300 research outputs found

    Geometry-induced reduction of the critical current in superconducting nanowires

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    Reduction of the critical current in narrow superconducting NbN lines with sharp and rounded bends with respect to the critical current in straight lines was studied at different temperatures. We compare our experimental results with the reduction expected in the framework of the London model and the Ginsburg-Landau model. We have experimentally found that the reduction is significantly less than either model predicts. We also show that in our NbN lines the bends mostly contribute to the reduction of the critical current at temperatures well below the superconducting transition temperature

    Correlation of the level of development of academic autonomy of younger students with indicators of educational motivation and style of pedagogical activity (on the example of primary school students in Uzbekistan)

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    Primary school age, according to most researchers, is the most sensitive for the development of academic autonomy and educational motivation, which are key factors for the success of educational activities. The authors of the article suggested that the formation of student autonomy is associated with the learning environment, the nature of changes in the motivational sphere of the child's personality, including the predominance of internal or external motivation. The study was performed on a sample of 134 students and 18 teachers of schools in Uzbekistan. As diagnostic tools were: the method of “Diagnostics of level of school motivation in elementary school students” N. G. Lukanova, the method of “Diagnosis of educational autonomy of younger school student” S. Yu. Prokhorov, the method “Style of teaching” A. M. Markova and A. I. Nikonova. Previously, the methods were adapted for the Uzbek sample. The calculation of the x2 criterion was used as the main statistical tool. As a result of the study, a statistically reliable relationship was established between the indicators of educational motivation and the level of academic autonomy of younger students. The researchers found that the incentive for learning activities can be external motivation, that is, the motivation to avoid failure and Vice versa. Younger students with high and above-average levels of academic autonomy are mostly trained in teacher classes that ensure that students focus on both the content aspects of the material being studied motivation, psychological and pedagogical support of educational activities and on achieving their goals, and who are less likely to focus on assessing the failures of their students. Based on the results obtained, the article formulates pedagogical and psychological directions of work for the successful development of academic autonomy and educational motivation of primary school students.Младший школьный возраст, по мнению большинства исследователей, является наиболее сензитивным для развития академической самостоятельности и учебной мотивации, выступающих ключевыми факторами успешности образовательной деятельности. Авторы статьи предположили, что формирование самостоятельности учащегося связано с условиями обучения, характером изменений в мотивационной сфере личности ребенка, в том числе, в преобладании внутренней или внешней мотивации. Исследование выполнено на выборке 134 учащихся и 18 педагогов школ Узбекистана. В качестве диагностических средств выступили: методика «Диагностика уровня школьной мотивации учащихся начальной школы» Н. Г. Лускановой, методика «Диагностика учебной самостоятельности младшего школьника» С. Ю. Прохорова, методика «Стиль педагогической деятельности» А. М. Марковой и А. Я. Никоновой. Предварительно была проведена адаптация методик для узбекской выборки. В качестве основного статистического инструмента использовался расчет критерия Х2. В результате исследования была установлена статистически достоверная взаимосвязь между показателями учебной мотивации и уровнем академической самостоятельности младших школьников. Исследователи выявили, что стимулом учебной деятельности может быть внешняя мотивация, то есть мотивация избегать неудачи и наоборот. Младшие школьники с высокими и выше среднего показателями академической самостоятельности в основном обучаются в классах учителей, обеспечивающих сосредоточенность обучающихся как на содержательных аспектах изучаемого материала, так и на достижении целей своей деятельности, и которые менее склонны акцентировать внимание на оценке неудач своих учеников. На основании полученных результатов в статье сформулированы педагогические и психологические направления работы для успешного развития академической самостоятельности и учебной мотивации учащихся младших классов

    Nematode fauna of the digestive tract of Siberian roe deer in Primorsky Krai

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    The purpose of the research is to supplement information on the species composition of helminths of the Siberian roe deer.Materials and methods. Digestive tracts of seven Siberian roe deer (Capreolus pygargus) that died from various causes in Primorsky Krai (Russian Far East) from October 2017 to December 2020 were examined for the presence of helminths. Taxonomic differentiation of detected helminths was carried out basing their morphological peculiarities.Results and discussion. In all studied individuals of Siberian roe deer, only representatives of Nematoda were found. All of the nematodes were found in the abomasa. No helminths were detected in other parts of the digestive tract. There were found three species of Trichostrongylidae: Spiculopteragia spiculoptera, S. asymmetrica and Mazamastrongylus dagestanica. In addition, one species from Spiruridae, Pygarginema skrjabini, was detected. S. spiculoptera was found in all of the examined Siberian roe deer, thus, this species of nematode showed the highest extensity of infection in the study. The highest intensity of infection was noted for S. asymmetrica. And M. dagestanica was found only in one of the studied Siberian roe deer, in single specimens. P. skrjabini was found in single specimens in two of the studied Siberian roe deer. The species S. asymmetrica was recorded in Siberian roe deer for the first time

    Anomalies of Density, Stresses, and the Gravitational Field in the Interior of Mars

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    We determined the possible compensation depths for relief harmonics of different degrees and orders. The relief is shown to be completely compensated within the depth range of 0 to 1400 km. The lateral distributions of compensation masses are determined at these depths and the maps are constructed. The possible nonisostatic vertical stresses in the crust and mantle of Mars are estimated to be 64 MPa in compression and 20 MPa in tension. The relief anomalies of the Tharsis volcanic plateau and symmetric feature in the eastern hemisphere could have arisen and been maintained dynamically due to two plumes in the mantle substance that are enriched with fluids. The plumes that originate at the core of Mars can arise and be maintained by the anomalies of the inner gravitational field achieving +800 mGal in the region of plume formation, - 1200 mGal above the lower mantle-core transition layer, and -1400 mGal at the crust.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Hydrogen sensors based on In2O3 thin films with bimetallic Pt/Pd catalysts on the surface and tin and dysprosium impuri-ties in the bulk

