13,735 research outputs found

    Locally Estimating Core Numbers

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    Graphs are a powerful way to model interactions and relationships in data from a wide variety of application domains. In this setting, entities represented by vertices at the "center" of the graph are often more important than those associated with vertices on the "fringes". For example, central nodes tend to be more critical in the spread of information or disease and play an important role in clustering/community formation. Identifying such "core" vertices has recently received additional attention in the context of {\em network experiments}, which analyze the response when a random subset of vertices are exposed to a treatment (e.g. inoculation, free product samples, etc). Specifically, the likelihood of having many central vertices in any exposure subset can have a significant impact on the experiment. We focus on using kk-cores and core numbers to measure the extent to which a vertex is central in a graph. Existing algorithms for computing the core number of a vertex require the entire graph as input, an unrealistic scenario in many real world applications. Moreover, in the context of network experiments, the subgraph induced by the treated vertices is only known in a probabilistic sense. We introduce a new method for estimating the core number based only on the properties of the graph within a region of radius δ\delta around the vertex, and prove an asymptotic error bound of our estimator on random graphs. Further, we empirically validate the accuracy of our estimator for small values of δ\delta on a representative corpus of real data sets. Finally, we evaluate the impact of improved local estimation on an open problem in network experimentation posed by Ugander et al.Comment: Main paper body is identical to previous version (ICDM version). Appendix with additional data sets and enlarged figures has been added to the en

    Theoretical Perspectives on Protein Folding

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    Understanding how monomeric proteins fold under in vitro conditions is crucial to describing their functions in the cellular context. Significant advances both in theory and experiments have resulted in a conceptual framework for describing the folding mechanisms of globular proteins. The experimental data and theoretical methods have revealed the multifaceted character of proteins. Proteins exhibit universal features that can be determined using only the number of amino acid residues (N) and polymer concepts. The sizes of proteins in the denatured and folded states, cooperativity of the folding transition, dispersions in the melting temperatures at the residue level, and time scales of folding are to a large extent determined by N. The consequences of finite N especially on how individual residues order upon folding depends on the topology of the folded states. Such intricate details can be predicted using the Molecular Transfer Model that combines simulations with measured transfer free energies of protein building blocks from water to the desired concentration of the denaturant. By watching one molecule fold at a time, using single molecule methods, the validity of the theoretically anticipated heterogeneity in the folding routes, and the N-dependent time scales for the three stages in the approach to the native state have been established. Despite the successes of theory, of which only a few examples are documented here, we conclude that much remains to be done to solve the "protein folding problem" in the broadest sense.Comment: 48 pages, 9 figure

    Illness in Returned Travelers and Immigrants/Refugees: The 6-Year Experience of Two Australian Infectious Diseases Units.

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    BACKGROUND: Data comparing returned travelers and immigrants/refugees managed in a hospital setting is lacking. METHODS: We prospectively collected data on 1,106 patients with an illness likely acquired overseas who presented to two hospital-based Australian infectious diseases units over a 6-year period. RESULTS: Eighty-three percent of patients were travelers and 17% immigrants/refugees. In travelers, malaria (19%), gastroenteritis/diarrhea (15%), and upper respiratory tract infection (URTI) (7%) were the most common diagnoses. When compared with immigrants/refugees, travelers were significantly more likely to be diagnosed with gastroenteritis/diarrhea [odds ratio (OR) 8], malaria (OR 7), pneumonia (OR 6), URTI (OR 3), skin infection, dengue fever, typhoid/paratyphoid fever, influenza, and rickettsial disease. They were significantly less likely to be diagnosed with leprosy (OR 0.03), chronic hepatitis (OR 0.04), tuberculosis (OR 0.05), schistosomiasis (OR 0.3), and helminthic infection (OR 0.3). In addition, travelers were more likely to present within 1 month of entry into Australia (OR 96), and have fever (OR 8), skin (OR 6), gastrointestinal (OR 5), or neurological symptoms (OR 5) but were less likely to be asymptomatic (OR 0.1) or have anaemia (OR 0.4) or eosinophilia (OR 0.3). Diseases in travelers were more likely to have been acquired via a vector (OR 13) or food and water (OR 4), and less likely to have been acquired via the respiratory (OR 0.2) or skin (OR 0.6) routes. We also found that travel destination and classification of traveler can significantly influence the likelihood of a specific diagnosis in travelers. Six percent of travelers developed a potentially vaccine-preventable disease, with failure to vaccinate occurring in 31% of these cases in the pretravel medical consultation. CONCLUSIONS: There are important differences in the spectrum of illness, clinical features, and mode of disease transmission between returned travelers and immigrants/refugees presenting to hospital-based Australian infectious diseases units with an illness acquired overseas

