164 research outputs found

    Reduction of laser intensity scintillations in turbulent atmospheres using time averaging of a partially coherent beam

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    We demonstrate experimentally and numerically that the application of a partially coherent beam (PCB) in combination with time averaging leads to a significant reduction in the scintillation index. We use a simplified experimental approach in which the atmospheric turbulence is simulated by a phase diffuser. The role of the speckle size, the amplitude of the phase modulation, and the strength of the atmospheric turbulence are examined. We obtain good agreement between our numerical simulations and our experimental results. This study provides a useful foundation for future applications of PCB-based methods of scintillation reduction in physical atmospheres.Comment: 18 pages, 14 figure

    Simultaneous Measurement of Benzo[a]pyrene-induced Pig-a and lacZ Mutations, Micronuclei and DNA Adducts in Muta™ Mouse

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    In this study we compared the response of the Pig-a gene mutation assay to that of the lacZ transgenic rodent mutation assay, and demonstrated that multiple endpoints can be measured in a 28-day repeat dose study. Muta™Mouse were dosed daily for 28 days with benzo[a]pyrene (BaP; 0, 25, 50 and 75 mg/kg body weight/day) by oral gavage. Micronucleus (MN) frequency was determined in reticulocytes (RETs) 48 hr following the last dose. 72 h following the last dose, mice were euthanized, and tissues (glandular stomach, small intestine, bone marrow and liver) were collected for lacZ mutation and DNA adduct analysis, and blood was evaluated for Pig-a mutants. BaP-derived DNA adducts were detected in all tissues examined and significant dose-dependent increases in mutant Pig-a phenotypes (i.e., RETCD24- and RBC CD24-) and lacZ mutants were observed. We estimate that mutagenic efficiency (i.e., rate of conversion of adducts into mutations) was much lower for Pig-a compared to lacZ, and speculate that this difference is likely explained by differences in repair capacity between the gene targets, and differences in the cell populations sampled for Pig-a versus lacZ. The BaP doubling doses for both gene targets, however, were comparable, suggesting that similar mechanisms are involved in the accumulation of gene mutations. Significant dose-related increases in % MN were also observed; however, the doubling dose was considerably higher for this endpoint. The similarity in dose response kinetics of Pig-a and lacZ provides further evidence for the mutational origin of glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchor deficiencies detected in the Pig-a assay. Environ. Mol. Mutagen. 2011. © 2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc

    Internet-based audiological interventions: An update for clinicians

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    Purpose: Advancements in digital and computing technologies have created opportunities for innovations in the provision of healthcare remotely. The aim of this paper is to provide audiological professionals with a summary of literature regarding existing audiological Internet-based interventions (IBI’s). The specific objectives are to (1) provide an overview of the range of audiological IBI’s for adults with hearing loss, balance disorders, and tinnitus; (2) identify the features included in these IBI’s and possible benefits; and (3) identify difficulties and challenges regarding the implementation and use of audiological IBI’s. Method: Relevant articles were identified through literature review conducted in the PubMed database and grey literature. The relevant information from these sources, such as the type of intervention and main outcomes, were summarized. Results: A range of IBI’s were identified, with the majority addressing tinnitus distress. Those for hearing loss have been applied at different stages of the patient journey. Unguided IBI’s for vestibular difficulties included self-help for Ménières Disease and vestibular rehabilitation. Most tinnitus IBI’s provided cognitive behavioural therapy. Overall IBI’s showed benefits in terms of outcome and accessibility. Barriers include uncertainties surrounding the cost effectiveness, optimal level of support and improving intervention compliance. Conclusions: Telehealth applications are expanding in audiology and IBI’s have been developed to provide auditory rehabilitation, vestibular rehabilitation, and tinnitus interventions. IBI’s have the potential to offer accessible and affordable services. Further work is required to further develop these interventions and optimize outcomes

    Changes in Telepsychiatry Regulations during the COVID-19 Pandemic: 17 Countries and Regions' Approaches to an Evolving Healthcare Landscape

