15 research outputs found

    Optimised oligonucleotide substrates to assay XPF ERCC1 nuclease activity for the discovery of DNA repair inhibitors

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    We report the design and optimisation of novel oligonucleotide substrates for a sensitive fluorescence assay for high-throughput screening and functional studies of the DNA repair enzyme, XPF-ERCC1, with a view to accelerating inhibitor and drug discover

    The HelQ human DNA repair helicase utilizes a PWI-like domain for DNA loading through interaction with RPA, triggering DNA unwinding by the HelQ helicase core

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    Genome instability is a characteristic enabling factor for carcinogenesis. HelQ helicase is a component of human DNA maintenance systems that prevent or reverse genome instability arising during DNA replication. Here, we provide details of the molecular mechanisms that underpin HelQ function — its recruitment onto ssDNA through interaction with RPA, and subsequent translocation of HelQ along ssDNA. We describe for the first time a functional role for the non-catalytic N-terminal region of HelQ, by identifying and characterising its PWI-like domain. We present evidence that this domain of HelQ mediates interaction with RPA that orchestrates loading of the helicase domains onto ssDNA. Once HelQ is loaded onto the ssDNA, ATP-Mg2+ binding in the catalytic site activates the helicase core and triggers translocation along ssDNA as a dimer. Furthermore, we identify HelQ-ssDNA interactions that are critical for the translocation mechanism. Our data are novel and detailed insights into the mechanisms of HelQ function relevant for understanding how human cells avoid genome instability provoking cancers, and also how cells can gain resistance to treatments that rely on DNA crosslinking agents

    The HelQ human DNA repair helicase utilizes a PWI-like domain for DNA loading through interaction with RPA, triggering DNA unwinding by the HelQ helicase core

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    Genome instability is a characteristic enabling factor for carcinogenesis. HelQ helicase is a component of human DNA maintenance systems that prevent or reverse genome instability arising during DNA replication. Here, we provide details of the molecular mechanisms that underpin HelQ function—its recruitment onto ssDNA through interaction with replication protein A (RPA), and subsequent translocation of HelQ along ssDNA. We describe for the first time a functional role for the non-catalytic N-terminal region of HelQ, by identifying and characterizing its PWI-like domain. We present evidence that this domain of HelQ mediates interaction with RPA that orchestrates loading of the helicase domains onto ssDNA. Once HelQ is loaded onto the ssDNA, ATP-Mg2+ binding in the catalytic site activates the helicase core and triggers translocation along ssDNA as a dimer. Furthermore, we identify HelQ-ssDNA interactions that are critical for the translocation mechanism. Our data are novel and detailed insights into the mechanisms of HelQ function relevant for understanding how human cells avoid genome instability provoking cancers, and also how cells can gain resistance to treatments that rely on DNA crosslinking agents

    RPA activates the XPF‐ERCC1 endonuclease to initiate processing of DNA interstrand crosslinks

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    During replication‐coupled DNA interstrand crosslink (ICL) repair, the XPF‐ERCC1 endonuclease is required for the incisions that release, or “unhook”, ICLs, but the mechanism of ICL unhooking remains largely unknown. Incisions are triggered when the nascent leading strand of a replication fork strikes the ICL. Here, we report that while purified XPF‐ERCC1 incises simple ICL‐containing model replication fork structures, the presence of a nascent leading strand, modelling the effects of replication arrest, inhibits this activity. Strikingly, the addition of the single‐stranded DNA (ssDNA)‐binding replication protein A (RPA) selectively restores XPF‐ERCC1 endonuclease activity on this structure. The 5′–3′ exonuclease SNM1A can load from the XPF‐ERCC1‐RPA‐induced incisions and digest past the crosslink to quantitatively complete the unhooking reaction. We postulate that these collaborative activities of XPF‐ERCC1, RPA and SNM1A might explain how ICL unhooking is achieved in vivo

    5-Formylcytosine does not change the global structure of DNA

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    The mechanism by which 5-formylcytosine (fC) is recognised by enzymes involved in epigenetic modification and reading of DNA is not known, and recently an unusual DNA structure (F-DNA) was proposed as the basis for enzyme recognition of clusters of fC. We used NMR and X-ray crystallography to compare several modified DNA duplexes with the unmodified analogues and show that in the crystal state they all belong to the A-family, but in solution they are all members of the B-family. Contrary to the previous study, we find that 5-formylcytosine does not significantly affect the structure of DNA, though there are modest local differences at the modification sites. Hence, global conformation changes are unlikely to account for the recognition of this modified base, and our structural data favour a mechanism that operates at base-pair resolution for the recognition of 5-formylcytosine by epigenome-modifying enzymes

    RPA activates the XPF-ERCC1 endonuclease to initiate processing of DNA interstrand crosslinks.

