520 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Usia dalam Memoderasi Pengaruh Tingkat Kesiapan Teknologi pada Niat Konsumen dalam Menggunakan Layanan SMS Banking di Kota Denpasar

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    SMS banking is one of the features of mobile banking services . Intention to use SMS Banking service is strongly influenced by the level of technological readiness and the role of age had a major impact on the level of technological readiness of the customers so that they can decide to use or not the SMS Banking service . The purpose of this study was to determine the role of age in moderating the influence of technology readiness level of the consumer 's intention to use SMS Banking service in Denpasar. Data collection techniques used in this study is through the distribution of questionnaires to customers who know the SMS Banking service but have not used it . The questionnaire measured with a Likert scale with 22 indicators . The sample size used in the study was 110 respondents were taken by purposive sampling technique . The analytical method used is multiple linear regression analysis . The results of the study showed that age proved to be able to moderate the influence of the four dimensions of technology readiness level ( optimism , innovativeness , discomfort , and insecurity ) on the intention to use SMS Banking service . Future studies are expected to be able to add another variable to the variation in respondents' answers

    Ecolexicon Wealth of Nautical Expression in Kuta Lombok Society

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    The research is treasures lexicon marriage in the community coast Kuta at Central Lombok. This research is descriptive qualitative to express languages phenomena in the community environment local coast. Data collection method is done with the methods observation, a method of taking, and methods capable. The method of analysis data was undertaken with described directly the outcome of the findings and aggregating based on the data obtained. The result of this research of form, meaning, and contribution lexicon marriage. Forms a lexicon consists of category biotic and the abiotic. Category biotic be a fish, marine plant, and of the water Category abiotic consists of a kind of a wave equipment fishermen, a character the sea, culture swim, and type of food. Meanings lexicon of the lexical meaning and meaning contextual. This research is expected to be a supplement to the environmental-based learning in elementary school and can be used as learning materials are loaded in all subjects with the aim to be able to provide knowledge, and skills to learners.&nbsp

    Performance comparison of baseline routing protocols in pocket switched network

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    Pocket Switched Network (PSN) is a branch of Delay Tolerant Network (DTN) which is intended to work in a challenged network. Challenged network is network with lack of infrastructure such as disaster area. As such, the network has intermittent connectivity. PSN provides a new paradigm to distribute messages in the network by taking advantage of roaming nodes from one place to another. In this paper, network performances of eight PSN routing protocols are investigated namely, First Contact, Direct Delivery, Epidemic, PRotocol using History of Encounter and Transitivity (PRoPHET), Spray and Wait, Binary Spray and Wait, Fuzzy Spray, Adaptive Fuzzy Spray and Wait. The performance metrics are packet delivery ratio, overhead ratio and average latency. Opportunistic Network Environment (ONE) simulator is used to evaluate the network performance. Experiments show that Epidemic has the best performance in term of message delivery ratio, but it has the highest overhead ratio. Direct Delivery has the lowest overhead ratio (zero overhead ratio) and PRoPHET has the lowest latency average


