителей сахара, ведется поиск и  создаются новые подслащивающие вещества. В  настоящей статье представлен обзор отечественных и  зарубежных работ, посвященных применению сахарозаменителей в различных отраслях пищевой промышленности. Приведены сведения о новых видах заменителей сахара из природного крахмалсодержащего сырья и их свойствах. Описана возможность замены кристаллического сахара на сахарозаменители в  пищевом производстве, продемонстрировано их влияние на физико-химические, сенсорные и органолептические свойства продуктов питания и напитков. Развитие технологий способствует расширению ассортимента уже известных и широко используемых калорийных сахарозаменителей из крахмалсодержащего сырья, характеризующихся различным углеводным составом и свойствами. Отмечено, что за рубежом среди довольно большого количества сахарозаменителей, применяемых в пищевой промышленности, к одним из наиболее перспективных относят глюкозно-фруктозные сиропы. Они являются полноценными заменителями сахарозы и обладают рядом преимуществ. Доля глюкозно-фруктозных сиропов в общем объеме потребления сахарных сиропов ежегодно увеличивается во всем мире. Основным сырьем для производства ГФС в США служит кукурузный крахмал, в странах СНГ используют в том числе крахмал, получаемый из пшеницы и картофеля. Особую актуальность приобретают исследования, направленные на изучение и разработку биопроцессов, обеспечивающих производство конкурентоспособных ферментативных ГФС и других подслащивающих сиропов из альтернативных источников. Приведены сведения о разработках инновационных технологий получения сахарных сиропов из топинамбура и цикория, агавы, якона, сорго и риса. Описаны результаты исследований свойств данных сиропов и их влияние на физические и сенсорные, реологические и микроструктурные свойства продуктов, в технологии которых применялись данные сиропы. Благодаря различному углеводному составу, а также физико-химическим свойствам (степень гигроскопичности, антикристаллизационные свойства, уровень сладости, гликемический индекс и т. п.), сахарозаменители приобретают все большую популярность у производителей и потребителей и могут применяться в производстве продуктов питания и напитков как более технологичная замена кристаллического сахара