371 research outputs found

    Undersea volcano production versus lithospheric strength from satellite altimetry

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    All seamount signatures apparent in the SEASAT altimeter profiles were located and digitized. In addition to locating the seamount signatures, their amplitudes were also estimated. The second phase consisted of determining what basic characteristics of a seamount can be extracted from a single vertical deflection profile. Seven seamounts that had both good bathymetric coverage and good satellite altimeter coverage were used to test a simple flexural model. A method was developed to combine satellite altimeter profiles from several different satellites to construct a detailed and accurate geoid

    The gravity field of topography buried by sediments

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    The gravity field over topography in the northern Indian Ocean that was completely buried by sediments of the Bengal Fan was investigated to understand the effect of sedimentation on the continental gravity field. An isopach map made from the seismic reflection and refraction in the Bay of Bengal shows two prominent N-S trending features in the basement topography. The northernmost portion of the Ninetyeast Ridge is totally buried by sediments north of 10 deg N. The other buried ridge trends roughly N-S for 1400 km at 85 deg E to the latitude of Sri Lanka and then curves toward the west. It has basement relief up to 6 km. Two free air gravity anomaly profiles across the region show a strong gravity low over the 85 deg E ridge, while the Ninetyeast Ridge shows a gravity high

    Studies of oceanic tectonics based on GEOS-3 satellite altimetry

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    Using statistical analysis, geoidal admittance (the relationship between the ocean geoid and seafloor topography) obtained from GEOS-3 altimetry was compared to various model admittances. Analysis of several altimetry tracks in the Pacific Ocean demonstrated a low coherence between altimetry and seafloor topography except where the track crosses active or recent tectonic features. However, global statistical studies using the much larger data base of all available gravimetry showed a positive correlation of oceanic gravity with topography. The oceanic lithosphere was modeled by simultaneously inverting surface wave dispersion, topography, and gravity data. Efforts to incorporate geoid data into the inversion showed that the base of the subchannel can be better resolved with geoid rather than gravity data. Thermomechanical models of seafloor spreading taking into account differing plate velocities, heat source distributions, and rock rheologies were discussed

    Estimates of lithospheric thickness on Venus

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    Magellan altimetry data have revealed many examples of topographic flexure on Venus. Modeling of flexural features is of interest as it provides information on spatial (and for the earth, temporal) variations in lithospheric thickness. Lithospheric thickness may be determined solely from modeling topographic flexure or by combining gravity and topography data. On Venus even the highest resolution gravity is insufficient for modeling all but the very longest wavelength flexural features, so we rely heavily on altimetry data for information about lithospheric thickness. Sandwell and Schubert modeled flexure around four coronae and found lithospheric thicknesses h, in the range 35 - 70 km. Studies of several more flexural features suggests that these are typical of Aphrodite Terra and other chasmata regions on Venus. However lithospheric thicknesses associated with other regions are in the range 15-30 km. McKenzie et al. noted that part of Aphrodite Terra appeared similar in planform and morphology to the subduction zones of the East Indies on Earth. Other flexure studies using Magellan data have looked at smaller coronae (h = 5-30 km) and rifts (h = 8-20 km). It can be seen that the range of thicknesses suggested by studies to date is extremely large, and it is difficult to establish whether their mean is in agreement with that predicted by heat flow scaling arguments (h approximately 18 km). Here we present results from a global study of flexure on Venus, with particular emphasis on the variation in our results with different tectonic settings

    Report of the panel on lithospheric structure and evolution, section 3

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    The panel concluded that NASA can contribute to developing a refined understanding of the compositional, structural, and thermal differences between continental and oceanic lithosphere through a vigorous program in solid Earth science with the following objectives: determine the most fundamental geophysical property of the planet; determine the global gravity field to an accuracy of a few milliGals at wavelengths of 100 km or less; determine the global lithospheric magnetic field to a few nanoTeslas at a wavelength of 100 km; determine how the lithosphere has evolved to its present state via acquiring geologic remote sensing data over all the continents

    3-D Reconstructions and Numerical Simulations of Precarious Rocks in Southern California

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    Reliable estimates of seismic hazard are essential for the development of resilient communities; however, estimates of rare, yet high intensity earthquakes are highly uncertain due to a lack of observations and recordings. Lacking this data, seismic hazard analyses may be based on extrapolations from earthquakes with more moderate return periods, which can lead to physically unrealistic earthquake scenarios. However, the existence of certain precariously balanced rocks (PBRs) has been identified as an indicator of an upper bound ground motion, which precludes toppling of the balanced rock, over its lifetime. To this end, a survey of PBRs was conducted in proximity to the Elsinore fault east of San Diego, CA. Each identified PBR is modeled using point clouds derived from ground-based laser scanning and images from an unmanned aerial vehicle. The resultant geometric reconstructions are then used in a probabilistic overturning analysis and compared to the anticipated seismic hazard at the site. Accounting for an estimated age range and 50% probability of overturning for the PBRs, approximately half of the surveyed PBRs indicate a potential overestimation of seismic hazard at the site

    Mapping Status and Conservation of Global At-Risk Marine Biodiversity

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    To conserve marine biodiversity, we must first understand the spatial distribution and status of at‐risk biodiversity. We combined range maps and conservation status for 5,291 marine species to map the global distribution of extinction risk of marine biodiversity. We find that for 83% of the ocean, \u3e25% of assessed species are considered threatened, and 15% of the ocean shows \u3e50% of assessed species threatened when weighting for range‐limited species. By comparing mean extinction risk of marine biodiversity to no‐take marine reserve placement, we identify regions where reserves preferentially afford proactive protection (i.e., preserving low‐risk areas) or reactive protection (i.e., mitigating high‐risk areas), indicating opportunities and needs for effective future protection at national and regional scales. In addition, elevated risk to high seas biodiversity highlights the need for credible protection and minimization of threatening activities in international waters

    Refining the shallow slip deficit

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    Geodetic slip inversions for three major (M_w > 7) strike-slip earthquakes (1992 Landers, 1999 Hector Mine and 2010 El Mayor–Cucapah) show a 15–60 per cent reduction in slip near the surface (depth < 2 km) relative to the slip at deeper depths (4–6 km). This significant difference between surface coseismic slip and slip at depth has been termed the shallow slip deficit (SSD). The large magnitude of this deficit has been an enigma since it cannot be explained by shallow creep during the interseismic period or by triggered slip from nearby earthquakes. One potential explanation for the SSD is that the previous geodetic inversions lack data coverage close to surface rupture such that the shallow portions of the slip models are poorly resolved and generally underestimated. In this study, we improve the static coseismic slip inversion for these three earthquakes, especially at shallow depths, by: (1) including data capturing the near-fault deformation from optical imagery and SAR azimuth offsets; (2) refining the interferometric synthetic aperture radar processing with non-boxcar phase filtering, model-dependent range corrections, more complete phase unwrapping by SNAPHU (Statistical Non-linear Approach for Phase Unwrapping) assuming a maximum discontinuity and an on-fault correlation mask; (3) using more detailed, geologically constrained fault geometries and (4) incorporating additional campaign global positioning system (GPS) data. The refined slip models result in much smaller SSDs of 3–19 per cent. We suspect that the remaining minor SSD for these earthquakes likely reflects a combination of our elastic model's inability to fully account for near-surface deformation, which will render our estimates of shallow slip minima, and potentially small amounts of interseismic fault creep or triggered slip, which could ‘make up’ a small percentages of the coseismic SSD during the interseismic period. Our results indicate that it is imperative that slip inversions include accurate measurements of near-fault surface deformation to reliably constrain spatial patterns of slip during major strike-slip earthquakes