93 research outputs found

    Evaluation of LACIE phase 3 yield models, detailed data

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    Exploring infant & young child feeding (IYCF) practices & perceptions in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets

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    Introduction: The aim of the research was to gain a greater understanding of infant and young child feeding perceptions and practices in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets and the role of early years’ providers in supporting healthy feeding practices. The research was used to feed into ongoing commissioning and resource allocation priorities, taking into consideration continuing budget restrictions, to achieve nutrition outcomes through effective early years’ public health interventions. Methodology: A qualitative methodology was applied. The target groups were mothers with children under five years old, early years ‘service providers and carers. The participants were selected using purposeful, convenience and snowball sampling methods. In total 18 focus group discussions, 36 interviews and 3 direct observation sessions were carried out with 144 participants across the borough. Findings: There was generally widespread knowledge that breastfeeding is best for infants, however, there was less clarity on the best time for introducing complementary food and drinks to infants. Mothers trust health providers for information, but most used the internet, family and friends for information as it was easier to access. Some mothers reported mixed messages, pain, and pressure from the media, families and friends as the main reasons for changing from exclusive breastfeeding to mixed feeding. Some mothers reported lack of support postnatally and inconsistent advice such as service providers giving mixed messages, especially regarding feeding in public, mixed feeding and when to introduce other fluids and foods. The borough’s infant and young child feeding support workers were valued, but not all mothers knew about the service. Certain groups, such as those with English as a second language, teenage mothers and mothers without childcare reported not using services routinely. Conclusions: Following presentation of the key findings, and a discussion with early years’ service providers, the Tower Hamlets Public Health Division suggested practice changes which were adopted by the LBTH council. The council committed to continue supporting the Infant Feeding & Wellbeing Service (known as the Baby Feeding Service) to continue to improve infant and young child feeding practices. Health visitors are encouraged to use their new 3-4 month contact with post-natal mothers, in addition to the five mandated universal contacts, as an opportunity to offer nutrition support to mothers. The council also approved increased nutrition capacity within the Health Visiting and Public Health team. More information is now available on the Tower Hamlets website to support mothers with clear nutrition and infant feeding information with details of the many services mothers can access in the borough

    Using online adverts to increase the uptake of cervical screening amongst "real Eastenders": an opportunistic controlled trial.

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    BACKGROUND: Cervical screening uptake has increased as a result of occurrences of cervical cancer in TV 'soap operas' and in real life celebrities such as Jade Goody. Media analysis at the time of Jade Goody's death suggested the NHS did not take sufficient advantage of this opportunity to improve cervical screening rates. Google AdWords has been used to recruit and raise awareness of health but we were not aware of its use to supplement media events. METHODS: This was an opportunistic service evaluation to accompany a cervical cancer storyline in Eastenders (a TV 'soap opera'). We ran an AdWords campaign based on keywords such as 'Eastenders', and 'cervical cancer' in a one mile radius in East London, linked to one webpage giving details of 10 practices and other links on cervical cancer. We recorded costs of adverts and setting up the webpage. We used routine statistics from Tower Hamlets, City and Hackney, and Newham Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) of the number of smears, eligible populations, and coverage by practice by month from September 2010 to January 2012 to compare the ten intervention practices with controls. RESULTS: Eight people per day in the target area viewed the project webpage. The cost of setting up the website and running Google AdWords was ÂŁ1320 or ÂŁ1.88 per person viewing the webpage. Unlike Jade Goody's death, there was no major impact from the Eastenders' storyline on Google searches for cervical cancer. There was considerable monthly variation in the number of smear tests in the 3 PCTs. The AdWords campaign may have had some effect on smear rates but this showed, at best, a marginal statistical difference. Assuming a 'real' effect, the intervention may have resulted in 110 'extra' women being screened but there was no change in coverage. CONCLUSIONS: Although the Eastenders storyline seemed to have no effect on interest in cervical cancer or screening, the AdWords campaign may have had some effect. Given the small scale exploratory nature of the study this was not statistically significant but the relatively modest cost of advertising suggests a larger study may be worthwhile. An outline of a possible study is described

    Ventilatory responses after major surgery and high dependency care

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    BACKGROUND: Disturbed breathing during sleep, with episodic upper airway obstruction, is frequent after major surgery. Ventilatory responses to hypercapnia and hypoxia during episodes of airway obstruction are difficult to investigate because the usual measure, that of ventilation, has been attenuated by the obstruction. We simulated the blood gas stimulus associated with obstruction to allow investigation of the responses. METHODS: To assess ventilatory responses, we studied 19 patients, mean age 59 (19–79), first at discharge from high dependency care after major abdominal surgery and then at surgical review, ∌6 weeks later. Exhaled gas was analysed and inspired gas adjusted to simulate changes that would occur during airway obstruction. Changes in ventilation were measured over the following 45–70 s. Studies were done from air breathing if possible, and also from an increased inspired oxygen concentration. RESULTS: During simulated obstruction, hypercapnia developed similarly in all the test conditions. Arterial oxygen saturation decreased significantly more rapidly when the test was started from air breathing. The mean ventilatory response was 5.8 litre min(−2) starting from air breathing and 4.5 litre min(−2) with oxygen breathing. The values 6 weeks later were 5.9 and 4.3 litre min(−2), respectively (P=0.05, analysis of variance). There was no statistical difference between the responses starting from air and those on oxygen. CONCLUSIONS: After major surgery, ventilatory responses to hypercapnia and hypoxaemia associated with airway obstruction are small and do not improve after 6 weeks. With air breathing, arterial oxygen desaturation during simulated rebreathing is substantial

    An epitaph to Section 28? Telling tales out of school about changes and challenges to discourses of sexuality

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    This is a postprint of an article whose final and definitive form has been published in the International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education,© 2007 Copyright Taylor & Francis; International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, is available online at http://www.informaworld.comThis article seeks to develop an understanding of the professional and personal lives of LGBT teachers in relation to the discriminatory statute Section 28, which prohibited 'promotion' of 'the acceptability of homosexuality as a pretended family relationship' by local education authorities in the UK (except Northern Ireland). Interviews with a small sample of serving teachers are analysed using a feminist poststructuralist methodology to discover whether the removal of this legislation marks a shift in theorization, policy or practice. Findings are arranged to focus on the workings of official policy, on informal or unofficial classroom and staffroom practices, and on relations with a local community. Analysis and discussion reveal a complex matrix of constituents (space, relationships and other variables) only some of which respond to the (perhaps) superficial stimulus of legislative change. Such change goes only a small way to challenge a deeply embedded discourse of inequality, which may respond only to a more profound epistemological transformation

    Biology and Impacts of Pacific Island Invasive Species. 6. Prosopis pallida

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