16 research outputs found

    Use of Physicochemical Method for Evaluation of Mucilage Producing Ability of the Linum Usitatissimum L. Seeds

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    Abstract In the modern medicine of many European countries flax is used as a medicament with a wide range of use. Wholesome effect of flax seeds is determined by the large amount of enveloping substances. This property is connected with content of mucilage up to 10% and glycoside linamarin. Flaxseed polysaccharides also possess antiinflammatory effect. Furthermore, mucilage production can be a chemosystematic characteric of intraspecific taxons. In literature intervarietal variability data is limited. Therefore, comparative evaluation of mucilage producing ability of flax seeds with different morphotypes is of interest. The research of micromorphological characteristics of seed coat and mucilage production dynamics was carried out and it was established that mucilage-producing cells are localized predominantly in the external layer of seed coat. It was established that Bahmalskiy, Nebesnyj, Kustanayskiy yantar varieties possess the highest level of mucilage production. Morphotype and varietal specificity of mucilage production are determined, consequently it can be used as a marker feature of L. usitatissimum new forms. The proposed technique is based on the determination of seed physicochemical characteristics and can be used for express analysis of the vegetal samples and their differentiation by the directions of use: as a fatty oil or mucilage-containing raw material. Keywords: Linum usitatissimum L. varieties, seeds, mucilage production, hydration dynamics, physicochemical method

    A targeted drilling and dating campaign to identify Stone Age archaeological sites before excavation in west coast southern Africa

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    Here we present the results of a targeted drilling campaign that facilitated a geochronological study with coarse sampling resolution inside a new cave site, Simons Cave, on the west coast of southern Africa. A combination of radiocarbon (14C) dating and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating was used as a range-finder. Results confirmed preservation of Holocene and late Pleistocene sediments up to 133 ± 35 ka, overlapping with the ages of Middle Stone Age (MSA) occupations of the broader west coast region. A subsequent, systematic test- excavation at the site then embarked on a second geochronological study with a higher sampling resolution. Ultimately, the comparative study confirmed the potential of Simons Cave as a new site for the exploration of hominin occupation through the later Pleistocene and Holocene, yet raised several issues concerning the direct comparability of information deriving from drilled sediment cores and actual archaeological excavation

    Apoptosis- and survival-related gene mRNA profile in peripheral blood leukocytes in children with acute EBV infectious mononucleosis

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    Acute EBV-associated mononucleosis develops mainly in children and in patients with functionally impaired immune system. Consequently, it may result in developing secondary immunodeficiency, neoplasms as well as diverse alterations in cell-mediated immune reaction. Despite extensively examining molecular mechanisms of EBV infection, it is also necessary seek for new molecular and genetic factors underlying pathogenesis of EBV-mediated mononucleosis and EBV-associated malignant cell transformation is necessary, which might be used in clinical practice to monitor clinical score as well as predictive parameters for EBV-associated complications such as immunocompromised conditions and neoplasms. Here, we proposed to use our splicing sensitive DNA microarrays to perform a comprehensive semi-quantitative mRNA expression analysis for major apoptosis- and survival-related signaling components in peripheral blood leukocytes collected from children with acute EBV infectious mononucleosis as well as during recovery period. Using such DNA microchips allowed to assess both total (denoted by Σ) and separate transcript expression resulting from alternative splicing. It was shown that the balance of mRNA levels in acute phase of EBV-infectious mononucleosis was shifted towards upregulated expression of anti-apoptotic factors and components of of NF-κB-linked pro-survival signaling able to profoundly augment apoptosis resistance. Moreover, some EBV-associated changes (BIM/BCL2L11-Σ, PUMA/ BBC3-NM_001127241, BID-Σ, CASP3-Σ, NFKB1-Σ, RELA-Σ) were in agreement with the data published before. In addition, we also found previously unknown changes in level of EBV-associated coding and noncoding transcripts (DCR1/ TNFRSF10C-NM_003841, DR5/TNFRSF10B-NR_027140, CASP6 beta/CASP6-NM_032992, CASP7-NM_033338). Analyzing their properties allowed to suggest that they play an important role in the pathogenesis of EBV-associated mononucleosis. However, at asymptomatic recovery stage, level of some mRNA expression was kept altered compared to healthy volunteers (DCR2/TNFRSF10D-NM_003840, CASP8-Σ, CASP3-Σ, BIM/BCL2L11-Σ, BCL2-NM_000633, MCL1-Σ, BCL-W/BCL2L2-Σ, BCL-XL/BCL2L1-NM_138578, BIRC2-NM_001166, XIAP-NM_001167, TRAF2-NM_021138, MAP3K14-Σ, NFKB1-Σ), which may point at postponed EBV-associated molecular consequences. On one hand, such changes may be due to long-lasting anti-EBV immune response, whereas, on the other hand, they might be influenced by EBV-associated factors facilitating virus persistence. Overall, we identified the molecular features predisposing to chronic course of EBV-infection. The data obtained further expand our understanding about the molecular pathogenetic mechanisms for EBV infectious mononucleosis

    Expression analysis of apoptotic and survival genes in blood leukocytes of children with various forms of HHV-6 infection

