251 research outputs found

    Making internal fixation work with limited bone stock

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    Fractures are common in small animal practice and there are many options for managing them. Plates and screws remain a popular means to manage many fractures; however, some fractures are sufficiently close to a joint (juxta-articular), that they limit the amount of bone available to achieve a standard stable plate and screw fixation. This article discusses the options to achieve a stable internal fixation when there is limited bone stock

    Three different glacier surges at a spot: What satellites observe and what not

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    In the Karakoram, dozens of glacier surges occurred in the past 2 decades, making the region a global hotspot. Detailed analyses of dense time series from optical and radar satellite images revealed a wide range of surge behaviour in this region: from slow advances longer than a decade at low flow velocities to short, pulse-like advances over 1 or 2 years with high velocities. In this study, we present an analysis of three currently surging glaciers in the central Karakoram: North and South Chongtar Glaciers and an unnamed glacier referred to as NN9. All three glaciers flow towards the same small region but differ strongly in surge behaviour. A full suite of satellites (e.g. Landsat, Sentinel-1 and 2, Planet, TerraSAR-X, ICESat-2) and digital elevation models (DEMs) from different sources (e.g. Shuttle Radar Topography Mission, SRTM; Satellite Pour l'Observation de la Terre, SPOT; High Mountain Asia DEM, HMA DEM) are used to (a) obtain comprehensive information about the evolution of the surges from 2000 to 2021 and (b) to compare and evaluate capabilities and limitations of the different satellite sensors for monitoring surges of relatively small glaciers in steep terrain. A strongly contrasting evolution of advance rates and flow velocities is found, though the elevation change pattern is more similar. For example, South Chongtar Glacier had short-lived advance rates above 10 yr-1, velocities up to 30 d-1, and surface elevations increasing by 170 m. In contrast, the neighbouring and 3-times-smaller North Chongtar Glacier had a slow and near-linear increase in advance rates (up to 500 yr-1), flow velocities below 1 d-1 and elevation increases up to 100 m. The even smaller glacier NN9 changed from a slow advance to a full surge within a year, reaching advance rates higher than 1 yr-1. It seems that, despite a similar climatic setting, different surge mechanisms are at play, and a transition from one mechanism to another can occur during a single surge. The sensor inter-comparison revealed a high agreement across sensors for deriving flow velocities, but limitations are found on small and narrow glaciers in steep terrain, in particular for Sentinel-1. All investigated DEMs have the required accuracy to clearly show the volume changes during the surges, and elevations from ICESat-2 ATL03 data fit neatly to the other DEMs. We conclude that the available satellite data allow for a comprehensive observation of glacier surges from space when combining different sensors to determine the temporal evolution of length, elevation and velocity changes

    Recent Advances in Cervical Cancer Management: A Review on Novel Prognostic Factors in Primary and Recurrent Tumors

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    Background: Several pathological parameters, including tumor size, depth of stromal invasion, lympho-vascular space invasion and lymph node status, have been proposed as prognostic predictors in cervical cancer. However, given the high mortality and recurrence rate of cervical cancer, novel parameters that are able to provide additional prognostic information are needed in order to allow a better prognostic stratification of cervical cancer patients. Methods: A search was conducted on PubMed to identify relevant literature data regarding prognostic factors in cervical cancer. The key words “cervical cancer”, “prognostic factors”, “pathology”, and “outcome” were used. Results: The novel pathological grading system based on tumor budding and cell nest size appeared the most relevant prognostic factor in primary neoplasms. Moreover, other potentially useful prognostic factors were tumor size, depth of stromal invasion, lympho-vascular space invasion, perineural invasion, tumor-free distance and tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes. Prognostic factors related to advanced-stage cervical cancer, including lymph-nodes status, endometrial and cervical involvement as well as distant metastases, were also taken into consideration. Conclusions: According to our findings, tumor budding and cell nest size grading system, depth of stromal invasion, lympho-vascular space invasion, perineural invasion, tumor-free distance and tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes appeared the most relevant factors included in the pathology report

    Omentalisation as adjunctive treatment of an infected femoral nonunion fracture: a case report

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    A three-year-old male working border collie with an infected femoral nonunion fracture was managed in a two-stage procedure involving debridement and omentalisation, followed by stabilisation with a bone plate and an autogenous cancellous bone graft. Osseous union was documented radiographically 16 weeks after surgery. Telephone follow-up one year later revealed the dog had returned to full working function without evidence of lameness. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first clinical case described in the veterinary literature using omentalisation as an adjunct to the management of an infected, biologically inactive nonunion fracture

    Modular hybrid total hip arthroplasty. Experimental study in dogs

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    Background: This prospective experimental study evaluated the surgical procedure and results of modular hybrid total hip arthroplasty in dogs.Methods: Ten skeletally mature healthy mongrel dogs with weights varying between 19 and 27 kg were used. Cemented modular femoral stems and uncemented porous-coated acetabular cups were employed. Clinical and radiographic evaluations were performed before surgery and at 30, 60, 90, 120, 180 and 360 days post-operation.Results: Excellent weight bearing was noticed in the operated limb in seven dogs. Dislocation followed by loosening of the prosthesis was noticed in two dogs, which were therefore properly treated with a femoral head osteotomy. Femoral fracture occurred in one dog, which was promptly treated with full implant removal and femoral osteosynthesis.Conclusions: The canine modular hybrid total hip arthroplasty provided excellent functionality of the operated limb

    Boschi di neoformazione in Italia: approfondimenti conoscitivi e orientamenti gestionali

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    Nelle regioni meridionali, e in Sicilia in particolare, la fisionomia della vegetazione forestale post-abbandono è quella della macchia o arbusteto che difficilmente evolve verso un bosco propriamente detto. Il processo evolutivo della vegetazione spesso non raggiunge lo stadio di bosco non perché le condizioni ambientali non lo consentano ma per due ragioni fondamentali: i disturbi, in particolare gli incendi e il pascolo, e le limitazioni nell’arrivo di propaguli, causate dalla mancanza di piante madri, dei dispersori dei semi o entrambi. Infatti, in contesti favorevoli (assenza di disturbi e arrivo dei propaguli) la vegetazione evolve sino al bosco. Le formazioni preforestali frutto dei processi di successione secondaria occupano superfici significative e sono conseguenza del fenomeno dell’abbandono dell’agricoltura iniziato alla seconda metà del secolo scorso e che ha interessato tutta l’Europa. Alcune azioni per ridurre i fattori negativi ed esaltare invece i vantaggi ambientali sono possibili per i boschi degli ambienti mediterranei. Tra queste, la trasformazione dei boschi di neoformazione in sistemi agroforestali, e più propriamente silvopastorali, utilizzando la parte aerea delle specie arboree e arbustive e mantenendo piccoli nuclei di specie spontanee utili alla fauna selvatica (a esempio, specie con frutti carnosi) senza lasciare che esse dominino la vegetazione erbacea. Ciò consentirebbe una valorizzazione delle superfici innanzitutto come pascoli, ma non si esclude l’utilizzazione come legna da ardere della componente arborea e, in certi casi, dei prodotti ottenibili (a esempio, manna, mandorle, carrube, nocciole). Altra possibilità per non disperdere i vantaggi consisterebbe nel mettere a coltura gli ex coltivi adottando tecniche alternative che non disperdano il carbonio accumulato. Su questo aspetto esistono già esperienze: ciò potrebbe inoltre ridurre la conflittualità tra gli enti gestori delle aree protette, restii a consentire un ritorno alla coltivazione, e gli agricoltori nonché i sostenitori della necessità di tutelare i paesaggi agrari