307 research outputs found

    CoMoFoD #x2014; New database for copy-move forgery detection

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    Due to the availability of many sophisticated image processing tools, a digital image forgery is nowadays very often used. One of the common forgery method is a copy-move forgery, where part of an image is copied to another location in the same image with the aim of hiding or adding some image content. Numerous algorithms have been proposed for a copy-move forgery detection (CMFD), but there exist only few benchmarking databases for algorithms evaluation. We developed new database for a CMFD that consist of 260 forged image sets. Every image set includes forged image, two masks and original image. Images are grouped in 5 categories according to applied manipulation: translation, rotation, scaling, combination and distortion. Also, postprocessing methods, such as JPEG compression, blurring, noise adding, color reduction etc., are applied at all forged and original images. In this paper we present database organization and content, creation of forged images, postprocessing methods, and database testing. CoMoFoD database is available at http://www.vcl.fer.hr/comofodMinistry of Science, Education and Sport, China; project numbers: 036-0361630-1635 and 036-0361630-164

    Effective thermal conductivity of oolitic rocks using the Maxwell homogenization method

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    International audienceThe present work focuses on effective thermal conductivity of oolitic lime-stones, characterized by an assemblage of porous grains (oolites), mesopores and solid grains. Two distinct scales of pores, micropores or intra oolitic pores and mesopores or inter oolitic pores are taken into account. At the first step, micropores are homogenized inside the oolites by using self consistent homogenization scheme. The second homogenization step describing transition from the mesoscale to the macroscale, is performed by using a recent reformulation of the Maxwell homogenization scheme (see [1]). At the mesoscale, porous oolitic inclusions are quasi spherical whereas two families of mesopores are considered according to analysis of photomicrographs: (1) randomly oriented oblate spheroidal pores and (2) concave pores. The proposed model is compared to a simplified one when all the pores are of ellipsoidal shape. The relevancy of the ellipsoidal approximation is then evaluated. In particular, the influence of the shape of the mesopores on the overall thermal conductivity is discussed. Comparisons between multi-scale model based on Maxwell homogenization method and experimental data show that effects of porosity and saturating fluids on overall conductivity are correctly predicted when concave pores are taken into account

    Analysis of Different Containment Models for IRIS Small Break LOCA, using GOTHIC and RELAP5 Codes

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    Advanced nuclear water reactors rely on containment behaviour in realization of some of their passive safety functions. Steam condensation on containment walls, where non-condensable gas effects are significant, is an important feature of the new passive containment concepts, like the AP600/1000 ones. In this work IRIS reactor was taken as reference, and the relevant condensation phenomena involved within its containment were investigated with different computational tools. In particular, IRIS containment response to a Small Break LOCA (SBLOCA) was calculated with GOTHIC and RELAP5 codes. IRIS containment drywell was modelled with RELAP according to a sliced approach, based on the two-pipe-with-junction concept, while it was simulated with GOTHIC testing several modelling options, regarding both heat transfer correlations and volume and thermal structure nodalization. The influence on containment behaviour prediction was investigated in terms of drywell temperature and pressure response, Heat Transfer Coefficient (HTC) and steam volume fraction distribution, and internal recirculating mass flowrate. The objective of the paper is to compare the capability of the two codes in modelling of the same postulated accident, thus to check the results obtained with RELAP5, when applied in a situation not covered by its validation matrix. The option to include or not droplets in fluid mass flow discharged to the containment was the most influencing parameter for GOTHIC simulations. Despite some drawbacks, due e.g. to a marked overestimation of internal natural recirculation, RELAP confirmed its capability to satisfactorily model the IRIS containment

    Robust Image Encryption Based on Balanced Cellular Automaton and Pixel Separation

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    The purpose of image encryption is to protect content from unauthorized access. Image encryption is usually done by pixel scrambling and confusion, so process is possible to reverse only by knowing secret information. In this paper we introduce a new method for digital image encryption, based on a 2D cellular automaton and pixel separation. Novelty in the proposed method lies in the application of the balanced 2D cellular automata with extended Moore neighborhood separately on each level of pseudorandom key-image. This process extends key space several times when compared to the previous methods. Furthermore, pixel separation is introduced to define operation for each pixel of the source image. Thanks to pixel separation, decryption process is more difficult to conduct without knowing secret information. Moreover, encryption is robust against different statistical attacks and analysis, does not affect image quality and can cope with loss of encrypted image content

    Ergogenic Effects of Caffeine on Ballistic (Throwing) Performance: A Meta-Analytical Review

