743 research outputs found

    Evaluation des pratiques de gestion des adventices en riziculture irriguee dans la localite de Daloa, centre-ouest de la Cote d’Ivoire

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    Le riz est l’aliment principal pour la quasi-totalité des populations vivant en Côte d’Ivoire. Cependant, les adventices sont considérées comme la contrainte biologique la plus importante faisant obstacle à la production rizicole. L’objectif de cette étude menée en 2015 était d’évaluer différentes techniques de gestion des adventices en riziculture irriguée, dans la localité de Daloa, au Centre-Ouest de la Côte d’Ivoire. Pour ce faire, une parcelle témoin et 3 parcelles tests ont été testées dans un dispositif en blocs aléatoires complets avec 4 répétitions. Un seul paramètre a fait l’objet d’évaluation au niveau des adventices, à savoir l’indice d’abondance-dominance à 15 ; 30 ; 45 et 60 JAR. Cinq paramètres ont été évalués sur le riz à la maturité physiologique. Ce sont : le nombre de talles et de panicules par poquet, la hauteur des plants, la longueur des panicules et le rendement paddy. Les résultats ont montré que les méthodes de gestion de l’enherbement ont un effet significatif sur l’indice d’abondance-dominance des adventices et les paramètres agronomiques du riz. En effet, l’application du pendiméthaline en pré-levée des adventices suivie d’un désherbage manuel à 30 JAR permet de mieux maîtriser l’enherbement et améliore les paramètres agronomiques du riz.Mots clés: mauvaises herbes, riz, pratiques de gestion, abondance-dominance, Côte d’IvoireEnglish Title: Assessment of management practices of weeds on irrigated rice in from Daloa, central-west of Cote d’IvoireEnglish AbstractRice is the main food for almost all populations living in Côte d’Ivoire. However, weeds are considered the most important biological constraint to rice production.The objective of this study, carried out in 2015, was to evaluate different management techniques of weeds on irrigated rice in from Daloa, Central-West of Côte d’Ivoire. To do a control plot and 3 parcels tests were tested in a randomized complete block with four replications. One parameter has been evaluated in weeds namely the abundance-dominance indexnotes 15; 30; 45 and 60 DAP. Five (05) parameters were evaluated in rice to physiological maturity. These are: number of tillers per hill, number of panicles per hill, plant height, length of panicle and paddy yield. The results showed that management practices of weeds have a significant effect on the abundance-dominance index of weeds and the agronomic parameters of rice.Indeed, the application of pendimethalin in pre-emergence of weeds followed by a manual weeding at 30 DAP allows better control of weeding and improves the agronomic parameters of the rice.Keywords: weeds, rice, management practices, abundance-dominance, côte d’ivoir

    La Prévalence des Pathologies Thyroïdiennes chez le Sujet Âgé au Service de Médecine Interne de l’Hôpital National Donka

