973 research outputs found

    Linking the X-ray timing and spectral properties of the glitching AXP 1RXS J170849-400910

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    Previous studies of the X-ray flux and spectral properties of 1RXS J170849-400910 showed hints of a possible correlation with the spin glitches that occurred in 1999 and 2001. However, due to the sparseness of spectral measurements and the paucity of detected glitches no firm conclusion could be drawn. We retrieved and analysed archival XTE pointings of 1RXS J170849-400910 covering the time interval between January 2003 and June 2006 and carried out a detailed timing analysis by means of phase fitting techniques. We detected two relatively large glitches Delta nu / nu of 1.2 and 2.1 10^-6 occurred in January and June 2005. Interestingly, the occurrence times of these glitches are in agreement with the predictions made in our previous studies. This finding strongly suggests a connection between the flux, spectral and timing properties of 1RXS J170849-400910.Comment: Submitted to A&A, 4 pages; results presented at the INT meeting "The Neutron Star Crust and Surface: Observations and Models" on June 27; referee comments adde

    Nonlinear effects in resonant layers in solar and space plasmas

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    The present paper reviews recent advances in the theory of nonlinear driven magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves in slow and Alfven resonant layers. Simple estimations show that in the vicinity of resonant positions the amplitude of variables can grow over the threshold where linear descriptions are valid. Using the method of matched asymptotic expansions, governing equations of dynamics inside the dissipative layer and jump conditions across the dissipative layers are derived. These relations are essential when studying the efficiency of resonant absorption. Nonlinearity in dissipative layers can generate new effects, such as mean flows, which can have serious implications on the stability and efficiency of the resonance

    Mass-Radius Relation for Magnetic White Dwarfs

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    Recently, several white dwarfs with very strong surface magnetic fields have been observed. In this paper we explore the possibility that such stars could have sufficiently strong internal fields to alter their structure. We obtain a revised white dwarf mass-radius relation in the presence of strong internal magnetic fields. We first derive the equation of state for a fully degenerate ideal electron gas in a magnetic field using an Euler-MacLaurin expansion. We use this to obtain the mass-radius relation for magnetic 4^{4}He, 12^{12}C, and 56^{56}Fe white dwarfs of uniform composition.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures and 1 table, To appear in Ap

    The r-modes in accreting neutron stars with magneto-viscous boundary layers

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    We explore the dynamics of the r-modes in accreting neutron stars in two ways. First, we explore how dissipation in the magneto-viscous boundary layer (MVBL) at the crust-core interface governs the damping of r-mode perturbations in the fluid interior. Two models are considered: one assuming an ordinary-fluid interior, the other taking the core to consist of superfluid neutrons, type II superconducting protons, and normal electrons. We show, within our approximations, that no solution to the magnetohydrodynamic equations exists in the superfluid model when both the neutron and proton vortices are pinned. However, if just one species of vortex is pinned, we can find solutions. When the neutron vortices are pinned and the proton vortices are unpinned there is much more dissipation than in the ordinary-fluid model, unless the pinning is weak. When the proton vortices are pinned and the neutron vortices are unpinned the dissipation is comparable or slightly less than that for the ordinary-fluid model, even when the pinning is strong. We also find in the superfluid model that relatively weak radial magnetic fields ~ 10^9 G (10^8 K / T)^2 greatly affect the MVBL, though the effects of mutual friction tend to counteract the magnetic effects. Second, we evolve our two models in time, accounting for accretion, and explore how the magnetic field strength, the r-mode saturation amplitude, and the accretion rate affect the cyclic evolution of these stars. If the r-modes control the spin cycles of accreting neutron stars we find that magnetic fields can affect the clustering of the spin frequencies of low mass x-ray binaries (LMXBs) and the fraction of these that are currently emitting gravitational waves.Comment: 19 pages, 8 eps figures, RevTeX; corrected minor typos and added a referenc

    The gravitational wave spectrum of non-axisymmetric, freely precessing neutron stars

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    Evidence for free precession has been observed in the radio signature of several pulsars. Freely precessing pulsars radiate gravitationally at frequencies near the rotation rate and twice the rotation rate, which for rotation frequencies greater than ∌10\sim 10 Hz is in the LIGO band. In older work, the gravitational wave spectrum of a precessing neutron star has been evaluated to first order in a small precession angle. Here we calculate the contributions to second order in the wobble angle, and we find that a new spectral line emerges. We show that for reasonable wobble angles, the second-order line may well be observable with the proposed advanced LIGO detector for precessing neutron stars as far away as the galactic center. Observation of the full second-order spectrum permits a direct measurement of the star's wobble angle, oblateness, and deviation from axisymmetry, with the potential to significantly increase our understanding of neutron star structure.Comment: 22 pages, 1 figure. Minor changes in the text, typos correcte