    An evolution strategy to estimate emission source distributions on a regional scale from atmospheric observations

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    International audienceIn this paper we present an Evolution Strategy (ES) approach towards the estimation of the location and strength of surface emissions of trace gases based on atmospheric concentration measurements and back-trajectory analyses. The details of the ES developed are outlined. The ES is tested using artificial emission maps at different grid resolutions and the results compared to those obtained on the same problems using Singular Value Decomposition (SVD). In almost all cases, the ES improves on SVD at equivalent resolutions. In addition, a number of insights, which the ES approach brings to the problem of source location and emission strength, are discussed, particularly the limitations on the use of measurement and meteorological data in the determination of emission source distribution

    Balmer Line Variations in the Radio-Loud AGN PG 1512+370

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    We present spectroscopic observations of the quasar PG~1512+370, covering the Hbeta line spectral range and collected at moderate resolution (2-7 A FWHM) from 1988 to 1996. The observations show that the blue wing of the Hbeta broad profile component has changed significantly in flux and shape between 1988 and 1990 and between 1995 and 1996. A displaced blue peak on the Hbeta profile, visible in 1988, but not in the 1990-1995 spectra, is revealed again in one of the spectra obtained in 1996. The blue peak (in both the 1988 and 1996 spectra) is centered at Delta v_r ~ -3000 +/- 500 km/s from the rest frame defined by the narrow component of Hbeta, and the OIII lambda4959,5007 lines. We discuss several conflicting interpretations of the data. We find that the variability of the Hbeta blue wing is consistent with Balmer line emission from regions whose motion is predominantly radial, if variations of the blue wing are a response to continuum changes. Alternatively, we note that observed Hbeta line profile variations are consistent with a variable line component as in a ``binary black hole'' scenario. More frequent observations of Hbeta are needed to distinguish among these hypotheses.Comment: 19 pages, 1 embedded figure (eps), to appear in ApJ 49

    Gamma-Ray Bursts observed by XMM-Newton

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    Analysis of observations with XMM-Newton have made a significant contribution to the study of Gamma-ray Burst (GRB) X-ray afterglows. The effective area, bandpass and resolution of the EPIC instrument permit the study of a wide variety of spectral features. In particular, strong, time-dependent, soft X-ray emission lines have been discovered in some bursts. The emission mechanism and energy source for these lines pose major problems for the current generation of GRB models. Other GRBs have intrinsic absorption, possibly related to the environment around the progenitor, or possible iron emission lines similar to those seen in GRBs observed with BeppoSAX. Further XMM-Newton observations of GRBs discovered by the Swift satellite should help unlock the origin of the GRB phenomenon over the next few years.Comment: To appear in proceedings of the "XMM-Newton EPIC Consortium meeting, Palermo, 2003 October 14-16", published in Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italian

    Earths in Other Solar Systems N-body simulations: the Role of Orbital Damping in Reproducing the Kepler Planetary Systems

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    The population of exoplanetary systems detected by Kepler provides opportunities to refine our understanding of planet formation. Unraveling the conditions needed to produce the observed exoplanets will sallow us to make informed predictions as to where habitable worlds exist within the galaxy. In this paper, we examine using N-body simulations how the properties of planetary systems are determined during the final stages of assembly. While accretion is a chaotic process, trends in the ensemble properties of planetary systems provide a memory of the initial distribution of solid mass around a star prior to accretion. We also use EPOS, the Exoplanet Population Observation Simulator, to account for detection biases and show that different accretion scenarios can be distinguished from observations of the Kepler systems. We show that the period of the innermost planet, the ratio of orbital periods of adjacent planets, and masses of the planets are determined by the total mass and radial distribution of embryos and planetesimals at the beginning of accretion. In general, some amount of orbital damping, either via planetesimals or gas, during accretion is needed to match the whole population of exoplanets. Surprisingly, all simulated planetary systems have planets that are similar in size, showing that the "peas in a pod" pattern can be consistent with both a giant impact scenario and a planet migration scenario. The inclusion of material at distances larger than what Kepler observes has a profound impact on the observed planetary architectures, and thus on the formation and delivery of volatiles to possible habitable worlds.Comment: Resubmitted to ApJ. Planet formation models available online at http://eos-nexus.org/genesis-database