141,441 research outputs found

    The CPS improvements 1965-1973: An assessment

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    I n 1965 , plan s wer e mad e t o increas e th e bea m intensit y delivere d b y th e CP S b y a facto r o f te n o r more . Th e firs t stage , involvin g a ne w powe r suppl y fo r th e mai n magne t an d mor e tha n doublin g th e cycl e repe titio n rate , wa s complete d i n 1968 . I n th e secon d stage , whic h i s no w essentiall y complete , th e majo r item s wa s th e constructio n o f a n 80 0 Me V slow-cyclin g booste r injector . Man y othe r modification s wer e inclu ded . Th e Lina c curren t ha d t o b e increase d b y a n orde r o f magnitud e t o suppl y th e Booster , an d th e highe r bea m intensitie s require d a mor e powerfu l R F acceleratin g system. Besides the 800 MeV injection elements, quadru-pole lenses were installed to avoid longitudinal dilu­ tio n a t transition , an d multipole s t o counterac t insta bilities . I n addition , th e chambe r vacuu m wa s improve d b y a facto r o f ten , shieldin g an d radiatio n resistanc e increase d wher e necessary , an d beam-equipmen t inter actio n reduced . Adequat e instrumentatio n an d contro l facilitie s ha d t o b e provided , an d th e efficienc y o f fas t an d slo w extractio n system s improved . Perturbation s du e t o variou s collectiv e phenomen a ha d t o b e overcome . Th e performanc e obtaine d durin g th e firs t physic s run s i s reported

    Ganglión migratorio tibio-peroneo proximal como causa de parálisis del ciático poplíteo externo

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    Se present a el caso de un ganglion de la articulación tibio-peronea proximal que se extendió a la musculatura peronea, el nervio peroneo profundo, ligamento lateral externo y menisco externo y ocasionó paresia del ciático poplíteo externo. Tuvo evolución recidivante por lo cual fue intervenido en 4 oportunidades; en la última se realizó una transposición tendinos a por parálisis del nervio peroneo profundo. El paciente evolucionó satisfactoriamente con recuperación de la función y desaparición del dolor. El caso presenta interés ya que ofrece una problemática en cuanto a su origen, presentación clínica, evolución con compromiso neurológico y dificultad en el tratamiento quirúrgico resolutivo.A synovia l cyst attache d t o th e proxima l tibiofibula r join t is described . Th e cyst spreade d int o th e peronea l muscl e group , th e dee p peronea l nerve , th e fibula r collatera l ligamen t an d latera l meniscu s producin g a peronea l nerv e paresis. T h e cyst recurre d an d th e patien t underwen t surger y i n 4 times; i n th e last on e a tendinou s transpositio n wa s performe d t o resolv e a dee p peronea l nerv e paralysis. T h e patien t ha d a goo d evolutio n eit h functio n recover y an d absces e o f pain . Th e cas e illustrate s th e origin , clinica l aspects, evolutio n wit h neuropath y an d difficult sur - gica l resectio n o f this entity

    Valoración Radiológica del Fracaso de las Prótesis Cervico-Cefálicas de Cadera en Fracturas de Cuello Femoral y Cirugía de Revisión

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    Lo s autore s analiza n los diferentes signos radiológicos que sugieren intolerancia de la s prótesis cérvico-cefálicas de cader a implantada s po r fractur a cervical que será n sometida s a Cirugí a de Revisión. Se estudian retrospectivamente 61 casos intervenidos entre los años 77 al 89, analizándos e la evolución de los diferentes modelos: Monk, Austin-Moore, Thompson, Mülle r y Robert-Mathys. Asimismo se estudia n la presencia de calcificaciones intr a y periarticulare s y la aparició n de complicaciones. Po r último, se pretende concretar la indicación de la Artroplasti a parcia l de cader a en paciente s anciano s con alto riesgo quirúrgico en oposición a un mejor resultad o de la Artroplasti a Total en el resto de pacientes.The author s analys e the different radiologica l feature s suggestin g intoleranc e o f the cervical-cephali c hi p prosthesis, implante d b y cervica l fractur e a n d submitte d t o revisio n surgery. Retrospectivel y 6 1 cases, whic h wer e carrie d ou t betwee n 197 7 an d 1989, ar e studied, an d the evolutio n o f the different pattern s i n analysed : Monk, Austin-Moore , Thompson , Mülle r an d Robert-Mathys. A t the sam e time , the presenc e o f intr a an d peri-articula r calcification s an d the appearanc e o f complication s ar e examined . Finally , they inten d t o summariz e th e indicatio n o f the hi p hemiarthroplast y i n ol d patien s wit h a hig h surgica l risk oppositio n t o a bette r result o f the tota l hi p arthroplast y in the rest o f th e patients

    Naturally Occurring Variations in the Human Cholinesterase Genes: Heritability and Association with Cardiovascular and Metabolic Traits □ S