    Cold ideal equation of state for strongly magnetized neutron-star matter: effects on muon production and pion condensationn

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    Neutron stars with very strong surface magnetic fields have been suggested as the site for the origin of observed soft gamma repeaters (SGRs). In this paper we investigate the influence of such strong magnetic fields on the properties and internal structure of these magnetized neutron stars (magnetars). We study properties of a degenerate equilibrium ideal neutron-proton-electron (npe) gas with and without the effects of the anomalous nucleon magnetic moments in a magnetic field. The presence of a sufficiently strong magnetic field changes the ratio of protons to neutrons as well as the neutron drip density. We also study the appearance of muons as well as pion condensation in strong magnetic fields. We discuss the possibility that boson condensation in the interior of magnetars might be a source of SGRs.Comment: 10 pages included 9 figures, ApJ in pres

    Thermodynamics of natural images

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    The scale invariance of natural images suggests an analogy to the statistical mechanics of physical systems at a critical point. Here we examine the distribution of pixels in small image patches and show how to construct the corresponding thermodynamics. We find evidence for criticality in a diverging specific heat, which corresponds to large fluctuations in how "surprising" we find individual images, and in the quantitative form of the entropy vs. energy. The energy landscape derived from our thermodynamic framework identifies special image configurations that have intrinsic error correcting properties, and neurons which could detect these features have a strong resemblance to the cells found in primary visual cortex

    Factorization of natural 4 × 4 patch distributions

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-30212-4_15Revised and Selected Papers of ECCV 2004 Workshop SMVP 2004, Prague, Czech Republic, May 16, 2004The lack of sufficient machine readable images makes impossible the direct computation of natural image 4 × 4 block statistics and one has to resort to indirect approximated methods to reduce their domain space. A natural approach to this is to collect statistics over compressed images; if the reconstruction quality is good enough, these statistics will be sufficiently representative. However, a requirement for easier statistics collection is that the method used provides a uniform representation of the compression information across all patches, something for which codebook techniques are well suited. We shall follow this approach here, using a fractal compression–inspired quantization scheme to approximate a given patch B by a triplet (D B , ÎŒ B , σ B ) with σ B the patch’s contrast, ÎŒ B its brightness and D B a codebook approximation to the mean–variance normalization (B – ÎŒ B )/σ B of B. The resulting reduction of the domain space makes feasible the computation of entropy and mutual information estimates that, in turn, suggest a factorization of the approximation of p(B) ≃ p(D B , ÎŒ B , σ B ) as p(D B , ÎŒ B , σ B ) ≃ p(D B )p(ÎŒ)p(σ)Ί(|| ∇ ||), with Ί being a high contrast correction.With partial support of Spain’s CICyT, TIC 01–57

    THERMAL RADIATION FROM MAGNETIZED NEUTRON STARS: A look at the Surface of a Neutron Star.

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    Surface thermal emission has been detected by ROSAT from four nearby young neutron stars. Assuming black body emission, the significant pulsations of the observed light curves can be interpreted as due to large surface temperature differences produced by the effect of the crustal magnetic field on the flow of heat from the hot interior toward the cooler surface. However, the energy dependence of the modulation observed in Geminga is incompatible with blackbody emission: this effect will give us a strong constraint on models of the neutron star surface.Comment: 10 pages. tar-compressed and uuencoded postcript file. talk given at the `Jubilee Gamow Seminar', St. Petersburg, Sept. 1994

    Biological Effects of Stellar Collapse Neutrinos

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    Massive stars in their final stages of collapse radiate most of their binding energy in the form of MeV neutrinos. The recoil atoms that they produce in elastic scattering off nuclei in organic tissue create radiation damage which is highly effective in the production of irreparable DNA harm, leading to cellular mutation, neoplasia and oncogenesis. Using a conventional model of the galaxy and of the collapse mechanism, the periodicity of nearby stellar collapses and the radiation dose are calculated. The possible contribution of this process to the paleontological record of mass extinctions is examined.Comment: gzipped PostScript (filename.ps.Z), 12 pages. Final version, Phys. Rev. Lett., in pres