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    Despite that human herpes virus type 6 (HHV-6) is extremely spread worldwide, molecular mechanisms of behind HHV-6 infection pathogenesis remain largely unexplored. No molecular markers were found linked to unfavorable course of HHV-6 infection which could allow to ease up selecting proper therapy and preventing development of complications. The aim of the study was to analyze expression of apoptosis and survival-related genes in blood leukocytes from 7–17-year-old children upon various forms of HHV-6 infection. The analysis was carried out by using DNA microarrays developed by us allowing to assess changes in expression level both of individual mRNAs and total gene set (-Σ). It was shown that during the acute phase of HHV-6 infection mRNA level was shifted toward pro-apoptotic factors. In the convalescence phase, most altered mRNA levels returned to normal. We have identified a set of mRNAs and genes whose expression level was significantly changed in acute disease phase. According to available data, these factors play an important role in regulation of studied signaling pathways. In order to search for HHV-6-associated factors, which markedly affect disease pattern of severe herpesvirus mixed infection, we analyzed significant changes of mRNA and genes expression levels in patients with severe HHV-6+EBV+CMV mixed infection and EBV+CMV mixed infection of moderate severity compared with healthy donors. The levels of 5 mRNAs (FAF1-NM_007051, DAPK2-NM_014326, CASP8AP2-NM_001137667, CASP8-NM_033356, BTK-NM_001287345) and 3 genes (FAS-Σ, Puma/BBC3-Σ, ITCH-Σ) were significantly increased in severe mixed infection comorbid with HHV-6 (EBV+CMV+HHV-6) but without HHV-6 (EBV+CMV) compared with healthy donors. Most of detected factors belong to Fas-mediated apoptosis pathway, and may be considered as candidate prognostic development factors of severe herpes virus infection involving HHV-6. This study profoundly extends existing understanding on molecular pathogenesis of HHV-6 infection involving apoptosis and pro-survival signaling pathways. Marked changes of mRNA and gene levels most likely contributed to the pathogenesis of HHV-6 as well as severe HHV-6+EBV+CMV mixed infection


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    Development of the early rheumatoid arthritis (eRA) may occurs at any age (most often at age of 40-50 years). It is known that usually it is accompanied by severe disability. That is why early diagnostic of eRA and then selecting the modern method of treatment of this disease become extremely important. The main therapeutic techniques aimed at reducing the eRA symptoms: pain and stiffness, providing an anti-inflammatory effect, preserving the ability of the patient's day to day functions, prevention of destructive processes. After active analysis of patient comorbidity (cardio - vascular disease, osteoporosis, gastropathy) an aggressive, fast-acting therapy eRA through the use of combination regimens disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDS), extensive use of "anti-cytokine therapy," or biological agents (BA) and biosimilars (BS) should be started as quick as possible. To evaluate the effectiveness of treatment must take into account the dynamics of changes in clinical parameters and markers of inflammation, as well as monitoring data of questioning patients about pain intensity (VAS), the overall assessment of disease activity (DAS28) and the degree of physical function violation (HAQ). A brief review on the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and glucocorticoids (GCS) in patients with eRA. Reported data on the safety profile of NSAIDs and GCS, as well as data on the risk reduction of bone mineral density and the development of various low-energy fractures of the use of proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) in treatment of patients with RA. In view of these clinical studies, NSAIDs have failed to demonstrate the structural disease-modifying effects, so this group of drugs should be used only in combination with DMARD and GCS. The article presents a comparative analysis of various representatives from a number of GCS. The article presents the survey of research of the need of rapid and effective suppression of inflammation with DMARDs, which contributes to the modification of the clinical course of the disease. The most effective was induction of long-term response in RA by methotrexate (MTX), while there is a high adherence to treatment, long-term tolerability and low cost treatment. Safe of the DMARD treatment requires careful clinical monitoring of the side effects. One of the most frequent adverse events in patients taking DMARDs is the liver damage, which requires the measurement of albumin and serum aminotransferase levels every 4-8 weeks, and the assessment of the overall analysis of blood, determination of serum creatinine. TNF-α antagonists are recommended for the treatment of RA-preserving activity, despite adequate therapy attempts by other basic drugs, most often - MTX. TNF-α antagonists may be used in combination with other DMARDs. The article describes aspects of the BS for treatment of RA, which show a significant improvement in long-term results and effectiveness. Highlights the key issues debatedinitial-and post-treatment of RA. Conclusion. The modern strategy for the treatment of RA has recently undergone a major change with the introduction of BA and BS. The main goals of RA therapy are not only the reduction of inflammatory changes of the destructive processes but also achievement of prolonged and sustained remission and, in some cases, complete recovery. While achieving the expected results should not be accompanied by an increase of the number of undesirable side effects

    Site fragmentation, hominin mobility and LCT variability reflected in the early Acheulean record of the Okote Member, at Koobi Fora, Kenya

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    From its initial appearance at ∼1.7 Ma, the Acheulean was prevalent through a vast chronological span of hominin behavioural evolution that lasted nearly 1.5 million years. The origins and production patterns of large bifacial cutting tools (‘LCTs’) – the marker of the Acheulean techno-complex – and the systematic changes in this behaviour through time are gaining increasing interest in paleoanthropology. Here we provide a synthesis of early Acheulean LCT variation in a landscape context by analysing assemblages from four different quasi-contemporaneous (∼1.4 Ma) sites from the Koobi Fora Formation. We characterize this variation using both 3D geometric morphometric and descriptive approaches. The expansive lateral exposures of fluvial and lacustrine sediments, as well as the associated tephrostratigraphy of the Koobi Fora Formation provide the landscape context that enables these comparative analyses. Our study demonstrates that when multiple contemporaneous early Acheulean localities are analysed together, a broader picture of LCT variability is elucidated. Four sites at Koobi Fora appear to represent a single system of lithic economy, characterized by a discrete trajectory of changes in LCT size and shape. These sites have ranges of LCT forms which appear to represent different but overlapping stages on a single reduction trajectory. Certain sites exhibit the full reduction trajectory while others exhibit only fragments of this trajectory. Other inter-site lithic proxies further complement these patterns in LCT variability. We explore patterns of site function, mobility and hominin landscape use, all of which may be suggestive of a depth of planning in early Acheulean hominins wherein technological activities were undertaken in substantial anticipation of future needs