31 research outputs found

    Pemanfaatan Isi Rumen Sapi yang Difermentasikan dengan Bakteri Bacillus Pumilus terhadap Kandungan Klorofil pada Kultur Dunaliella Salina [Use Of Content Cow Rumen Fermented With Bacillus Pumilus Bacterial Chlorophyll Content On The Culture Dunaliella Salina]

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    Dunaliella salina is one type of natural food that can be used in an attempt pembeniha rumen contents of cows is one of the waste obtained from the abattoir which is rich in nutrients. Synthesis of chlorophyll a and b require N and P. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect and the best dose utilization of rumen contents of cows and Bacillus pumilus in the culture of Dunaliella salina in chlorophyll content. The research design used was Completely Randomized Design (CRD) followed by Duncan multiple range test. Treatment research Dunaliella salina was cultured in 500 mL glass bottle with 5 treatments and 4 replications. Culture medium used was sea water that has salinity 30 ppt as much as 0.5 liters of rumen fluid is added 0.5 ml of solution that has been fermented with Bacillus pumilus in accordance with the treatment dose. The results showed that the use of fermenter bacteria Bacillus pumilus in cow rumen contents effect on chlorophyll content and dose fermenter rumen bacterium Bacillus pumilus in cattle that give the best chlorophyll content in Dunaliella salina culture fermentation is the dose intreatment C (7.5 % dose fermentation) reached 0.715653211aìmolchl/cell on the first day


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    Biochar now is importance issue due to complication same meaning with “charcoal”.In development country techonology convert biomass becomes energy is called “pyrolysis“ to produce several gas such as bio-oil and biochar. Biochar produce from crop ussually consist some importance nutrient, and called as “negative carbon emitter“. In this experiment characteristic and quality bichar is produce from Fluidized Bed Reactor to usefull biomass of bio energy willow (Salix sp) at diffferent temperature 450oC, 470oC and 530oC. Evaluation was made by using LECO-2000, ICP (Inductively Coupled Plasma), SEM (Scaing Electron Microscop) and FTIR (Fourier Tranfrmed Infrared).The research result showed that increased tempereture “pyrolysis“ from 440oC to 530oC signifantly affected end product chemical composition, porous content and functional point from biochar. Additing Potassium (K) and Phosphor (P) found higher content compare the original source. On the other hand, in high temperature, all functional organic source: phenol,amine,carboxylic ,aromatic and polysacharida did not detictio

    Perancangan Zero Waste Collection S/S 2021 dengan Inspirasi Emosi Akibat Kabut Asap

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    — Emosi yang dihasilkan dari bencana kabut asap cenderung berbeda dari bencana lainnya dikarenakan Fase dan penyebab kabut asap mengakibatkan emosi yang muncul pun memiliki Fase yang berubah. Pencampuran dan peralihan emosi ini yang menjadi inspirasi yang akan diterapkan pada 60 desain city wear dari womenswear, menswear, kidswear, dan 15 produk lifestyleZero waste collection dengan Trend Spring Summer 2021 berjudul Vigor. Perancangan dimulai dari pengumpulan informasi mengenai trend, teknik dan inpirasi yang dirangkum menggunakan moodboard, shape, style, dan details plan. Data dikumpulkan dengan penggalian literasi tertulis maupun wawancara dengan ahli disaster psikologi. Penelitian ini menghasilkan produk Fashion dengan penggambaran emosi melalui teknik dye, patch, dan pengurangan limbah material dalam produksi produk Fashion menggunaka

    Structural optimization using multi-objective modified adaptive symbiotic organisms search

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    © 2019 Elsevier Ltd Multiple objective structural optimization is a challenging problem in which suitable optimization methods are needed to find optimal solutions. Therefore, to answer such problems effectively, a multi-objective modified adaptive symbiotic organisms search (MOMASOS) with two modified phases is planned along with a normal line method as an archiving technique for designing of structures. The proposed algorithm consists of two separate improved phases including adaptive mutualism and modified parasitism phases. The probabilistic nature of mutualism phase of MOSOS lets design variables to have higher exploration and higher exploitation simultaneously. As search advances, a stability between the global search and a local search has a significant effect on the solutions. Therefore, an adaptive mutualism phase is added to the offer MOASOS. Also, the parasitism phase of MOSOS offers over exploration which is a major issue of this phase. The over exploration results in higher computational cost since the majority of the new solutions gets rejected due to inferior objective functional values. In consideration of this issue, the parasitism phase is upgraded to a modified parasitism phase to increase the possibility of getting improved solutions. In addition, the proposed changes are comparatively simple and do not need an extra parameter setting for MOSOS. For the truss problems, mass minimization and maximization of nodal deflection are considered as objective functions, elemental stresses are considered as behavior constraints and (discrete) elemental sections are considered as side constraints. Five truss optimization problems validate the applicability of the considered meta-heuristics to solve complex engineering. Also, four constrained benchmark engineering design problems are solved to demonstrate the effectiveness of MOMASOS. The results confirmed that the proposed adaptive mutualism phase and modified parasitism phase with a normal line method as an archiving technique provide superior and competitive results than the former obtained results

    Peluang Usaha Budidaya Ikan Lele Sistem Akuaponik Berteknologi Bioflok di Desa Purwoasri, Tegaldlimo, Banyuwangi

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    Budidaya ikan lele dengan sistem kombinasi akuaponik dan bioflok merupakan sistem terpadu yang dinilai efektif dan efisien. Sistem akuaponik mereduksi amonia dengan menyerap air buangan budidaya atau air limbah dengan menggunakan akar tanaman. Bioflok merupakan sistem budidaya ikan intensif yang memanfaatkan prinsip daur ulang nutrien pakan yang terbuang melalui bakterial. Tujuan dilaksanakannnya pengabdian masyarakat sebagai upaya pengenalan budidaya ikan lele dengan sistem kombinasi akuaponik dan bioflok kepada masyarakat di Desa Purwoasri, Tegaldlimo, Banyuwangi. Kegiatan dilaksanakan pada bulan Juni-Oktober 2019, terdiri dari pengenalan sistem budidaya pada masyarakat melalui sosialisasi dan pelatihan serta pendampingan pelaksanaan budidaya ikan lele dengan sistem kombinasi akuaponik dan bioflok dalam bentuk bangunan/demplot. Selanjutnya dilakukan evaluasi kepada mitra melalui pre-tes dan post-tes dan diakhiri dengan pembentukan kader. Kegiatan pengenalan sistem budidaya dilakukan kepada mitra yang terdiri dari PKK dan anggota karang taruna di desa Purwoasri sebanyak 20 orang. Berdasarkan evaluasi selama kegiatan ini berlangsung diketahui bahwa pengetahuan mitra tentang sistem budidaya meningkat hingga 75% dari evaluasi awal sebesar 40%. Selain itu, ketertarikan mitra terhadap sistem ini juga mengalami peningkatan dari 65% menjadi 89%. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat memberikan dampak positif bagi mitra