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    Abstract - Multi-story row buildings such as shophouses have problems in accommodating the need for natural lighting due to the linear typology of the building, limitations in making side openings, and consisting of two or more floors. This typology of buildings results in an uneven distribution of light, especially in the middle to the back of the building and on floors other than the top floor. One effort to incorporate natural light or daylight into the elongated shophouse building is to use top lighting. However, the existence of the top lighting does not allowing light to reach the floor other than the top floor of the shophouse due to the obstruction of the floor surface.Transparent materials such as glass allow higher light transmission than opaque materials, so using glass materials can increase the illumination of the space behind the glass. The purpose of this study was to assess the suitability of the illumination level in Ruko Gaia's natural lighting design to the values ​​of Daylight Factor (DF), Spatial Daylight Autonomy (sDA), and Annual Sunlight Exposure (aSE) according to the BREEAM and IES LM-83-12 standards, to examine the effect of changing the position of the stair-skylight and the use of transparent materials on the floor-stairs plane to the illumination level, as well as optimizing the design to increase the DF value according to the standards used. The research begins by evaluating the illumination level of Ruko Gaia’s natural lighting design. By conducting alternative simulations, an assessment will be made to see the effect of changing the position of the skylight-stairs and the use of transparent materials on the floor-stairs plane to the building’s illumination level. If the resulting illumination level has not reached the specified standard, optimization is carried out by increasing the Visible Transmittance value or adding skylight dimensions. The method used is quantitative in the form of evaluation of planning designs and alternative simulations. The theories and data for the Ruko Gaia were collected from literature studies, websites, brochures, and property agents, as well as simulation data processing with SketchUp and Lightstanza software. Based on the evaluation, the illumination level at the Ruko Gaia has not met the BREEAM standard of the DF value in overcast sky conditions, especially on the ground floor. Various alternative studies have concluded that although increasing the DF value, changing the position of the skylights and the use of transparent floors have not resulted in the DF value according to the BREEAM standard. Optimization of the DF value can be achieved by increasing the VLT value or increasing the dimensions of the skylight.   Key Words: Multi-story row building, natural lighting, daylight, skylight, transparent material, illumination level, Daylight FactorAbstrak - Bangunan deret-bertingkat seperti ruko (rumah-toko) memiliki permasalahan dalam mengakomodasi kebutuhan pencahayaan alami akibat tipologi bangunan yang linear, keterbatasan untuk membuat bukaan samping, dan terdiri dari dua lantai atau lebih. Tipologi bangunan demikian menghasilkan distribusi cahaya yang tidak merata, terutama pada bagian tengah ke belakang bangunan dan lantai-lantai selain lantai teratas. Salah satu upaya untuk memasukkan cahaya alami atau daylight ke dalam bangunan ruko yang bentuknya memanjang adalah dengan menggunakan bukaan atas (top lighting). Namun keberadaan bukaan atas pun tidak memungkinkan untuk menerangi lantai selain lantai teratas dari bangunan ruko akibat terhalang permukaan lantai. Material transparan seperti kaca memungkinkan transmisi cahaya yang lebih tinggi daripada material opaque, sehingga dengan menggunakan material kaca dapat meningkatkan iluminasi pada ruang di balik kaca tersebut. Tujuan studi ini adalah untuk mengkaji kesesuaian tingkat iluminasi pada desain pencahayaan alami Ruko Gaia terhadap nilai Daylight Factor (DF), Spatial Daylight Autonomy (sDA), dan Annual Sunlight Exposure (aSE) sesuai standar BREEAM dan IES LM-83-12, mengkaji pengaruh  perubahan posisi skylight-tangga dan penggunaan material transparan pada bidang lantai-tangga terhadap tingkat iluminasi, serta melakukan optimalisasi desain untuk meningkatkan nilai DF sesuai standar yang digunakan. Penelitian diawali dengan melakukan evaluasi pada desain pencahayaan alami Ruko Gaia. Dengan melakukan simulasi alternatif, kemudian akan dilakukan pengkajian pengaruh perubahan posisi skylight-tangga dan penggunaan material transparan pada bidang lantai-tangga terhadap tingkat iluminasi. Apabila tingkat iluminasi yang dihasilkan belum mencapai standar yang ditentukan, dilakukan optimalisasi dengan pengingkatan nilai Visible Light Transmittance (VLT) atau penambahan dimensi skylight. Metode yang digunakan adalah metoda kuantitatif berupa evaluasi desain perencanaan dan simulasi alternatif. Teori-teori maupun data Ruko Gaia dikumpulkan dari studi literatur, website, brosur, maupun pihak agen properti, serta pengolahan data simulasi dengan software SketchUp dan Lightstanza.  Berdasarkan evaluasi, tingkat iluminasi pada Ruko Gaia belum memenuhi standar BREEAM dari nilai DF dalam kondisi langit overcast, terutama pada lantai dasar. Berbagai studi alternatif menghasilkan kesimpulan bahwa walaupun meningkatkan nilai DF, perubahan posisi tangga-skylight dan penggunaan lantai-tangga transparan belum menghasilkan nilai DF yang sesuai standar BREEAM. Optimalisasi nilai DF dapat dicapai dengan meningkatkan nilai VLT atau memperbesar dimensi skylight.   Kata Kunci: bangunan deret-bertingkat, pencahayaan alami, daylight, skylight, material transparan, tingkat iluminasi, Daylight Facto

