585 research outputs found

    Bentuk Kata dan Pola Bunyi pada Kapatu Puisi Berbahasa Daerah Bima

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    Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan bentuk rima dan pola bunyi pada kapatu puisi berbahasa daerah Bima. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kualitatif, metode yang digunakan deskriptif analisis. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah berupa transkripsi kapatu yang dituturkan oleh seorang petuah di desa Sape Kecamatan Bima yang bernama M. Fadli Mansyur. Data dalam penelitian ini berupa kata-kata pada setiap baris dan bait yang terdapat pada kumpulan kapatu daerah Bima yang mengambarkan stile penulisan pada kapatu. Hasil penelitianterdapat beberapa kata yang mengalami bentukan dan pola bunyi pada kapatu

    Flouting Maxim of Relevance Related to Face Threatening Act Strategies in Pesbukers Reality Show Special Edition “Valentine”

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    Language is a device used by human beings to communicate in the society. In the process of communication, people take and give messages to convey their feelings, ideas, or things in mind. The process itself can be found in a reality show, such as Pesbukers reality show. Pesbukers reality show presents a comedy. The actors and actresses do flouting maxim of relevance because theyhave various purposes such as having hidden meaning, saving face act, avoiding face threatening act and making a joke. There are two problems of the study, namely: (1) what are face threatening act strategies applied in flouting maxim of relevance in Pesbukers reality show, and (2) what are the intended meaning of flouting maxim of relevance related to face threatenIng act strategies in Pesbukers reality show.This study focuses on flouting maxim of relevance and face threatening act strategies that are applied in Pesbukers reality show. The writer used qualitative approach because the writer collected the data in the form of words. The writer uses a transcription of Pesbukers reality show. She decided the utterances that are categorized into FTA strategies, and identified the intended meaning of the utterances based on Brown and Levinson\u27s theory (1987).The results of this study showed there were 12 utterances containing flouting maxim of relevance produced by the hosts and the guest stars. Those utterances were conforming Brown and Levinson\u27s theory (1987) of FTA strategies. There were three strategies used in Pesbukers reality show that werepositive politeness, negative politeness, and off record. The mostly used strategy was positive politeness which was shown by noticing the speakers\u27 interest, seeking an agreement to make a deal, and avoiding disagreement. The second strategy was negative politeness. The hosts and guest stars used negative politeness to minimize the imposition to others. The last strategy was off record. Mostly, they used off record by using an irony to tease each other.The writer suggests the further researcher conduct a research about FTAstrategies focusing on certain strategy for example positive politeness in any other subjects, such as movies, comics, magazines, speeches, dramas and so forth in order to have deeper analysis

    The Friedreich ataxia GAA repeat expansion mutation induces comparable epigenetic changes in human and transgenic mouse brain and heart tissues

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    Friedreich ataxia (FRDA) is caused by a homozygous GAA repeat expansion mutation within intron 1 of the FXN gene, leading to reduced expression of frataxin protein. Evidence suggests that the mutation may induce epigenetic changes and heterochromatin formation, thereby impeding gene transcription. In particular, studies using FRDA patient blood and lymphoblastoid cell lines have detected increased DNA methylation of specific CpG sites upstream of the GAA repeat and histone modifications in regions flanking the GAA repeat. In this report we show that such epigenetic changes are also present in FRDA patient brain, cerebellum and heart tissues, the primary affected systems of the disorder. Bisulfite sequence analysis of the FXN flanking GAA regions reveals a shift in the FRDA DNA methylation profile, with upstream CpG sites becoming consistently hypermethylated and downstream CpG sites becoming consistently hypomethylated. We also identify differential DNA methylation at three specific CpG sites within the FXN promoter and one CpG site within exon 1. Furthermore, we show by chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) analysis that there is overall decreased histone H3K9 acetylation together with increased H3K9 methylation of FRDA brain tissue. Further studies of brain, cerebellum and heart tissues from our GAA repeat expansion-containing FRDA YAC transgenic mice reveal comparable epigenetic changes to those detected in FRDA patient tissue. We have thus developed a mouse model that will be a valuable resource for future therapeutic studies targeting epigenetic modifications of the FXN gene to increase frataxin expression

    Pengaruh Belanja Pemerintah Daerah Bidang Pendidikan dan Kesehatan terhadap Indeks Pembangunan Manusia di Kabupaten Timor Tengah Selatan

