764 research outputs found

    Stability of strained heteroepitaxial systems in (1+1) dimensions

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    We present a simple analytical model for the determination of the stable phases of strained heteroepitaxial systems in (1+1) dimensions. In order for this model to be consistent with a subsequent dynamic treatment, all expressions are adjusted to an atomistic Lennard-Jones system. Good agreement is obtained when the total energy is assumed to consist of two contributions: the surface energy and the elastic energy. As a result, we determine the stable phases as a function of the main ``control parameters'' (binding energies, coverage and lattice mismatch). We find that there exists no set of parameters leading to an array of islands as a stable configuration. We however show that a slight modification of the model can lead to the formation of stable arrays of islands.Comment: 11 pages, 14 figures, submitted to Physical Review

    Free energy of cluster formation and a new scaling relation for the nucleation rate

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    Recent very large molecular dynamics simulations of homogeneous nucleation with (1āˆ’8)ā‹…109(1-8) \cdot 10^9 Lennard-Jones atoms [Diemand et al. J. Chem. Phys. {\bf 139}, 074309 (2013)] allow us to accurately determine the formation free energy of clusters over a wide range of cluster sizes. This is now possible because such large simulations allow for very precise measurements of the cluster size distribution in the steady state nucleation regime. The peaks of the free energy curves give critical cluster sizes, which agree well with independent estimates based on the nucleation theorem. Using these results, we derive an analytical formula and a new scaling relation for nucleation rates: lnā”Jā€²/Ī·\ln J' / \eta is scaled by lnā”S/Ī·\ln S / \eta, where the supersaturation ratio is SS, Ī·\eta is the dimensionless surface energy, and Jā€²J' is a dimensionless nucleation rate. This relation can be derived using the free energy of cluster formation at equilibrium which corresponds to the surface energy required to form the vapor-liquid interface. At low temperatures (below the triple point), we find that the surface energy divided by that of the classical nucleation theory does not depend on temperature, which leads to the scaling relation and implies a constant, positive Tolman length equal to half of the mean inter-particle separation in the liquid phase.Comment: 7 figure


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    Systematically extending classical nucleation theory

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    The foundation for any discussion of first-order phse transitions is Classical Nucleation Theory(CNT). CNT, developed in the first half of the twentieth century, is based on a number of heuristically plausible assumtptions and the majority of theoretical work on nucleation is devoted to refining or extending these ideas. Ideally, one would like to derive CNT from a more fundamental description of nucleation so that its extension, development and refinement could be developed systematically. In this paper, such a development is described based on a previously established (Lutsko, JCP 136:034509, 2012 ) connection between Classical Nucleation Theory and fluctuating hydrodynamics. Here, this connection is described without the need for artificial assumtions such as spherical symmetry. The results are illustrated by application to CNT with moving clusters (a long-standing problem in the literature) and the constructrion of CNT for ellipsoidal clusters

    Systematic Improvement of Classical Nucleation Theory

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    We reconsider the applicability of classical nucleation theory (CNT) to the calculation of the free energy of solid cluster formation in a liquid and its use to the evaluation of interface free energies from nucleation barriers. Using two different freezing transitions (hard spheres and NaCl) as test cases, we first observe that the interface-free-energy estimates based on CNT are generally in error. As successive refinements of nucleation-barrier theory, we consider corrections due to a non-sharp solid-liquid interface and to a non-spherical cluster shape. Extensive calculations for the Ising model show that corrections due to a non-sharp and thermally fluctuating interface account for the barrier shape with excellent accuracy. The experimental solid nucleation rates that are measured in colloids are better accounted for by these non-CNT terms, whose effect appears to be crucial in the interpretation of data and in the extraction of the interface tension from them.Comment: 20 pages (text + supplementary material

