1,396 research outputs found

    Transdet: a matched-filter based algorithm for transit detection - application to simulated COROT light curves

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    We present a matched-filter based algorithm for transit detection and its application to simulated COROT light curves. This algorithm stems from the work by Bord\'e, Rouan & L\'eger (2003). We describe the different steps we intend to take to discriminate between planets and stellar companions using the three photometric bands provided by COROT. These steps include the search for secondary transits, the search for ellipsoidal variability, and the study of transit chromaticity. We also discuss the performance of this approach in the context of blind tests organized inside the COROT exoplanet consortium.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, in Transiting Extrasolar Planets Workshop, meeting held in Heidelberg, 25-28 September 200


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    This paper describes the process that lead to the creation of the European Regional Focal Point (ERFP). The action was suggested by FAO Global Strategy (1995) aimed to assist countries to stop animal diversity erosion by helping them with a better use and preservation of their livestock resources. In 1997, France accepted the responsibility of developing an ERFP though its Bureau des Ressources Genetiques (BRG). During the first year, the ERFP held meaningful discussions with the different European countries with the objective of finding a general agreement for an organisational structure as well as a medium-term work programme. The following step was settled during the Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production (EAAP) in Warsaw where it was agreed that the new body had to have a light structure and respect national sovereignty regarding the AnGR. In February 2000, following a difficult internal debate involving the establishment of a basic strategy and further steps, an enquiry was launched among the National Coordinators in order to have an overall picture and to evaluate the usefulness of the proposed organisation to be established. In 2000 during the 6th workshop of the European NCs. The ERFP was created. The new structure is based on: a) an Annual Meeting of National Focal Points; b) a Steering Committee; and c) a Secretariat to be elected among the National Focal Points to serve for a limited period.U radu se opisuje proces za stvaranje Europske središnjice (ERFF). Cilj je globalne strategije FAO-a (1995.) pomoći zemljama u zaustavljanju propadanja životinjske raznolikosti te u boljem iskorištavanju i očuvanju životinjskih resursa. Francuska je 1997. prihvatila odgovornost za razvijanje ERFF-a kroz svoj Bureau des Ressources Genetiques (BRG). U prvoj godini ERFF je održao svrhovite debate u raznim europskim zemljama s ciljem pronalaženja općeg sporazuma za organizacijsku strukturu kao i srednjoročni program rada. Na godišnjem sastanku Europskog udruženja za proizvodnju životinja (EAAP) u Varšavi, utvrđen je sljedeći korak i dogovoreno da novo tijelo mora imati laganu strukturu i poštivati nacionalni suverenitet u vezi AnGr. U veljači 2000. nakon naporne interne rasprave u vezi sa stvaranjem temeljne strategije i daljnjih koraka pokrenuta je anketa među nacionalnim koordinatorima kako bi se dobila opća slika i procijenila korisnost osnivanja predložene organizacije. Godine 2000. na šestoj Radionici europskog NCs-a, osnovan je ERFF. Nova se struktura temelji na: a) godišnjem sastanku Središnjice b) upravljačkom komitetu c) sekretarijatu izabranom među članovima Središnjice na određeno vrijem

    Vesignieite: a S=12S = \frac{1}{2} kagome antiferromagnet with dominant third-neighbor exchange

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    The spin-12\frac{1}{2} kagome antiferromagnet is an archetypal frustrated system predicted to host a variety of exotic magnetic states. We show using neutron scattering measurements that deuterated vesignieite BaCu3_{3}V2_{2}O8_{8}(OD)2_{2}, a fully stoichiometric S=1/2S=1/2 kagome magnet with <<1% lattice distortion, orders magnetically at TN=9T_{\mathrm{N}}=9K into a multi-k coplanar variant of the predicted triple-k octahedral structure. We find this structure is stabilized by a dominant antiferromagnetic 3rd^{\mathrm{rd}}-neighbor exchange J3J_3 with minor 1st^{\mathrm{st}}- or 2nd^{\mathrm{nd}}--neighbour exchange. The spin-wave spectrum is well described by a J3J_3-only model including a tiny symmetric exchange anisotropy

    Haydeeite: a spin-1/2 kagome ferromagnet

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    The mineral haydeeite, alpha-MgCu3(OD)6Cl2, is a S=1/2 kagome ferromagnet that displays long-range magnetic order below TC=4.2 K with a strongly reduced moment. Our inelastic neutron scattering data show clear spin-wave excitations that are well described by a Heisenberg Hamiltonian with ferromagnetic nearest-neighbor exchange J1=-38 K and antiferromagnetic exchange Jd=+11 K across the hexagons of the kagome lattice. These values place haydeeite very close to the quantum phase transition between ferromagnetic order and non-coplanar twelve-sublattice cuboc2 antiferromagnetic order. Diffuse dynamic short-range ferromagnetic correlations observed above TC persist well into the ferromagnetically ordered phase with a behavior distinct from critical scattering

    V.2 CoRoT heritage in future missions

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    This book is dedicated to all the people interested in the CoRoT mission and the beautiful data that were delivered during its six year duration. Either amateurs, professional, young or senior researchers, they will find treasures not only at the time of this publication but also in the future twenty or thirty years. It presents the data in their final version, explains how they have been obtained, how to handle them, describes the tools necessary to understand them, and where to find them. It also highlights the most striking first results obtained up to now. CoRoT has opened several unexpected directions of research and certainly new ones still to be discovered

    Mesophilic and thermophilic methane fermentation of Euphorbia tirucallis

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    La méthanisation d'#Euphorbia tirucalli$ a été réalisée en conditions mésophile et modérément thermophile. Trois différents pré-traitements de cette plante ont été testés : simple fragmentation, broyat, séchage puis broyage. Les digesteurs ont été alimentés avec 5 % de matière sèche en batch. Lors d'une expérimentation de 35 jours, le meilleur rendement (0,78 1/1/j) a été obtenu avec les fragments de plante en condition thermophile modérée. (Résumé d'auteur