24 research outputs found

    Analisis Peranan Dana Zakat Produktif terhadap Perkembangan USAha Mikro Mustahik (Penerima Zakat) (Studi Kasus Rumah Zakat Kota Semarang)

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    Economic development in Indonesia is an important agenda for every country. SME sector is always described as having a very important role, because SMEs can absorb workers with low education and living in a small business activities, both traditional and modern . The majority of SMEs is the lack of capital ownership, which micro-entrepreneurs do not have sufficient working capital to develop the business .Methods of this study using a descriptive method to determine the system of collection, management and empowerment at the Rumah Zakat zakat funds Semarang. To analyze the effect of the zakat fund productive capital , turnover and profit / income from operations used different test methods ( Paired T -test ) . Objects in this study are given mustahik capital assistance by the Zakat by 30 respondents .From the research results show that Independent Smile program is a program of the venture capital assistance grants or qardhul hasan method . Different test analysis results indicate that the influence of oemberian capital assistance to the development of capital , turnover and profit before and after receiving venture capital assistance

    Cost impact of procalcitonin-guided decision making on duration of antibiotic therapy for suspected early-onset sepsis in neonates

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    Abstract Backgrounds The large, international, randomized controlled NeoPInS trial showed that procalcitonin (PCT)-guided decision making was superior to standard care in reducing the duration of antibiotic therapy and hospitalization in neonates suspected of early-onset sepsis (EOS), without increased adverse events. This study aimed to perform a cost-minimization study of the NeoPInS trial, comparing health care costs of standard care and PCT-guided decision making based on the NeoPInS algorithm, and to analyze subgroups based on country, risk category and gestational age. Methods Data from the NeoPInS trial in neonates born after 34 weeks of gestational age with suspected EOS in the first 72 h of life requiring antibiotic therapy were used. We performed a cost-minimization study of health care costs, comparing standard care to PCT-guided decision making. Results In total, 1489 neonates were included in the study, of which 754 were treated according to PCT-guided decision making and 735 received standard care. Mean health care costs of PCT-guided decision making were not significantly different from costs of standard care (€3649 vs. €3616). Considering subgroups, we found a significant reduction in health care costs of PCT-guided decision making for risk category ‘infection unlikely’ and for gestational age ≥ 37 weeks in the Netherlands, Switzerland and the Czech Republic, and for gestational age < 37 weeks in the Czech Republic. Conclusions Health care costs of PCT-guided decision making of term and late-preterm neonates with suspected EOS are not significantly different from costs of standard care. Significant cost reduction was found for risk category ‘infection unlikely,’ and is affected by both the price of PCT-testing and (prolonged) hospitalization due to SAEs

    Pattern of childhood burn injuries and their management outcome at Bugando Medical Centre in Northwestern Tanzania

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    Burn injuries constitute a major public health problem and are the leading cause of childhood morbidity and mortality worldwide. There is paucity of published data on childhood burn injuries in Tanzania, particularly the study area. This study was conducted to describe the pattern of childhood burn injuries in our local setting and to evaluate their management outcome. A cross sectional study was conducted at Bugando Medical Centre (in Northwestern Tanzania) over a 3-year period from January 2008 to December 2010. Data was collected using a pre-tested coded questionnaire and statistical analyses performed using SPSS software version 15.0. A total of 342 burned children were studied. Males were mainly affected. Children aged = 2 were the majority accounting for 45.9% of cases. Intentional burn injuries due to child abuse were reported in 2.9% of cases. Scald was the most common type of burns (56.1%). The trunk was the most commonly involved body region (57.3%). Majority of patients (48.0%) sustained superficial burns. Eight (2.3%) patients were HIV positive. Most patients (89.8%) presented to the hospital later than 24 h. The rate of burn wound infection on admission and on 10th day were 32.4% and 39.8% respectively.Staphylococcus aureus were more common on admission wound swabs, with Pseudomonas aeruginosa becoming more evident after 10th day. MRSA was detected in 19.2% of Staphylococcus aureus. Conservative treatment was performed in 87.1% of cases. Surgical treatment mainly skin grafting (65.9%) was performed in 44 (12.9%) of patients. The overall average of the length of hospital stay (LOS) was 22.12 ± 16.62 days. Mortality rate was 11.7%. Using multivariate logistic regression analysis; age of the patient, type of burn, delayed presentation, clothing ignition, %TBSA and severity of burn were found to be significantly associated with LOS (P < 0.001), whereas mortality rate was found to be independently and significantly related to the age of the patient, type of burn, HIV positive with stigmata of AIDS, CD4 count, inhalation injury, %TBSA and severity of burn (P < 0.001). Childhood burn injuries still remain a menace in our environment with virtually unacceptable high morbidity and mortality. There is need for critical appraisal of the preventive measures and management principles currently being practiced

    Machine learning used to compare the diagnostic accuracy of risk factors, clinical signs and biomarkers and to develop a new prediction model for neonatal early-onset sepsis

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    Background: Current strategies for risk stratification and prediction of neonatal early-onset sepsis (EOS) are inefficient and lack diagnostic performance. The aim of this study was to use machine learning to analyze the diagnostic accuracy of risk factors (RFs), clinical signs and biomarkers and to develop a prediction model for culture-proven EOS. We hypothesized that the contribution to diagnostic accuracy of biomarkers is higher than of RFs or clinical signs. Study Design: Secondary analysis of the prospective international multicenter NeoPInS study. Neonates born after completed 34 weeks of gestation with antibiotic therapy due to suspected EOS within the first 72 hours of life participated. Primary outcome was defined as predictive performance for culture-proven EOS with variables known at the start of antibiotic therapy. Machine learning was used in form of a random forest classifier. Results: One thousand six hundred eighty-five neonates treated for suspected infection were analyzed. Biomarkers were superior to clinical signs and RFs for prediction of culture-proven EOS. C-reactive protein and white blood cells were most important for the prediction of the culture result. Our full model achieved an area-under-the-receiver-operating-characteristic-curve of 83.41% (±8.8%) and an area-under-the-precision-recall-curve of 28.42% (±11.5%). The predictive performance of the model with RFs alone was comparable with random. Conclusions: Biomarkers have to be considered in algorithms for the management of neonates suspected of EOS. A 2-step approach with a screening tool for all neonates in combination with our model in the preselected population with an increased risk for EOS may have the potential to reduce the start of unnecessary antibiotics