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    ABSTRACT Cholinergic neurotransmission in the central and autonomic nervous systems regulates immediate variations in and longerterm maintenance of cardiovascular function with acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity that is critical to temporal responsiveness. Butyrylcholinesterase (BChE), largely confined to the liver and plasma, subserves metabolic functions. AChE and BChE are found in hematopoietic cells and plasma, enabling one to correlate enzyme levels in whole blood with hereditary traits in twins. Using both twin and unrelated subjects, we found certain single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the ACHE gene correlated with catalytic properties and general cardiovascular functions. SNP discovery from ACHE resequencing identified 19 SNPs: 7 coding SNPs (cSNPs), of which 4 are nonsynonymous, and 12 SNPs in untranslated regions, of which 3 are in a conserved sequence of an upstream intron. Both AChE and BChE activity traits in blood were heritable: AChE at 48.8 Ϯ 6.1% and BChE at 81.4 Ϯ 2.8%. Allelic and haplotype variations in the ACHE and BCHE genes were associated with changes in blood AChE and BChE activities. AChE activity was associated with BP status and SBP, whereas BChE activity was associated with features of the metabolic syndrome (especially body weight and BMI). Gene products from cDNAs with nonsynonymous cSNPs were expressed and purified. Protein expression of ACHE nonsynonymous variant D134H (SNP6) is impaired: this variant shows compromised stability and altered rates of organophosphate inhibition and oxime-assisted reactivation. A substantial fraction of the D134H instability could be reversed in the D134H/R136Q mutant. Hence, common genetic variations at ACHE and BCHE loci were associated with changes in corresponding enzymatic activities in blood

    O fórum como meio de reflexão na aprendizagem do módulo de Arquitectura de Computadores

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    A presente comunicação apresenta um estudo acerca da importância das travessias temáticas e da reflexão no desenvolvimento da flexibilidade cognitiva no domínio da arquitectura de computadores, centrando-se nas percepções dos alunos. A representação do conhecimento é feita através de um hiperdocumento e tem por base a Teoria da Flexibilidade Cognitiva. No estudo, participaram dois grupos, um acedeu ao hiperdocumento onde foram implementados os princípios da Teoria da Flexibilidade Cognitiva: desconstrução e travessias temáticas pré-definidas (grupo D&T), o outro acedeu a um hiperdocumento onde as travessias temáticas pré-definidas foram substituídas por um fórum (grupo D&R). Apesar de não se verificarem diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os dois grupos, os resultados apontam para a importância do fórum como meio de reflexão na aprendizagem do módulo de arquitectura de computadores e mostram a preferência dos sujeitos pela sua utilização, considerando que ele os prepara melhor para resolver situações problemáticas

    Etiology and outcome of pulmonary renal syndrome: Retrospective study from a tertiary care hospitaln

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    To determine the aetiology, clinical characteristics and outcome of patients admitted with pulmonary renal syndrome (PRS). This retrospective analysis was conducted at Aga Khan University Hospital from 2011 to 2015. A total of 17 adult patients admitted with PRS were included and followed up for a period of one year for the outcome of PRS as recovery, dialysis dependency or death. Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA) associated vasculitis (AAV) was found to be the single most frequent cause in 13 (76.4%) patients. The c o mm o n e s t c a u s e o f A AV w a s fo u n d t o b e Granulomatous polyangitis (GPA) in 10 (58.8%) followed by Microscopic angitis in 3 (17.6%) patients. Around 12 (70.5%) patients survived, 11 (64.7%) recovered while 1 patient remained dialysis dependent. Mortality rate was 29.4% and all these patients had severe alveolar haemorrhages. None of our patient died or relapsed during one year follow up


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    S t r u c t u r al a n aly sis is pla n n e d p h a s e s o f a b uildin g , e s p e cially t h e hig h b uildin g s . I n t h e a n aly sis o f t h e s t r u c t u r e r e q uir e d t o f a cilit a t e t h e m o d elin g c alc ula tio n s r e fle c t a c t u al c o n ditio n s in t h e field , b o t h in s t r u c t u r e a n d in t h e lo a d e d . B e c a u s e alm o s t all p a r t s o f I n d o n e sia , in clu din g t h e e a r t h q u a k e - pro ne areas is a challenge for civil engineering planning in order to design earthquake resistant buildings. Indonesia has many experienced tremendous earthquake W ritin g t his p r o p o s al is in t e n d e d t o b e a ble t o k n o w t h e s t r e n g t h a n d structure of the response S trength multi degree of freedome, on soft ground, located in Tangerang when worn earthquake lateral loads, analysis is done with the help of the SAP program in 2000 ver.15, to get the style - the style such as: the base shear force, lateral force level, ro lling moment and lateral deviation. D y n a mic a n aly sis w a s c o n d u c t e d u sin g t h e r e s p o n s e s p e c t r u m a n aly sis , mass modeling performed with a lump mass models, the sum of the response variance is reviewed with some combinations, such as: CQC, SRSs and  ABSSUM