28 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Produksi Katarantin melalui Teknik Elisitasi pada Kultur Agregat Sel Catharanthus Roseus

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk optimasi dan peningkatan produksi antikanker katarantin khususnya elisitasi. Tujuan praktisnya adalah untuk mengetahui pertumbuhan kalus agregat sel C. roseus yang diberi elisitor, menemukan kurva tumbuh S. cerevisiae dan bahan elisitor, menemukan kandungan katarantin pada agregat sel dan medium perlakuan dan menemukan waktu panen perlakuan elisitasi yang menghasilkan kandungan katarantin yang paling tinggi. Dari hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat dihasilkan suatu informasi mengenai peningkatan katarantin yang dihasilkan (diproduksi) secara kultur (in vitro) untuk dimanfaatkan pada penelitian selanjutnya. Tahapan penelitian dilakukan antara lain 1) tahap kultur S. cerevisiae dan persiapan elisitor, 2) tahap kultur agregat sel dengan perlakuan elisitasi, 3). tahap ekstraksi dan isolasinya menggunakan metanol dan diklorometan 4). tahap uji kuantitas dan kualitas katarantin dengan menggunakan metode Kromatografi Cair Kinerja Tinggi (KCKT) yang dihubungkan dengan kromatopak CR-7A Plus. Kurva tumbuh ragi menunjukkan bahwa fase pertumbuhan maksimum terjadi setelah 16 jam inkubasi. Kandungan katarantin sudah terdeteksi pada hari ke-3 dan mengalami penurunan pada hari ke-6 dan ke-9. Pada hari ke-12, kandungan katarantin mencapai jumlah tertinggi di agregat sel dan mengalami penurunan sampai hari ke-24, Kandungan katarantin tertinggi pada medium terjadi pada hari ke- 18 dan selanjutnya mengalami penurunan sampai hari ke-24. Hasil elisitasi menunjukkan adanya peningkatan kandungan katarantin pada semua waktu panen yang dilakukan, baik dalam sel maupun dalam medium. Kandungan katarantin tertinggi setelah elisitasi pada agregat sel adalah sebesar 274,03 µg/g BK dengan persentase peningkatan sebesar 218,86 % pada jam ke-18. Namun dalam medium adalah pada jam ke-72 sebesar 856,75 µg/L dengan persentae peningkatan sebesar 266,13 %

    Komponen Hasil Dan Mutu Biji Beberapa Varietas Tanaman Kedelai (Glycinemax (L.) Merril) Yang Ditanam Pada Empat Waktu Aplikasi Pupuk Nitrogen

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    Since grain soybean is high in protein content, nitrogen addition may be required at the time of pod development and grain filing. This research was conducted to identify the appropriate time of N application during soybean growth. The field experiment was established at experimental farm of the Faculty of Agriculture, Riau University, inPekanbaru, from JunetoOctober 2016. Three soybean genotypes; ie, Grobogan, Argomulyo and Kaba were planted under some timing of N applications; ie, no N applied, 25 kg kg N applied at planting, 25 kg N applied at 30 days after planting (DAP), and 25 kg N applied at planting added at the same rate at 30 DAP. The experiment was assigned in a randomized block design with 3 replications. Parametersmeasured were filled pod numbersperplant, seeds numberperplant, seed weightperplant, grain yieldm-2, 100-seed weight, oil contents and protein contents of the seed. The results showedthat the application of Nitrogen fertilizer affected yield component and grain quality ofGrobogan, Argomulyo and Kaba. Application of 25 kg N per haat planting date and added at the same rate at flowering stageresulted higher number of filled pod, grain weight per plant, grain yield per m2 and grain protein content than otherapplication timings

    Komponen Hasil Dan Mutu Biji Beberapa Varietas Tanaman Kedelai (Glycinemax (L.) Merril) Yang Ditanam Pada Empat Waktu Aplikasi Pupuk Nitrogen

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    Since grain soybean is high in protein content, nitrogen addition may be required at the time of pod development and grain filing. This research was conducted to identify the appropriate time of N application during soybean growth. The field experiment was established at experimental farm of the Faculty of Agriculture, Riau University, inPekanbaru, from JunetoOctober 2016. Three soybean genotypes; ie, Grobogan, Argomulyo and Kaba were planted under some timing of N applications; ie, no N applied, 25 kg kg N applied at planting, 25 kg N applied at 30 days after planting (DAP), and 25 kg N applied at planting added at the same rate at 30 DAP. The experiment was assigned in a randomized block design with 3 replications. Parametersmeasured were filled pod numbersperplant, seeds numberperplant, seed weightperplant, grain yieldm-2, 100-seed weight, oil contents and protein contents of the seed. The results showedthat the application of Nitrogen fertilizer affected yield component and grain quality ofGrobogan, Argomulyo and Kaba. Application of 25 kg N per haat planting date and added at the same rate at flowering stageresulted higher number of filled pod, grain weight per plant, grain yield per m2 and grain protein content than otherapplication timings

