351 research outputs found

    Age-related differences in head posture between patients with neck pain and pain-free individuals

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    Head posture and neck pain of chronic nontraumatic origin: a comparison between patients and pain-free persons.SFRH/BD/30735/20

    Production of chitosan based films enriched with oregano essential oil for increased antibacterial activity

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    During the last years, there has been an increasing interest in developing bio-based active films to improve food safety, extend food shelf life and reduce the use of chemical preservatives. Chitosan, a deacetylated derivative of chitin, is a linear polysaccharide consisting of -(1 4) glucosamine and N-acetylglucosamine residues with potential to be used as a food packaging/coating material. This biopolymer can be used in a wide range of applications in the food industry due to several interesting properties such as its biodegradability, biocompatibility, non-toxicity, antimicrobial activity and versatile physical properties such as its film-forming capacity. Recently, different strategies have been explored to improve its natural properties for the development of food packaging/coating materials with enhanced antimicrobial activity. In particular, the incorporation in chitosan films of essential oils (EO) with acknowledged antibacterial properties, as an alternative of synthetic preservatives, is a matter of great interest since they are generally perceived by consumers as being “natural” food additives. Thus, the objective of this work was the production of chitosan films enriched with oregano EO to further improve the natural antimicrobial properties of chitosan. The obtained films which were then evaluated for its antibacterial activity

    Measuring performance in agri‐food supply chains: A case study of a Portuguese company

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    Organizations seek to create value, increase competitiveness, reduce costs, share information and strengthen relationships between the various actors in the chain. In this sense, it is of the utmost importance that tools be developed which define objectives, monitor processes and document the performance of the supply chains. The Performance Measurement Systems (PMS) have come about to aid decision support, bringing together relevant Key Performance Indicators (KPis) which are fundamental for decision makers when deciding the best strategies for increasing supply chain competitiveness. In this study a PMS was developed collating a range of KPIs that seek to help in the continuous improvement of the agri-food supply chain. A case study allowed a PMS model to be designed incorporating the experiences of professionals in the area and subsequent tests to be made of its applicability, its outputs and its usefulness for decision support in a Portuguese plant.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Aplicação de água residuária de processamento de mandioca em sistema de irrigação por gotejamento

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    The wastewater discarded from the cassava processing causes a serious environmental problem when dumped into water bodies. On the other hand, this residue can be used as a source of nutrients for crops. However, it is necessary to control the quality of this effluent because of the negative effects that it may cause to the irrigation system. This study aimed to evaluate a drip irrigation system with the application of cassava wastewater by determining the coefficients of variation of emitter discharge (CVq), distribution uniformity (DUC) and Christiansen’s uniformity (CUC). The experiment was conducted at C. Vale cassava processing factory in the city of Terra Roxa (Paraná, Brazil). Four systems of 66 m² were installed, with 7 lateral lines of 11 m, spaced in 1 m, with one dripper at each 0.30 m. The systems were fed by two tanks of 1000 L, situated at 1.5 m and 2.0 m above the ground and containing water for irrigation and the cassava wastewater for fertigation. A plastic mesh filter was installed in the tank and two digital manometers controlled the pressure. Thirty trials were performed for each treatment, using the methodologies of Keller and Karmeli (1975) and Denículi (1980). Excellent averages, above 90%, were obtained for both DUC and CUC. The results showed no expressive differences between the use of water and the use of effluent, demonstrating that cassava wastewater can be applied efficiently on a drip irrigation system.A água residuária do processamento de mandioca ocasiona um sério problema ambiental quando lançada em corpos hídricos. Por outro lado, este resíduo pode ser utilizado como fonte de nutrientes para as culturas. Contudo, é necessário controlar a qualidade desse efluente devido aos efeitos negativos que pode acarretar ao sistema. O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar um sistema de irrigação por gotejamento com aplicação de resíduo de mandioca, por meio da determinação dos coeficientes de variação de vazão total (CVt), de uniformidade de distribuição (CUD) e de uniformidade de Christiansen (CUC). O estudo foi conduzido na Amidonaria da C. Vale, em Terra Roxa (PR). Foram instalados quatro sistemas de 66 m², com sete linhas laterais de 11 m, espaçadas em 1 m, com um gotejador a cada 0,30 m. Os sistemas foram alimentados por dois reservatórios de 1000 L, elevados a 1,5 m e 2,0 m do chão, onde foram armazenadas a água para irrigação e a água residuária do processamento de mandioca para fertirrigação. Foram instalados um filtro de tela plástica de 1” junto ao reservatório e dois manômetros digitais. Foram realizados 30 ensaios para cada tratamento, por meio das metodologias de Keller e Karmeli (1975) e de Denículi (1980). Obteve-se uma média geral excelente, acima dos 90%, para CUD e CUC. Os resultados evidenciam que não houve diferença expressiva entre a utilização de água ou de efluente no sistema, demonstrando que a água residuária de processamento de mandioca pode ser aplicada com eficiência em um sistema de irrigação por gotejamento