121 research outputs found

    Influence of soil temperature and water content on fine-root seasonal growth of European beech natural forest in Southern Alps, Italy

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    In tree species, fine-root growth is influenced by the interaction between environmental factors such as soil temperature (ST) and soil moisture. Evidences suggest that if soil moisture and nutrient availability are adequate, rates of root growth increase with increasing soil temperature up to an optimum and then decline at supraoptimal temperatures. These optimal conditions vary between different taxa, the native environment and the fine-root diameter sub-classes considered. We investigated the effects of seasonal changes of both ST and soil water content (SWC) on very fine (d < 0.5 mm) and fine-root (0.5 < d < 2 mm) mass (vFRM, FRM) and length (vFRL, FRL) in Italian Southern Alps beech forests (Fagus sylvatica L.). Root samples were collected by soil core method. Turnover rate was higher for the very fine (0.51) than for the fine (0.36) roots. vFRM, FRM, vFRL and FRL displayed a complex seasonal pattern peaking in summer when SWC was around 40 % and ST was around 14 \ub0C. Above this temperature, under almost constant SWC, all above mentioned root traits decreased. vFRM, FRM, vFRL and FRL showed significant second-order polynomial relationship (p < 0.05) with SWC for both diameter classes, with the only exception of SRL. ST showed the same kind of relationship significant only with vFRM and vFRL, the latter within the 12-16 \ub0C smaller range. Interpolation analysis between root mass and length for both diameter classes and investigated soil environmental characteristics (ST and SWC) showed a clear roundish delineation only for vFRM. In conclusion, these findings clarified the occurrence of a bimodal fine-root growth seasonal pattern for our beech forest. The optimal growth ST and SWC ranges were delineated only for very fine roots, giving further evidence on this root category as the more responsiveness to soil environmental changes. Furthermore, F. sylvatica seems to adopt an intensive strategy to cope with decreasing SWC. Finally, fine-root growth, mainly radial type, seems to be driven by SWC, whereas very fine-root growth, mainly longitudinal type, seems to be driven by ST

    Meristematic connectome: A cellular coordinator of plant responses to environmental signals?

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    Mechanical stress in tree roots induces the production of reaction wood (RW) and the formation of new branch roots, both functioning to avoid anchorage failure and limb damage. The vascular cambium (VC) is the factor responsible for the onset of these responses as shown by their occurrence when all primary tissues and the root tips are removed. The data presented confirm that the VC is able to evaluate both the direction and magnitude of the mechanical forces experienced before coordinating the most fitting responses along the root axis whenever and wherever these are necessary. The coordination of these responses requires intense crosstalk between meristematic cells of the VC which may be very distant from the place where the mechanical stress is first detected. Signaling could be facilitated through plasmodesmata between meristematic cells. The mechanism of RW production also seems to be well conserved in the stem and this fact suggests that the VC could behave as a single structure spread along the plant body axis as a means to control the relationship between the plant and its environment. The observation that there are numerous morphological and functional similarities between different meristems and that some important regulatory mechanisms of meristem activity, such as homeostasis, are common to several meristems, supports the hypothesis that not only the VC but all apical, primary and secondary meristems present in the plant body behave as a single interconnected structure. We propose to name this structure \u201cmeristematic connectome\u201d given the possibility that the sequence of meristems from root apex to shoot apex could represent a pluricellular network that facilitates long-distance signaling in the plant body. The possibility that the \u201cmeristematic connectome\u201d could act as a single structure active in adjusting the plant body to its surrounding environment throughout the life of a plant is now proposed

    Poplar woody root proteome during the transition dormancy-active growth

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    Woody plants living in temperate climates finely regulate their growth and development in relation to seasonal changes; their transition from vegetative to dormancy phase represents an adaptation to their environment. Events occurring in the shoot during onset/release from dormancy have been largely investigated, whereas in woody roots they remain completely unknown. In recent years, we have been interested in understanding the molecular and physiological events occurring in poplar woody root during release from dormancy. Here, we propose the results of a comparative analysis of the proteome of poplar woody root sampled at different time points: T0 (dormancy condition), T1 (release from dormancy), and T2 (full vegetative condition). This study identified proteins that may be involved in the long-term survival of a dormant root or landmarking a specific time point

