302 research outputs found


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    Upon analyzing acts committed within the criminal offences of armed rebellion and war of aggression, it can be concluded that they do not contain elements of violence at all. However, they represent an exceptionally great abstract danger, as well as carry a possibility of causing unforeseeable and even tragic consequences for a country or even the international community itself. It follows from the above that such criminal offences, in theory and in practice, are positioned in between politics and law. Due to some unknown reasons, the expert public has not dealt with the analysis of the practice and theory of these criminal offences to a sufficient degree, although such an examination would have been ultimately justified in order to analyze the activities of various international criminal courts, especially the work of the International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia since 1991. (ICTY). The aim of this paper is to provoke readers into thinking about the relationship between the criminal offences of the war of aggression and the armed rebellion, as well as to point to the problem area in the implementation of national criminal law in relation to international criminal law.Анализирајући радње извршења код кривичних дела оружане побуне и агресивног рата можемо закључити да оне у себи не садрже елементе било каквог насиља, али и да је њихова апстрактна опасност изузетно велика уз могућност изазивања несагледивих и чак трагичних последица за неку државу или чак међународну заједницу. Тако да можемо закључити да се ова кривична дела у теорији и пракси налазе између политике и права. Из неких непознатих разлога, стручна јавност се није у довољној мери бавила анализом праксе и теорије ових кривичних дела, иако је то било крајње оправдано ради анализе рада различитих међународних кривичних судова, а посебно Међународног трибунала за кривично гоњење лица одговорних за тешка кршења међународног хуманитарног права на територији бивше Југославије након 1991 (Хашког трибунала). Сам рад је имао за циљ да покрене размишљања о односима кривичних дела агресивног рата и оружане побуне, као и да укаже на проблематику у примени националног кривичног права у односу на међународно кривично право

    Embedded surfaces in four-manifolds, branched covers, and SO(3)-invariants

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    One of the outstanding problems in four-dimensional topology is to find the minimal genus of an oriented smoothly embedded surface representing a given homology class in a smooth four-manifold. For an arbitrary homology class in an arbitrary smooth manifold not even a conjectural lower bound is known. However, for the classes represented by smooth algebraic curves in (simply connected) algebraic surfaces, it is possible that the genus of the algebraic curve, given by the adjunction formula is the minimal genus. This is usually called the (generalized) Thom conjecture. It is mentioned in Kirby's problem list [11] as Problem 4·3

    Razvoj i ocjena modela za predikciju temperature površine kolničke konstrukcije

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    This paper examines the existing models for predicting pavement temperatures and formulates a new one using a regression equation to predict the minimum and maximum pavement surface temperatures depending on the air temperature. Also, the paper presents a model for pavement temperature prediction according to the Superpave methodology and conducts the validation of the model for measured temperatures.U članku su predstavljeni postojeći modeli za predikciju temperature kolnika i formuliran je novi model pomoću regresione jednadžbe kojom se predviđaju minimalne i maksimalne temperature površine kolnika u ovisnosti od temperature zraka. Također je predstavljen i model za predikciju temperature prema Superpave metodologiji i izvedeno je vrednovanje modela za izmjerene temperature

    A model for the pavement temperature prediction at specified depth

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    This paper examines the existing models for predicting pavement temperatures at a certain depth and formulates a new one using the regression equation to predict the minimum and maximum pavement temperatures at the specified depth depending on the surface pavement temperature and its depth

    King Solomon in Jewish and Serbian oral tradition

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    Rad istražuje predstavu kralјa Solomona/Solomuna unutar jevrejske i srpske usmene baštine. Kompleksna figura Solomona sagledava se kako u starozavetnim legendama, tako i u apokrifima, midraškoj i talmudskoj literaturi, te u srpskom usmenom pripovednom stvaralaštvu. Pored internacionalnog kompleksa motiva, mitsko-magijskih, demonoloških i ezoterijskih naslojavanja, do kulturoloških i žanrovskih transformacija, nastojali smo da ukažemo i na nepromenlјive motivske, strukturne, semantičke aspekte u konstituisanju starozavetnog vladara kao figure prepoznatlјive u svakom književnofolklornom okruženju. Genezu i moguće pravce razvoja motiva i sižea ne pratimo nužno iz jevrejskog ka srpskom književno-kulturnom prostoru, iako je starozavetna literatura nesumnjivo izvršila presudan uticaj na srpsku narodnu književnost, već se fokus stavlјa na proces „razmrežavanja” lutajućih motiva i sižea i njihovo uvezivanje sa figurom Solomona.The paper explores the portrayal of King Solomon in Jewish and Serbian oral heritage. The complex figure of King Solomon is inspected by looking into legends of the Old Testament, Biblical Apocrypha, Midrashic and Talmudic literature, and Serbian oral folk storytelling. Besides examining the international composition of the motifs, mythical-magical, demonological, and esoteric layers, and cultural and genre transformations, I have insisted on pointing out the fixed motifs, structural and semantic aspects in the establishment of the old-testimonial ruler as a figure recognizable in any folk literature. The genesis and possible directions of the motif and syuzhets development are not axiomatically observed as a direct impact of Jewish on Serbian culture and literature, although the literature of the Old Testament has undoubtedly made a pivotal effect on Serbian folk literature, but as a process of “net weaving” of recurring motifs, syuzhets, and their interconnecting with the figure of King Solomon.Izdavanje ovog zbornika podržalo je Ministarstvo prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja Republike Srbije