19 research outputs found

    Kajian Nilai Sambatan dalam Kehidupan Sosial dan Kaitannya dengan Keberlanjutan Masyarakat Desa di Desa Meranti Jaya

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    Sambatan merupakan suatu kegiatan tolong menolong tanpa upah yang merupakan refleksi dari manusia sebagai makhluk sosial. Kegiatan ini berasal dari tradisi Jawa yang muncul di daerah transmigrasi. Nilai-nilai dalam sambatan sangat identik dengan ciri khas masyarakat pedesaan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui nilai dan makna sambatan, proses dan peluang keberlanjutan sambatan, serta kaitan nilai sosial ekonomi sambatan dengan keberlanjutan masyarakat desa. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif, data dianalisis secara deskriptif menggunakan metode delphi yang memiliki tiga sampai empat tahap analisis dan pengambilan data untuk mencari jawaban yang konsisten sedangkan penelitian nilai menggunakan metode verbalizabiliti. Sampel penelitian diambil menggunakan metode snowball hingga 30 responden. Responden berada di Desa Meranti Jaya Kabupaten Sarolangun yang merupakan daerah transmigrasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa faktor yang sangat mempengaruhi munculnya sambatan adalah kerukunan, merasa senasib, dan tingkat ekonomi yang lemah. Faktor yang sangat mempengaruhi menghilangnya sambatan adalah nilai ekonomi. Keberlanjutan masyarakat desa mulai terancam dengan melihat mulai ada nilai dalam sambatan yang tidak lagi dirasakan oleh masyarakat seperti nilai sukarela, altruisme, dan identitas sosial

    Pengembangan Modul Teknik Dasar Pencak Silat Berbantuan Quick Responce Code di SMA Negeri Selangit

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    This research aims to develop a basic technique module of pencak silat assisted by Quick Responce Code at SMA Negeri Selangit. The research method used was research and development. Data collection techniques using interviews, observation, and questionnaires. The data analysis technique used the steps of the validity analysis of the media expert to get a value of 85,19%, linguists get a value of 75%, and material expert to get a value of 79,76%. Furthermore, the data analysis of the practicality questionnaire of the one to one test students got a value of 80,56% and the small groups test got a value of 81,39%. From the overall results of the assessment from the one to one test and small groups test, the criteria are very practical with a value of 81,11%

    Kesantunan Verbal Dan Nonverbal Pada Tuturan Imperatif Dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Di SMP Pangudi Luhur Ambarawa Jawa Tengah

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    This study aimed to determine: (1) politeness imperative form of verbal utterances and nonverbal, (2) the principle of politeness imperative utterances verbal and nonverbal, (3) any deviation principle of politeness on verbal and nonverbal speech imperative in learning Indonesian in junior Pangudi sublime Ambarawa Central Java. Research subjects in this study were students and teachers at junior Pangudi Indonesian Ambarawa Luhur. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. Data were collected by using the method of observation. The results showed that: (1) there is a form of narrative imperatives of politeness verbally and nonverbally in the learning process, (2) there is an imperative principle of politeness utterances verbally and nonverbally in the learning process, (3) there is a deviation principle of politeness on verbal and nonverbal speech imperative in the learning process

    Pengaruh Penerapan Model Group Investigation melalui Diskusi dan Prediction Guide terhadap Kemampuan Berbicara Siswa Kelas X SMK Kesehatan PGRI Denpasar Tahun Pelajaran 2014/2015