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    This study aims is to examine the effect of local government spending on education and health to the Human Development Index (HDI) at Timor Tengah Selatan regency, both partially and simultaneously. The variables which used in this study are Regional Government Spending in Education (X1), Regional Government Spending in Health (X2) and Human Development Index (Y). The data used in this paper are quantitative from secondary sources, namely The Central Statistics Office and The Regional Financial and Asset Management Office, Timor Tengah Selatan regency. Data analysis using linear regression analysis using t test (partial) to test the hypotheses 1 and 2 and F test (simultaneous) to test the hypothesis 3. The T test results for the hypotheses 1 and 2 show significance values of 0,000 and 0.006, which means H1 and H2 are accepted. The F test results to test hypothesis 3 show a significance value of 0,000, which means H3 is accepted. The conclusion of the process that can be drawn is that government spending in the education and health sectors both partially and simultaneously has a positive effect to the Human Development Index at Timor Tengah Selatan Regency

    Perbedaan Kadar Kolesterol Darah Pada Pekerja Kantoran Dan Pekerja Kasar Di Desa Majasari, Bukateja, Kabupaten Purbalingga

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    Coronary hearth disease being the major killer people in the world, that caused by cholesterol. The incidence varying between in type of occupation. This research aimed to know the difference of blood cholesterol between civil worker and labour in desa Majasari, Kecamatan Bukateja, Kabupaten Purbalingga.Analitic method with cross sectional approach used to know the difference of blood cholesterol between civil worker and labour.This research undertaken in Desa Majasari, Kecamatan Bukateja, Kabupaten Purbalingga. The population were all of civil worker and labour in Desa Majasari, that account about 105 people. Inclusion criteria were 35-60 years old, hawe being work for 10 years, male civil worker are civil servant and the labour are becak driver and “kuli panggul pasar”. The exclusion criteria are diabetes melitus patient and severe infection. Sampling method used purposive sampling. The total participant was 60 people consist of 30 civil worker and 30 labour. Blood cholesterol measured by accutrend cholesterol digital (Roche TM) with mg/dl. The data collection tested with independent T-test to compare means of blood cholesterol between that groups.result.The result of this research showed that means of blood cholesterol in civil worker and labour group are 176,4 and 163,6 respectively. Independent t-test showed t = -2.511 (p=0,016), that means there is a difference of blood cholesterol between civil worker and labour group significantly.The blood cholesterol in civil worker group was higher than labour group in desa Majasari, Kecamatan Bukateja, Kabupaten Purbalingga

    Analisis Kinerja Sosial dan Kinerja Keuangan Lembaga Keuangan Mikro (Lkm) USAha Ekonomi Kelurahan-simpan Pinjam (Uek-sp) Maharatu Jaya Kelurahan Maharatu Kecamatan Marpoyan Damai Kota Pekanbaru

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    This research was conducted in Microfinance institutions (MFI) UEK-SP Maharatu Jaya, Pekanbaru. The purpose of this study to analyze the social performance and financial performance of MFI UEK-SP during 2009-2013. Social performance was analyzed using mixed market performance indicators and financial performance was analyzed by using the 17 indicators of PEARLS. Social performance analysis show that MFI UEK-SP has achieved its mission and social objectives, was indicated the indicator of increasing of total loan volume revolving at 25.58 percent. Result also show that the highest increasing of lending revolving is trading sector (31.00 pecent), and the increasing of poor lending volume as much as 18.13 percent. Financial performance analysis shows that the 8 ratio of PEARLS is ideal goals, that are the ratio of current assets, loans from the outside, the capital of institutions, non-productive assets, income from loans, asset growth, net income and capital growth. While the 9 ratio of PEARLS less than ideal goals, that are the ratio of the risk reserve fund for loans negligence 1-12 months and over 12 months, outstanding loans, operating costs, non perfoaming loan, loan growth, liquidity and deposit growth stocks


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    Sandi Alberston-Shea. Letters for the Living: Teaching Writing in a Violent Age. (Michael Blitz and C. Mark Huribert, 1999). Susan A. Schiller. Education and the Soul: Toward a Spiritual Curriculum. (John P. Miller, 2000). Jeffrey D. Wilhelm. Radical Presence: Teaching as Contemplative Practice. (Mary Rose O\u27Reilly, 1998). Back to the Archiv