205 research outputs found

    The man of sorrows and the lamenting virgin: The example at Markov Manastir

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    The frescoes of the Man of Sorrows and the lamenting Virgin in the church of Saint Demetrios at Markov Manastir (1376/77) are depicted in the western part of the naos, which is a departure from their usual location in the sanctuary. The paper, therefore, looks at the location of these frescoes in the context of the entire fresco program at Markov Manastir. What is distinct is a conceptual link between the frescoes in the sanctuary and the depiction of the Dead Christ and the Virgin on the western wall. The relationship between the Incarnation and the death of Christ is considered from a theological and liturgical standpoint. Related examples of icons whose iconographic and thematic solutions share the same conceptual tenets are also analyzed, as well as the influence of the texts read during the Passion Service on the placement of the frescoes of the Dead Christ and the Virgin. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 177003: Medieval Heritage of the Balkans: Institutions and the Culture

    To picture and to perform: The image of the Eucharistic Liturgy at Markov Manastir (I)

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    This paper presents and interprets the iconographic programme of the frescoes in the lowest register of the sanctuary in the church of St Demetrios at Markov Manastir in the context of the relationship between mural decoration and the contemporary Eucharistic rite. In the first part of the paper special attention is paid to the scene in the north pastophorion, which illustrates the prothesis rite, and the depiction of the Great Entrance, placed in the sanctuary apse. The iconographic and programmatic features of the fresco ensemble, the most pominent place among which is occupied by the representations of the deceased Saviour and Christ the Great Archpriest - are compared to various liturgical sources and visual analogies (monumetal painting and liturgical textiles) in the medieval art of Serbia and Byzantium. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 177003: Medieval heritage of the Balkans: Institutions and culture

    Smiljka Gabelić, Čelopek. Church of St. Nicholas (14th and 19th century)

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    Smiljka Gabelić, Čelopek. Crkva Sv. Nikole (XIV i XIX vek

    To picture and to perform: The image of the Eucharistic liturgy at Markov Manastir (II)

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    The themes in the sanctuary decoration at Markov Manastir (Christ Emmanuel, Virgin Orans, Descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles), whose peculiar iconographic elements reveal the mysteries of the Holy Trinity and the archpriesthood of Christ in the liturgical and theological context of the fourteenth century, are discussed in this paper. The remains of the text in the leitourgikon held by Christ the Archpriest have been re-examined. It seems plausible to assume that the inscription or a part of it referred to the opening dialogue of the anaphora. The iconographic peculiarities of individual items carried in the Great Entrance procession, modelled according to the structure of the archieratical Divine liturgy, have been reconsidered. It has been established that the way in which the large aer was carried, and its place in the procession escorting the Eucharistic gifts - which was very close to the holy offerings - followed the iconographic tradition of the Heavenly Liturgy in the dome, while the evidence for its shape and size can be found in a somewhat later liturgical source - the Patriarchal liturgical Diataxis of Dimitrios Gemistos. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 177003: Medieval heritage of the Balkans: institutions and culture

    Metabolism of carbon disulphide

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    Na osnovi novijih podataka iz literature prikazan je metabolizam ugljen-dioksida. Opisane su osobine i upotreba, određivanje, resorpcija i izlučivanje, raspodjela u organizmu pa vezivanje i mehanizam delovanja ugljen-disulfida u organizmu. Metabolizam GS2 prikazan je i shematski.The author gives a review of the metabolism of carbon disulphide based on recent literature data. He presents its properties, use, determination, absorption and excretion, distribution and the mechanism of its action in the organism


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    During project field activities conducted in May 2021 in the territory of the Landscape of Outstanding Features ā€œDolina Pčinjeā€ at the locality Vogance, one dead and trampled specimen of the web-spinning sawfly Caenolyda reticulata (Linnaeus, 1758) was found. The new finding is the first report of the species from Serbia, as well as from the Balkans, and significantly expands its known distribution into southeast Europe. The host plants of this species are pines (Pinus spp.), of which black pine (Pinus nigra subsp. nigra) occurs in the Pčinja River valley