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    Background: During the COVID-19 pandemic, the use of telemedicine as a way to reduce COVID-19 infections was noted and consequently deregulated. However, the degree of telemedicine regulation varies from country to country, which may alter the widespread use of telemediine. This study aimed to clarify the telepsychiatry regulations for each collaborating country/region before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: We used snowball sampling within a global network of international telepsychiatry experts. Thirty collaborators from 17 different countries/regions responded to a questionnaire on barriers to the use and implementation of telepsychiatric care, including policy factors such as regulations and reimbursement at the end of 2019 and as of May 2020. Results: Thirteen of 17 regions reported a relaxation of regulations due to the pandemic; consequently, all regions surveyed stated that telepsychiatry was now possible within their public healthcare systems. In some regions, restrictions on prescription medications allowed via telepsychiatry were eased, but in 11 of the 17 regions, there were still restrictions on prescribing medications via telepsychiatry. Lower insurance reimbursement amounts for telepsychiatry consultations versus in-person consultations were reevaluated in 4 regions, and consequently, in 15 regions telepsychiatry services were reimbursed at the same rate (or higher) than in-person consultations during the COVID-19 pandemic. Conclusions: Our results confirm that, due to COVID-19, the majority of countries surveyed are altering telemedicine regulations that had previously restricted the spread of telemedicine. These findings provide information that could guide future policy and regulatory decisions, that facilitate greater scale and spread of telepsychiatry globally

    The ethics of digital well-being: a multidisciplinary perspective

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    This chapter serves as an introduction to the edited collection of the same name, which includes chapters that explore digital well-being from a range of disciplinary perspectives, including philosophy, psychology, economics, health care, and education. The purpose of this introductory chapter is to provide a short primer on the different disciplinary approaches to the study of well-being. To supplement this primer, we also invited key experts from several disciplines—philosophy, psychology, public policy, and health care—to share their thoughts on what they believe are the most important open questions and ethical issues for the multi-disciplinary study of digital well-being. We also introduce and discuss several themes that we believe will be fundamental to the ongoing study of digital well-being: digital gratitude, automated interventions, and sustainable co-well-being

    Assessment of Systemic Genetic Damage in Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease.

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    The etiology of distal site cancers in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is not well understood and requires further study. We investigated whether pediatric IBD patients' blood cells exhibit elevated levels of genomic damage by measuring the frequency of mutant phenotype (CD59-/CD55-) reticulocytes (MUT RET) as a reporter of PIG-A mutation, and the frequency of micronucleated reticulocytes (MN-RET) as an indicator of chromosomal damage. IBD patients (n = 18 new onset disease, 46 established disease) were compared to age-matched controls (constipation or irritable bowel syndrome patients from the same clinic, n = 30) and young healthy adults age 19 - 24 (n = 25). IBD patients showed no indication of elevated MUT RET relative to controls (mean ± std. dev. = 3.1 ± 2.3 x 10-6 versus 3.6 ± 5.6 x 10-6 , respectively). In contrast, of 59 IBD patients where %MN-RET measurements were obtained, 10 exceeded the upper bound 90% tolerance interval derived from control subjects (i.e., 0.42%). Furthermore, each of the 10 IBD patients with elevated MN-RET had established disease (10/42), none were new onset (0/17) (p = 0.049). Interestingly, each of the subjects with increased chromosomal damage was receiving anti-TNF based monotherapy at the time blood was collected (10/10, 100%), whereas this therapy was less common (20/32, 63%) among patients that exhibited ≤ 0.42% MN-RET (p = 0.040). The results clearly indicate the need for further work to understand whether the results presented herein are reproducible, and if so, to elucidate the causative factor(s) responsible for elevated MN-RET frequencies in some IBD patients

    SlowMo, a digital therapy targeting reasoning in paranoia, versus treatment as usual in the treatment of people who fear harm from others: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial

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    Background: Paranoia is one of the most common symptoms of schizophrenia-spectrum disorders, and is associated with significant distress and disruption to the person’s life. Developing more effective and accessible psychological interventions for paranoia is a clinical priority. Our research team has approached this challenge in two main ways: firstly, by adopting an interventionist causal approach to increase effectiveness and secondly, by incorporating user-centred inclusive design methods to enhance accessibility and usability. Our resultant new digital intervention, SlowMo, intensively targets a reasoning style associated with paranoia, fast thinking, characterised by jumping to conclusions and belief inflexibility. It consists of an easy-to-use, enjoyable and memorable digital interface. An interactive web-based app facilitates delivery of face-to-face meetings which is then synchronised with an innovative mobile app for use in daily life. Methods/Design: We aim to test the clinical efficacy of SlowMo over 24 weeks to determine the mechanisms through which it reduces paranoia, and to identify participant characteristics that moderate its effectiveness. In a parallel-group randomised controlled trial, with 1:1 allocation, 360 participants with distressing persecutory beliefs will be independently randomised to receive either the SlowMo intervention added to treatment as usual (TAU) or TAU, using randomly varying permuted blocks, stratified by paranoia severity and site. Research workers will be blind to therapy allocation. The primary outcome is paranoia severity over 24 weeks; our hypothesised mechanism of change is reasoning; moderators include negative symptoms and working memory; and secondary outcomes include wellbeing, quality of life, and service use. The accessibility, usability and acceptability of the digital platform will be assessed. Discussion: SlowMo has been developed as the first blended digital therapy to target fears of harm from others through an inclusive design approach. In addition to testing its efficacy, this trial will add to our understanding of psychological mechanisms in paranoia. The study will examine the usability and adherence of a novel digital therapy, including an app for self-management, in a large sample of people affected by severe mental health difficulties