    Deskripsi Jenis-Jenis Kontaminan Dari Kultur Kalus Catharanthus Roseus (L.) G. Donnaman

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    Penelitian deskripsi jenis-jenis kontaminan dari kultur kalus Catharanthus roseus telah dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan jenis-jenis kontaminan yang terdapat pada kultur kalus C.roseus. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dua tahap. Tahap pertama dilakukan kultur kalus C. roseus. Kultur kalus menggunakan media MS (Murashige dan Skoog) dengan zpt 2,4 D 2 mg/L dan kinetin 0,2 mg/L. Tahap kedua dilakukan pengamatan kultur kalus yang mengalami kontaminasi. Kontaminan-kontaminan yang sama secara kasat mata dikelompokan menjadi satu kelompok. Setiap kelompok yang sama diamati lebih lanjut dibawah mikroskop. Penentuan jenis kontaminan dibandingkan dengan morfologi dari Pustaka (rujukan). Pengamatan kontaminan dilakukan mulai dari pembuatan media, inokulasi, subkultur kalus C.roseus. Pengamatan dilakukan dengan 3 botol kontaminan dari setiap kelompok. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah kontaminan kultur kalus C. roseus sekitar 40 %. Jenis kontaminan yang diamati umumnya golongan jamur. Jenis-jenis kontaminan kultur kalus C. roseus adalah Rhizopus, Mucor, Aspergillus, dan Sacharomyces.Research description of the types of contaminant for cultured callus Catharanthus roseus has been done. This research aimed describe the types of contaminant found in the cultured kalus C. roseus. This research is carried out in two stages. The first stage in callus culture C. roseus using media MS (Murashige and Skoog) with zpt 2,4 D mg/L and kinetin 0,2 mg/L. The second stage in the observation of contaminated callus culture. The same of contaminants are visible into one group. Each of the same group was observed further under a microscope. Determining the types of contaminant in comparison with reference from the literature. Observation are starting from media or inoculation, subcallus culture C. roseus. Observation done by taking 3 bottles of contaminat from each group then observed for 7 days. The result obtained are culture contaminants C. roseus about 40 %. The types of contaminant observed are generally of fungi. The types of contaminant callus culture C. roseus are Rhizopus, Mucor, Aspergillus, and Sacharomyces

    Transesterification of Coconut Oil Using Dimethyl Carbonate and TiO2/SiO2 Heterogeneous Catalyst

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    In this study, transesterification of coconut oil with dimethyl carbonate (DMC) for preparing biodiesel has been studied using TiO2/SiO2 as heterogeneous catalyst, with the main purpose to investigate the effect of molar ratio of DMC to oil. The product was analyzed by GC-MS to identify the fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs) composting the biodiesel. The significant role of the DMC to oil ratio was observed in this study, in which the oil conversion was found to increase with increasing molar ratio of DMC : Oil, with the highest percent of conversion of 88.44%. The GC-MS analysis revealed the presence of methyl esters in accordance with the composition of coconut oil commonly reported. Formation of FAMEs was verified by 1H-NMR spectroscopic analysis, which also suggested that some of the fatty acids remain unconverted into biodiesel. The biodiesel produced was found to have kinematic viscosity of 2.4 mm2/S at 40 °C, flash point of 103 °C, and cetane number of 54

    Effect of Sunflower Oil Supplementation as Unsaturated Fatty Acid Source on Rumen Fermentability and Performance of Lactating Garut Ewes

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    The study was aimed to evaluate the increasing levels of ration energy, with fat-rich unsaturated fatty acids from sunflower oil on the nutrient intake, rumen fermentability and performance of ewes. The experiment used fifteen ewes of 1.5 years old, primiparous, caged individually with their lambs and conducted three treatments and five replications from a completely randomized designed. Those treatments included R1= ration with 0% sunflower oil addition, R2= ration with 4%sunflower oil addition, R3= ration with 6% sunflower oil addition. The variables consisted of dry matter intake, nutrients, ewes performances (birth weight, weaning weight, decreased of body weight), total and partial VFA, the ratio of acetate: propionate, methane production, protozoa and bacterial population. Data were analyzed statistically and descriptively. The results showed that the treatments did not influence dry matter intake and nutrients,. rumen fermentability and ewes performances. Although the treatments increased (P<0.01) fatconsumption and reduced shrinkage of body weight. It can be concluded that the adding sunflower oil as the resource of unsaturated fatty acids up to 6% of the ration was not negatively affected the fermentability of rumen, moreover can improve ewes body condition and, accelerated body weight recover

    Uji Sitotoksisitas Ekstrak Metanol Daun Sisik Naga (Drymoglossum Piloselloides Presl.) Terhadap Sel Leukemia P388