    Extraction of lead from lead-glazed pottery

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    U uvodu se ističe rasprostranjenost upotrebe zemljanog posuđa s olovnom glazurom u naÅ”oj zemlji, koja izaziva mnogobrojna teÅ”ka otrovanja olovom među seoskim pa i gradskim stanovniÅ”tvom. Kod niza slučajeva otrovanja izvrÅ”ena je analiza olova originalnog uzorka hrane u posudi i nakon toga test topljivosti s octenom kiselinom (tablica I). Na osnovu tih rezultata diskutira se o faktorima, koji uvjetuju otapanje olova. Budući da je u literaturi prilično proučena zavisnost otapanja olova iz glazura o kemijsko-tehnoloÅ”kim i mehaničkim osobinama glazure, autor je obratio pažnju proučavanju utjecaja sadržaja posude na topljivost olova iz njezine glazure. U serijama pokusa proučena je zavisnost otapanja olova iz glazure o temperaturi (grafikon 1), pH (grafikon 2) i o prisutnosti različitih anorganskih i organskih kiselina (tablica II). Na taj način dobiveni su kvantitativni, orijentacioni podaci, koji ilustriraju zavisnost otapanja olova iz glazure o grupi faktora u vezi s osobinama sadržaja posude. Na osnovu toga autor upozorava, da se u takvim posudama nikako ne smije držati hrana ili piće, koje sadržava organske kiseline, a pogotovu se ne smije takav sadržaj zagrijavati ili kuhati.Lead-glazed pottery is widely used in this country, and is responsible for numerous lead poisonings both among peasants and town people. In a series of cases the analysis\u27, of the content of lead-glazed pottery and the test of extraction with acetic acid were carried out. The results are discussed as regards the factors influencing lead extraction. Special attention is paid to the influence of temperature, pH, and the effect of various organic and inorganic acids. It is pointed out that lead-glazed pottery should not be used for storing any food or drink containing organic acids, nor should such a content be warmed up or boiled

    Carbon disulphide in the exhaled air of exposed workers

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    Kod 5 radnika zaposlenih u najizloženijem pogonu fabrike viskoznih produkata ispitivana je koncentracija CS2 u udahnutom vazduhu, te je određen procenat retencije. Posle prvog sata ekspozicije iznosila je prosečna retencija 41,2, a posle četvrtog sata 48,4%. Kako ova razlika nije statistički značajna, može se zaključiti da se ravnoteža postiže u toku prvog sata ekspozicije i da se praktički ne menja do kraja. Ti radnici su izloženi 1-7 godina relativno visokim koncentracijama CS2 u radnoj atmosferi u tom pogonu.Concentration of carbon disulphide and percentage of retention were determined in inhaled and exhaled air of five workers occupationally highly exposed to carbon disulphide in a factory of viscose products. At the end of the first hour of exposure average retention expressed in percents was 41,2, and at the end of four hours it was 48,4. As the difference is not statistically significant it can be concluded that in the course of the first hour of exposure an equilibrium is reached which practically does not change until the end of the shift. The workers examined have been occupationally exposed to relatively high concentrations of carbon disulphide from 1-7 years

    Benefits of inoculation with azotobacter in the growth and production of tomato and peppers

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    The aim of this research was to investigate the effects of Azotobacter chroococcum in tomato and pepper growth and production by using two types of inoculation - seed inoculation and seedling inoculation. The effect of inoculation was observed thirty days after sowing, thirty days after transplanting, and in the phase of technological maturity. The following were measured: height of the plants, dry matter of the plants and number and the weight of the fruits. Inoculation had a positive effect on these in both plants. With tomato, better results were achieved when seedlings were inoculated. With pepper, the length of the plant and the dry matter were greater with seedling inoculation, whereas the number and the weight of the fruits were greater with seed inoculation
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