42,866 research outputs found

    The radiation properties of an accretion disk with a non-zero torque on its inner edge

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    The structure of the inner edge of the accretion disk around a black hole can be altered, if the matter inside the marginally stable orbit is magnetically connected to the disk. In this case, a non-zero torque is exerted on its inner edge, and the accretion efficiency ϵ\epsilon can be much higher than that in the standard accretion disk model. We explore the radiation properties of an accretion disk at its sonic point around a black hole with a time-steady torque exerted on the inner edge of the disk. The local structure of the accretion flow at the sonic point is investigated in the frame of general relativity. It is found that the accretion flow will be optically thin at its sonic point for most cases, if the additional accretion efficiency δϵ\delta\epsilon caused by the torque is as high as ∼\sim10 %. The results imply that the variable torque may trigger transitions of the flow between different accretion types.Comment: 6 pages, to appear in PASJ, Vol. 55, No. 1 (February 25, 2003

    Profiles of thermal line emission from advection dominated accretion flows

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    Recently, Narayan & Raymond (1999) proposed that the thermal emission lines from the hot plasma in advection dominated accretion flows (ADAFs) are potentially observable with the next generation of X-ray observatories, with which the physical properties of some X-ray sources can be probed. In ADAFs, the temperature of the ion is so high that the thermal broadening of the line is important. We calculate the profiles of thermal line emission from ADAFs, in which both the thermal and Doppler broadening have been considered. It is found that the double-peaked profiles are present for high inclination angles between the axis of disk and the line of sight. The double-peaked profiles are smeared in low inclination cases, and completely disappear while the inclination angle is less than 15∘15^{\circ}, where the thermal and turbulent broadening dominated on the line profiles. We also note that the thermal line profile is affected by the location of the transition radius of ADAF. The self-similar height-integrated disk structure and the emissivity with power-law dependence of radius are adopted in our calculations. The results obtained in this work can be used as a diagnosis on the future X-ray observations of the thermal lines. Some important physical quantities of ADAFs could be inferred from future thermal line observations.Comment: 7 page

    Coherent Perfect Absorbers: Time-reversed Lasers

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    We show that an arbitrary body or aggregate can be made perfectly absorbing at discrete frequencies if a precise amount of dissipation is added under specific conditions of coherent monochromatic illumination. This effect arises from the interaction of optical absorption and wave interference, and corresponds to moving a zero of the elastic S-matrix onto the real wavevector axis. It is thus the time-reversed process of lasing at threshold. The effect is demonstrated in a simple Si slab geometry illuminated in the 500-900 nm range. Coherent perfect absorbers are novel linear optical elements, absorptive interferometers, which may be useful for controlled optical energy transfer.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Noise Properties of Coherent Perfect Absorbers and Critically-coupled Resonators

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    The performance of a coherent perfect absorber (time-reversed laser) is limited by quantum and thermal noise. At zero temperature, the quantum shot noise dominates the signal for frequencies close to the resonance frequency, and both vanish exactly at the resonance frequency. We compute the sensitivity of the absorbing cavity as a background-free detector, limited by finite signal or detector bandwidth.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Long-Range Plasmon Assisted Energy Transfer Between Fluorescent Emitters

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    We demonstrate plasmon assisted energy transfer between fluorophores located at distances up to 7 μ7 \, \mum on the top of a thin silver film. Thanks to the strong confinement and large propagation length of surface plasmon polaritons, the range of the energy transfer is almost two orders of magnitude larger than the values reported in the literature so far. The parameters driving the energy transfer range are thoroughly characterized and are in very good agreement with theoretically expected values.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    Analysis of the Early-time Optical Spectra of SN 2011fe in M101

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    The nearby Type Ia supernova (SN Ia) SN 2011fe in M101 (cz = 241 km s^(–1)) provides a unique opportunity to study the early evolution of a "normal" SN Ia, its compositional structure, and its elusive progenitor system. We present 18 high signal-to-noise spectra of SN 2011fe during its first month beginning 1.2 days post-explosion and with an average cadence of 1.8 days. This gives a clear picture of how various line-forming species are distributed within the outer layers of the ejecta, including that of unburned material (C+O). We follow the evolution of C II absorption features until they diminish near maximum light, showing overlapping regions of burned and unburned material between ejection velocities of 10,000 and 16,000 km s^(–1). This supports the notion that incomplete burning, in addition to progenitor scenarios, is a relevant source of spectroscopic diversity among SNe Ia. The observed evolution of the highly Doppler-shifted O I λ7774 absorption features detected within 5 days post-explosion indicates the presence of O I with expansion velocities from 11,500 to 21,000 km s^(–1). The fact that some O I is present above C II suggests that SN 2011fe may have had an appreciable amount of unburned oxygen within the outer layers of the ejecta

    Competing Ground States in Triple-layered Sr4Ru3O10: Verging on Itinerant Ferromagnetism with Critical Fluctuations

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    Sr4Ru3O10 is characterized by a sharp metamagnetic transition and ferromagnetic behavior occurring within the basal plane and along the c-axis, respectively. Resistivity at magnetic field, B, exhibits low-frequency quantum oscillations when B||c-axis and large magnetoresistivity accompanied by critical fluctuations driven by the metamagnetism when B^c-axis. The complex behavior evidenced in resistivity, magnetization and specific heat presented is not characteristic of any obvious ground states, and points to an exotic state that shows a delicate balance between fluctuations and order.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figure

    The Performance of CRTNT Fluorescence Light Detector for Sub-EeV Cosmic Ray Observation

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    Cosmic Ray Tau Neutrino Telescopes (CRTNT) using for sub-EeV cosmic ray measurement is discussed. Performances of a stereoscope configuration with a tower of those telescopes plus two side-triggers are studied. This is done by using a detailed detector simulation driven by Corsika. Detector aperture as a function of shower energy above 10^17 eV is calculated. Event rate of about 20k per year for the second knee measurement is estimated. Event rate for cross calibration with detectors working on higher energy range is also estimated. Different configurations of the detectors are tried for optimization.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, submitted to HEP & N

    Polarization correlated photons from a positively charged quantum dot

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    Polarized cross-correlation spectroscopy on a quantum dot charged with a single hole shows the sequential emission of photons with common circular polarization. This effect is visible without magnetic field, but becomes more pronounced as the field along the quantization axis is increased. We interpret the data in terms of electron dephasing in the X+ state caused by the Overhauser field of nuclei in the dot. We predict the correlation timescale can be increased by accelerating the emission rate with cavity-QED
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