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    Penelitian mengenai uji sitotoksisitas ekstrak metanol daun sisik naga (Drymoglossum piloselloides Presl.) terhadap sel leukemia P388 telah dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sitotoksisitas ekstrak metanol daun sisik naga terhadap sel leukemia P388 berdasarkan penghambatan pertumbuhan sel 50% (IC50). Metoda yang dilakukan menggunakan uji MTT (Microculture Tetrazolium Technique) pada sel kanker leukemia P388. Sel dikultur menggunakan media RPMI (Roswell Park Memorial Institute). Pertumbuhan sel diukur melalui absorbansi formazan pada panjang gelombang 540 nm pada berbagai konsentrasi dari 0,1 µg/mL sampai 100 µg/mL ekstrak sampel. IC50 ditentukan dengan persamaan logaritma antara nilai absorbansi dengan konsentrasi ekstrak. Pengolahan data digunakan program Originlab 9.0 32-bit (Originlab Corporation USA). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak metanol daun sisik naga memiliki efek sitotoksik terhadap sel leukemia P388 yang ditunjukkan dengan penghambatan pertumbuhan sel leukemia sebanyak 50% adalah 19,32 µg/mL.The research about cytotoxicity assay of sisik naga (Drymoglossum piloselloides Presl.) leaf methanol extract on leukemia cells P388 has been done. This study aimed to determine the cytotoxicity of the methanol extract of sisik naga leaf against leukemia cells P388 based on the inhibition of 50% growth (IC50). The MTT (Microculture Tetrazolium Technique) test was used in this experiment. Leukemia cells were cultured on RPMI (Roswell Park Memorial Institute) medium. The cell growth was determined by measuring the formazan absorbance in variation of concentration 0,1 µg/mL to 100 µg/mL of sample extract at 540 nm. IC50 determined by logarithmic equation of absorbance values with concentration of extract. Data analysis used the program Originlab 9.0 32-bit (Originlab Corporation USA). The result showed that methanol extract of sisik naga leaf had cytotoxic effects against leukemia cells and inhibition of 50% leukemia cell growth was 19.32 µg/mL


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    In the present study, electrocoagulation method was employed to remove natural organic matter from brackish water. This study explores the potential of brackish water as a source of potable water. Two electrochemical variables, potential and contact time, were tested to determine their effect on the treatment efficiency defined in terms of the reduction of the absorbance at the wavelength of 254 nm (A254). Both potential and contact time were found to influence the removal efficiency of the method, and the best result was obtained from the experiment using the potential of 8 V and contact time of 60 min, resulting in 69.5% reduction of the absorbance. Very clean treated water was produced with much lower conductivity (12.06 mS/cm) as compared to that obtained for the sea water sample from a location near to the sampling site (133.9 mS/cm)

    Respons Pertumbuhan, Kadar Protein Dan Aktivitas Triptofan Dekarboksilase Agregat Sel Catharanthus Roseus (L) G. Don Yang Diberi Prekursor Triptofan

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    Salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan kandungan metabolit sekunder dalamkultur jaringan adalah dengan penambahan prazat (prekursor). Oleh karena itutelah dilakukan penelitian mengenai penambahan triptofan sebagai prekursorterhadap pertumbuhan, kadar protein dan aktivitas Triptofan Dekarboksilase(TDC) pada kultur agregat sel Catharanthus roseus (L) G.Don. Penelitian inibertujuan untuk meningkatkan kandungan katarantin dalam kultur agregat selCatharanthus roseus (L) G.Don yang didukung dengan pertumbuhan yangoptimum. Penelitian dilakukan secara eksperimental di laboratorium. Konsentrasiprekursor triptofan digunakan dari 50-250 mg.L-1. Pertumbuhan ditentukandengan penimbangan berat basah dan berat kering serta pengamatan Perubahansecara morfologis. Kadar protein ditentukan dengan spektrofotometer. AktivitasTDC ditentukan dengan spektrofluorometer. Pertumbuhan maksimum kulturagregat sel terjadi pada perlakuan triptofan 150 mg.L-1 pada Erlenmeyer.Penambahan triptofan dapat menginduksi sintesis protein dan meningkatkanaktivitas TDC pada kultur agregat sel C.roseus. Kandungan protein dan aktivitasTDC tertinggi terjadi pada perlakuan 250 mg.L-1 setelah 10-14 hari kultur.Perlakuan triptofan menimbulkan pengaruh yang berbeda terhadap kandunganprotein, aktivitas TDC, pada kultur Erlenmeyer. Kesimpulannya adalah perlakuanprekursor triptofan dapat meningkatkan kadar protein dan aktivitas TDC yangdiberi prekursor triptofan dan optimum pertumbuhan agregat selnya pada triptofan150 mg.L-1 setelah 14 hari kultur