815 research outputs found

    Differential forms on free and almost free divisors

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    We introduce a variant of the usual KƤhler forms on singular free divisors, and show that it enjoys the same depth properties as KƤhler forms on isolated hypersurface singularities. Using these forms it is possible to describe analytically the vanishing cohomology, and the Gaussā€“Manin connection, in families of free divisors, in precise analogy with the classical description for the Milnor fibration of an isolated complete intersection singularity, due to Brieskorn and Greuel. This applies in particular to the family Formula of discriminants of a versal deformation Formula of a singularity of a mapping

    Milnor number equals Tjurina number for functions on space curves

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    The equality of the Milnor number and Tjurina number for functions on space curve singularities, as conjectured recently by V. Goryunov, is proved. As a consequence, the discriminant in such a situation is a free divisor

    Tjurina and Milnor numbers of matrix singularities

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    To gain understanding of the deformations of determinants and Pfaffians resulting from deformations of matrices, the deformation theory of composites f ā—¦ F with isolated singularities is studied, where f : Y āˆ’ā†’C is a function with (possibly non-isolated) singularity and F : X āˆ’ā†’Y is a map into the domain of f, and F only is deformed. The corresponding T1(F) is identified as (something like) the cohomology of a derived functor, and a canonical long exact sequence is constructed from which it follows that Ļ„ = Ī¼(f ā—¦ F) āˆ’ Ī²0 + Ī²1, where Ļ„ is the length of T1(F) and Ī²i is the length of ToriOY(OY/Jf, OX). This explains numerical coincidences observed in lists of simple matrix singularities due to Bruce, Tari, Goryunov, Zakalyukin and Haslinger. When f has Cohenā€“Macaulay singular locus (for example when f is the determinant function), relations between Ļ„ and the rank of the vanishing homology of the zero locus of f ā—¦ F are obtained

    Partial normalizations of coxeter arrangements and discriminants

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    We study natural partial normalization spaces of Coxeter arrangements and discriminants and relate their geometry to representation theory. The underlying ring structures arise from Dubrovinā€™s Frobenius manifold structure which is lifted (without unit) to the space of the arrangement. We also describe an independent approach to these structures via duality of maximal Cohenā€“Macaulay fractional ideals. In the process, we find 3rd order differential relations for the basic invariants of the Coxeter group. Finally, we show that our partial normalizations give rise to new free divisors

    Linear free divisors and Frobenius manifolds

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    We study linear functions on fibrations whose central fibre is a linear free divisor. We analyse the GauƟā€“Manin system associated to these functions, and prove the existence of a primitive and homogenous form. As a consequence, we show that the base space of the semi-universal unfolding of such a function carries a Frobenius manifold structure

    Vanishing topology of codimension 1 multi-germs over R\Bbb R and C\Bbb C

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    We construct all A\cal Ae-codimension 1 multi-germs of analytic (or smooth) maps (kn, T) [rightward arrow] (kp, 0), with n [gt-or-equal, slanted] p āˆ’ 1, (n, p) nice dimensions, k = C\mathbb C or R\mathbb R, by augmentation and concatenation operations, starting from mono-germs (|T| = 1) and one 0-dimensional bi-germ. As an application, we prove general statements for multi-germs of corank [less-than-or-eq, slant] 1: every one has a real form with real perturbation carrying the vanishing homology of the complexification, every one is quasihomogeneous, and when n = p āˆ’ 1 every one has image Milnor number equal to 1 (this last is already known when n [gt-or-equal, slanted] p)

    Partial normalizations of coxeter arrangements and discriminants

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    We study natural partial normalization spaces of Coxeter arrangements and discriminants and relate their geometry to representation theory. The underlying ring structures arise from Dubrovinā€™s Frobenius manifold structure which is lifted (without unit) to the space of the arrangement. We alsodescribe an independent approach to these structures via duality of maximal Cohenā€“Macaulay fractional ideals. In the process, we find 3rd order differential relations for the basic invariants of the Coxeter group. Finally, we show that our partial normalizations give rise to new free divisors

    On the Symmetry of b-Functions of Linear Free Divisors

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    We introduce the concept of a prehomogeneous determinant as a possibly nonreduced version of a linear free divisor. Both are special cases of prehomogeneous vector spaces. We show that the roots of the b-function are symmetric about ā€“1 for reductive prehomogeneous determinants and for regular special linear free divisors. For general prehomogeneous determinants, we describe conditions under which this symmetry persists. Combined with Kashiwara\u27s theorem on the roots of b-functions, our symmetry result shows that ā€“1 is the only integer root of the b-function. This gives a positive answer to a problem posed by Castro-Jimenez and Ucha-Enrquez in the above cases. We study the condition of strong Euler homogeneity in terms of the action of the stabilizers on the normal spaces. As an application of our results, we show that the logarithmic comparison theorem holds for reductive linear Koszul free divisors exactly when they are strongly Euler homogeneous

    The Hall instability of weakly ionized, radially stratified, rotating disks

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    Cool weakly ionized gaseous rotating disk, are considered by many models as the origin of the evolution of protoplanetary clouds. Instabilities against perturbations in such disks play an important role in the theory of the formation of stars and planets. Thus, a hierarchy of successive fragmentations into smaller and smaller pieces as a part of the Kant-Laplace theory of formation of the planetary system remains valid also for contemporary cosmogony. Traditionally, axisymmetric magnetohydrodynamic (MHD), and recently Hall-MHD instabilities have been thoroughly studied as providers of an efficient mechanism for radial transfer of angular momentum, and of density radial stratification. In the current work, the Hall instability against nonaxisymmetric perturbations in compressible rotating fluids in external magnetic field is proposed as a viable mechanism for the azimuthal fragmentation of the protoplanetary disk and thus perhaps initiating the road to planet formation. The Hall instability is excited due to the combined effect of the radial stratification of the disk and the Hall electric field, and its growth rate is of the order of the rotation period.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figure

    Boundedness properties of fermionic operators

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    The fermionic second quantization operator dĪ“(B)d\Gamma(B) is shown to be bounded by a power Ns/2N^{s/2} of the number operator NN given that the operator BB belongs to the rr-th von Neumann-Schatten class, s=2(rāˆ’1)/rs=2(r-1)/r. Conversely, number operator estimates for dĪ“(B)d\Gamma(B) imply von Neumann-Schatten conditions on BB. Quadratic creation and annihilation operators are treated as well.Comment: 15 page
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