217 research outputs found

    Verifiable Sealed-Bid Auction on the Ethereum Blockchain

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    The success of the Ethereum blockchain as a decentralized application platform with a distributed consensus protocol has made many organizations start to invest into running their business on top of it. Technically, the most impressive feature behind the success of Ethereum is its support for a Turing complete language.On the other hand, the inherent transparency and, consequently, the lack of privacy poses a great challenge for many financial applications. In this paper, we tackle this challenge and present a smart contract for a verifiable sealed-bid auction on the Ethereum blockchain. In a nutshell, initially, the bidders submit homomorphic commitments to their sealed-bids on the contract. Subsequently, they reveal their commitments secretly to the auctioneer via a public key encryption scheme. Then, according to the auction rules, the auctioneer determines and claims the winner of the auction. Finally, we utilize interactive zero-knowledge proof protocols between the smart contract and the auctioneer to verify the correctness of such a claim. The underlying protocol of the proposed smart contract is partially privacy-preserving. To be precise, no information about the losing bids is leaked to the bidders. We provide an analysis of the proposed protocol and the smart contract design, in addition to the estimated gas costs associated with the different transactions

    A Universally Composable Framework for the Privacy of Email Ecosystems

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    Email communication is amongst the most prominent online activities, and as such, can put sensitive information at risk. It is thus of high importance that internet email applications are designed in a privacy-aware manner and analyzed under a rigorous threat model. The Snowden revelations (2013) suggest that such a model should feature a global adversary, in light of the observational tools available. Furthermore, the fact that protecting metadata can be of equal importance as protecting the communication context implies that end-to-end encryption may be necessary, but it is not sufficient. With this in mind, we utilize the Universal Composability framework [Canetti, 2001] to introduce an expressive cryptographic model for email ``ecosystems\u27\u27 that can formally and precisely capture various well-known privacy notions (unobservability, anonymity, unlinkability, etc.), by parameterizing the amount of leakage an ideal-world adversary (simulator) obtains from the email functionality. Equipped with our framework, we present and analyze the security of two email constructions that follow different directions in terms of the efficiency vs. privacy tradeoff. The first one achieves optimal security (only the online/offline mode of the users is leaked), but it is mainly of theoretical interest; the second one is based on parallel mixing [Golle and Juels, 2004] and is more practical, while it achieves anonymity with respect to users that have similar amount of sending and receiving activity

    Simplified instantaneous non-local quantum computation with applications to position-based cryptography

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    Instantaneous measurements of non-local observables between space-like separated regions can be performed without violating causality. This feat relies on the use of entanglement. Here we propose novel protocols for this task and the related problem of multipartite quantum computation with local operations and a single round of classical communication. Compared to previously known techniques, our protocols reduce the entanglement consumption by an exponential amount. We also prove a linear lower bound on the amount of entanglement required for the implementation of a certain non-local measurement. These results relate to position-based cryptography: an amount of entanglement scaling exponentially in the number of communicated qubits is sufficient to render any such scheme insecure. Furthermore, we show that certain schemes are secure under the assumption that the adversary has less entanglement than a given linear bound and is restricted to classical communication.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figures. V2: clarified results of the crypto section, improved readabilit

    Optimizing Mixing in Pervasive Networks: A Graph-Theoretic Perspective

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    One major concern in pervasive wireless applications is location privacy, where malicious eavesdroppers, based on static device identifiers, can continuously track users. As a commonly adopted countermeasure to prevent such identifier-based tracking, devices regularly and simultaneously change their identifiers in special areas called mix-zones. Although mix-zones provide spatio-temporal de-correlations between old and new identifiers, pseudonym changes, depending on the position of the mix-zone, can incur a substantial cost on the network due to lost communications and additional resources such as energy. In this paper, we address this trade-off by studying the problem of determining an optimal set of mix-zones such that the degree of mixing in the network is maximized, whereas the overall network-wide mixing cost is minimized. We follow a graph-theoretic approach and model the optimal mixing problem as a novel generalization of the vertex cover problem, called the Mix Cover (MC) problem. We propose three bounded-ratio approximation algorithms for the MC problem and validate them by an empirical evaluation of their performance on real data. The combinatorics-based approach followed here enables us to study the feasibility of determining optimal mix-zones regularly and under dynamic network conditions