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    Penelitian eksperimen ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan (1) kemampuan berbicara siswa kelas X SMK Kesehatan PGRI Denpasar dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran konvensional, (2) kemampuan berbicara siswa kelas X SMK Kesehatan PGRI Denpasar dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran GI melalui diskusi dan prediction guide, dan (3) mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran group investigation melalui diskusi dan prediction guide terhadap kemampuan berbicara siswa kelas X SMK Kesehatan PGRI Denpasar. Populasi penelitian ini siswa kelas X.K1, X.K2, X.K3, X.K4, dan X.K5 SMK Kesehatan PGRI Denpasar tahun ajaran 2014/2015 (N=216). Sampel penelitian ini siswa kelas X.K2 sebagai kelas control dan X.K3 sebagai kelas eksperimen (n=43) yang ditentukan dengan melihat kedua kelas ini merupakan kelas yang homogen dari kemampuan akademik dan berbicara merata. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah kemampuan berbicara siswa melalui tes kemampuan berbicara menyampaikan laporan hasil observasi. Pengumpulan data melalui pretest dan postest kemampuan berbicara. Analisis data dilakukan melalui analisis varian dua jalur. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa, (1) kemampuan berbicara siswa SMK Kesehatan PGRI Denpasar dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran konvensional cukup baik (rata-rata = 55,651) terletak pada interval 41,67 rata-rata 58,33, kategori baik sebanyak 9 orang (20,93 %) dan kategori rendah sebanyak 34 orang (79,07 %). (2) kemampuan berbicara siswa SMK Kesehatan PGRI Denpasar dengan model GI melalui diskusi dan prediction guide sangat baik (rata-rata = 89,698) terletak pada interval 58,33 rata-rata 75, kategori sangat baik sebanyak 42 orang (97,67 %) dan kategori baik sebanyak 1 orang (2,33 %). (3) terdapat pengaruh model pembelajaran group investigation melalui diskusi dan prediction guide terhadap kemampuan berbicara siswa SMK Kesehatan PGRI Denpasar tahun pelajaran 2014/2015, taraf signifikansi = 0,05, bilangan (sig) 000 lebih kecil daripada . Simpulannya adalah bahwa penerapan pembelajaran model GI melalui diskusi dan prediction guide lebih baik daripada pembelajaran menggunakan model konvensional. Dengan demikian pembelajaran model GI melalui diskusi dan prediction guide lebih tepat dilaksanakan. Kata Kunci : model group investigation, diskusi, prediction guide, kemampuan berbicara This experimental study aims to describe, (1) the ability to speak the students of class X SMK PGRI Health Denpasar using conventional learning model, (2) the ability to speak the students of class X SMK PGRI Health Denpasar using the GI model of learning through discussionand your prediction, and (3) determine the effect of group investigation model of learning through discussion and prediction of the ability to speak your class X SMK PGRI Health Denpasar. This study population X.K1 graders, X.K2, X.K3, X.K4, and X.K5 SMK PGRI Health Denpasar academic year 2014/2015 (N =216). The sample of this study X.K2 graders as a class as a class X.K3 control and experimental (n =43) were determined by looking at the second classis a homogene ous class of academic ability and speaking evenly. Sources of datain this studyis theability to talk students through the test speech deliver a report on the observation. The collection of data through pretest and posttest speech. Data analysis was performed by analysis of variance of two paths. The analysis showed that, (1) the ability to speak SMK PGRI Health Denpasar using conventional learning model is quite good (mean = 55,651) lies in the interval 41.67 average of 58.33, both categories were 9 people (20.93%) and low categories of 34 individuals (79.07%). (2) the ability to speak SMK PGRI Health Denpasar with GI model sthrough discussion and your prediction was good (mean = 89.698) lies in the interval 58.33 average 75, the excellent category as many as 42 people (97.67 %) and both categories were1(2.33%). (3) there are significant group investigation model of learning through discussion and the ability to speak your prediction SMK PGRI Health Denpasar academic year 2014/2015, =0.05 significance level, number (sig) 000 is smaller than . The conclusion is that the implementation of the GI model learning through discussion and your prediction is better than using the conventional model of learning. Thus the GI model of learning through discussion and guide more precise prediction implemented

    Parenting and community engagement factors as predictors of religiosity among muslim adolescents from Malaysia.

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    Despite the plethora of research on correlates of adolescent religiosity, few studies have examined the contribution of social context to religiosity among non-Western Muslim samples using multidimensional religiosity measures. To address this gap, the current study investigated the influence of community engagement and parenting factors on religiosity among 596 Malaysian Muslim secondary school students (M age = 16.10, SD = .29). After controlling for gender, family structure, family income, and social desirability, the results showed that parental monitoring, mosque involvement, and school engagement significantly predicted religious worldview, whereas parental religious socialization, parental monitoring, mosque involvement, school engagement, and youth organization involvement accounted for a significant amount of the variance in religious personality. Implications for further research on socialization influences on religious development among adolescents are discussed

    Difficulties of Students Class XII Senior High School in Palangka Raya City Academic Year 2018/2019 in Understanding the Electrolysis Cell Concept Traced Using Two Tier Multiple Choiche Instruments

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    Electrolysis cell is the study of the process of changing electrical energy into chemical energy. Electrolysis cell in particular are closely related to daily life so that it becomes one of the important things in chemistry, but this concept itself has a fairly high level of abstractness. This abstract is one of the reasons students have difficulty understanding chemical concepts. This study aims to describe the difficulties of class XII MIA high school students in the city of Palangka Raya in the academic year 2018/2019 in understanding the concept of electrolysis cells that are traced using two tier multiple choice instruments. The subjects of this study were 265 students of MIA class XII. This research was conducted in the even semester of the 2018/2019 school year. Student difficulty data were netted using the Electrolysis Cell Concept Understanding Test and conducted interviews with students who were experiencing difficulties. The data that has been obtained is then analyzed descriptively. The results showed that the percentage of students who had difficulty understanding the concept of electrolysis was 68.39%