173 research outputs found

    The quenching of galaxies, bulges, and disks since cosmic noon: A machine learning approach for identifying causality in astronomical data

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    We present an analysis of the quenching of star formation in galaxies, bulges, and disks throughout the bulk of cosmic history, from z=2−0z=2-0. We utilise observations from the SDSS and MaNGA at low redshifts. We complement these data with observations from CANDELS at high redshifts. Additionally, we compare the observations to detailed predictions from the LGalaxies semi-analytic model. To analyse the data, we developed a machine learning approach utilising a Random Forest classifier. We first demonstrate that this technique is extremely effective at extracting causal insight from highly complex and inter-correlated model data, before applying it to various observational surveys. Our primary observational results are as follows: At all redshifts studied in this work, we find bulge mass to be the most predictive parameter of quenching, out of the photometric parameter set (incorporating bulge mass, disk mass, total stellar mass, and B/TB/T structure). Moreover, we also find bulge mass to be the most predictive parameter of quenching in both bulge and disk structures, treated separately. Hence, intrinsic galaxy quenching must be due to a stable mechanism operating over cosmic time, and the same quenching mechanism must be effective in both bulge and disk regions. Despite the success of bulge mass in predicting quenching, we find that central velocity dispersion is even more predictive (when available in spectroscopic data sets). In comparison to the LGalaxies model, we find that all of these observational results may be consistently explained through quenching via preventative `radio-mode' active galactic nucleus (AGN) feedback. Furthermore, many alternative quenching mechanisms (including virial shocks, supernova feedback, and morphological stabilisation) are found to be inconsistent with our observational results and those from the literature


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    ABSTRACT Reduced order models that accurately predict the operation of entrained flow gasifiers as components within integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) or polygeneration plants are essential for greater commercialization of gasification-based energy systems. A reduced order model, implemented in Aspen Custom Modeler, for entrained flow gasifiers that incorporates mixing and recirculation, rigorously calculated char properties, drying and devolatilization, chemical kinetics, simplified fluid dynamics, heat transfer, slag behavior and syngas cooling is presented. The model structure and submodels are described. Results are presented for the steady-state simulation of a two-metric-tonne-per-day (2 tpd) laboratory-scale Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) gasifier, fed by two different types of coal. Improvements over the state-of-the-art for reduced order modeling include the ability to incorporate realistic flow conditions and hence predict the gasifier internal and external temperature profiles, the ability to easily interface the model with plant-wide flowsheet models, and the flexibility to apply the same model to a variety of entrained flow gasifier designs. Model validation shows satisfactory agreement with measured values and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) results for syngas temperature profiles, syngas composition, carbon conversion, char flow rate, syngas heating value and cold gas efficiency. Analysis of the results shows the accuracy of the reduced order model to be similar to that of more detailed models that incorporate CFD. Next steps include the activation of pollutant chemistry and slag submodels, application of the reduced order model to other gasifier designs, parameter studies and uncertainty analysis of unknown and/or assumed physical and modeling parameters, and activation of dynamic simulation capability

    Cell-Cell Contact Preserves Cell Viability via Plakoglobin

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    Control over cell viability is a fundamental property underlying numerous physiological processes. Cell spreading on a substrate was previously demonstrated to be a major factor in determining the viability of individual cells. In multicellular organisms, cell-cell contact is likely to play a significant role in regulating cell vitality, but its function is easily masked by cell-substrate interactions, thus remains incompletely characterized. In this study, we show that suspended immortalized human keratinocyte sheets with persisting intercellular contacts exhibited significant contraction, junctional actin localization, and reinforcement of cell-cell adhesion strength. Further, cells within these sheets remain viable, in contrast to trypsinized cells suspended without either cell-cell or cell-substrate contact, which underwent apoptosis at high rates. Suppression of plakoglobin weakened cell-cell adhesion in cell sheets and suppressed apoptosis in suspended, trypsinized cells. These results demonstrate that cell-cell contact may be a fundamental control mechanism governing cell viability and that the junctional protein plakoglobin is a key regulator of this process. Given the near-ubiquity of plakoglobin in multicellular organisms, these findings could have significant implications for understanding cell adhesion, modeling disease progression, developing therapeutics and improving the viability of tissue engineering protocols

    Understanding the solid-state structure of riboflavin through a multitechnique approach

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    Crystalline riboflavin (vitamin B2) performs an important biological role as an optically functional material in the tapetum lucidum of certain animals, notably lemurs and cats. The tapetum lucidum is a reflecting layer behind the retina, which serves to enhance photon capture and vision in low-light settings. Motivated by the aim of rationalizing its biological role, and given that the structure of biogenic solid-state riboflavin remains unknown, we have used a range of experimental and computational techniques to determine the solid-state structure of synthetic riboflavin. Our multitechnique approach included microcrystal XRD, powder XRD, three-dimensional electron diffraction (3D-ED), high-resolution solid-state 13C NMR spectroscopy, and dispersion-augmented density functional theory (DFT-D) calculations. Although an independent report of the crystal structure of riboflavin was published recently, our structural investigations reported herein provide a different interpretation of the intermolecular hydrogen-bonding arrangement in this material, supported by all the experimental and computational approaches utilized in our study. We also discuss, more generally, potential pitfalls that may arise in applying DFT-D geometry optimization as a bridging step between structure solution and Rietveld refinement in the structure determination of hydrogen-bonded materials from powder XRD data. Finally, we report experimental and computational values for the refractive index of riboflavin, with implications for its optical function

    γ-Catenin is overexpressed in acute myeloid leukemia and promotes the stabilization and nuclear localization of β-catenin