    Clinical implications of novel activating EGFR mutations in malignant peritoneal mesothelioma

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>There is a paucity of information about the molecular perturbations involved in MPM tumor formation. We previously reported that EGFR-TK mutations in MPM were predictive of achieving optimal surgical cytoreduction, but the status of EGFR pathway activation potential of these mutations was not known. Here we present the mutant EGFR activating potential and the matured survival data of the EGFR mutant(mut+) relative to wild type EGFR(mut-) mesothelioma.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Twenty-nine patients were evaluated and their tumors were probed for mutations in the catalytic TK-domain. Twenty-five patients were treated with cytoreductive surgery and complete clinical data was available for comparison of the mut+ and mut- groups. A COS-7 cell expression model was used to determine mutation activating profiles and response to erlotinib.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Functional mutations were found in 31%(9/29) of patients; 7 of these mutations were novel and another was the L858R mutation. All missense mutations were found to be activating mutations and responsive to erlotinib. Of the 25 patients managed surgically, there were 7 mut+ and 18 mut-. Two of 7 (29%) mut+ developed progressive disease and died with a median follow-up time of 22 months; while 13/18 (72%) mut- developed progressive disease and 10/18 (56%) died with median TTP of 12 months and median survival of 14 months.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The novel EGFR mutations identified are activating mutations responsive to erlotinib. The mut+ subset have a 'relative' improved outcome. Erlotinib may have a role in MPM and exploration for mutations in a larger patient cohort is warranted.</p

    Puesta en marcha y operaciĂłn de un sistema combinado de tratamiento de lĂ­quidos cloacales con reactores UASB y lagunas de estabilizaciĂłn

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    Se presenta la puesta en marcha y operación de una planta piloto para el tratamiento de líquidos cloacales, consistente en dos reactores UASB (reactores anaeróbicos de flujo ascendente y manto de lodos) seguidos de cinco lagunas de estabilización (LDE) en serie. La puesta en marcha del sistema fue realizada en aproximadamente un mes. La eficiencia de remoción de Demanda Química de Oxígeno (DQO) en las etapas anaeróbicas alcanzó el 90%, con Tiempos de Retención Hidráulica (TRH) de 6 + 6 h, mientras que la eficiencia de remoción de Sólidos Suspendidos Totales y Volátiles fue 98,1 y 99,1%, respectivamente. La remoción de Coliformes Fecales (CF) en el sistema completo fue 99.9999%, con 15 d de TRH en las LDE. La remoción total de huevos de helmintos fue 99.3%. El sistema estudiado es una opción atractiva para el tratamiento de líquidos cloacales en regiones subtropicales.In this work, the start-up and operation of a pilot-scale sewage treatment plant are described. The plant consists of two UASB (upflow anaerobic sludge blanket) reactors in series followed by five waste stabilization ponds (WSP), also in series. The start-up was accomplished in approximately one month. Chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal efficiency in the anaerobic steps reached 90%, with hydraulic retention times (HRT) of 6 + 6 h, while total and volatile suspended solids (TSS/VSS) removal was 98,1 and 99,1%, respectively. Faecal Coliforms (FC) removal in the entire system was 99.9999%, with 15 d HRT in the WSP. Total removal of helminth eggs was 99.3%. The studied system is an attractive option for sewage treatment in subtropical regions.Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente (ASADES

