146 research outputs found

    Multi-Step Processing of Spatial Joins

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    Spatial joins are one of the most important operations for combining spatial objects of several relations. In this paper, spatial join processing is studied in detail for extended spatial objects in twodimensional data space. We present an approach for spatial join processing that is based on three steps. First, a spatial join is performed on the minimum bounding rectangles of the objects returning a set of candidates. Various approaches for accelerating this step of join processing have been examined at the last year’s conference [BKS 93a]. In this paper, we focus on the problem how to compute the answers from the set of candidates which is handled by the following two steps. First of all, sophisticated approximations are used to identify answers as well as to filter out false hits from the set of candidates. For this purpose, we investigate various types of conservative and progressive approximations. In the last step, the exact geometry of the remaining candidates has to be tested against the join predicate. The time required for computing spatial join predicates can essentially be reduced when objects are adequately organized in main memory. In our approach, objects are first decomposed into simple components which are exclusively organized by a main-memory resident spatial data structure. Overall, we present a complete approach of spatial join processing on complex spatial objects. The performance of the individual steps of our approach is evaluated with data sets from real cartographic applications. The results show that our approach reduces the total execution time of the spatial join by factors

    Detecting Redundancy in Data Warehouse Evolution

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    Towards a better solution to the shortest common supersequence problem: the deposition and reduction algorithm

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    BACKGROUND: The problem of finding a Shortest Common Supersequence (SCS) of a set of sequences is an important problem with applications in many areas. It is a key problem in biological sequences analysis. The SCS problem is well-known to be NP-complete. Many heuristic algorithms have been proposed. Some heuristics work well on a few long sequences (as in sequence comparison applications); others work well on many short sequences (as in oligo-array synthesis). Unfortunately, most do not work well on large SCS instances where there are many, long sequences. RESULTS: In this paper, we present a Deposition and Reduction (DR) algorithm for solving large SCS instances of biological sequences. There are two processes in our DR algorithm: deposition process, and reduction process. The deposition process is responsible for generating a small set of common supersequences; and the reduction process shortens these common supersequences by removing some characters while preserving the common supersequence property. Our evaluation on simulated data and real DNA and protein sequences show that our algorithm consistently produces the best results compared to many well-known heuristic algorithms, and especially on large instances. CONCLUSION: Our DR algorithm provides a partial answer to the open problem of designing efficient heuristic algorithm for SCS problem on many long sequences. Our algorithm has a bounded approximation ratio. The algorithm is efficient, both in running time and space complexity and our evaluation shows that it is practical even for SCS problems on many long sequences

    SOWL QL: Querying Spatio - Temporal Ontologies in OWL

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    We introduce SOWL QL, a query language for spatio-temporal information in ontologies. Buildingupon SOWL (Spatio-Temporal OWL), an ontology for handling spatio-temporal information in OWL, SOWL QL supports querying over qualitative spatio-temporal information (expressed using natural language expressions such as “before”, “after”, “north of”, “south of”) rather than merely quantitative information (exact dates, times, locations). SOWL QL extends SPARQL with a powerful set of temporal and spatial operators, including temporal Allen topological, spatial directional and topological operations or combinations of the above. SOWL QL maintains simplicity of expression and also, upward and downward compatibility with SPARQL. Query translation in SOWL QL yields SPARQL queries implying that, querying spatio-temporal ontologies using SPARQL is still feasible but suffers from several drawbacks the most important of them being that, queries in SPARQL become particularly complicated and users must be familiar with the underlying spatio-temporal representation (the “N-ary relations” or the “4D-fluents” approach in this work). Finally, querying in SOWL QL is supported by the SOWL reasoner which is not part of the standard SPARQL translation. The run-time performance of SOWL QL has been assessed experimentally in a real data setting. A critical analysis of its performance is also presented

    A Genome-Wide Analysis of FRT-Like Sequences in the Human Genome

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    Efficient and precise genome manipulations can be achieved by the Flp/FRT system of site-specific DNA recombination. Applications of this system are limited, however, to cases when target sites for Flp recombinase, FRT sites, are pre-introduced into a genome locale of interest. To expand use of the Flp/FRT system in genome engineering, variants of Flp recombinase can be evolved to recognize pre-existing genomic sequences that resemble FRT and thus can serve as recombination sites. To understand the distribution and sequence properties of genomic FRT-like sites, we performed a genome-wide analysis of FRT-like sites in the human genome using the experimentally-derived parameters. Out of 642,151 identified FRT-like sequences, 581,157 sequences were unique and 12,452 sequences had at least one exact duplicate. Duplicated FRT-like sequences are located mostly within LINE1, but also within LTRs of endogenous retroviruses, Alu repeats and other repetitive DNA sequences. The unique FRT-like sequences were classified based on the number of matches to FRT within the first four proximal bases pairs of the Flp binding elements of FRT and the nature of mismatched base pairs in the same region. The data obtained will be useful for the emerging field of genome engineering

    Accurate microRNA target prediction correlates with protein repression levels

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    MicroRNAs are small endogenously expressed non-coding RNA molecules that regulate target gene expression through translation repression or messenger RNA degradation. MicroRNA regulation is performed through pairing of the microRNA to sites in the messenger RNA of protein coding genes. Since experimental identification of miRNA target genes poses difficulties, computational microRNA target prediction is one of the key means in deciphering the role of microRNAs in development and diseas

    Query Processing in Spatial Databases Containing Obstacles

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    Despite the existence of obstacles in many database applications, traditional spatial query processing assumes that points in space are directly reachable and utilizes the Euclidean distance metric. In this paper, we study spatial queries in the presence of obstacles, where the obstructed distance between two points is defined as the length of the shortest path that connects them without crossing any obstacles. We propose efficient algorithms for the most important query types, namely, range search, nearest neighbours, e-distance joins, closest pairs and distance semi-joins, assuming that both data objects and obstacles are indexed by R-trees. The effectiveness of the proposed solutions is verified through extensive experiments