69 research outputs found

    The infrared dust bubble N22: an expanding HII region and the star formation around it

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    Aims. To increase the observational samples of star formation around expanding Hii regions, we analyzed the interstellar medium and star formation around N22. Methods. We used data extracted from the seven large-scale surveys from infrared to radio wavelengths. In addition we used the JCMT observations of the J = 3-2 line of 12CO emission data released on CADC and the 12CO J = 2-1 and J =3-2 lines observed by the KOSMA 3 m telescope. We performed a multiwavelength study of bubble N22. Results. A molecular shell composed of several clumps agrees very well with the border of N22, suggesting that its expansion is collecting the surrounding material. The high integrated 12CO line intensity ratio (ranging from 0.7 to 1.14) implies that shocks have driven into the molecular clouds. We identify eleven possible O-type stars inside the Hii region, five of which are located in projection inside the cavity of the 20 cm radio continuum emission and are probably the exciting-star candidates of N22. Twenty-nine YSOs (young stellar objects) are distributed close to the dense cores of N22. We conclude that star formation is indeed active around N22; the formation of most of YSOs may have been triggered by the expanding of the Hii region. After comparing the dynamical age of N22 and the fragmentation time of the molecular shell, we suggest that radiation-driven compression of pre-existing dense clumps may be ongoing.Comment: accepted in A&A 30/05/2012. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1010.5430 by other author

    Efecto de la ablacion peduncular en la maduracion gonadal de Pleoticus muelleri bate (decapoda, solenoceridae). I. interaccion entre muda y desarrollo ovarico

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    The objective of this study was to compare the ovary development of ablated and non-ablated females of Pleoticus muelleri and to evaluate the influence of eyestalk ablation on molting frequency. The females (7-22 g weight) were maintained under culture conditions with 12: 12 fotoperiod, 15-17ºC temperature and 31%0 salinity. They were fed on fresh squid, prawn and clam. The ovaries and digestive glands were weighed and fixed for histological examination at 4,9, 15,20, 40, and 50 days. Gonad index varied between 0.925 and 3.747 (control) and 1.457 and 5.035 (ablated). The digestive gland index ranged from 2.059 to 4.520 (control) and 3.471 to 4.471 (ablated). The intermolt duration was 21.7 :j: 3.9 and 23.2 :j: 2.4 for the control and ablated respectively. At the end of the experiment the ovaries of ablated females were mature and those of the control were in primary vitellogenesis. It was concluded that the eyestalk ablation in P. muelleri resulted in precocious maturation of the ovary without changes in the molting frequency. The ovary index was size-independent. Ablation had no effect on the relative weight of digestive gland.Este trabalho teve como objetivo comparar o grau de desenvolvimento ovariano de remeas ablacionadas e intactas de Pleoticus muelleri e avaliar a influência da ablação sobre a freqüência da muda. As femeas, de 7 a 22 g de peso, foram mantidas em condições de cultivo com fotoperíodo de 12:12, temperatura entre 15 e 17ºC, salinidade de 31 e alimentadas com lula, camarão e bivalvos frescos. Foram pesados e fixados os ovários e hepatopâncreas, realizando um controle histológico nos 4; 9; 15; 20; 40 e 50 dias. O índice gonadossomático variou entre 0,925 e 3,747 (controle) e entre 1,457 e 5,035 (ablacionados). Determinou-se valores de índice hepatopancreático entre 2,059 a 4,520 (controle) e de 3,471 a 4,471 (ablacionados). A duração média da intermuda foi 21,7 :j: 3,9 e 23,2 :j: 2,4 dias para o grupo controle e ablacionados, respectivamente. Ao finalizar o experimento a análise histológica demostrou que os ovários das femeas ablacionadas encontravam-se totalmente amadurecidos e os do controle em vitelogênese primária. Conclui-se que a ablação peduncular acelera a maturação ovariana de P. muelleri, sem modificar a freqüência da muda. O índice ovariano é independente do tamanho no intervalo de peso estudado e a ablação não apresentou efeito sobre o peso relativo dos hepatopâncreas

    Growth, molt and survival of Palaemonetes argentinus (Decapoda, Caridea) under different light-dark conditions

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    Growth, survival and molting rate in Palaemonetes argentinus Nobili, 1901 were compared under different light-dark conditions. During 80 days, 150 immatures of both sexes (initial mean weight 0.09±0.002g), from Los Padres lagoon, Mar del Plata, Argentina, were maintained in aquaria at 19±0.4°C under three light conditions: 0:24, 10:14 and 13:11 (L-D). They were fed daily on an artificial diet (45% proteins, 17.2% lipids, 7% water, 7% ash). Good weight increment was obtained with the three treatments, finding a positive linear correlation between mean weight and time (0:24, r=0.97; 10:14, r=0.99; 13:11, r=0.98). There were no significant differences in the percentage increment in mean weight among the treatments (0:24, 19.3%; 10:14, 29.3% and 13:11, 26.5%) (p<0.05). Molting rate was significantly higher at a long-day photoperiod (MR=1.7) than at a short-day (MR=0.6) or continuous dark condition (MR=0.3) (p<0.05). The lowest survival was found in animals maintained under 13:11 L-D conditions (77%), being statistically different of the other two treatments (92% and 89% at 10:14 and 0:24, respectively) (p<0.05). These results suggest that the best growth and survival in P. argentinus result with a 10:14 L-D cycle, and that the growth is less affected by photoperiod than molting rate and survival

    Next-generation sequencing: advances and applications in cancer diagnosis

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    Simona Serrat&igrave;, Simona De Summa, Brunella Pilato, Daniela Petriella, Rosanna Lacalamita, Stefania Tommasi, Rosamaria Pinto Molecular Genetics Laboratory, IRCCS Istituto Tumori Giovanni Paolo&nbsp;II, Bari, Italy Abstract: Technological advances have led to the introduction of next-generation sequencing (NGS) platforms in cancer investigation. NGS allows massive parallel sequencing that affords maximal tumor genomic assessment. NGS approaches are different, and concern DNA and RNA analysis. DNA sequencing includes whole-genome, whole-exome, and targeted sequencing, which focuses on a selection of genes of interest for a specific disease. RNA sequencing facilitates the detection of alternative gene-spliced transcripts, posttranscriptional modifications, gene fusion, mutations/single-nucleotide polymorphisms, small and long noncoding RNAs, and changes in gene expression. Most applications are in the cancer research field, but lately NGS technology has been revolutionizing cancer molecular diagnostics, due to the many advantages it offers compared to traditional methods. There is greater knowledge on solid cancer diagnostics, and recent interest has been shown also in the field of hematologic cancer. In this review, we report the latest data on NGS diagnostic/predictive clinical applications in solid and hematologic cancers. Moreover, since the amount of NGS data produced is very large and their interpretation is very complex, we briefly discuss two bioinformatic aspects, variant-calling accuracy and copy-number variation detection, which are gaining a lot of importance in cancer-diagnostic assessment. Keywords: hereditary breast cancer, melanoma, prostate cancer, thyroid cancer, lung cancer, colorectal cancer, hematologic cance