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    This paper presents the results of studying the characteristics of hydrogen sensors based on thin In2O3 films modified with tin and dysprosium with dispersed double Pt/Pd catalysts deposited on the surface. To control the content of Sn and Dy in the films, an original technology was developed, and ceramic targets were fabricated from powders of the In–Dy–O, Dy–Sn–O, and In–Dy–Sn–O systems synthesized by the sol–gel method. Films of complex composition were obtained by RF magnetron sputtering of the corresponding targets. Structural features of the obtained thin films were studied by Raman spectroscopy. It is shown that various combinations of tin and dysprosium concentrations, as well as the presence of Pt/Pd catalysts on the surface, have a significant effect on the defectiveness of the films and the density of oxygen adsorption centers. As a result, the resistance of sensors in pure air (R0), the activation energies of the temperature dependences of R0, the bending of the energy bands at the grain boundaries of the semiconductor, and the responses to the action of hydrogen in the concentration range of 20–25,000 ppm change. A unique feature of Pt/Pd/ In2O3: Sn (0.5 at%), Dy (4.95 at%) films is their high sensitivity at 20–100 ppm and the absence of signal saturation in the region of high hydrogen concentrations of 5000–25,000 ppm, allowing them to be used to detect H2 in a wide range of concentrations

    Evaluating the Efficacy of Synbiotic Mouthwash in Patients with Dyscirculatory Encephalopathy: Observational Clinical Study

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    Background. At present, the priority direction of medical science and practice is the prevention of dental diseases, especially in patients with somatic pathology. Patients with dyscirculatory encephalopathy develop a complex of neurological disorders, accompanied by impaired motor functions of hands, lips and chewing muscles, which leads to ineffective cleansing of the oral cavity from food residues and formation of soft and mineralized dental deposits on the dental surface. Therefore, these patients should use additional personal hygiene products.Objective. To evaluate the efficacy of hygienic care in patients with dyscirculatory encephalopathy using mouthwash with synbiotic complex.Methods. An observational clinical study was conducted on the basis of Neurology Unit No. 2 of Research Center of Neurology, Department of Cariology and Endodontics and Department of Biological Chemistry, A.I. Yevdokimov Moscow State Medical and Dental University. The study enrolled 82 patients aged from 45 to 74 years with cerebrovascular disease, dyscirculatory encephalopathy, decompensation (I68.7, according to ICD-10). Patients were divided into two study groups: group 1 (n = 44) — patients who used mouthwash with synbiotic complex; group 2 (n = 38) — patients who did not use mouthwash. The efficacy of mouthwash with synbiotic complex was assessed by using an index score of a simplified Greene Vermillion Oral Hygiene Index (OHI-S), Russell Periodontal Index (PI), Papillary Bleeding Index (PBI), and physicochemical parameters of the oral fluid. Statistical processing of the results was carried out using Stat Plus 7 (Analyst Soft Inc., USA).Results. The comparative analysis proved the efficacy of mouthwash with synbiotic complex. The hygienic status improved to (1.50 ± 0.12) points, the state of periodontal tissues — to (PI = (1.94 ± 1.45) points; PBI = (1.12 ± 0.11) points). The hydrogen index (pH) of the oral fluid decreased to weakly alkaline values — (7.92 ± 0.22) points; the activity of alkaline phosphatase decreased by a factor of 1.4, lactate dehydrogenase — by half, aminotransferases — by a factor of 1.3, and D-dimer — by a factor of 1.2.Conclusion. The obtained results demonstrate the efficacy of mouthwash as an additional means for personal hygiene. Mouthwash with synbiotic complex should be included in the daily oral hygiene care for patients with dyscirculatory encephalopathy

    Microfossils of the late proterozoic debengdinskaya formation of the olenekskiy uplift

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    Microfossils from the Middle Riphean Debengdinskaya formation of the Olenekskiy uplift have been studied. Various stenoorganic forms of acritarchs and cyanobacteries are described. Morphological groups which are preliminary compared with large flora taxons are allocated among acritarchs : brown and green seaweed, mushrooms, seaweed located in symbiotic relations (?) with cyanobionts. The prematurity of radical conclusions about age of the deposit based on majority of Proterozoic microfossils is underline

    Magnetic-field dependence of the critical currents in a periodic coplanar array of narrow superconducting strip

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    We calculate the magnetic-field dependence of the critical current due to both geometrical edge barriers and bulk pinning in a periodic coplanar array of narrow superconducting strips. We find that in zero or low applied magnetic fields the critical current can be considerably enhanced by the edge barriers, but in modest applied magnetic fields the critical current reduces to that due to bulk pinning alone.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figure

    Features of patient motivation to restoration made by silicone key method

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    During the study, the quality of restoration was evaluated using and without the silicone key method, as well as onalysis of patients "motivation to choose this method. A survey of 20 patients was conducted. For the non-verbal method of study, patients were provided with Freud 's visual-analog scale to assess the state of anxiety. Clinical and electrometric values of the edge fit of composite seals in patients were consistent with normal values. The choice of the silicone key restoration method significantly reduces the level of anxiety of the patient after treatment.В ходе исследования проведена оценка качества реставрации по методу силиконового ключа и без него, а также онализ мотивации пациентов к выбору данного метода. Было проведено анкетирование 20 пациентов. Для невербального метода исследования пациентам предоставлялась зрительно-аналоговая шкала Фрейда для оценки состояния тревоги. Клинические и электрометрические показатели краевого прилегания композитных пломб у пациентов соответствовали нормальным показателям. Выбор метода реставрации с помощью силиконового ключа значительно снижает уровень тревоги пациента после лечения