83 research outputs found

    Analisis Program Pembangunan Desa Wisata Wonolopo Di Kota Semarang

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    DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM ANALYSIS OF WONOLOPO TOURIST VILLAGE IN SEMARANG CITYREZZA ABDY PRADANA(GOVERNMENT SCIENCE, FISIP UNDIP, SEMARANG)ABSTRACTIONThis research was motivated by the Tourism Village Wonolopo in Semarang who can not develop like other tourist village in the city of Semarang. So the tourist village in the Village program Wonolopo threatened not to proceed. Wonolopo Tourism Village Development Program should be maintained to create a prosperous society and independent evenly according to the Indonesian government program that people want mensejahterkan evenly from the Central State to the people in the village and prepare people to face the free market in ASEAN. To maintain Wonolopo Tourism Village, Semarang city government should be able to develop tourism village Wonolopo. Semarang city government should establish cooperation with Tourism Awareness Group Wonolopo and Tourism Village community in managing the program Wonolopo tourist village in Sub Wonolopo.This type of research is descriptive analysis with qualitative approach. Sources of data derived from primary data through interviews with key informants or person with semistructure interview techniques. Secondary data derived from the data of documents, archives and other sources related to the research. Data collection techniques in this study using interviews, observation and documentation. While the analytical techniques used in this research by analyzing qualitative data analysis in the form of a description or notes, depictions and conclusion on the symptoms studied.The results of this study found that the program is not developed tourist villages in the Village Wonolopo there are problems that are diinternal Wonolopo Travel Awareness Group itself. The problems started with the improper management of funds acquired through PNPM assistance of the Central Government by one group of people in the Travel Awareness Group. Additionally, adannya supervision less than Department of Culture and Tourism of Semarang on Wonolopo Travel Awareness Group. Moreover, the lack of attention from the local government of Semarang look at the lack of supporting facilities for running programs Wonolopo Tourism Village. Road infrastructure is still a lot of damage and there are no signposts direction. So that the revamping of the base is necessary for Rural Development Program in Semarang Tourism Wonolopo could run better than befor

    Pola akumulasi dan karakteristik sedimen di perairan delta sungai Bodri, Kabupaten Kendal, Jawa Tengah=Accumulation pattern and Sediment characteristics in the bodri river delta Keldal regency , Central Java

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    ABSTRACT: The problem of this research are (1) the accumulation pattern of delta sediment in the Bodri river delta, (2) the sediment characteristics of the Bodri river delta, and (3) the dominant oceanographic factors that influence to the accummulation pattern of the sediment in the Bodri river delta. The aims of this research are : (1) to analyze sediment accummulation patterns, and the characteristics of the Bodri river delta, (2) to define the dominant oceanographic factors to the accummulation pattern of the Bodri river delta. The research method include measuring tide, bathymetry, currents, wave, as well as sediment collection at every sample location. Laboratorium analysis was conducted to the whole data collected during field measurement. Results of the research indicated that Bodri river discharge is 11.3315 m3/ sec, while the sediment discharge is 0.0835 kg/sec., the bight of lowest tides 37 cm., while the bight of the highest tide is 98 cm., with an average of the sea water level (MSL) is 58.65 cm. The depth od the subsurface water is (-11) cm to (-111) cm. The velocity of current is between 0.15 m/ sec to 0.68 cm/sec., with current direction between North 210° East to North 267° East. The hight of the wave is 0.08 m to 1.5 m, with the wave direction between North 200° East to North 318° East. The subsurface morphology of Bodri river delta is aimed to the sea and it spreadsout of the left and the right of the river estuary, more or less paralel to the shoreline. The sediment distribution at the Bodri river delta in the estuary has fine texture (sandy loam). Out of river estuary the sediment size become coarser (lommy sand to sand), where wave energy dominantly affected the accummulation pattern of sediment at the Bodri river delta. Key words : accummulation pattern, sediment characteristics, Bodri river delta

