4,066 research outputs found

    Variance Reduction For A Discrete Velocity Gas

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    We extend a variance reduction technique developed by Baker and Hadjiconstantinou [1] to a discrete velocity gas. In our previous work, the collision integral was evaluated by importance sampling of collision partners [2]. Significant computational effort may be wasted by evaluating the collision integral in regions where the flow is in equilibrium. In the current approach, substantial computational savings are obtained by only solving for the deviations from equilibrium. In the near continuum regime, the deviations from equilibrium are small and low noise evaluation of the collision integral can be achieved with very coarse statistical sampling. Spatially homogenous relaxation of the Bobylev-Krook-Wu distribution [3,4], was used as a test case to verify that the method predicts the correct evolution of a highly non-equilibrium distribution to equilibrium. When variance reduction is not used, the noise causes the entropy to undershoot, but the method with variance reduction matches the analytic curve for the same number of collisions. We then extend the work to travelling shock waves and compare the accuracy and computational savings of the variance reduction method to DSMC over Mach numbers ranging from 1.2 to 10.Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanic

    Far Field Deposition Of Scoured Regolith Resulting From Lunar Landings

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    As a lunar lander approaches a dusty surface, the plume from the descent engine impinges on the ground, entraining loose regolith into a high velocity dust spray. Without the inhibition of a background atmosphere, the entrained regolith can travel many kilometers from the landing site. In this work, we simulate the flow field from the throat of the descent engine nozzle to where the dust grains impact the surface many kilometers away. The near field is either continuum or marginally rarefied and is simulated via a loosely coupled hybrid DSMC - Navier Stokes (DPLR) solver. Regions of two-phase and polydisperse granular flows are solved via DSMC. The far field deposition is obtained by using a staged calculation, where the first stages are in the near field where the flow is quasi-steady and the outer stages are unsteady. A realistic landing trajectory is approximated by a set of discrete hovering altitudes which range from 20m to 3m. The dust and gas motions are fully coupled using an interaction model that conserves mass, momentum, and energy statistically and inelastic collisions between dust particles are also accounted for. Simulations of a 4 engine configuration are also examined, and the erosion rates as well as near field particle fluxes are discussed.Astronom

    Directionally asymmetric self-assembly of cadmium sulfide nanotubes using porous alumina nanoreactors: Need for chemohydrodynamic instability at the nanoscale

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    We explore nanoscale hydrodynamical effects on synthesis and self-assembly of cadmium sulfide nanotubes oriented along one direction. These nanotubes are synthesized by horizontal capillary flow of two different chemical reagents from opposite directions through nanochannels of porous anodic alumina which are used primarily as nanoreactors. We show that uneven flow of different chemical precursors is responsible for directionally asymmetric growth of these nanotubes. On the basis of structural observations using scanning electron microscopy, we argue that chemohydrodynamic convective interfacial instability of multicomponent liquid-liquid reactive interface is necessary for sustained nucleation of these CdS nanotubes at the edges of these porous nanochannels over several hours. However, our estimates clearly suggest that classical hydrodynamics cannot account for the occurrence of such instabilities at these small length scales. Therefore, we present a case which necessitates further investigation and understanding of chemohydrodynamic fluid flow through nanoconfined channels in order to explain the occurrence of such interfacial instabilities at nanometer length scales.Comment: 26 pages, 6 figures; http://www.iiserpune.ac.in/researchhighlight

    Tourist Profiles and Characteristics vis-Ă -vis Market Segmentation of Ecotourism Destinations in Kerala

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    Kerala, a classic ecotourism destination in India, provides significant opportunities for livelihood options to thepeople who depend on the resources from the forest and those who live in difficult terrains. This article analysesthe socio-demographic, psychographic and travel behavior patterns and its sub-characteristics in the backgroundof foreign and domestic tourists. The data source for the article has been obtained from a primary survey of 350randomly chosen tourists, 175 each from domestic and foreign tourists, visiting Kerala’s ecotourists destinationsduring August-December 2010-11. Several socio-demographic, psychographic and life style factors have beenidentified based on the inference from field survey. There is considerable divergence in most of the factorsidentified in the case of domestic and international tourists. Post-trip attributes like satisfaction and intentions toreturn show that the ecotourism destinations in Kerala have significant potential that can help communities in theregion.Keywords: Tourists, Ecotourism, Socio-demographic, Psychographic, Lifestyle, Motivation, Satisfaction,Revisi

    Socio-Economic Aspects of Sustainable Ecotourism Development: The Case of Kerala

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    The paper is an attempt to shed light on the socio-economic aspects of the local communities on the development of ecotourism in Kerala. Most of the local communities in the ecotourism destinations are tribes who have been excluded from the mainstream society and are not a part of Kerala’s overall development setting. The paper also tries to situate the community perception on the sustainable livelihood of ecotourism sites of Kerala. Data for the study is obtained from a primary survey by dividing the ecotourism destinations in Kerala into three zones, 230 from south zone, 220 from central zone  and 200 from north zone  with a total sample size of 650 based on the notion of community based ecotourism initiatives of the state. The result of the study confirms that ecotourism has helped to enhance the livelihood of the marginalized community. With well-knit policies it is possible to tag ecotourism of Kerala as an important tourism destination in the global tourism map. Key Words: Perception, Livelihood, Marginalized community, Community based Ecotourism, Sustainabilit

    Programming Protocol-Independent Packet Processors

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    P4 is a high-level language for programming protocol-independent packet processors. P4 works in conjunction with SDN control protocols like OpenFlow. In its current form, OpenFlow explicitly specifies protocol headers on which it operates. This set has grown from 12 to 41 fields in a few years, increasing the complexity of the specification while still not providing the flexibility to add new headers. In this paper we propose P4 as a strawman proposal for how OpenFlow should evolve in the future. We have three goals: (1) Reconfigurability in the field: Programmers should be able to change the way switches process packets once they are deployed. (2) Protocol independence: Switches should not be tied to any specific network protocols. (3) Target independence: Programmers should be able to describe packet-processing functionality independently of the specifics of the underlying hardware. As an example, we describe how to use P4 to configure a switch to add a new hierarchical label
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