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    Ballistic exercise is characterized by high velocity, force, and muscle activation. Typical examples of ballistic exercise are jumping and throwing activities. While several studies explored caffeine’s effects on throwing performance, the between study findings varied. Therefore, we performed a meta-analysis exploring caffeine’s effects on throwing performance (e.g., shot put, medicine ball throw, bench press throw). Seven databases were searched for eligible research. Ten studies (n = 151) were included. In the main meta-analysis, there was a significant ergogenic effect of caffeine on throwing performance (standardized mean difference [SMD]: 0.19; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.05, 0.33; p = 0.007). There was a significant ergogenic effect of caffeine in the subgroup analysis for studies that evaluated throwing velocity (SMD: 0.24; 95% CI: 0.10, 0.37; p = 0.0006) and used caffeine doses ≤3 mg/kg (SMD: 0.18; 95% CI: 0.05, 0.31; p = 0.006). There was no significant difference between caffeine and placebo in the subgroup analysis for studies that evaluated throwing distance (SMD: 0.15; 95% CI: −0.09, 0.40; p = 0.22) and used caffeine doses >3 mg/kg, (SMD: 0.17; 95% CI: −0.08, 0.41; p = 0.19). However, after one outlier study was excluded as part of a sensitivity analysis, an ergogenic effect was also observed for throwing distance and caffeine doses >3 mg/kg. Based on the results of this review, we conclude that individuals interested in the acute enhancement of throwing performance may consider caffeine supplementation

    180 nm CMOS Cold-Start Energy-Aware Switching Circuit for Energy Management in WPT Receiver

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    Modern electronic devices offer high level performance at low power consumption. This opens a possibility to have battery-less electronic devices. Energy harvesting and wireless power transfer are popular methods to power such devices. Both methods require energy management. The focus of this paper is on energy management for receiver circuit in a wireless power transfer system. More specifically, the paper focuses on a cold-start energy-aware switching circuit which is a key building block of energy management in WPT receiver. Proposed integrated circuit is designed to operate in discontinuous mode and can supply power to load circuits which require higher voltage and current levels than available from the WPT receiver. Unlike most similar solutions who are fully integrated, the proposed integrated circuit uses two external trimmer resistors to adjust required voltage levels and the power consumption. External trimmer resistors also allow to compensate for the process variations of IC fabrication. Developed circuit is fabricated in 180 nm TSMC CMOS technology and evaluated through laboratory measurement. Cold-start functionality and energy-aware switching are verified through standalone measurements and measurements with WSN node powered through developed circuit. The power consumption of cold-start switching circuit is measured less than 1 µW

    Can 3 mg·kg−1 of Caffeine Be Used as An Effective Nutritional Supplement to Enhance the Effects of Resistance Training in Rugby Union Players?

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    The present study uniquely examined the effect of 3 mg·kg−1 chronic caffeine consumption on training adaptations induced by 7-weeks resistance training and assessed the potential for habituation to caffeine’s ergogenicity. Thirty non-specifically resistance-trained university standard male rugby union players (age (years): 20 ± 2; height (cm): 181 ± 7; body mass (kg): 92 ± 17) completed the study), who were moderate habitual caffeine consumers (118 ± 110 mg), completed the study. Using a within-subject double-blind, placebo-controlled experimental design, the acute effects of caffeine intake on upper and lower limb maximal voluntary concentric and eccentric torque were measured using isokinetic dynamometry (IKD) prior to and immediately following a resistance training intervention. Participants were split into strength-matched groups and completed a resistance-training program for seven weeks, consuming either caffeine or a placebo before each session. Irrespective of group, acute caffeine consumption improved peak eccentric torque of the elbow extensors (p p p p p p p < 0.037) in the total work performed in the participants that consumed caffeine across the course of the intervention. These results infer that caffeine may be beneficial to evoke acute improvements in muscular strength, with acute effects prevalent following chronic exposure to the experimental dose. However, individuals that consumed caffeine during the intervention did not elicit superior post-intervention training- induced adaptations in muscular strength

    Targeted Proximal Tubule Injury Triggers Interstitial Fibrosis and Glomerulosclerosis

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    Chronic kidney disease (CKD) remains one of the leading causes of death in the developed world and acute kidney injury (AKI) is now recognized as a major risk factor in its development. Understanding the factors leading to CKD after acute injury are limited by current animal models of AKI which concurrently target various kidney cell types such as epithelial, endothelial and inflammatory cells. Here we developed a mouse model of kidney injury using the Six2-Cre-LoxP technology to selectively activate expression of the simian diphtheria toxin receptor in renal epithelia derived from the metanephric mesenchyme. By adjusting the timing and dose of diphtheria toxin a highly selective model of tubular injury was created to define the acute and chronic consequences of isolated epithelial injury. The diphtheria toxin-induced sublethal tubular epithelial injury was confined to the S1 and S2 segments of the proximal tubule rather than being widespread in the metanephric mesenchyme derived epithelial lineage. Acute injury was promptly followed by inflammatory cell infiltration and robust tubular cell proliferation leading to complete recovery after a single toxin insult. In striking contrast, three insults to renal epithelial cells at one week intervals resulted in maladaptive repair with interstitial capillary loss, fibrosis and glomerulosclerosis which was highly correlated with the degree of interstitial fibrosis. Thus, selective epithelial injury can drive the formation of interstitial fibrosis, capillary rarefaction and potentially glomerulosclerosis, substantiating a direct role for damaged tubule epithelium in the pathogenesis of CKD