    Sundanese Ethnomathematics: Mathematical Activities in Estimating, Measuring, and Making Patterns

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    Mathematics is a form of culture integrated in all aspects of society, wherever there are, including the sundanese ethnic communities. This enables the mathematical concepts embedded in cultural practices and recognizes that all people develop a special way of doing mathematics called ethnomathematics activities. Sundanese ethnomathematics is mathematics in sundanese culture implemented in community activities. Sundanese ethnic sundanese people living in the area of West Java Indonesia, speaking sundanese language, and having activities reflecting sundanese culture. Sundanese ethnomathematics in this study has three activities, namely estimating, measuring, and making patterns appearing in the activities in term of kibik (a unit for measuring volume), bata (a unit for measuring surface area), and path pihuntuan (a model of cane work).DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22342/jme.8.2.4055.185-19


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    The purpose of this research is to examine dividend policy determinants. The independent variables are board characteristics, disclosure transparency, shareholders transparency, firm size, firm profitability and firm growth and the dependent variable is dividend policy This research uses secondary data from financial reports and annual reports from banking firms that listed in Bursa Efek Indonesia. This research uses purposive sampling method. Samples that choosen is banking firms that published their annual reports and financial reports in 2012-2015 and paid dividends. This research uses regression analysis method to examine the relation between independent variables and dependent variable. The results shows firm size and firm profitability have positive relation to dividend policy, disclosure transparency has negative relation to dividend policy. This research also shows that board characteristics, shareholder transparency and firms growth do not have any relation to dividend policy

    Uji Linearitas Data TIME Series Dengan Reset Test

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    Tulisan ini membahas prosedur pengujian linearitas data time series menggunakan uji RESET test versi Ramsey dan Lagrange Multiplier. Uji yang digunakan adalah uji yang telah diperbaiki dengan pembentukan komponen utama dari bentuk polinomial pada persamaan uji. Prosedur uji kemudian diterapkan pada data simulasi untuk model linear AR(2), AR(2) dengan outlier dan model nonlinear LSTAR(2) dengan n = 200. Pengujian menunjukkan hasil yang mirip diantara kedua uji dimana data simulasi dari model linear tidak menjamin kelinearan, sedangkan data simulasi model nonlinear secara signifikan berbentuk nonlinear pada taraf 5%

    Pemberian Intervensi Senam Lansia Pada Lansia Dengan Nyeri Lutut

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    Aging is a process of eliminating the network's ability to repair itself gradually. Elderly tend to get the decreased on the musculoskeletal system. The decreased of the musculoskeletal system is characterized by pain in the joints, for example the knee joint. Knee pain is a regenerative joint diseaseand also one signs and symptoms of osteoarthritis. One way to reduce the knee pain is using the non-pharmacologic therapy with elderly gymnastic. The purpose of this research is to provide elderly exercise intervention in older adults with knee pain to reduce the pain. The benefit of this research is to train the ability of muscles and joints to reduce the knee pain scale in the elderly. The method used a quantitative research design with experimental and one type of group pre-post test design. The population in this study were elderly men and women in the Social Rehabilitation Unit "Margo Mukti" Rembang District.The instrument used a VAS pain scale or Baourbanis and observation sheet. Sampling used a minimum number of samples for quantitative experimental studies as many as 15respondents. Implementation of the elderly gymnastic can be done in the morning before breakfast for about 15 - 45 minutes. The research was conducted on February 27, 2012 until March 3, 2012 at the Social Rehabilitation Unit "Margo Mukti” Rembang District. This study used a statistical test of Wilcoxon. The resultof this research showed that the significance p-value 0.001, which means the sig <α = (0.05). It was concluded that elderly gymnastic are effectively overcome the knee pain in elderly at the Social Rehabilitation Unit"Margo Mukti" Rembang District and this elderly gymnastic is expected to help community to reduce the knee joint pai