2,024 research outputs found

    Introduction, Recovery, and Limited Establishment of Coleophora klimeschiella (Lepidoptera: Coleophoridae) on Russian Thistles, Salsola australis, in Southern California

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    Although case-bearing leafmining larvae of Coleophora klimeschiella Toll were released on Russian thistles, Salsola australis R. Brown (Chenopodiaceae), at 13 locations in southern California during 1977-85, this biological control agent remained tenuously established at only one site by late 1986. Neither insectary-reared or field-collected stocks released in field cages or in the open in numbers of 100-600 per site appeared to foster colony establishment. Poor host-plant adaptation as well as predation and parasitism by indigenous natural enemies are identified as possible sources of biotic resistance to the establishment of this imported insect. The predator, Phylobacnus atriplexus (Foster) (Coleoptera: Cleridae), and the primary parasite, Macroneura sp. (Hymenoptera: Eupelmidae), found attacking C. klimeschiella, also are known from gall-midge hosts on native saltbushes (Atriplex spp., also Chenopodiaceae

    Report of the x ray and gamma ray sensors panel

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    Overall five major areas of technology are recommended for development in order to meet the science requirements of the Astrotech 21 mission set. These are: detectors for high resolution gamma ray spectroscopy, cryogenic detectors for improved x ray spectral and spatial resolution, advanced x ray charge coupled devices (CCDs) for higher energy resolution and larger format, extension to higher energies, liquid and solid position sensitive detectors for improving stopping power in the energy range 5 to 500 keV and 0.2 to 2 MeV. Development plans designed to achieve the desired capabilities on the time scales required by the technology freeze dates have been recommended in each of these areas

    High Fidelity Adiabatic Quantum Computation via Dynamical Decoupling

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    We introduce high-order dynamical decoupling strategies for open system adiabatic quantum computation. Our numerical results demonstrate that a judicious choice of high-order dynamical decoupling method, in conjunction with an encoding which allows computation to proceed alongside decoupling, can dramatically enhance the fidelity of adiabatic quantum computation in spite of decoherence.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    The Spectra and Variability of X-ray Sources in a Deep Chandra Observation of the Galactic Center

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    We examine the X-ray spectra and variability of the sample of X-ray sources with L_X = 10^{31}-10^{33} erg s^{-1} identified within the inner 9' of the Galaxy. Very few of the sources exhibit intra-day or inter-month variations. We find that the spectra of the point sources near the Galactic center are very hard between 2--8 keV, even after accounting for absorption. When modeled as power laws the median photon index is Gamma=0.7, while when modeled as thermal plasma we can only obtain lower limits to the temperature of kT>8 keV. The combined spectra of the point sources is similarly hard, with a photon index of Gamma=0.8. Strong line emission is observed from low-ionization, He-like, and H-like Fe, both in the average spectra and in the brightest individual sources. The line ratios of the highly-ionized Fe in the average spectra are consistent with emission from a plasma in thermal equilibrium. This line emission is observed whether average spectra are examined as a function of the count rate from the source, or as a function of the hardness ratios of individual sources. This suggests that the hardness of the spectra may in fact to due local absorption that partially-covers the X-ray emitting regions in the Galactic center systems. We suggest that most of these sources are intermediate polars, which (1) often exhibit hard spectra with prominent Fe lines, (2) rarely exhibit either flares on short time scales or changes in their mean X-ray flux on long time scales, and (3) are the most numerous hard X-ray sources with comparable luminosities in the Galaxy.Comment: 27 pages, including 13 figures. To appear in ApJ, 1 October 2004, v613 issue. An electronic version of table 2 is on http://astro.ucla.edu/~mmuno/sgra/table2_electronic.txt and reduced data files for each source are available on http://www.astro.psu.edu/users/niel/galcen-xray-data/galcen-xray-data.htm

    Accidental Releases of Sour Gas From Wells and Collection Pipelines in the Overthrust Belt: Calculating and Assessing Potential Health and Environmental Risks