    Short structure-preserving signatures

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    © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016. We construct a new structure-preserving signature scheme in the efficient Type-III asymmetric bilinear group setting with signatures shorter than all existing schemes. Our signatures consist of 3 group elements from the first source group and therefore they are shorter than those of existing schemes as existing ones have at least one component in the second source group whose elements bit size is at least double that of their first group counterparts. Besides enjoying short signatures, our scheme is fully re-randomizable which is a useful property for many applications. Our result also consti- tutes a proof that the impossibility of unilateral structure-preserving signatures in the Type-III setting result of Abe et al. (Crypto 2011) does not apply to constructions in which the message space is dual in both source groups. Besides checking the well-formedness of the message, verifying a signature in our scheme requires checking 2 Pairing Product Equations (PPE) and require the evaluation of only 5 pairings in total which matches the best existing scheme and outperforms many other existing ones. We give some examples of how using our scheme instead of existing ones improves the efficiency of some existing cryptographic pro- tocols such as direct anonymous attestation and group signature related constructions

    Transferable Constant-Size Fair E-Cash

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    International audienceWe propose a new blind certification protocol that provides interesting properties while remaining efficient. It falls in the Groth-Sahai framework for witness-indistinguishable proofs, thus extended to a certified signature it immediately yields non-frameable group signatures. We then use it to build an efficient (offline) e-cash system that guarantees user anonymity and transferability of coins without increasing their size. As required for fair e-cash, in case of fraud, anonymity can be revoked by an authority, which is also crucial to deter from double spending

    Composability in quantum cryptography

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    In this article, we review several aspects of composability in the context of quantum cryptography. The first part is devoted to key distribution. We discuss the security criteria that a quantum key distribution protocol must fulfill to allow its safe use within a larger security application (e.g., for secure message transmission). To illustrate the practical use of composability, we show how to generate a continuous key stream by sequentially composing rounds of a quantum key distribution protocol. In a second part, we take a more general point of view, which is necessary for the study of cryptographic situations involving, for example, mutually distrustful parties. We explain the universal composability framework and state the composition theorem which guarantees that secure protocols can securely be composed to larger applicationsComment: 18 pages, 2 figure

    Accountable Tracing Signatures from Lattices

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    Group signatures allow users of a group to sign messages anonymously in the name of the group, while incorporating a tracing mechanism to revoke anonymity and identify the signer of any message. Since its introduction by Chaum and van Heyst (EUROCRYPT 1991), numerous proposals have been put forward, yielding various improvements on security, efficiency and functionality. However, a drawback of traditional group signatures is that the opening authority is given too much power, i.e., he can indiscriminately revoke anonymity and there is no mechanism to keep him accountable. To overcome this problem, Kohlweiss and Miers (PoPET 2015) introduced the notion of accountable tracing signatures (ATS) - an enhanced group signature variant in which the opening authority is kept accountable for his actions. Kohlweiss and Miers demonstrated a generic construction of ATS and put forward a concrete instantiation based on number-theoretic assumptions. To the best of our knowledge, no other ATS scheme has been known, and the problem of instantiating ATS under post-quantum assumptions, e.g., lattices, remains open to date. In this work, we provide the first lattice-based accountable tracing signature scheme. The scheme satisfies the security requirements suggested by Kohlweiss and Miers, assuming the hardness of the Ring Short Integer Solution (RSIS) and the Ring Learning With Errors (RLWE) problems. At the heart of our construction are a lattice-based key-oblivious encryption scheme and a zero-knowledge argument system allowing to prove that a given ciphertext is a valid RLWE encryption under some hidden yet certified key. These technical building blocks may be of independent interest, e.g., they can be useful for the design of other lattice-based privacy-preserving protocols.Comment: CT-RSA 201
