576 research outputs found

    The X-ray Spectrum of the z=6.30 QSO SDSS J1030+0524

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    We present a deep XMM-Newton observation of the z=6.30 QSO SDSS J1030+0524, the second most distant quasar currently known. The data contain sufficient counts for spectral analysis, demonstrating the ability of XMM-Newton to measure X-ray spectral shapes of z~6 QSOs with integration times >100ks. The X-ray spectrum is well fit by a power law with index Gamma=2.12 +/- 0.11, an optical-X-ray spectral slope of a_{ox}=-1.80, and no absorption excess to the Galactic value, though our data are also consistent with a power law index in the range 2.02 < Gamma < 2.5 and excess absorption in the range 0 < N_H(cm^-2) < 8x10^22. There is also a possible detection (2 sigma) of FeKa emission. The X-ray properties of this QSO are, overall, similar to those of lower-redshift radio-quiet QSOs. This is consistent with the statement that the X-ray properties of radio-quiet QSOs show no evolution over 0<z<6.3. Combined with previous results, this QSO appears indistinguishable in any way from lower redshift QSOs, indicating that QSOs comparable to those seen locally existed less than one Gyr after the Big Bang.Comment: ApJ Letters, accepte


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    Mr=295.80 , P21/n , a=8.284(1), b= 13.906 (1), c= 12.040 (2) A, fl= 92.95 (1) °, V= 1385.0 (5) ,/k 3, Z = 4, D m = 1.42, D x = 1.418 Mg m -3, 2(Cu K~t) = 1.54178 A,, g = 3.8134 mm -~, F(000) = 616, R =0.061 for 628 unique significant reflections measured at 298 K. The structure was compared with that of other active/inactive thiosemicarbazone derivatives, in the search for a structure-activity relationship. It was also compared with the structure of a related metal complex

    The Role of Mindfulness in the Relationship of Anxiety and Resilience in Adolescents and Adults Post Covid-19 Pandemic

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound effect on people's mental health. People are experiencing a variety of psychological issues because of the increase in COVID-19 cases, ranging from those connected to preventive actions and maintaining safety to the incidence of loss due to mortality caused by COVID-19. Excessive worry causes various changes in psychological functioning. Therefore, in dealing with unexpected conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic, positive psychology such as mindfulness is needed. Mindfulness is the state of being in which people bring their past experiences to the present moment with openness and acceptance. This can reduce anxiety caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and provide a high level of resilience to confront difficult times and adapt to the COVID-19 pandemic situation. The purpose of this study was to explore the role of mindfulness and its relationship between anxiety and resilience in adolescence and early adulthood. It was also to determine whether there is a significant association between mindfulness variables and anxiety, as well as mindfulness variables and resilience. The sample consisted of 74 respondents from West Java and DKI Jakarta aged 16 to 35 years old. Measurements in this study used the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC), Mindfulness Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS), and COVID-19 Anxiety Scale (CAS). The results found that there was a relationship between resilience and anxiety. There was a relationship between mindfulness and anxiety. However, there was no relationship between mindfulness and resilience. The conclusion might then be that mindfulness did not significantly moderate the relationship between anxiety and resilience.Pandemi Covid-19 telah membawa efek besar pada kesehatan mental masyarakat. Mengingat meningkatnya kasus Covid-19, manusia menghadapi segudang masalah psikologis, mulai dari terkait tindakan pencegahan dan menjaga keselamatan sampai terjadinya kehilangan akibat kematian yang disebabkan oleh Covid-19. Kekhawatiran yang berlebihan menyebabkan berbagai perubahan fungsi psikologis, maka dalam menghadapi kondisi yang tidak terduga selama masa pandemi Covid-19, dibutuhkan psikologi positif seperti mindfulness yaitu kondisi individu yang secara sadar membawa pengalamannya ke kondisi saat ini dengan penuh rasa keterbukaan dan rasa penerimaan, agar dapat mengurangi tingkat kecemasan akibat pandemi Covid-19 serta memiliki resiliensi yang tinggi untuk dapat menghadapi masa-masa sulit dan beradaptasi di situasi pandemi Covid-19. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi peran mindfulness dan hubungannya antara kecemasan dan resiliensi pada usia remaja dan dewasa awal. Selain itu, untuk mengetahui apakah ada hubungan yang signifikan antara variabel mindfulness dengan kecemasan, dan variabel mindfulness dengan resiliensi. Sampel terdiri dari 74 responden dari Jawa Barat dan DKI Jakarta dengan rentang usia 16 sampai 35 tahun. Pengukuran dalam penelitian ini menggunakan Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC), Mindfulness Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS), dan Covid-19 Anxiety Scale (CAS). Hasil ditemukan bahwa terdapat hubungan antara resiliensi dengan kecemasan, terdapat hubungan antara mindfulness dengan kecemasan, namun tidak terdapat hubungan antara mindfulness dengan resiliensi. Kemudian, mindfulness tidak signifikan memoderasi hubungan antara kecemasan dengan resiliensi.