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    Parts of the Overthrust Belt of western Wyoming and adjoining areas in Utah and Idaho contain geologic formations with significant accumulations of oil and natural gas. Some of these formations, though, yield gas that is contaminated with toxic hydrogen sulfide. As a consequence, the development of these so-called sour-gas reservoirs requires special safety procedures and technologies in order to prevent accidental releases of gas to the atmosphere that could cause adverse occupational and public health effects. To improve the analysis and assessment of wells and collection pipelines completed on lands leased from the Federal Government, the Minerals Management Service, Onshore Operations, now part of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), asked Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory to conduct a study to test methods to the analysis of the potential risks associated with the development of sour-gas resources located near Evanston, Wyoming. The process of assessing the health risks of a potential sour-gas release involves estimation of the emission rate of hydrogen sulfide, specification of how the gas is released (e.g., vertically into the atmosphere or horizontally), prediction of downwind concentrations of the gas, analysis of the potential health effects, and finally, review of safety methods required to minimize the potential health risks. The first part of the report includes an analysis of data on the health effects of hydrogen sulfide to determine the nature of its dose-response relationship. Following that review is a study of the different methods of quantifying the emission rate of gas from wells and pipelines. Data on the frequency of accidental releases from those facilities are also analyzed. To assess the health risks of an accidental release from a well under BLM supervision located near Evanston, we collected meteorological data for 1 yr from four stations in that area. Our analysis of a worst-case release scenario (i.e., a gas plume that is near the surface) using those data indicates that the greatest risks of incurring an acute health effect (e.g., unconsciousness, respiratory arrest, pulmonary edema, or death) are located in the northwest sector downwind from the well because of the occurrence of stable atmospheric conditions along with slow winds from the southeast. The risks of an acute health effect in that northwest sector over the 20-yr operation of the well were on the order of 10 -4 to 10 -5 -- similar to the risk of accidental death caused by a natural disaster over the same period

    Microscopic theory of glassy dynamics and glass transition for molecular crystals

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    We derive a microscopic equation of motion for the dynamical orientational correlators of molecular crystals. Our approach is based upon mode coupling theory. Compared to liquids we find four main differences: (i) the memory kernel contains Umklapp processes, (ii) besides the static two-molecule orientational correlators one also needs the static one-molecule orientational density as an input, where the latter is nontrivial, (iii) the static orientational current density correlator does contribute an anisotropic, inertia-independent part to the memory kernel, (iv) if the molecules are assumed to be fixed on a rigid lattice, the tensorial orientational correlators and the memory kernel have vanishing l,l'=0 components. The resulting mode coupling equations are solved for hard ellipsoids of revolution on a rigid sc-lattice. Using the static orientational correlators from Percus-Yevick theory we find an ideal glass transition generated due to precursors of orientational order which depend on X and p, the aspect ratio and packing fraction of the ellipsoids. The glass formation of oblate ellipsoids is enhanced compared to that for prolate ones. For oblate ellipsoids with X <~ 0.7 and prolate ellipsoids with X >~ 4, the critical diagonal nonergodicity parameters in reciprocal space exhibit more or less sharp maxima at the zone center with very small values elsewhere, while for prolate ellipsoids with 2 <~ X <~ 2.5 we have maxima at the zone edge. The off-diagonal nonergodicity parameters are not restricted to positive values and show similar behavior. For 0.7 <~ X <~ 2, no glass transition is found. In the glass phase, the nonergodicity parameters show a pronounced q-dependence.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figures, accepted at Phys. Rev. E. v4 is almost identical to the final paper version. It includes, compared to former versions v2/v3, no new physical content, but only some corrected formulas in the appendices and corrected typos in text. In comparison to version v1, in v2-v4 some new results have been included and text has been change

    A q-deformed nonlinear map

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    A scheme of q-deformation of nonlinear maps is introduced. As a specific example, a q-deformation procedure related to the Tsallis q-exponential function is applied to the logistic map. Compared to the canonical logistic map, the resulting family of q-logistic maps is shown to have a wider spectrum of interesting behaviours, including the co-existence of attractors -- a phenomenon rare in one dimensional maps.Comment: 17 pages, 19 figure

    Large-Scale Simulations of Clusters of Galaxies

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    We discuss some of the computational challenges encountered in simulating the evolution of clusters of galaxies. Eulerian adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) techniques can successfully address these challenges but are currently being used by only a few groups. We describe our publicly available AMR code, FLASH, which uses an object-oriented framework to manage its AMR library, physics modules, and automated verification. We outline the development of the FLASH framework to include collisionless particles, permitting it to be used for cluster simulation.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures, to appear in Proceedings of the VII International Workshop on Advanced Computing and Analysis Techniques in Physics Research (ACAT 2000), Fermilab, Oct. 16-20, 200

    A variable growth rate modification of von Bertalanffy's equation for aquaculture

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    In aquaculture experiments of only a few months'duration, fish can approach their asymptotic size and growth rates may change greatly. One objective of aquaculture is to obtain a maximum economic return, and a growth model is needed to relate rate of growth to food consumption and other costs to find the optimum duration of growth cycles. Von Bertalanffy's equation is an asymptotic growth model which can be used for this purpose. A variable growth rate model was developed to describe fish growth oscillations observed in aquaculture experiments. This growth model provides improved estimates of von Bertalanffy's equation in aquaculture and can be used for an efficient evaluation of fish production during production cycles.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/73180/1/j.1365-2109.1994.tb00689.x.pd
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