49 research outputs found

    Adolescent Binge Alcohol Enhances Early Alzheimer’s Disease Pathology in Adulthood Through Proinflammatory Neuroimmune Activation

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    Epidemiological studies suggest that heavy alcohol use early in life is associated with increased risk for Alzheimer’s disease (AD). However, mechanisms connecting AD with alcohol use have not been identified. Both heavy alcohol use and AD feature increased proinflammatory signaling. Therefore, we hypothesized that adolescent binge ethanol would increase AD molecular and behavioral pathology in adulthood through proinflammatory signaling. The 3xTg-AD mouse model (APPSwe, tauP301, Psen1tm1Mpm) which features amyloid (Aβ) and tau pathology beginning at 6–12 months underwent adolescent intermittent ethanol (AIE, 5 g/kg/d, i.g., P25-55) with assessment of AD pathologic mediators at P200. A second group of mice received AIE +/− minocycline (30 mg/kg/d, IP) followed by behavioral testing in adulthood. Behavioral testing and age of testing included: locomotor activity and exploration (27–28 weeks), novel object recognition (NORT, 28-30 weeks), 3-chamber sociability and social memory (29–31 weeks), prepulse inhibition (PPI, 30–32 weeks), Morris Water Maze with reversal (MWM, 31–35 weeks), and Piezo sleep monitoring (35–37 weeks). We found that AIE increased levels of neurotoxic Aβ1–42 in adult female hippocampus as well as intraneuronal Aβ1–42 in amygdala and entorhinal cortex. Phosphorylated tau at residue Thr181 (p-tau-181) was also increased in female hippocampus by AIE. Several proinflammatory genes were persistently increased by AIE in the female hippocampus, including IL-1β, MCP-1, IL-6, and IFNα. Expression of these genes was strongly correlated with the levels of Aβ1–42 and p-tau-181 in hippocampus. AIE caused persistent decreases in locomotor activity (open-field and NORT habituation) and increased anxiety-like behavior (thigmotaxis) while reducing memory retention. Treatment with the anti-inflammatory compound minocycline during AIE blocked persistent increases in Aβ1–42 in amygdala and p-tau-181 in hippocampus, and prevented AIE-induced thigmotaxis and memory loss. Together, these data find that adolescent binge ethanol enhances AD molecular and behavioral pathology in adulthood through proinflammatory signaling. Blockade of proinflammatory signaling during ethanol exposure prevents ethanol-induced effects on pathologic accumulation of AD-associated proteins and persistent behavior changes relevant to human AD

    Príručka ku genealogickému výskumu na Slovensku a v slovacikálnom zahraniči

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    Рецензія на збірник: Príručka ku genealogickému výskumu na Slovensku a v slovacikálnom zahraniči / Zostavil a zredigoval Milan Šišmiš. – Zväzok 2. – Martin: Slovenská genealogicko-heraldická spoločnosť, 2009. – 270 s. ISBN 978-80-970196-1-7

    Interventions to reduce pesticide exposure from the agricultural sector in Africa: a workshop report

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    Despite the fact that several cases of unsafe pesticide use among farmers in different parts of Africa have been documented, there is limited evidence regarding which specific interventions are effective in reducing pesticide exposure and associated risks to human health and ecology. The overall goal of the African Pesticide Intervention Project (APsent) study is to better understand ongoing research and public health activities related to interventions in Africa through the implementation of suitable target-specific situations or use contexts. A systematic review of the scientific literature on pesticide intervention studies with a focus on Africa was conducted. This was followed by a qualitative survey among stakeholders involved in pesticide research or management in the African region to learn about barriers to and promoters of successful interventions. The project was concluded with an international workshop in November 2021, where a broad range of topics relevant to occupational and environmental health risks were discussed such as acute poisoning, street pesticides, switching to alternatives, or disposal of empty pesticide containers. Key areas of improvement identified were training on pesticide usage techniques, research on the effectiveness of interventions targeted at exposure reduction and/or behavioral changes, awareness raising, implementation of adequate policies, and enforcement of regulations and processes

    Associating Increased Chemical Exposure to Hurricane Harvey in a Longitudinal Panel Using Silicone Wristbands

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    Hurricane Harvey was associated with flood-related damage to chemical plants and oil refineries, and the flooding of hazardous waste sites, including 13 Superfund sites. As clean-up efforts began, concerns were raised regarding the human health impact of possible increased chemical exposure resulting from the hurricane and subsequent flooding. Personal sampling devices in the form of silicone wristbands were deployed to a longitudinal panel of individuals (n = 99) within 45 days of the hurricane and again one year later in the Houston metropolitan area. Using gas chromatography–mass spectroscopy, each wristband was screened for 1500 chemicals and analyzed for 63 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Chemical exposure levels found on the wristbands were generally higher post-Hurricane Harvey. In the 1500 screen, 188 chemicals were detected, 29 were detected in at least 30% of the study population, and of those, 79% (n = 23) were found in significantly higher concentrations (p < 0.05) post-Hurricane Harvey. Similarly, in PAH analysis, 51 chemicals were detected, 31 were detected in at least 30% of the study population, and 39% (n = 12) were found at statistically higher concentrations (p < 0.05) post-Hurricane Harvey. This study indicates that there were increased levels of chemical exposure after Hurricane Harvey in the Houston metropolitan area