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    Introduction : Le vieillissement est associé à des modifications complexes de la fonction thyroïdienne qui interviennent à plusieurs niveaux de régulation. La sécrétion des hormones thyroïdiennes est en général dans les limites inférieures des valeurs usuelles. Méthodes : Il s’agissait d’une étude rétrospective à visée descriptive et analytique menée du 1er janvier 2013 au 31 décembre 2022 (soit 10 ans). L’étude était réalisée au service de médecine interne de l’hôpital national Donka (Guinée). Elle a porté sur les sujets âgés de 60 ans et plus suivis pour une pathologie thyroïdienne. Résultats : Durand la période d’étude nous avons colligé 88 cas de dysthyroïdies soit une prévalence de 17,95 %. Il y avait une prédominance féminine (56 cas) avec un sex ratio H/F de 0,57. L’âge moyen était de 64,5 ans (extrêmes de 60 et 85 ans). Les circonstances de diagnostic de la maladie thyroïdienne étaient principalement un goitre (59,1%), une exophtalmie (9,1%), une compression cervicale (25%), une cardiothyréose (5,7 %). Les principales manifestations de la thyrotoxicose étaient l’amaigrissement (17%), les palpitations (29,5%) et la fatigabilité (34,1%). Les signes d’hypothyroïdie prédominants étaient la constipation (17%) et le syndrome myxÅ“démateux (3,4%). L’hyperthyroïdie a été rencontrée chez 13,64% des patients, contre 29,54% de cas d’hypothyroïdie. L’échographie cervicale thyroïdienne avait retrouvé 36 cas de goitre diffus (40,9%), 18 cas de goitre multinodulaire (20,45%), 17 cas de nodule unique (19,31%). Les principales étiologies étaient la maladie de Basedow (11,4%), le goitre multinodulaire (46,6%), la thyroïdite de Hashimoto (17%), un goitre simple (5,7%). La thyroïdectomie avait concerné 33 patients (37,5%). Deux cas de décès étaient enregistrés en rapport avec une cardiothyréose. Conclusion : Les dysthyroïdies sont fréquentes chez le sujet âgé au CHU de Conakry et un dosage hormonal au moindre doute afin d’instaurer le traitement adéquat à temps serait requis afin de prévenir les complications.   Introduction: The aging is associated with complex changes in thyroid function that occur at several levels of regulation. Thyroid hormone secretion is generally within the lower limits of usual values. Methods: This was a retrospective study with descriptive and analytical aims carried out from January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2022 (i.e. 10 years). The study was carried out in the internal medicine department of the Donka national hospital (Guinea). It focused on subjects aged 60 and over followed for thyroid pathology. Results: During the study period we collected 88 cases of dysthyroidism, representing a prevalence of 17.95%. There was a female predominance (56 cases) with a M/F sex ratio of 0.57. The average age was 64.5 years (range 60 and 85 years). The circumstances of diagnosis of thyroid disease were mainly goiter (59.1%), exophthalmos (9.1%), cervical compression (25%), cardiothyreosis (5.7%). The main manifestations of thyrotoxicosis were weight loss (17%), palpitations (29.5%), and fatigability (34.1%). The predominant signs of hypothyroidism were constipation (17%) and myxedematous syndrome (3.4%). Hyperthyroidism was encountered in 13.64% of patients, compared to 29.54% cases of hypothyroidism. Cervical thyroid ultrasound found 36 cases of diffuse goiter (40.9%), 18 cases of multinodular goiter (20.45%), 17 cases of single nodule (19.31%). The main etiologies were Graves' disease (11.4%), multinodular goiter (46.6%), Hashimoto's thyroiditis (17%), simple goiter (5.7%). Thyroidectomy involved 33 patients (37.5%). Two cases of death were recorded in connection with cardiothyreosis. Conclusion: Dysthyroidism is common in the elderly at the Conakry University Hospital and a hormonal dosage if there is the slightest doubt in order to initiate the appropriate treatment in time would be required in order to prevent complications

    Test phytochimique et insecticide de trois extraits organiques de feuilles de Ficus thonningii sur Callosobruchus maculatus Fabricius

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    Pour trouver des alternatifs aux insecticides de synthèse, les extraits de plantes sont de plus en plus utilisés par les paysans pour protéger les stocks de récolte contre les insectes ravageurs. Ainsi, des tests phytochimiques et insecticides respectivement par chromatographie sur couche mince et par contact sont effectués sur trois extraits organiques (cyclohexanique, chloroformique et méthanolique) de Ficus thonningii. Les données ont été analysées par la procédure General Linear Model à l’aide du logiciel Minitab 17. Les facteurs étudiés sont : le temps, le nombre d’insectes morts et le nombre d’insectes émergés, ainsi que leurs interactions. Les résultats de l’analyse statistique ont montré que l’extrait méthanolique donne un meilleur taux de mortalité sur Callosobruchus maculatus aux dates 3eme jour, 5e jour, 6e jour, 7e jour et 8eme jour. Ces résultats sont corroborés par les tests phytochimiques avec l’identification de molécules (alcaloïdes, flavanoïdes, tanins, polyphénols et saponosides…) susceptibles d’être responsables de cette activité insecticide.Mots clés: Extraits, Ficus thonningii, Callosobruchus maculatus, niébé

    If We Build It, Will They Come? Perceptions of HIV Cure Research by People Living with HIV in Four U.S. Cities – A Qualitative Focus Group Study