    Pengalaman caregiver menantu perempuan bagi pengidap Demensia Parkinson dalam konteks budaya Tionghoa: Studi Fenomenologi

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    This study was conducted to gain understanding and meaning of a caregiver's experience in caring for her mother-in-law who suffers Parkinson's dementia. This is a phenomenological case study. Data were collected using the online semi-structured interview with a woman who is the main caregiver of her mother-in-law who suffers Parkinson's dementia. The results were presented in several themes regarding the participant’s experience and meaning. The conclusion from the results of this study is that there are various dilemmas faced in caring for parent-in-laws which then lead to conflicts between families. The existence of various factors contributing to developing caregiver burden on a caregiver who cares for parents-in-law with Parkinson's dementia

    \u27Stay-Green\u27 and Non-\u27Stay-Green\u27 Perennial Ryegrass in Field Swards with Different Intervals between Cuts

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of the \u27stay-green\u27 character, originally introduced into perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) for amenity purposes, on herbage yield, N concentration and colour in field swards of \u27stay-green\u27 forage ryegrass managed in different ways for agricultural use. The conclusions were that the introduction of the \u27stay-green\u27 character (1) confers greater greenness only at some times of year and only when there has been a sufficiently long period of regrowth, (2) is expressed only in older, as distinct from young, tillers, (3) reduces herbage yield, particularly when a long interval is allowed between defoliations, and (4) reduces the decline in the concentration of N in herbage during the latter part of a long period of regrowth

    Pemaknaan Pengalaman Bahagia pada Orang Islam

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    Two philosophical perspectives on the good life, namely hedonic and eudaimonic, have become references for experts to explain how people understand happiness in Western societies with individualistic culture and the majority of Christians. This descriptive phenomenological study aimed to understand the happiness experiences of a collectivistic Muslim society. The participants in this study were nine Muslims, consists of male and female who were known as religious persons by their relatives. The results of data analysis shows that happiness for a Muslim is a process that provides experiences in overcoming problems and life's trials based on religious guidance. These experiences lead participants to a meaning of happiness as shown by three main themes, namely a sense of being able to overcome problems with acceptance and gratitude, life satisfaction in sufficiency, and a sense of worth for the accomplishment with hard work. The results of this study explain that happiness is a dynamic process that is greatly influenced by persons' understanding and belief in religion

    Adaptasi dan uji properti psikometrik The PERMA-Profiler pada orang Indonesia

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    AbstractThe PERMA-Profiler is a well-being instrument which combines the hedonic and eudaimonic perspective of well-being. This instrument was developed based on well-being theory (Seligman, 2012) which explained well-being as a multidimensional construct, included positive emotion, engagement, relationship, meaning, and accomplishment (PERMA). This study aimed to adapt and examine the psychometric properties of the PERMA-Profiler in Indonesian people. The participants were 439 Indonesians, aged 17-63 years old (mean age = 30,82; SD = 10,00). Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was used to test the measurement model of PERMA. The result showed that the PERMA-Profiler met the goodness of fit criteria as a multi dimensional construct with five elements. Fourteen items have satisfactory factor loading. The PERMA-Profiler has good construct reliability as well as Cronbach’s alpha. The convergent validity was shown by the positive correlation between elements of PERMA with satisfaction with life scale (SWLS) and subjective happiness scale (SHS). In addition, the significant correlation between elements and each element with a total score proved the multidimensional nature of PERMA. The overall findings showed that the adaptation version of PERMA-Profiler have a good psychometric property and could be applied to Indonesian people.Keywords: confirmatory factor analysis; PERMA; reliability; validity; well-being   AbstrakThe PERMA-Profiler merupakan instrumen kebahagiaan yang memadukan perspektif hedonik dan eudaimonik untuk mengukur kebahagiaan. Instrumen ini mengacu pada well-being theory (M. E. P. Seligman, 2012) yang menjelaskan kebahagiaan sebagai konstruk multidimensi, meliputi positive emotion, engagement, relationship, meaning, dan accomplishment (PERMA). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengadaptasi dan menguji properti psikometrik the PERMA-Profiler pada orang Indonesia. Partisipan berjumlah 439 orang Indonesia (pria = 108, wanita = 331) dan berusia antara 17- 63 tahun (usia rerata = 30,82 tahun; SD = 10,00). Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) digunakan untuk menguji model pengukuran. Hasil CFA memperlihatkan the PERMA-Profiler memenuhi kriteria kecocokan model sebagai konstruk multidimensi yang terdiri dari lima elemen. Terdapat 14 dari 15 aitem yang valid. Keempatbelas aitem juga yang mengukur satu konstruk tunggal yaitu well-being. The PERMA-Profiler juga memperlihatkan reliabilitas komposit dan konsistensi internal yang memuaskan. Korelasi positif yang signifikan dengan pengukuran skala kepuasan hidup dan skala kebahagiaan umum menunjukkan PERMA-Profiler memenuhi validitas konvergen. Setiap dimensi berkorelasi signifikan satu sama lain dan dengan skor total. Temuan ini memperlihatkan hasil adaptasi the PERMA-Profiler memiliki properti psikometrik  yang bagus dan dapat diterapkan pada orang Indonesia.Kata Kunci: confirmatory factor analysis; kebahagiaan; PERMA; reliabilitas; validita
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