773 research outputs found

    Phase-space correlations of chaotic eigenstates

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    It is shown that the Husimi representations of chaotic eigenstates are strongly correlated along classical trajectories. These correlations extend across the whole system size and, unlike the corresponding eigenfunction correlations in configuration space, they persist in the semiclassical limit. A quantitative theory is developed on the basis of Gaussian wavepacket dynamics and random-matrix arguments. The role of symmetries is discussed for the example of time-reversal invariance.Comment: Published version with minor corrections to version

    Synergetic Analysis of the Haeussler-von der Malsburg Equations for Manifolds of Arbitrary Geometry

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    We generalize a model of Haeussler and von der Malsburg which describes the self-organized generation of retinotopic projections between two one-dimensional discrete cell arrays on the basis of cooperative and competitive interactions of the individual synaptic contacts. Our generalized model is independent of the special geometry of the cell arrays and describes the temporal evolution of the connection weights between cells on different manifolds. By linearizing the equations of evolution around the stationary uniform state we determine the critical global growth rate for synapses onto the tectum where an instability arises. Within a nonlinear analysis we use then the methods of synergetics to adiabatically eliminate the stable modes near the instability. The resulting order parameter equations describe the emergence of retinotopic projections from initially undifferentiated mappings independent of dimension and geometry.Comment: Dedicated to Hermann Haken on the occasion of his 80th birthda

    Periodic-Orbit Theory of Anderson Localization on Graphs

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    We present the first quantum system where Anderson localization is completely described within periodic-orbit theory. The model is a quantum graph analogous to an a-periodic Kronig-Penney model in one dimension. The exact expression for the probability to return of an initially localized state is computed in terms of classical trajectories. It saturates to a finite value due to localization, while the diagonal approximation decays diffusively. Our theory is based on the identification of families of isometric orbits. The coherent periodic-orbit sums within these families, and the summation over all families are performed analytically using advanced combinatorial methods.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, RevTe

    Rate of energy absorption by a closed ballistic ring

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    We make a distinction between the spectroscopic and the mesoscopic conductance of closed systems. We show that the latter is not simply related to the Landauer conductance of the corresponding open system. A new ingredient in the theory is related to the non-universal structure of the perturbation matrix which is generic for quantum chaotic systems. These structures may created bottlenecks that suppress the diffusion in energy space, and hence the rate of energy absorption. The resulting effect is not merely quantitative: For a ring-dot system we find that a smaller Landauer conductance implies a smaller spectroscopic conductance, while the mesoscopic conductance increases. Our considerations open the way towards a realistic theory of dissipation in closed mesoscopic ballistic devices.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures, published version with updated ref

    Excitonic - vibronic coupled dimers: A dynamic approach

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    The dynamical properties of exciton transfer coupled to polarization vibrations in a two site system are investigated in detail. A fixed point analysis of the full system of Bloch - oscillator equations representing the coupled excitonic - vibronic flow is performed. For overcritical polarization a bifurcation converting the stable bonding ground state to a hyperbolic unstable state which is basic to the dynamical properties of the model is obtained. The phase space of the system is generally of a mixed type: Above bifurcation chaos develops starting from the region of the hyperbolic state and spreading with increasing energy over the Bloch sphere leaving only islands of regular dynamics. The behaviour of the polarization oscillator accordingly changes from regular to chaotic.Comment: uuencoded compressed Postscript file containing text and figures. In case of questions, please, write to [email protected]

    Shot noise from action correlations

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    We consider universal shot noise in ballistic chaotic cavities from a semiclassical point of view and show that it is due to action correlations within certain groups of classical trajectories. Using quantum graphs as a model system we sum these trajectories analytically and find agreement with random-matrix theory. Unlike all action correlations which have been considered before, the correlations relevant for shot noise involve four trajectories and do not depend on the presence of any symmetry.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures (a mistake in version 1 has been corrected

    Classical dynamics on graphs

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    We consider the classical evolution of a particle on a graph by using a time-continuous Frobenius-Perron operator which generalizes previous propositions. In this way, the relaxation rates as well as the chaotic properties can be defined for the time-continuous classical dynamics on graphs. These properties are given as the zeros of some periodic-orbit zeta functions. We consider in detail the case of infinite periodic graphs where the particle undergoes a diffusion process. The infinite spatial extension is taken into account by Fourier transforms which decompose the observables and probability densities into sectors corresponding to different values of the wave number. The hydrodynamic modes of diffusion are studied by an eigenvalue problem of a Frobenius-Perron operator corresponding to a given sector. The diffusion coefficient is obtained from the hydrodynamic modes of diffusion and has the Green-Kubo form. Moreover, we study finite but large open graphs which converge to the infinite periodic graph when their size goes to infinity. The lifetime of the particle on the open graph is shown to correspond to the lifetime of a system which undergoes a diffusion process before it escapes.Comment: 42 pages and 8 figure

    Photogalvanic current in artificial asymmetric nanostructures

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    We develop a theoretic description of the photogalvanic current induced by a high frequency radiation in asymmetric nanostructures and show that it describes well the results of numerical simulations. Our studies allow to understand the origin of the electronic ratchet transport in such systems and show that they can be used for creation of new types of detectors operating at room temperature in a terahertz radiation range.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figs, EPJ latex styl

    Spectral Statistics in Chaotic Systems with Two Identical Connected Cells

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    Chaotic systems that decompose into two cells connected only by a narrow channel exhibit characteristic deviations of their quantum spectral statistics from the canonical random-matrix ensembles. The equilibration between the cells introduces an additional classical time scale that is manifest also in the spectral form factor. If the two cells are related by a spatial symmetry, the spectrum shows doublets, reflected in the form factor as a positive peak around the Heisenberg time. We combine a semiclassical analysis with an independent random-matrix approach to the doublet splittings to obtain the form factor on all time (energy) scales. Its only free parameter is the characteristic time of exchange between the cells in units of the Heisenberg time.Comment: 37 pages, 15 figures, changed content, additional autho
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