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    Global interest and investment in the search for an HIV cure has increased. Research has focused on what experts refer to as a sterilizing or eradicating cure, where HIV is eliminated from the body, and on what is often called a functional cure, where HIV remains, kept durably suppressed in the absence of antiretroviral treatment and therapy (ART). Many believe that a functional cure is likely to be found first.Global interest and investment in the search for an HIV cure has increased. Research has focused on what experts refer to as a sterilizing or eradicating cure, where HIV is eliminated from the body, and on what is often called a functional cure, where HIV remains, kept durably suppressed in the absence of antiretroviral treatment and therapy (ART). Many believe that a functional cure is likely to be found first. HIV cure studies will require active participation by people living with HIV (PLWHIV). Their desires and perceptions will be important to effectively recruit study participants and for the uptake of any future strategy that demonstrates safety and efficacy. The perspectives of PLWHIV are essential to advancing HIV cure research, and they should be taken into consideration as biomedical research advances. We conducted 10 focus groups in four U.S. cities, eliciting perspectives of PLWHIV on HIV cure and cure research. Most participants conceived of a cure as eradicating, and felt favorably toward it. In addition to the physical benefits of a potential cure, participants valued the possible de-stigmatization related to no longer living with HIV, liberation from concerns about transmitting HIV, and freedom from the burden of daily medication. Many participants did not regard a functional cure as an improvement over controlling HIV through ART, were distrustful about viral rebound potential, and noted concerns about medical complications and accompanying psychological distress. Some felt that the risks of HIV cure research were not worth taking. Many were skeptical about science's ability to eliminate HIV from the body

    What unleashes innovations in the Legumes and Cereals farming Systems in the drylands: A gendered perspective

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    Agricultural and natural resource management innovations have often been introduced, promoted and adopted among local communities / farmers. However, how the innovation process is perceived by men and women, the relationships involved, the distribution of benefits and the differing capacities of women and men to take advantage of the new opportunities in agriculture are not always carefully thought-out. This study examined both community and individual men and women's experiences with agricultural innovations and practices and how these interactions support or hinder the achievement of agricultural innovations across various contexts. By providing robust empirical evidence on the relationship between gender norms, agency and agricultural innovation, the study revealed that sociocultural structures and household dynamics chiefly shapes how individuals negotiate for space, freedom, resources and the capacities needed to innovate

    Willingness to Participate in HIV Cure Research: Survey Results from 400 People Living with HIV in the United States

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    Introduction Participation in early-phase HIV cure studies includes clinical risks with little to no likelihood of clinical benefit. Examining the willingness of people living with HIV to participate is important to guide study design and informed consent. Our study examined the overall willingness of people living with HIV to participate in HIV cure research in the US, focusing on perceived risks and benefits of participation. Methods We undertook an online survey of adults living with HIV in the US. Survey questions were developed based on previous research and a scoping review of the literature. We quantitatively assessed individuals’ perceived risks and benefits of HIV cure-related research and respondents’ willingness to participate in different modalities of HIV cure studies. Results We recruited 409 study participants of whom 400 were eligible for the study and were included in the analysis (nine were not eligible due to self-declared HIV-negative status). We found >50% willingness to participate in 14 different types of HIV cure studies. Perceived clinical benefits and social benefits were important motivators, while personal clinical risks appeared to deter potential participation. Roughly two-thirds of survey respondents (68%) indicated that they were somewhat willing to stop treatment as part of HIV cure research. In the bivariate models, females, African Americans/blacks, Hispanics, individuals in the lowest income bracket, people living with HIV for longer periods of their lives, and people who were self-perceived ‘very healthy’ were less willing to participate in certain types of HIV cure studies than others. Multivariate results showed the perceived benefits (adjusted odds ratios >1) and perceived risks (adjusted odds ratios <1) acted as potential motivators and deterrents to participation, respectively. Conclusion Our study is the first attempt to quantify potential motivators and deterrents of participation in HIV cure research in the US using perceived risks and benefits. The results offer guidance to HIV cure researchers and developers of interventions about the beneficial and detrimental characteristics of HIV cure strategies that are most meaningful to people living with HIV. The study also highlights new potential lines of inquiry for further social science and ethics research


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    Oral Communication presented at the "Forum des Jeunes Chercheurs", Brest (France) 2011

    ‘We Need to Deploy Them Very Thoughtfully and Carefully’: Perceptions of Analytical Treatment Interruptions in HIV Cure Research in the United States – A Qualitative Inquiry

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    Strategies to control HIV in the absence of antiretroviral therapy are needed to cure HIV. However, such strategies will require analytical treatment interruptions (ATIs) to determine their efficacy. We investigated how U.S. stakeholders involved in HIV cure research perceive ATIs. We conducted 36 in-depth interviews with three groups of stakeholders: 12 people living with HIV, 11 clinician-researchers, and 13 policy-makers/bioethicists. Qualitative data revealed several themes. First, there was little consensus on when ATIs would be ethically warranted. Second, the most frequent perceived hypothetical motivators for participating in research on ATIs were advancing science and contributing to society. Third, risks related to viral rebound were the most prevalent concerns related to ATIs. Stakeholders suggested ways to minimize the risks of ATIs in HIV cure research. Increased cooperation between scientists and local communities may be useful for minimizing risk. Further ethics research is necessary
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