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    Canonical Wnt signaling regulates the transcription of T-cell factor (TCF)-responsive genes through the stabilization and nuclear translocation of the transcriptional co-activator, β-catenin. Overexpression of β-catenin features prominently in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and has previously been associated with poor clinical outcome. Overexpression of γ-catenin mRNA (a close homologue of β-catenin) has also been reported in AML and has been linked to the pathogenesis of this disease, however, the relative roles of these catenins in leukemia remains unclear. Here we report that overexpression and aberrant nuclear localization of γ-catenin is frequent in AML. Significantly, γ-catenin expression was associated with β-catenin stabilization and nuclear localization. Consistent with this, we found that ectopic γ-catenin expression promoted the stabilization and nuclear translocation of β-catenin in leukemia cells. β-Catenin knockdown demonstrated that both γ- and β-catenin contribute to TCF-dependent transcription in leukemia cells. These data indicate that γ-catenin expression is a significant factor in the stabilization of β-catenin in AML. We also show that although normal cells exclude nuclear translocation of both γ- and β-catenin, this level of regulation is lost in the majority of AML patients and cell lines, which allow nuclear accumulation of these catenins and inappropriate TCF-dependent transcription

    MiRNA-Mediated Control of HLA-G Expression and Function

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    HLA-G is a non-classical HLA class-Ib molecule expressed mainly by the extravillous cytotrophoblasts (EVT) of the placenta. The expression of HLA-G on these fetal cells protects the EVT cells from immune rejection and is therefore important for a healthy pregnancy. The mechanisms controlling HLA-G expression are largely unknown. Here we demonstrate that miR-148a and miR-152 down-regulate HLA-G expression by binding its 3′UTR and that this down-regulation of HLA-G affects LILRB1 recognition and consequently, abolishes the LILRB1-mediated inhibition of NK cell killing. We further demonstrate that the C/G polymorphism at position +3142 of HLA-G 3′UTR has no effect on the miRNA targeting of HLA-G. We show that in the placenta both miR-148a and miR-152 miRNAs are expressed at relatively low levels, compared to other healthy tissues, and that the mRNA levels of HLA-G are particularly high and we therefore suggest that this might enable the tissue specific expression of HLA-G

    Restoration of plakoglobin expression in bladder carcinoma cell lines suppresses cell migration and tumorigenic potential

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    The reduction or loss of plakoglobin expression in late-stage bladder cancer has been correlated with poor survival where upregulation of this catenin member by histone deacetylase inhibitors has been shown to accompany tumour suppression in an in vivo model. In this study, we directly addressed the question of the role of plakoglobin in bladder tumorigenesis following restoration, or knockdown of expression in bladder carcinoma cell lines. Restoration of plakoglobin expression resulted in a reduction in migration and suppression of tumorigenic potential in vivo. Immunocytochemistry revealed cytoplasmic and membranous localisation of plakoglobin in transfectants with <1% of cells displaying detectable nuclear localisation of plakoglobin. siRNA knockdown experiments targeting plakoglobin, revealed enhanced migration in all cell lines in the presence and absence of E-cadherin expression. In bladder cell lines expressing low levels of plakoglobin and desmoglein-2, elevated levels of desmoglein-2 were detected following restoration of plakoglobin expression in transfected cell lines. Analysis of wnt signalling revealed no activation event associated with plakoglobin expression in the bladder model. These results show that plakoglobin acts as a tumour suppressor gene in bladder carcinoma cells and the silencing of plakoglobin gene expression in late-stage bladder cancer is a primary event in tumour progression

    Developing in vitro expanded CD45RA<sup>+</sup> regulatory T cells as an adoptive cell therapy for Crohn's disease

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    BACKGROUND AND AIM: Thymus-derived regulatory T cells (T(regs)) mediate dominant peripheral tolerance and treat experimental colitis. T(regs) can be expanded from patient blood and were safely used in recent phase 1 studies in graft versus host disease and type 1 diabetes. T(reg) cell therapy is also conceptually attractive for Crohn's disease (CD). However, barriers exist to this approach. The stability of T(regs) expanded from Crohn's blood is unknown. The potential for adoptively transferred T(regs) to express interleukin-17 and exacerbate Crohn's lesions is of concern. Mucosal T cells are resistant to T(reg)-mediated suppression in active CD. The capacity for expanded T(regs) to home to gut and lymphoid tissue is unknown. METHODS: To define the optimum population for T(reg) cell therapy in CD, CD4(+)CD25(+)CD127(lo)CD45RA(+) and CD4(+)CD25(+)CD127(lo)CD45RA(−) T(reg) subsets were isolated from patients’ blood and expanded in vitro using a workflow that can be readily transferred to a good manufacturing practice background. RESULTS: T(regs) can be expanded from the blood of patients with CD to potential target dose within 22–24 days. Expanded CD45RA(+) T(regs) have an epigenetically stable FOXP3 locus and do not convert to a Th17 phenotype in vitro, in contrast to CD45RA(−) T(regs). CD45RA(+) T(regs) highly express α(4)β(7) integrin, CD62L and CC motif receptor 7 (CCR7). CD45RA(+) T(regs) also home to human small bowel in a C.B-17 severe combined immune deficiency (SCID) xenotransplant model. Importantly, in vitro expansion enhances the suppressive ability of CD45RA(+) T(regs). These cells also suppress activation of lamina propria and mesenteric lymph node lymphocytes isolated from inflamed Crohn's mucosa. CONCLUSIONS: CD4(+)CD25(+)CD127(lo)CD45RA(+) T(regs) may be the most appropriate population from which to expand T(regs) for autologous T(reg) therapy for CD, paving the way for future clinical trials
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