    ESPON Italian evidence in changing Europe

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    Il volume, che rientra nelle attività dell’ESPON Contact Point Italia, accoglie i risultati del contributo dei Partner Italiani allo sviluppo dei progetti del Programma ESPON 2013, acronimo di European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion. I testi sintetizzano ed evidenziano, tra l’altro, le relazioni con le politiche di sviluppo regionale dell’Italia, inserendole in un quadro di cooperazione transnazionale che coinvolge 28 + 4 paesi dell’Unione europea. Affrontando aspetti della politica territoriale europea che spaziano dall’innovazione e conoscenza all’accessibilità, dal policentrismo alle aree metropolitane, dalla migrazione alla globalizzazione, gli Autori mettono in luce la posizione dell’Italia e delle regioni anche rispetto agli obiettivi fissati da Europe 2020. Uno spazio è dedicato alle esperienze regionali che hanno trovato in ESPON uno stimolo e un’occasione di confronto; come pure ai concetti che sottendono il lessico, i principi di orientamento e i nuovi modelli della pianificazione in Europa; e alle esperienze formative rivolte alle giovani generazioni e ai decision maker Il libro si inquadra nelle iniziative del Semestre di Presidenza Italiana dell’Unione europea ed è cofinanziato dal Ministero delle Infrastrutture e dei Trasporti (MIT) responsabile nazionale del Programma ESPON. E’ rivolto ai ricercatori, agli utilizzatori istituzionali, ai policy maker, ai “practioner” e ai “non specialisti”, tra cui gli studenti, affinché possano fare propri i risultati dell’impegno costante, rigoroso e rispettoso delle diversità territoriali che hanno contraddistinto, dal 2007 ad oggi, il contributo della ricerca, anche sperimentale e applicata, alla crescita della società italiana come parte integrante del sistema europeo. L’Osservatorio ESPON, per chi ancora non lo conosce, può rappresentare un viaggio nel territorio europeo, nelle sue diversità territoriali, economiche, sociali, culturali da integrare e rendere coese, sostenibili, mantenendo e sviluppando potenziali di competitività crescenti e, nel contempo, innovando e diffondendo nuovi modi, metodologie, strumenti e prassi per fare del territorio un bene comune e condiviso. Dati, riferimenti e raccomandazioni politiche utili alla crescita del Paese completano il quadro. Presentazione del Ministro delle Infrastrutture, On. Maurizio Lupi Postfazione del Direttore della Coordination Unit del Programma ESPON, Peter MehlbyeThe book is part of the activities of ESPON Contact Point Italy. It includes the results of the contribution of the Italian partners in the development of projects under the ESPON 2013 Programme, which stands for European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion. The texts summarise and highlight, among other things, the relations with the regional development policies of Italy, placing them in a framework of transnational cooperation involving the 28 + 4 EU Countries. Addressing aspects of European territorial policy, ranging from innovation and knowledge accessibility, from the polycentrism to metropolitan areas, from migration to globalization, the authors highlight the position of Italy and of regions also in relation to the objectives set by Europe 2020. A place is devoted to the regional experiences that in the ESPON found a stimulus and an opportunity for discussion, as well as to the concepts behind the vocabulary, to the principles of guidance, and new planning models in Europe, and to the training experiences aimed at the younger generations and the decision makers The book forms part of the initiatives of the Italian Presidency of the European Union and is co-financed by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transportation (MIT) in charge of the national ESPON Programme. It is aimed at researchers, institutional users, policy makers, at "practitioners" and "non-specialists" including students, so that they can make use of the results of the constant and rigorous work also respectful of the territorial diversities that have characterized the experimental and applied research since 2007, so contributing to the growth of Italian society as an integral part of the European system. The ESPON Monitoring Centre, for those who still do not know, can be a journey into the European territory, its territorial, economic, social, cultural diversities to integrate and make cohesive and sustainable, by maintaining and developing the increasing potentials of competitiveness and, at the same time, by innovating and disseminating new ways, methodologies, tools and practices to make the territory a common and shared good. Data, references and useful policy recommendations to the growth of the country are also included in the book. Presentation by the Minister of Infrastructure, Mr. Maurizio Lupi Afterword by the Director of the Coordination Unit ESPON Programme , Peter Mehlby

    Mesenchymal tumours of the mediastinum—part II

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