    C-Reactive Protein, Procalcitonin, and White Blood Count to Rule Out Neonatal Early-onset Sepsis Within 36 Hours: A Secondary Analysis of the Neonatal Procalcitonin Intervention Study.

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    BACKGROUND: Neonatal early-onset sepsis (EOS) is one of the main causes of global neonatal mortality and morbidity, and initiation of early antibiotic treatment is key. However, antibiotics may be harmful. METHODS: We performed a secondary analysis of results from the Neonatal Procalcitonin Intervention Study, a prospective, multicenter, randomized, controlled intervention study. The primary outcome was the diagnostic accuracy of serial measurements of C-reactive protein (CRP), procalcitonin (PCT), and white blood count (WBC) within different time windows to rule out culture-positive EOS (proven sepsis). RESULTS: We analyzed 1678 neonates with 10 899 biomarker measurements (4654 CRP, 2047 PCT, and 4198 WBC) obtained within the first 48 hours after the start of antibiotic therapy due to suspected EOS. The areas under the curve (AUC) comparing no sepsis vs proven sepsis for maximum values of CRP, PCT, and WBC within 36 hours were 0.986, 0.921, and 0.360, respectively. The AUCs for CRP and PCT increased with extended time frames up to 36 hours, but there was no further difference between start to 36 hours vs start to 48 hours. Cutoff values at 16 mg/L for CRP and 2.8 ng/L for PCT provided a sensitivity of 100% for discriminating no sepsis vs proven sepsis. CONCLUSIONS: Normal serial CRP and PCT measurements within 36 hours after the start of empiric antibiotic therapy can exclude the presence of neonatal EOS with a high probability. The negative predictive values of CRP and PCT do not increase after 36 hours

    Medication Use During Pregnancy and Lactation in a Dutch Population

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    Background: Medication use during pregnancy and lactation can be unavoidable, but knowledge on safety for the fetus or breastfed infant is limited among patients and healthcare providers. Research aim: This study aimed to determine (a) the prevalence of medication use in pregnant and lactating women in a tertiary academic center, (b) the types and safety of these medicines, and (c) the influence of medication use on initiation of breastfeeding. Methods: This study used a cross-sectional survey among women (N = 292) who underwent high-risk or low-risk deliveries. Data about their use of prescribed, over-the-counter, and homeopathic medication during pregnancy were obtained through a structured interview, followed by a questionnaire during lactation. Safety was classified according to the risk classification system from the Dutch Teratological Information Service. Results: Overall, 95.5% of participants used medication. One third of participants used at least one medicine with an unknown risk for the fetus. Teratogenic medication was used by 6.5% of participants, whereas 29.5% used medication with a (suspected) pharmacological effect on the fetus. Lactation was initiated by 258 (88.7%) participants, of which 84.2% used medication while breastfeeding. In 3.8% of participants, this medication was classified unsafe, but none used medication with an unknown risk. One-third of the nonlactating participants decided not to initiate breastfeeding because of medication use. In 70% of participants, this decision was appropriate. Conclusion: The prevalence of overall use of medication in Dutch pregnant and lactating women admitted to a tertiary center was high. There is an urgent need for pharmacometric studies for determination of the safe use of the most frequently used medicines during pregnancy or lactation


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    Informasi keuangan ataupun non keuangan adalah informasi yang dibutuhkan pihak manajemen dalam menjalankan fungsinya. Sebagai salah satu sumber informasi penting adalah informasi akuntansi manajemen berupa berbagai macam format yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan manajemen dalam pengambilan keputusan dari berbagai tingkatan manajemen. Akuntansi Manajemen atau Akuntansi Manajerial adalah sistem akuntansi yang berkaitan dengan ketentuan dan penggunaan informasi akuntansi untuk manajer atau manajemen dalam suatu organisasi dan untuk memberikan dasar kepada manajemen untuk membuat keputusan bisnis yang akan memungkinkan manajemen akan lebih siap dalam pengelolaan dan melakukan fungsi kontrol. Sedangkan sistem akuntansi managemen sendiri artinya adalah suatu sistem informasi yang menghasilkan suatu kesimpulan atau output atau informasi yang menggunakan data yang ada serta proses-proses yang diperlukan dalam memenuhi hasil akhir tertentu dari suatu manajemen. Proses-proses yang dimaksudkan di sini adalah berbagai kegiatan seperti pengumpulan, pengukuran, penyimpanan, analisis, pelaporan, dan pengelolaan informasi. Sedangkan Hasil informasi atau kesimpulan dapat berupa laporan khusus, harga pokok produk, biaya pelanggan, anggaran, laporan kinerja, dan komunikasi personal. Fungsi dari hasil informasi yang sudah ada di dalam manajemen ada beberapa hal yang bisa di rumuskan yaitu : Merumuskan strategi, proses perencanaan dan pengendalian, Pengambilan keputusan, optimalisasi keputusan, pengungkapan pemegang saham dan pihak luar, pengungkapan entitas organisasi bagi karyawan, perlindungan atas asset organisasi