    Implementasi Algoritma Dijkstra pada Game Pacman

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    Pacman is one of the labyrinth-shaped games where this game has used artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence is composed of several algorithms that are inserted in the program and Implementation of the dijkstra algorithm as a method of solving problems that is a minimum route problem on ghost pacman, where ghost plays a role chase player. The dijkstra algorithm uses a principle similar to the greedy algorithm where it starts from the first point and the next point is connected to get to the destination, how to compare numbers starting from the starting point and then see the next node if connected then matches one path with the path). From the results of the testing phase, it was found that the dijkstra algorithm is quite good at solving the minimum route solution to pursue the player, namely by getting a value of 13 according to manual calculation

    BPPV: Comparison of the SĂ©montPLUS With the SĂ©mont Maneuver: A Prospective Randomized Trial

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    Objective: To compare the efficacy of the Sémont maneuver (SM) with the new “SémontPLUS maneuver” (SM+) in patients with posterior canal BPPV canalolithiasis (pcBPPVcan). Methods and Patients: In a prospective trinational (Germany, Italy, and Belgium) randomized trial, patients with pcBPPVcan were randomly assigned to SM or SM+; SM+ means overextension of the head by 60+° below earth horizontal line during the movement of the patient toward the affected side. The first maneuver was done by the physician, and the subsequent maneuvers by the patients 9 times/day on their own. Each morning the patient documented whether vertigo could be induced. The primary endpoints were: “How long (in days) does it take until no attacks can be induced?” and “What is the efficacy of a single SM/SM+?” Results: In the 194 patients analyzed (96 SM, 98 SM+), it took 2 days (median, range 1–21 days, mean 3.6 days) for recovery with SM and 1 day (median, range 1-8 days, mean 1.8 days) with SM+ (p = 0.001, Mann-Whitney U-test). There was no difference in the second primary endpoint (chi2-test, p = 0.39). Interpretation: This prospective trial shows that SM+ is more effective than SM when repeated therapeutic maneuvers are performed but not when a single maneuver is performed. It also supports the hypothesis of the biophysical model: overextension of the head during step 2 brings the clot of otoconia beyond the vertex of the canal, which increases the effectivity. Classification of Evidence: This study provides Class I evidence that SM+ is superior to SM for multiple treatment maneuvers of pcBPPVcan. © The Author

    Frequency-Dependent Reduction of Cybersickness in Virtual Reality by Transcranial Oscillatory Stimulation of the Vestibular Cortex

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    Virtual reality (VR) applications are pervasive of everyday life, as in working, medical, and entertainment scenarios. There is yet no solution to cybersickness (CS), a disabling vestibular syndrome with nausea, dizziness, and general discomfort that most of VR users undergo, which results from an integration mismatch among visual, proprioceptive, and vestibular information. In a double-blind, controlled trial, we propose an innovative treatment for CS, consisting of online oscillatory imperceptible neuromodulation with transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) at 10 Hz, biophysically modelled to reach the vestibular cortex bilaterally. tACS significantly reduced CS nausea in 37 healthy subjects during a VR rollercoaster experience. The effect was frequency-dependent and placebo-insensitive. Subjective benefits were paralleled by galvanic skin response modulation in 25 subjects, addressing neurovegetative activity. Besides confirming the role of transcranially delivered oscillations in physiologically tuning the vestibular system function (and dysfunction), results open a new way to facilitate the use of VR in different scenarios and possibly to help treating also other vestibular dysfunctions
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