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    During replication-coupled DNA interstrand crosslink (ICL) repair, the XPF-ERCC1 endonuclease is required for the incisions that release, or "unhook", ICLs, but the mechanism of ICL unhooking remains largely unknown. Incisions are triggered when the nascent leading strand of a replication fork strikes the ICL Here, we report that while purified XPF-ERCC1 incises simple ICL-containing model replication fork structures, the presence of a nascent leading strand, modelling the effects of replication arrest, inhibits this activity. Strikingly, the addition of the single-stranded DNA (ssDNA)-binding replication protein A (RPA) selectively restores XPF-ERCC1 endonuclease activity on this structure. The 5'-3' exonuclease SNM1A can load from the XPF-ERCC1-RPA-induced incisions and digest past the crosslink to quantitatively complete the unhooking reaction. We postulate that these collaborative activities of XPF-ERCC1, RPA and SNM1A might explain how ICL unhooking is achieved in vivo

    RPA activates the XPF-ERCC1 endonuclease to initiate processing of DNA interstrand crosslinks.

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    During replication-coupled DNA interstrand crosslink (ICL) repair, the XPF-ERCC1 endonuclease is required for the incisions that release, or "unhook", ICLs, but the mechanism of ICL unhooking remains largely unknown. Incisions are triggered when the nascent leading strand of a replication fork strikes the ICL Here, we report that while purified XPF-ERCC1 incises simple ICL-containing model replication fork structures, the presence of a nascent leading strand, modelling the effects of replication arrest, inhibits this activity. Strikingly, the addition of the single-stranded DNA (ssDNA)-binding replication protein A (RPA) selectively restores XPF-ERCC1 endonuclease activity on this structure. The 5'-3' exonuclease SNM1A can load from the XPF-ERCC1-RPA-induced incisions and digest past the crosslink to quantitatively complete the unhooking reaction. We postulate that these collaborative activities of XPF-ERCC1, RPA and SNM1A might explain how ICL unhooking is achieved in vivo

    Mass spectrometry reveals stable modules in holo and apo RNA polymerases I and III.

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    RNA polymerases are essential enzymes which transcribe DNA into RNA. Here, we obtain mass spectra of the cellular forms of apo and holo eukaryotic RNA polymerase I and III, defining their composition under different solution conditions. By recombinant expression of subunits within the initiation heterotrimer of Pol III, we derive an interaction network and couple this data with ion mobility data to define topological restraints. Our data agree with available structural information and homology modeling and are generally consistent with yeast two hybrid data. Unexpectedly, elongation complexes of both Pol I and III destabilize the assemblies compared with their apo counterparts. Increasing the pH and ionic strength of apo and holo forms of Pol I and Pol III leads to formation of at least ten stable subcomplexes for both enzymes. Uniquely for Pol III many subcomplexes contain only one of the two largest catalytic subunits. We speculate that these stable subcomplexes represent putative intermediates in assembly pathways

    The HelQ human DNA repair helicase utilizes a PWI-like domain for DNA loading through interaction with RPA, triggering DNA unwinding by the HelQ helicase core

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    International audienceGenome instability is a characteristic enabling factor for carcinogenesis. HelQ helicase is a component of human DNA maintenance systems that prevent or reverse genome instability arising during DNA replication. Here, we provide details of the molecular mechanisms that underpin HelQ function-its recruitment onto ssDNA through interaction with replication protein A (RPA), and subsequent translocation of HelQ along ssDNA. We describe for the first time a functional role for the non-catalytic N-terminal region of HelQ, by identifying and characterizing its PWI-like domain. We present evidence that this domain of HelQ mediates interaction with RPA that orchestrates loading of the helicase domains onto ssDNA. Once HelQ is loaded onto the ssDNA, ATP-Mg 2+ binding in the catalytic site activates the helicase core and triggers translocation along ssDNA as a dimer. Furthermore, we identify HelQ-ssDNA interactions that are critical for the translocation mechanism. Our data are novel and detailed insights into the mechanisms of HelQ function relevant for understanding how human cells avoid genome instability provoking cancers, and also how cells can gain resistance to treatments that rely on DNA crosslinking agents

    Intracellular immunization against HIV infection with an intracellular antibody that mimics HIV integrase binding to the cellular LEDGF protein

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    Preventing the protein-protein interaction of the cellular chromatin binding protein Lens Epithelium- Derived Growth Factor (LEDGF) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) integrase is an important possible strategy for anti-viral treatment for AIDS. We have used Intracellular Antibody Capture technology to isolate a single VH antibody domain that binds to LEDGF. The crystal structure of the LEDGF-VH complex reveals that the single domain antibody mimics the effect of binding of HIV integrase to LEDGF which is crucial for HIV propagation. CD4-expressing T cell lines were constructed to constitutively express the LEDGF-binding VH and these cells showed interference with HIV viral replication, assayed by virus capsid protein p24 production. Therefore, pre-conditioning cells to express antibody fragments confers effective intracellular immunization for preventing chronic viral replication and can be a way to prevent HIV spread in infected patients. This raises the prospect that intracellular immunization strategies that focus on cellular components of viral integrase protein interactions can be used to combat the problems associated with latent HIV virus re-emergence in patients. New genome editing development, such as using CRISPR/cas9, offer the prospect intracellularly immunized T cells in HIV+ patients