    Social decline in the psychosis prodrome: Predictor potential and heterogeneity of outcome

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    Background: While an established clinical outcome of high importance, social functioning has been emerging as possibly having a broader significance to the evolution of psychosis and long term disability. In the current study we explored the association between social decline, conversion to psychosis, and functional outcome in individuals at clinical high risk (CHR) for psychosis. Methods: 585 subjects collected in the North American Prodrome Longitudinal Study (NAPLS2) were divided into 236 Healthy Controls (HCs), and CHR subjects that developed psychosis (CHR + C, N = 79), or those that did not (Non-Converters, CHR-NC, N = 270). CHR + C subjects were further divided into those that experienced an atypical decline in social functioning prior to baseline (beyond typical impairment levels) when in min-to-late adolescence (CHR + C-SD, N = 39) or those that did not undergoing a decline (CHR + C-NSD, N = 40). Results: Patterns of poor functional outcomes varied across the CHR subgroups: CHR-NC (Poor Social 36.3%, Role 42.2%) through CHR + C-NSD (Poor Social 50%, Poor Role 67.5%) to CHR + C-SD (Poor Social 76.9%, Poor Role 89.7%) functioning. The two Converter subgroups had comparable positive symptoms at baseline. At 12 months, the CHR + C-SD group stabilized, but social functioning levels remained significantly lower than the other two subgroups. Conclusions: The current study demonstrates that pre-baseline social decline in mid-to-late adolescence predicts psychosis. In addition, we found that this social decline in converters is strongly associated with especially poor functional outcome and overall poorer prognosis. Role functioning, in contrast, has not shown similar predictor potential, and rather appears to be an illness indicator that worsens over time

    Preventive digital mental health interventions for children and young people: a review of the design and reporting of research

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    Abstract: Digital health interventions (DHIs) have frequently been highlighted as one way to respond to increasing levels of mental health problems in children and young people. Whilst many are developed to address existing mental health problems, there is also potential for DHIs to address prevention and early intervention. However, there are currently limitations in the design and reporting of the development, evaluation and implementation of preventive DHIs that can limit their adoption into real-world practice. This scoping review aimed to examine existing evidence-based DHI interventions and review how well the research literature described factors that researchers need to include in their study designs and reports to support real-world implementation. A search was conducted for relevant publications published from 2013 onwards. Twenty-one different interventions were identified from 30 publications, which took a universal (n = 12), selective (n = 3) and indicative (n = 15) approach to preventing poor mental health. Most interventions targeted adolescents, with only two studies including children aged ≤10 years. There was limited reporting of user co-design involvement in intervention development. Barriers and facilitators to implementation varied across the delivery settings, and only a minority reported financial costs involved in delivering the intervention. This review found that while there are continued attempts to design and evaluate DHIs for children and young people, there are several points of concern. More research is needed with younger children and those from poorer and underserved backgrounds. Co-design processes with children and young people should be recognised and reported as a necessary component within DHI research as they are an important factor in the design and development of interventions, and underpin successful adoption and implementation. Reporting the type and level of human support provided as part of the intervention is also important in enabling the sustained use and implementation of DHIs

    What Do Men Want from a Health Screening Mobile App? A Qualitative Study.

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    There is a lack of mobile app which aims to improve health screening uptake developed for men. As part of the study to develop an effective mobile app to increase health screening uptake in men, we conducted a needs assessment to find out what do men want from a health screening mobile app. In-depth interviews and focus group discussions were conducted with 31 men from a banking institution in Kuala Lumpur. The participants were purposely sampled according to their job position, age, ethnicity and screening status. The recruitment was stopped once data saturation was achieved. The audio-recorded interviews were transcribed verbatim and analyzed using thematic approach. Three themes emerged from the analysis and they were: content, feature and dissemination. In terms of the content, men wanted the app to provide information regarding health screening and functions that can assess their health; which must be personalized to them and are trustable. The app must have user-friendly features in terms of information delivery, ease of use, attention allocation and social connectivity. For dissemination, men proposed that advertisements, recommendations by health professionals, providing incentive and integrating the app as into existing systems may help to increase the dissemination of the app. This study identified important factors that need to be considered when developing a mobile app to improve health screening uptake. Future studies on mobile app development should elicit users' preference and need in terms of its content, features and dissemination strategies to improve the acceptability and the chance of successful implementation