    Geometrical Frustration: A Study of 4d Hard Spheres

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    The smallest maximum kissing-number Voronoi polyhedron of 3d spheres is the icosahedron and the tetrahedron is the smallest volume that can show up in Delaunay tessalation. No periodic lattice is consistent with either and hence these dense packings are geometrically frustrated. Because icosahedra can be assembled from almost perfect tetrahedra, the terms "icosahedral" and "polytetrahedral" packing are often used interchangeably, which leaves the true origin of geometric frustration unclear. Here we report a computational study of freezing of 4d hard spheres, where the densest Voronoi cluster is compatible with the symmetry of the densest crystal, while polytetrahedral order is not. We observe that, under otherwise comparable conditions, crystal nucleation in 4d is less facile than in 3d. This suggest that it is the geometrical frustration of polytetrahedral structures that inhibits crystallization.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures; revised interpretatio

    Hard sphere crystallization gets rarer with increasing dimension

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    We recently found that crystallization of monodisperse hard spheres from the bulk fluid faces a much higher free energy barrier in four than in three dimensions at equivalent supersaturation, due to the increased geometrical frustration between the simplex-based fluid order and the crystal [J.A. van Meel, D. Frenkel, and P. Charbonneau, Phys. Rev. E 79, 030201(R) (2009)]. Here, we analyze the microscopic contributions to the fluid-crystal interfacial free energy to understand how the barrier to crystallization changes with dimension. We find the barrier to grow with dimension and we identify the role of polydispersity in preventing crystal formation. The increased fluid stability allows us to study the jamming behavior in four, five, and six dimensions and compare our observations with two recent theories [C. Song, P. Wang, and H. A. Makse, Nature 453, 629 (2008); G. Parisi and F. Zamponi, Rev. Mod. Phys, in press (2009)].Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure

    Master-equation approach to the study of phase-change processes in data storage media

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    We study the dynamics of crystallization in phase-change materials using a master-equation approach in which the state of the crystallizing material is described by a cluster size distribution function. A model is developed using the thermodynamics of the processes involved and representing the clusters of size two and greater as a continuum but clusters of size one (monomers) as a separate equation. We present some partial analytical results for the isothermal case and for large cluster sizes, but principally we use numerical simulations to investigate the model. We obtain results that are in good agreement with experimental data and the model appears to be useful for the fast simulation of reading and writing processes in phase-change optical and electrical memories

    Orientation dependence of heterogeneous nucleation at the Cuā€“Pb solid-liquid interface

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    In this work, we examine the effect of surface structure on the heterogeneous nucleation of Pb crystals from the melt at a Cu substrate using molecular-dynamics (MD) simulation. In a previous work [Palafox-Hernandez et al., Acta Mater. 59, 3137 (2011)] studying the Cu/Pb solid-liquid interface with MD simulation, we observed that the structure of the Cu(111) and Cu(100) interfaces was significantly different at 625 K, just above the Pb melting temperature (618 K for the model). The Cu(100) interface exhibited significant surface alloying in the crystal plane in contact with the melt. In contrast, no surface alloying was seen at the Cu(111) interface; however, a prefreezing layer of crystalline Pb, 2-3 atomic planes thick and slightly compressed relative to bulk Pb crystal, was observed to form at the interface. We observe that at the Cu(111) interface the prefreezing layer is no longer present at 750 K, but surface alloying in the Cu(100) interface persists. In a series of undercooling MD simulations, heterogeneous nucleation of fcc Pb is observed at the Cu(111) interface within the simulation time (5 ns) at 592 Kā€”a 26 K undercooling. Nucleation and growth at Cu(111) proceeded layerwise with a nearly planar critical nucleus. Quantitative analysis yielded heterogeneous nucleation barriers that are more than two orders of magnitude smaller than the predicted homogeneous nucleation barriers from classical nucleation theory. Nucleation was considerably more difficult on the Cu(100) surface-alloyed substrate. An undercooling of approximately 170 K was necessary to observe nucleation at this interface within the simulation time. From qualitative observation, the critical nucleus showed a contact angle with the Cu(100) surface of over 90Ā°, indicating poor wetting of the Cu(100) surface by the nucleating phase, which according to classical heterogeneous nucleation theory provides an explanation of the large undercooling necessary to nucleate on the Cu(100) surface, relative to Cu(111), whose surface is more similar to the nucleating phase due to the presence of the prefreezing layer
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